Dragon Ball Multiverse (Male...

By Jesse21177

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The story is of a half saiyan from the Dragon Ball universe who accidentally was transported to the DxD unive... More

Chapter 1: Hello Supernatural!!!
Chapter 2: I'm a Saiyan
Chapter 3: Meet the Greeks
Chapter 4: Demigods, Kittens & Nuns; Oh my!!
Chapter 5: Magic, Strays & Nuns again
Chapter 6: Saving a Nun
Chapter 7: Training & Familiars
Chapter 8: Fried Chicken, Yummy!!
Chapter 9: Training Montage!!!
Chapter 10: Rating Games
Chapter 11: Child of God & Saiyan vs. Phoenix
Chapter 12: Lemons Galore!!
Chapter 13: Meet the Greeks.....again!
Chapter 14: Camp Half-Blood
Chapter 15: Capture the Flag
Chapter 16: Titan's Curse Part 1
Chapter 17: Titan's Curse Part 2
Chapter 18: Tartarus
Chapter 19: So much Drama!!!
Chapter 20: I'm coming home.....not!!
Chapter 21: I'm coming home....For real this time
Chapter 22: Three exorcists
Chapter 23: Cocoa Meals and Y/n's father
Chapter 24: Battle for Kuoh
Chapter 25: Y/n vs. Kokabiel
Chapter 26: Lemons & Karaoke
Chapter 27: Fun at the pool & Old friends
Chapter 28: Return to Universe 7
Chapter 29: Tournament Exhibition Match part 1
Chapter 30: Tournament Exhibition Match part 2
Chapter 31: The Tournament of Power Begins
Chapter 32: The Tournament of Power Continues
Chapter 33: The Tournament continues some more
Chapter 34: The Tournament is still going on
Chapter 35: This is one long ass tournament
Chapter 36: When's this tournament going to end?!
Chapter 37: Seriously! Is the Tournament over yet?!
Chapter 38: Y/n is the King of what?!
Chapter 39: A Saiyan's will & Y/n vs. Toppo
Chapter 40: Finale!!! Finally!!
Chapter 41: After party
Chapter 42: Who am I?
Chapter 43: Welcome to Republic City
Chapter 44: What's Ultra In-stink? Pro-Bending is Awesome!
Chapter 45: I need a Job!!
Chapter 46: On Patrol
Chapter 47: Raven
Chapter 49: Sato's Downfall & Traitor?
Chapter 50: Team Avatar
Chapter 51: Ki and Looking for Korra
Chapter 52: Back to the Basics and Equalists Attack
Chapter 53: The Revolution Ends!
Chapter 54: Memories & Date for the Ball
Chapter 55: Night with Lin
Chapter 56: How to be a God & Spirit Festival
Chapter 57: Dark Spirits & Rachel's Demons
Chapter 58: Civil War
Chapter 59: The Spirit World & Escaping the South
Choose Your Weapon
Chapter 60: Breaking up
Chapter 61: Domains
Chapter 62: Toph & Trigon, I don't know who's worst
Chapter 63: Final Battle

Chapter 48: Light Stretching & Noodles!

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By Jesse21177

Y/n was now sitting on his couch listening to the radio on low volume while reading a book. After his fight with the strange girl, he brought her to his apartment to rest and to question her of who she is and why she attacked him. That was almost three days ago and the girl has been laying...or floating ever since.

Yes you read right, she was floating on the bed. For some reason she was floating mid air on the bed and hasn't moved an inch since. Y/n had many questions for her like: Who was she? What was she? Where did she come from? And Why was she here?

Y/n was then brought out of his thoughts when he heard a groan. He closed the book and went upstairs to see the girl holding her head.

Y/n: Are you alright?

Girl: Y-Yeah thanks

Y/n: Do you remember anything?

Girl: A little

Y/n then walks over to a chair near the corner and sits on it. The girl sits on the edge of the bed and keeps stealing glances at y/n.

Y/n: Now then can you tell me who you are?


Y/n: Well then Rachel, can you tell my why you are here?

Rachel: ....I ran away

When she said this she put her head down as if she felt guilt about something. Y/n noticed this and stood up from his seat and sat right next to her. She scooted a little away from him to gain a little more distance.

Y/n: What are you running away from?

Rachel: ......My father

Y/n: Why are you running from your father?

Rachel: *flinch*...I-I don't want to talk about it.

This is what intrigued y/n, he has seen signs of abuse from children when he got called in for domestic disturbances. He can see the signs of abuse from children by the way they act. He decided to stop asking about her family problems and decided to ask other questions.

Y/n: Alright, why did you attack me?

Rachel:I-I didn't mean to, i kinda went out of control when you touched me. It felt like you were an enemy of mine and i attacked and went out of control without thinking about it.

Y/n: That's the other thing, what did you do back there and how are you capable of doing it?

Rachel: I'm capable of controlling shadows and darkness, as for how, I'm sorta....special.

Y/n: Are you some kind of bender or something?

Rachel: *shakes head* No, I'm nothing like those bender people. As i said before, I'm kinda special.

Y/n: *nods* Okay then, i don't know what you are or why you are truly here, but i will let it slide. However, can you tell me why that shadow of yours kept stealing.

Rachel: *surprised* It did what?

Y/n: That's how i found you, your shadow lead me to you when it stole the people's belongings.

Rachel: Did you really?

She looked down at her shadow as she asked this and the shadow took form of some sort of bird and landed on her shoulder.

Rachel and the bird looked at each other as if they were having some sort of telekinetic message, but y/n didn't know that.

(Inside Rachel's head)

We now see the inside of Rachel's mind and see her standing across from another version of her except it had four glowing red eyes.

Rachel: Why did you lead him to me?

Red Rachel: Hmph, because you were moping and crying like some scared little girl. You need to forget about the past and start living your life.

Rachel: *looks down* I-I know, but it's really hard.

Red Rachel:....*sigh* I know it's difficult, but you need to move on. Your friends may be gone now, but you need to move on from them already. They won't be able to rest in peace knowing you are here crying over them not able to live your life.

Rachel: I know, but-

Red Rachel: But nothing, ever since you accepted me as a part of you. You have been stronger than ever and have been growing in power ever since. If you don't want to move on then lets avenge our friends and defeat him together.

Rachel: I don't know if i-

Red Rachel: Yes you can, i know you can. We will be able to do it if we can work together from now on. With his power and our power we will be able to put him down for good. Because let's face it, whether we like it or not we are going to have to face him. You can sense it right?

Rachel: *nods* Yeah, he's coming for me.

Red Rachel: Yes and he will be pissed knowing that we went to a different universe into the future. So what do you say, do you want to give it one last shot?

Rachel: And if we lose?

Red Rachel: Then we will die and finally meet our friends in the after life.

Rachel: *deep breath* Okay I'll do it

Red Rachel: It's about damn time you came to your senses. I was prepared to take you over and do it myself.

Rachel: *smiles* Yeah yeah i get it.

Red Rachel: *smirks* Well I'm glad that your now smiling again. It's a much better improvement from the way you were before you accepted me as a part of you. Always brooding and sighing about how dreadful the world is.....actually now that i think about it not much had changed.

Rachel: Whatever, now can you tell me why you brought him to us?

Red Rachel: *scoffs* Don't act like you haven't sensed it yet.

Rachel: *nods* Yeah i did, can't believe that he's a god, but what's he doing walking amongst mortals? Gods don't usually do that unless they have a reason. I guess this is also why we attacked him by instinct. Demons and gods don't go well together, but i sense something else within him that's drawing me to him.

Red Rachel:*nods* Yeah i sensed that too, it must be one of his domains that attracts us, but did you sense his power? It feels like it was all sealed away.

Rachel: Do you think someone else sealed his powers?

Red Rachel" *shakes head* No, i didn't sense foreign energy from him. I think it might have been self inflicted.

Rachel: Why would he seal his own powers away?

Red Rachel: He probably did it subconsciously, you saw his memories right?

Rachel: Yeah they seem scattered and foggy. He might have lost his memories and by losing them he must've sealed his own powers as a result. It's almost like puting a fail safe in case someone takes over his body or something like that.

Red Rachel: Yes well we can probably help him with that, but it's not gonna be easy.

Rachel: Yes, right now i still need to get use to the power i gained from accepting you. I might end up messing something up in his head if i do and since he's a god it might have very drastic effects.

Red Rachel: Damn, if he wasn't a god then it would've been easy even with your now shitty control, but he just had to be a god.

Rachel: Yeah, but for now i guess i have to start mastering my new power until then.

Red Rachel: *sigh* Now it's time for the waiting game. Anyways, back to what i said before, he's really cute huh?

Rachel blushes and doesn't comment getting a smug grin from her demon half.

(Outside Rachel's mind)

Y/n was still looking at Rachel as she was staring at the bird blankly. He was about to ask her what was going on when Ty Lee came barging through the window again and flipping up the stairs.

Ty Lee: Hey Tian i want to see if you-

She was cut off by seeing another girl in his apartment sitting right next to him on the bed. For some reason she felt a stinging sensation in her chest and didn't know why.

Y/n: Oh Ty Lee, what are you doing here?

Ty Lee was brought back to reality

Ty Lee: Oh i uh just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out today. Since you are on vacation, i thought we could go out today if you wanted.

Y/n: Well i uh can't right now i have to take care of Rachel here.

Ty Lee looked at Rachel and she then got a flashback to the other day when she recognised the cloak.

Ty Lee: Hold on, that's Raven

Y/n: Raven?

Ty Lee: *nods* Yes she's the one who saved me from those thugs the other night.

Y/n then thought of it and it did make sense. What Ty Lee told him about the strange person and Rachel's powers both matched up. So it seems they both already met the same girl. As if on cue Rachel or Raven woke up from her trance with her shadow and looked at the new occupant in the room.

Rachel: Oh it's you?

Ty Lee: *smiles* Hello~ The name's Ty Lee, it's good to see you again!

Rachel: *nods* Likewise, but how are you here?

Ty Lee: *points to ceiling* I live upstairs

Y/n: Rachel, are you okay? You've been staring at that bird for a couple of minutes already.

Rachel: Yeah I'm fine, i was just having a conversation with her.

Ty Lee: Ooooh~ That's a very strange bird, can i pet it?

Ty Lee then reaches her hand to pet the bird, but when her hand got close the bird squawked and bit her hand.

Ty Lee: YOUCH!!! That hurt!

Rachel: She doesn't like to be pet

Ty Lee: *groans* Now you tell me

Y/n: Well now that this is all settled now can you tell me what exactly you are and why you are here Rachel or do you prefer Raven?

Rachel: Rachel is fine, i only told Ty Lee my name was Raven because she sort of reminded me of a.....friend of mine.

Rachel then has a sudden flashback to one of her friends from her past. She then sees the silhouette of a red-headed, orange skinned, green eyed alien girl smiling right next to Ty Lee who has the exact smile on her face.

Y/n: I see, now can you please explain who you are for real.

Rachel then looks at both Ty Lee and y/n and feels like she can trust them. She has the ability to sense emotions and read minds so he can tell both of them are trustworthy and won't tell anyone unless she allowed it.

Rachel: Alright then, I'll tell you everything about me, but you have to promise not to tell anyone about this. If people knew about this then it could cause a lot of chaos

Y/n: We promise, right Ty Lee?

Ty Lee: Yeah, you have my word

Rachel: Okay, this is my story...

She then proceeded to tell them of her past of how she was the daughter of a demon named Trigon. How she was raised my the monks of Azarath and how they were all wiped out when her father invaded them. She then told them of her journey to earth and joining a team of other super heroes calling themselves the Teen Titans.

They all went on adventures together and took care of each other like a family. However, that all changed on her 16th birthday when her father used her to take over Earth and killed all of her friends and everyone on the planet. She then used her powers of inter-dimensional travel and chronokinesis to travel to a different universe and into the future to escape her father and that's how she ended up here.

(A/n: In case none of you figured it out, this Raven is the one from the animated Teen Titans show, not from the New 52 movies)

After Rachel was through with her story, both y/n and Ty Lee were amazed by the story. Rachel started tearing up from the story so Ty Lee held her and comforted her while y/n caressed her back.

Ty Lee: It's okay, it's over now you don't have to be afraid.

Y/n: Yeah your safe here, your father can't get to you.

Rachel: *sniff* Your wrong, he will come for me someday in the future. He won't ever let me go and he will destroy this world too.

Y/n then grabbed Rachel and pulled her face to get her to look at him. Rachels face was covered in tears and her eyes were bloodshot from crying. This is the first time Rachel has been able to express her negative emotions without having to worry about her powers going out of control, thanks to accepting her demon form.

(A/n: Once again for those that haven't figured it out. The Red Rachel is her demon form)

Y/n: Hey it's going to be alright, we will protect you and we will stop your father one way or another.

Rachel: *crying* You can't, he's too powerful to defeat. I've tried before, but everytime he just finds another way to win. We can't beat him

Y/n: We will beat him, you need to believe in yourself Rachel. The second you give up is the second he won and you lost. You can't give into him so easily, you need to keep fighting.

Rachel: *sniff* B-But i-we...

Y/n: It's fine Rachel, just let it all out, don't try to hide it. Let out all your frustration.

Y/n smiles at her and wraps his arms around her and puts her face into his wide chest. Rachel feels safe in warm being held by him and wraps her arms around him and starts to sob even more and starts waling in pain and anguish from all the memories of her friends and family that she has lost over the years. Ty Lee leans onto Rachels back and wraps her arms around her as well to make her feel even more comfort.

Rachel finally let out everything she held back without having to worry about her demon half taking over. After almost half an hour of constant crying, Rachel finally stopped and fell asleep. Y/n then put her back in bed while Ty Lee took off her cloak so she would be comfortable in bed. After tucking her in, y/n and Ty Lee went downstairs to talk.

Ty Lee: Man i can't believe the things she's been through. Her aura felt so lonely and filled with anguish.

Y/n: Yeah, she needed a good cry to let out all her frustrations she's been holding onto for so long.

Ty Lee: What are we going to do if her father really does try to come to this world? How will we be able to stop him?

Y/n: *sigh* I don't know, but I'm sure we will be able to stop him we just need to believe we can because like i said to Rachel. The second we give up is the second we've already lost, okay?

Ty Lee: *deep breath* Yeah

Y/n: Alright, now then why are you here Ty Lee?

Ty Lee: Hm? Oh right, the reason why i came here is to help you with your stretches to help with chi-blocking.

Y/n: *facepalms* Oh right i forgot about that.

Ever since y/n learned chi blocking y/n has been trying to master it, but he doesn't have the flexibility to do it. However, when y/n found out about Ty Lee and her mastery over it he asked her if she could help train him and she agreed.

Y/n: Alright then where do we start?

Ty Lee: Well first you need to change into work out clothes.

Y/n: Oh right

Y/n goes back upstairs and puts on some shorts and a tank top. He then comes down to see Ty Lee come back from her apartment upstairs and lands gracefully back into his apartment. She's wearing her work out attire.

(A/n: Without the gloves)

Y/n: Okay the lets start

Ty Lee: Alright since chi blocking agility mostly uses the legs we'll be doing mostly leg stretches so let's start with some basics. First put your feet together and bend down to touch your toes and count to ten. Like this

She then bends down to touch her toes exposing her butt to the world that y/n has his eyes glued onto for a second...or two. He then bends down to touch his own toes. Ty Lee finishes first and gets back up and then stares at y/n's butt same as he did to her. Y/n finishes the stretch and get back up.

Ty Lee: Good now spread your feet apart as wide as you can go and once again bend down and touch your right toes then your left and finally down the center. Each for ten seconds

She then proceeds to bend down and touches her toes and down the center for ten seconds each. The entire time y/n looked at Ty Lee and was amazed by her body. Her curvy and flexible body was mesmerizing and sexy to look at. Her firm and plump rear being constricted by her tight shorts and her long luscious legs stretching to their peak. Y/n shook his head out of the clouds and did the stretching as well.

Ty Lee finished her stretches as well and looked at y/n and his body as well. She was also mesmerized by his strong and muscular body and watching those large and hard muscles contract and constrict against his own clothes. She loves watching all the muscles shift under the skin and it sent shivers down her spine wondering what it would feel like to have those hard muscles placed against her body and feel them shift. She also shook her head out of the clouds as y/n finished.

Ty Lee: Okay then now i want you to bend your knee back and grab onto it and hold onto it. Like this

She then stands on one foot and bends her leg back and grabs onto her foot.

Ty Lee: Usually i stretch some more, but I'm showing you the basics first.

Y/n: Okay like this?

He does the same stretch as her perfectly.

Ty Lee: Perfect, now I'm gonna do my own stretch so just do that for both legs, okay?

Y/n: Alright.

Ty Lee then stretches her leg some more and her leg went all the way to the back and she reached over her shoulders to grab onto her foot.

(A/n: Like this)

Y/n: Wow, that's some stretch

Ty Lee: Don't worry someday you might be able to do this.

They stretched both of their legs and finished them.

Ty Lee: Good now lets try this

She then stretched her leg up into the air and did a standing split.

(Y/n: Like this)

Y/n: Okay now your just showing off.

Ty Lee: Teehee

Y/n then does the same, but couldn't get his leg straight up so settled for holding his leg the way it is now. They both then got a good look at each others legs and rear and were both getting distracted again. They both caught each other looking and went to stretch the other leg and finally finished the stretch.

Ty Lee: Okay now sit down

They both sit on the floor

Ty Lee: Now just like when were standing up, put your feet together and touch your toes.

She then proceeds to do the stretch while y/n followed behind.

Ty Lee: Now spread your legs apart and do this.

She then spread her legs apart giving y/n a good look at her crotch area. By this point she already knows y/n is giving her looks and decided to give him a small show much to his enjoyment. She then leans forward and stretches as far as she can go and curves her back.

Y/n does the same and finishes the stretch.

Ty Lee: Good now lay on your back and bring your knee to your chest like this.

At this point in the stretches y/n doesn't even remember what they are doing and just does what she says.

Ty Lee: Now lift your legs into the air and i want you to lean them back and forth from side to side like this.

(A/n: Is anyone getting turned on by this i know i am. Let's just skip to the end before someone explodes, if you know what i mean😏)


After a long series of stretches the two of them finally finished and y/n feels a lot more limber.

Y/n: Wow, i feel very limber now. Thanks a lot Ty Lee

Ty Lee: No problem Tian I'm always glad to help

They then heard groaning coming from upstairs and went up to see Rachel getting up from her nap.

Y/n: Hey are you okay?

Rachel: Yeah, how long was i out?

Ty Lee: Just an hour

Rachel: Why are you two dressed like that?

Y/n: Just doing some stretching to help with my training

Then suddenly then heard a growl coming from her stomach which causes her to blush from embarrassment and y/n and Ty Lee to laugh.

Y/n: Hehehe, how about we all go out to lunch? My treat

Ty Lee: Yeah lets go!

Rachel: A-Are you sure?

Y/n: Yeah I'm sure, plus we need to get you some clothes too.

Ty Lee: Oh right that reminds me, do you have somewhere to live at too?

Rachel shakes her head no and this gives Ty Lee and idea.

Ty Lee: Hey how about you stay with me?

Y/n: Are you sure Ty Lee?

Ty Lee: Yeah you've seen my apartment, it's much bigger than yours so there's plenty of room for her.

Y/n: Alright then Rachel will stay with you then.

Rachel: That's fine you don't have to do that for me

Ty Lee: Yes i do were friends aren't we?

Rachel: Friend's?

Ty Lee: *smiles* Yeah, even though we haven't known each other for long i still consider you a friend.

Y/n: Yeah, i promised you that we would help you with your problem so we are friends now whether you like it or not.

Rachel: B-But i-

Red Rachel(inside her head): Ugh! Just give it up already you brooding emo! Your not gonna win this one, so just go with them already.

Rachel then sighs and gives into their demands much to their joy.


It's now been nearly a week since they met Rachel and they have all enjoyed each others company. Rachel started feeling welcomed thanks to them both and she hasn't felt any happier. Y/n went back to work and started locking up criminals and solving cases. During his down time he would train his body some more and try to see if he can get stronger and control his ultra instinct.

Ty Lee has been hanging out with Rachel every chance she gets, much to the half-demons chagrin. Rachel is not use to this much joy and happiness and is constantly reminded of her friend Starfire who basically has the same bubbly personality as Ty Lee, but she doesn't hate it.

Right now, the three of them are watching the fire ferrets in a pre-bending match and they are not doing so well.

Ty Lee: Aaahh! Come on what's going on you three?! Finish them already!

Rachel: They don't seem to be in their A game today.

Rachel was drinking her soda and eating her popcorn right next to the screaming Ty Lee while wearing her "civilian clothes" as she like to call them.

The Fire Ferrets were close to losing the match, but thanks to Bolin they were able to win with a sudden death finale.

Ty Lee: Yes! I knew they would win!

Rachel: It seems they are having a arguement

She points down at them and sees Korra and Mako arguing about something. He decides to ask them later after everyone leaves.

Y/n: Come on lets go

(Scene change)

They all go outside and look out to the sea and look at Air Temple island and Avatar Aang Memorial island and enjoy the beauty.

Ty Lee: I can never get use to this view

Y/n: Me neither, what about you Rachel?

Rachel: It's very beautiful

Bolin: Hey Tian! Ty Lee!

They all look back to see Bolin with a bouquets of flowers walking towards them.

Ty Lee: Bolin! You were great out there!

Bolin: You think so?

Y/n: Yeah man, you were fantastic out there.

Bolin: Thanks, uh who's that?

He gestures to Rachel who's standing behind y/n.

Y/n: Oh uh Bolin this is Rachel Roth, Rachel this is Bolin he's a friend.

Rachel: Nice to meet you

Bolin: Nice to meet you too

Ty Lee: So Bolin what's with the flowers? *grins* You got girlfriend we don't know about?

Bolin: *rubs back of his head* Y-Yeah these are for Korra

Ty Lee: *surprised* The Avatar?! Your dating the Avatar?!

Bolin: W-Well were not exactly dating, but we did go on a date a few days ago. I just want to make it official you know?

Ty Lee: Good for you Bolin, I'm rooting for you! Same with the rest of us, right?

Rachel: Whatever

Y/n: Uh Yeah right

For some reason y/n felt his stomach flip from hearing Bolin wanted to date Korra. He decided to ignore it and just root for Bolin, he knows Bolin is a sweet and nice guy so if she dates him then he'll be fine with it.

Y/n: Just treat her well Bolin, she and i have been friends for a long time so please don't hurt her, okay?

Bolin: I would never dream of hurting her, she's a very great friend and a funny and strong girl. I don't want to hurt her, i just want to spend as much time with her and maybe someday we could...*looks down and smiles*

Ty Lee: Aww~ That's so sweet Bolin, i hope you two get together

Bolin: Thanks well wish me luck

He then walks away to confess to Korra leaving behind a smiling and waving Ty Lee, smiling, but conflicted y/n and Rachel who doesn't seem to care much.

Ty Lee: Oh i really hope those two get together

Y/n: Yeah Bolin's very sweet so I'm sure he would treat her right and not hurt her.

Ty Lee: What about you Rachel, what do you think?

Rachel: I think we should head home *walks away*

Ty Lee: Hey wait for us! *runs after her*

Y/n just chuckles and starts walking, but then he looked back at where Bolin went and then started walking again.


A few days later the three of them are once again at a pro-bending match watching the Fire Ferrets, but they all notice that they are not doing so well.

Ty Lee: Oh come on! What's wrong with you guys?!

Rachel: They seem to be distracted, i can sense some negative emotions between them all.

Ty Lee: Do you think something happened between them to cause them to hate each other?

Y/n: Well something happened and it's costing them now. They need to shape up if they want to win.

The Fire ferrets start losing the first two rounds. Now the only way for them to win is if they knockout the entire opposing team. Bolin took a shot to the stomach and began puking up noodles, much to the crowds lost appetites, except y/n who just continues to eat.

Eventually it lead to Korra winning the third round with a knockout winning the Fire Ferrets the match.

Ty Lee: Yes atta girl Korra!

Y/n looks down at Korra and the others and seems to see some tension between them all. Same with Rachel, she can literally sense the emotions coming from them.

Y/n: Come on let's go

Ty Lee: Yeah


A few days later y/n was out on patrol and was having lunch at a local diner. The radio was then cut off and the voice of Amon came on.

Amon: Citizens of Republic City, good morning. I hope you all enjoyed the pro-bending match a few days ago because it will be the last. It's time the city stops worshipping bending athletes as if they were heroes. I'm calling for the city council to shut down the pro-bending arena and cancel the tournament. If they do not do as i say then there will be dire consequences.

Then the radio cuts off and everyone starts panicking a little. Y/n calms them down and pays for his meal. He then runs to City Hall knowing Korra will head straight there to start complaining to the council.

(Scene change)

Y/n finally made it to City Hall and as he was running to the council room. He ran into the Chief of Police

Beifong: Sgt. Long, why are you here?

Y/n: I came to stop Korra, knowing her she would start raising hell to fight in the tournament.

Beifong: Looks like you and i are on the same page. Let's head to the council room together.

They both went to the council room to see the doors wide open and Korra, Bolin and Mako trying to convince the council to not close down the arena. Just as Tarrlok was about to bang the gavel the Chief uses her medal wire to destroy the gavel before it hit.

Beifong: As much as it pains me to admit it. I believe the Avatar is right.

Korra: You do?!

Y/n: Yeah you do?!

Beifong: I expected this kind of cut and run tactic from Tenzin, but the rest of you. Come on show a little back bone, it's time the benders in this city show some strength and unity against these Equalists.

Tenzin: We need to prevent the benders and non-benders from going into an all out war. The council will not change it's position.

Tarrlok: Now hold on Tenzin, let's hear what our esteem Chief of Police has to say.

Beifong: If you keep the arena open, my metal benders will provide extra security for the tournament match. There's no better force to deal with chi-blockers, our armor will provide protection.

After she said that y/n got a sudden flashback to his first night out on patrol when he caught Fu Yin. He remembers the electric contraption that Fu Yin used on him and Hao.

Y/n: *thoughts* Was it an Equalist weapon or just something he came up with personally? I need to tell the Chief later

Tarrlok: Chief Beifong are you saying that you will take "personal" responsibility for the safety of the citizens in the arena?

Y/n did not like the way he said that, what is he playing at?

Beifong: I guarantee it

Tarrlok: Then I'm changing my vote, if she is confident that her elite officers will succeed then i will have faith in them. All in favor

All the council members except Tenzin raised their hands.

Tarrlok: Then it's decided, good luck in the finals

Korra, Mako and Bolin celebrated now that they are able to compete in the tournament.

Y/n: Chief, can i have a word

Beifong: What is it Sergeant?

Y/n: It's about your plan

Beifong: Very well then let us go

Just before they left they were stopped by Tenzin.

Tenzin: Lin may i have a word

(Scene change)

The three of them were standing in the hallway having their conversation.

Tenzin: Tarrlok is playing you and i don't want to see you get hurt.

Y/n: He's right Chief, i don't like the way Tarrlok worded his statement. If this plan fails then you'll be the one taking the heat.

Beifong: I know what I'm doing you two and the risks that come with it.

Tenzin: In that case then i will be standing by your side during the match.

Beifong: I don't need you to babysit me

Tenzin: It's for Korra, i want to make sure she's safe

Beifong: Do what you want, it's not like I've been able to stop you before.

Then Korra comes and tries to thank the Chief, but she just ignores her and walks away. Y/n apologize to Korra and runs after the Chief.

Y/n: Chief your plan

Beifong: I know that I'll be taking the heat if we fail Long, but I'll make sure we won't fail.

Y/n: It's not that, i don't think the plan will succeed

Beifong: *stops walking* Explain

Y/n: Better I'll show you, follow me

Beifong: Where are we going?

Y/n: The evidence locker

(Scene change)

Y/n and the Chief were now in a dark room filled with shelves of evidence collected over the years. Y/n finds his first case box and opens it to find all the evidence he and Hao collected. The Chief takes a look and sees a glove with a circle in the palm.

Beifong: What is that?

Y/n: That is the weapon that Fu Yin used against me and Hao to try and escape. It somehow generates electricity from the palm to shock their opponent. Fu Yin used it against Hao and he went down lack a sack potatoes

Beifong: And you think that all the Equalists will have these?

Y/n: *nods* Yes, it's the perfect weapon to use against metal benders

Beifong: Damn, so what can we do about it?

Y/n: Have all your elites wear some kind of rubber insulated suits underneath their armor. Although i don't know if it will help much.

Beifong: Why is that?

Y/n: This glove looks like a prototype, so maybe they've upgraded their equipment since then and upped the voltage so in don't know if it'll work

Beifong: *sigh* We'll just have to hope for the best. Thank you officer for showing me this

Y/n: No problem Chief

Y/n then puts the box of evidence away and they both walk out of the evidence locker.

Beifong: Long i want you to head to the arena later today and start scouting the area. Make sure that no Equalists are doing anything to sabotage the match tonight.

Y/n: Right


The arena was now filling up with more and more people to watch the final match of the tournament. Y/n has been patrolling since the afternoon to find any Equalists trying to set anything up for the event. Y/n told Ty Lee and Rachel to stay home in case something happened. Ty Lee tried to object, but Rachel reminded her that y/n couldn't worry about them and the people if something does happen. So she relented to listening to the radio in their apartment.

Y/n was walking through the maintenance halls in the arena when he was stopped by one of the employee's.

Worker: Officer i think you might want to see this

Y/n: What is it?

Worker: You might want to see if for yourself

The worker leads him to the arena where the match will take place. The arena still doesn't have any people because the officers are still searching the area for any bombs or weapons that can be hidden. The worker and y/n head down to the arena and climb up to the bottom of the platform that the benders will fight on.

Worker: This is what i wanted to show you

The worker points at a strange device in the room underneath the platform and y/n took a second to figure out what it is.

Y/n: It's a bomb!

Worker: U-U-Uh bomb?!

Y/n: Yes, thank you for informing me.

Worker: No problem

While y/n was looking at the bomb he didn't notice that the worker was outside the door smirking. When y/n thanked the worker the worker closed the door and locked it. Y/n turned to the door slam and saw he was locked in. He then went to break down the door when the room started filling up with gas. Y/n breathed it in and started feeling light headed so he started trying to bust the door down.

He breaks down the door and starts coughing his lungs out. He was about to recover, but then he was shocked by three Equalists and the worker which knocked him out. The last thing he sees is Amons mask before he blacks out.

Done, thanks for reading make sure to comment and vote.

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