Love and heartbreak

By sed1ik

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How quickly can everything change ? Your actions cannot only affect you but can affect the lives of everyone... More

Love and heartbreak

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By sed1ik

She was a shy girl, she's the new girl in town a beautiful blonde blue eyes like the ocean, red cheeks she's with freckles, Her freckles were like the stars in a clear summer night, she's the type that people call cute, everyone sees her can't help but notice her beauty, she just moved from a small town in Toronto with her mother and her little brother Alex, her mother got a job in a marketing company, nothing big just a small job, better than her previous job in Toronto, her mother Debby is a hard-working single mother she loves her children so much she would do anything for them she's the mother and the father, her father Craig was so handsome tall black-haired with black big eyes the type that everyone falls into, he was in the construction business everything was going fine until he made a decision that would change this beautiful little family lives, he got In business with the wrong people, the lost was so big that he had to go borrow money from people who u shouldn't get near to, and as excepted he couldn't pay off what he owes and those people started pressing him, he lost his business, the business that he worked his whole life to build, he started using drugs, Debby tried her best to keep her family from devastation. God knows she did but how can she when the men of the house self-destructed himself, he got to a point where he started selling furniture to buy meth until December the 2nd at 11:03 pm the cops busted into the house the kids were sleeping Debby and the kids woke up panicking not knowing what's going on, Debby told the kids to stay in there rooms.
The officers talked to Debby like she's some kind of criminal
Where's your husband he said!
Debby: I don't know where he is, I didn't see him in three days! U are making a mistake what's wrong? U can't just burst on my house like I have little kids.
The officer gave her the warrant and said your husband is a suspect of an armed robbery if you know where he is and u didn't tell me you are his partner.
Words can't describe what Debby felt when the officer told her, she felt like time has stopped, every moment she spent with Craig passed in front of her eyes, the flashback of her honeymoon, her first birth, the gifts Craig bought her the necklace he bought her, their trip to Vegas, every beautiful memory passed in front her, and she went back to reality, her face was so yellow she wanted to throw up, and then the searching officers came: everything is clear sir he's not here.
The officer looked at Debby: if he comes you have to report for the sake of your kids he's a dangerous man, he's not the same man u used to know, keep that in mind, and the policeman went out
Debby was devastated, why everything crumbled like this, why god what did we do. And then the kids Alex and his older sister came down crying
The girl with tears in her eyes, her face turned red, and her eyes were like a fountain of tears she said: mom what's wrong what happened to dad is he okay?
Then Alex told Debby: mom tell us where's dad why the cops came to us? What's wrong mom is he in trouble?
Debby still in shock, don't know what to tell her kids, does she lie to them or just tell them that their father is a criminal
She looked at them and said: your father is just a suspect, he wouldn't do anything to hurt anybody he's a good man.
Poor Debby she doesn't know what addiction can do.
She hugged her children, they slept after a few minutes, Debby couldn't sleep, she had every terrible thought u can imagine.
Few days passed and still, no word from Craig even the cops couldn't find him, Alex the15-year-old boy very talented hockey player, popular in his school he got that charm his father used to have, he looked just like him beautiful black hair and black eyes just like his father, he loves hockey he also play drums in a small band with his friends Michael and Chris and His girlfriend Jane, Jane go to another school from the other side of the city, she's a rock star type of girl black hair, always uses black nail polish, her clothes the back leather jacket with those leather pants, they're a cute couple, popular boy, a popular girl they have a band, Debby and sometimes his sister drives him to jane's house her mother lets them practice in the basement, it gets noisy some times but she doesn't care as long as her daughter having fun, she also likes Alex, she treats him like a son, she also knows about him and Jane, the beautiful thing about Jane's mother Olivia is that she's a friend to her daughter before she's a mother that's why jane trust her.
They were at Olivia's basement practicing as usual Alex was off thinking, clearly he's not focusing, Jane, noticed that and told the guys to call it a night, Chris and Michael noticed something is wrong with Alex.

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