A Pair Of Pears (Completed)

By MoodyMudkipx

332 26 1

Charlie is fifteen, she's never been happy. After her parents spilt from years of a violent relationship. Cha... More

They say fresh starts are supposed to be good
Tomatoes In Trouble
Chocolate-fed Zen Potato
Rivers and tents
Biscuits for breakfast
Broken glass and Pop Tarts
Apple Fest
Crashes and Screams
To The Moon
To The Moon 2.0 (Final Chapter)
A Pair of Pears - Playlist


22 1 0
By MoodyMudkipx

‘Charlotte what the hell are you playing at!’ Gran grabs a cloth by the sink and wipes up her spilt tea. I had felt ready to storm in with confidence, I had it all planned in my head. I was going to shout at the pair of them for being so horrible, give them a real telling off. Instead, I freeze, Mum's smirk grows wider as she stands there with her morning water in her hand. I guess that glass of water would be her breakfast and lunch. 
‘Sorry, I…’ I’m rescued by the sound a beep from outside, Mum turns and peers through the net curtain. 
‘The Zen Potato is here.’ she snorts. 
I walk to the window and look. Willow and Lily are sat in the front of the van, Mystic the cat walking along the dashboard. 
‘They’re early.’ Gran says, squinting at her watch. 
‘Good.’ I reply, grabbing my bag and heading out the door. I walk across the drive to Willows van and the side door opens, Jackson’s leant up against it smiling. 
‘Good morning beautiful! That frumpy black uniform suits you.’ He says grinning.
Lily turns her head and looks in between the seats into the back. 
‘Oh, give it up! Jackson!’ 
I notice Jackson has traded in his cherry Docs for plain black ones, his shirt is hanging out from under his jumper and there’s a rip in the left knee of his trousers. He sticks his hand out to help me up into the van. We rattle along in the van and nobody mentions the events from last night. Instead Jackson and Lily speak about someone from art club who spent the entire summer in Florida. 
‘Dylan’s awesome.’ Lily Says, turning her head and looking in my direction. ‘He’s like Jackson, but he’s blonde and prefers boys, He’s the guy Jackson is starting a band with.’ 
We pull up outside the school and the knot of anxiety in my stomach gets tighter. Jackson notices something’s up, he puts his hand on my shoulder and whispers into my ear.
‘It’ll be fine we’ll look after you.’ 

Lily takes me to reception, so I can meet the head and get my timetable. I find out that every class I’m in either has Lily or Jackson in too, that’s a huge relief. The morning goes fast, and school isn’t as bad as I had anticipated. Although I’m sure this has something to do with Lily and Jackson being there too. The school itself isn’t huge, although it has kids from about three different towns attending it. We spend lunchtime in the art room, which is apparently where Lily, Jackson and Dylan spend all their time when they aren’t in lessons. Dylan is very much like Jackson, both are tall and have that same cheeky personality. Dylan however, has terrible taste in music. Which Jackson and Lily spend a lot of lunch time teasing him about, in between questions about his summer boyfriend in Florida. 
‘So’ Says Dylan, taking a swing of his drink. ‘Fancy a campout this weekend Jack?’ 
Jackson looks up from the drawing he’s working on. 
‘Sure, Why not. Weather is cooling down now, it could be a good night. What about you Two?’  He turns towards Lily and me. 
‘I’m up for it!’ Lily replies.
 ‘I can get Mum to make some more of those Dandelion & Lemon biscuits you like.’ 
Jackson raises his right arm in the air and cheers. 
‘Love those biscuits! What about you Charlie? Coming?’ 
I look down at my feet. ‘I’ll have to ask.’ I know what the answer will be, Mum and Gran already hate both Lily and Jackson’s family, they were also unlikely to let me go camping with a boy. Lily nudges my elbow. 
‘Tell them you’re staying at mine. Mum will even cover for you if needed.’ 
I smile. 
‘Sure, why not.’

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