Addictive; Harry Potter

By acciobambi

745K 20.4K 75.3K

Cassiopeia Nott, twin sister to Theodore Nott, finds herself in a messy situatuon after an accidental drunken... More

Authors Note
Part 1 - Cast
Harmless Flirting
Drunken Mistakes
Coconut and Vanilla
Harry and Cassie's Strictly Platonic Friends With Benefits Rules
Antionette and Pierre
Deny, Deny, Deny
Stolen Kisses and Spy Missions
Katie Bell
The Truth Unfolds
Dear Father
Jealousy's Remedies
Hickey, Hickey
The Color Of Desire
Through Blood and Dreams
Home For The Holidays

Malfoy's Girl

56.6K 1.3K 6.7K
By acciobambi

Cassiopeia Nott

I gazed out the window at the moving trees. The smell of choclate frogs filled the thick air of the Hogwart's express, mixing in with the scent of weed my idiot brother was smoking right next to me.

"Must you do that on the train?" I asked as I scrunched my nose at the strong smell. Theo wrapped his arm around me and offered the joint in response. I shoved him off and turned back towards the window.

"My baby sister, the saint." He grinned before he raised the blunt to his lips to take another hit.

"We're twins, Teddy." A nickname Theo only let me, his dear sister, call him. If anyone else attempted it, they'd receive a bloody nose in response.

"I'm older."

"By three miniutes."

"Still older."

"We just sat down a few miniutes ago and you two are already arguing?" Athena asked as she shook her head in disappointment.

"We're twins-" Theo started.

"-It's all we know how to do." I finished. A trick we had picked up in our second year at Hogwarts after watching the Weasley twins do it a few times in the great hall.

"Could you three shut up? I'm trying to think." Draco snapped as he looked up from his potions textbook for the first time since the train left Kings Cross.

"Who studies on the train?" Theo asked as he pulled the book away from Draco and pretended to examine over it. "Do you have one of those playboy muggle magazines in here somewhere?"

"I wish." Draco said with a slight grin as he grabbed the book back and opened it back up to the page he had been reading.

"You two are the reason I like girls." Athena said as she looked between the boys in disgust. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have survived all these years with Draco and Theo. She's a nice balance of support through their dirty minds.

"I bet I could change your mind." Theo joked with a wink. Athena rolled her eyes at him before laying her head on the table in front of us and shutting her eyes. "Wake me if something intresting happens."

"Nothing intresting has happened on this train since the dementors in third year." I said as I blew some of the brunette hair Theo and I both sport out of my face. He and I looked more than similar. Same dark brunette hair, same brown eyes, same tan skin, same full lips. 

Our mother would have prided herself on it had she not passed after to giving birth to us. We both kind of blame ourselves for her death. Our father does too, which he makes alarmingly obvious.

"Yeah, the ones that made Potter faint." Draco laughed. "He's bloody pathetic, honestly."

Theo nodded in agreement while I kept quiet. I never really understood why Theo and Draco hate him so much. I had never really talked to the boy besides mouthing 'sorries' after Draco started unesscary fights with him every chance he got, but he seems nice.

Theo was about to say something before a black smoke filled the enitre Slytherin compartment, making it impossible to see a foot in front of you.

"Who the fu-" Draco began angrily before I cut him off, not wanting him to go one of his stupid rants about order. "Probably a first year messing around. Don't throw a fit over it."

"I wasn't going to throw a fit over it. I don't throw fits." Draco corrected.

Theo couldn't contain his laughter. "My father will hear about this. Does that phrase sound familar to you, Malfoy? Because you say it every time you throw a fit, which is quite often if I may add."

"Shut up. I'll be glad to not have to put up with you for another two years." Draco muttered, probably hoping someone would react to him.

"And what exactly does that mean?" I asked, ready to get whatever nonsense he was about to say over with.

"Let's just say I don't think you'll see me wasting my times in charms class next year." Blaise chuckled at his response from the table beside ours.

"Amused, Blaise? We'll see just who's laughing in the end." He said lowly before looking back down at his book, glancing at me beore he did so.

Theo held his head in his hands and looked between the two of us dreamily. "Can't you guys date again? Before Cassie has the opprotunity to go find some new doucebag I don't approve of?"

I rolled my eyes at him. Draco and I had dated from third year until a month ago. I did like him but I was never really into the relationship. I always saw him as a friend before boyfriend.

Theo loved us together. His best friend and his sister. He knew that neither of us would do something to intentionally hurt one another, if not for ourselves, then for him. He also likes to act like he's the boss of me and dictate my love life.

I appreciate that he cares but it's bloody annoying.

I turned towards Athena, who had somehow managed to sleep through the entire disturbance. I debated waking her up for some entertainment. Not that watching my brother get high isn't intresting.

I decided not to wake her and I turned back towards the window for the rest of the ride, hoping the lingering weed smell would disappear before we arrive at Hogwarts.


Harry Potter

"So what was Draco doing with that weird looking cabinet? And who were all those people?" Ron, my best friend, questioned.

Him, Hermione, and I had seen Malfoy at some sketchy shop over in Knockturn Alley just a few days ago. No one goes to Knockturn Alley for no reason, he's up to something. And I think I know what.

"Don't you see? It was a ceremony, an initiation." I answered as I leaned forward, letting my elbows rest on my knees.

"Stop it, Harry. I know where you're going with this." Hermione scolded as she looked up from the book she had been reading.

"One of what?" Ron asked in confusion.

Hermione scoffed before turning to him to answer. "Harry is under the impression Draco Malfoy is now a deatheater."

"You're barking." Ron laughed. "What would you-know-who want with someone like Malfoy?"

"Well then what's he doing in Borgin and Burkes? Browsing for furtniture." I pressed on, growing irritated at the fact they don't beleive me.

Draco Malfoy is pure evil. He always has been, ever since first year.

"It's a creepy shop. He's a creepy bloke." Ron answered as he slumped down in his seat and began to unwrap a choclate frog.

"Look, his father is a death eater. It only makes sense he's one too."

"The Nott twins, Lestrange, Crabbe, and Goyle's parents are all deatheaters too. Do you think they are also all deatheaters?"

"Well, no-I don't know. Right now we're talking about Malfoy. Hermione, you said you saw it with your own eyes!"

"I told you, I don't know what I saw." She said, in the same voice you'd use to talk to a delirious child in. I rolled my eyes at her response and got up. I reached into my bag from the holder above me and pulled out a cloth.

"I need some air." I said before heading down the hall towards the Slytherin compartments. I know Malfoy's a deatheather. I just need some type of proof. And I think I know how to get it.

I peered around the corner to see Malfoy sitting at a table with Athena Lestrange, Theodore, and Cassiopeia Nott. The usual people he hangs around when he's not using Crabbe and Goyle as bodyguards.

I unwrapped the cloth to reveal a peice of Peruvian Darkness Powder I had gotten from Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. I tossed it into the hallway, causing the entire Slytherin class to all yell out in protest.

I slipped the invisibility cloak over me and hid in an empty storage compartment right overtop of Malfoy before the smoke cleared. Here, I'll be able to listen in on his conversation that could possibly end in a deatheater confession.

"Who the fu-" Malfoy began before he was cut off by Cassiopeia Nott. "Probably a first year messing around. Don't throw a fit over it."

"I wasn't going to throw a fit over it. I don't throw fits." Draco corrected.

Theodore Nott burst into laughter. "My father will hear about this. Does that phrase sound familar to you, Malfoy? Because you say it every time you throw a fit, which is quite often if I may add."

"Shut up. I'll be glad to not have to put up with you for another two years." Draco snapped.

"And what exactly does that mean?" Cassiopeia asked. I found myself holding my gaze on her a little longer than I should have. I had never really noticed before beautiful she is.

"Let's just say I don't think you'll see me wasting my times in charms class next year." Blaise chuckled at his response from the table beside theirs.

"Amused, Blaise? We'll see just who's laughing in the end." He said lowly before looking back down at his book, glancing at Cassiopeia before he did so.

I forgot about that.

She's Malfoy's girl.

Untouchable to anyone Malfoy doesn't like. I bet if her and I were to ever become friends, it'd be over the miniute he found out about it. I don't really know her but she seems nice, or nicer than the people she hangs out with. What's she doing hanging around with a bunch of gits anyway?

Theodore put his elbows on the table and rested his head in his hands. "Can't you guys date again? Before Cassie has the opprotunity to go find some new doucebag I don't approve of?"

So, maybe she's not Malfoy's girl?

She rolled her eyes in response to her twin brother's comment and turned to look out the window. And that was about the most intresting thing that happened in the rest of the five hour train ride.

That doesn't mean I'm ready to give up yet. I will prove Malfoy's a deatheater, one way or another.


Cassiopeia Nott

Athena and I linked arms as we got up to exit the train. "And then, she had the bloody audacity to call me a bitch!" Athena ranted. She had some summer fling with a Ravenclaw girl that ended badly. "You know, she's a year older than us? I could probably get her sued for relations with a minor or something."

"I wish you the best of luck with that." I responded as I yawned and rested my head on her shoulder.

"Oh, sure, I'll get all our bags. Don't need any help at all!" Theo sarcastically exclaimed as he struggled to hold all of our bags.

"Thanks, Teddy!" I called just as Athena and I were about to step off the train. "You're a doll!" Athena said to him as she blew a kiss.

Shortly after, Theo came wobbling off of the train, five bags in hand. He immediately dropped them all on to the pavement and took a breath of releif before falling down.

"You have magic. Use it." Athena said as she bent down to his eye level.

"My wand is in the bag. I would have used it." He sassed in the same mocking tone.

I looked towards the train door to see Draco still hadn't gotten off yet. I tuned out Athena and Theo's arguing as I stepped back on the train to see what was taking him so long.

I could hear him talking to someone as I got closer to the compartment door.

I slowly opened pushed the sliding door open to see Draco standing over Harry Potter, who looked to be paralyzed. Draco raised his foot and kicked him hard on the nose.

"What the hell?!" I exclaimed. Draco's eyes widened when he saw me. "Don't worry about it. Just go." He snapped.

"No, I'm not going. What in the bloody hell are you doing?" I demanded, rather than asked. He picked up his case and walked over to me, putting his hands on my waist to walk me out the door. "Cassie, leave it alone." He hissed.


I was cut off by my brother, who was now standing again, five bags floating over is head. "What took you two so long? Please tell me you were snogging."

"No, Draco-" I was cut off again, this time by Draco. "She was just helping me with something. Why would you want us to be snogging?" He asked to change the subject.

"Because I want you two back together. I'd rather my sister snog you if she has to be snogging someone." Theo answered as he waved the off bags towards the school, Draco following right behind him as the two began to talk about Quidditch.

About a million questions whirled through my head about what I saw on the train. Looking back, in the train window I saw a blonde girl walking into the compartment Harry was in. "Hey, you ok?" Athena asked as she tapped my shoulder. I looked away from the girl and to Athena. "No. I'll tell you later. Let's catch up with the boys."

She sent me a concerned glance but nodded before we began to walk up towards the school. I kept looking back towards the train, feeling guilty for what Draco did. Why did he do that? It seems a little extreme, even for him.

I pushed the thoughts out of my head and continued to walk down the path to the carriages.

I don't know why, but something tells me this wasn't going to be a normal year in the slightest And based off of how it started out, I don't doubt it will be.


(2346 Words - First Published February 5, 2021 /  Edited May 10, 2021)

What'd we think about the first chapter everyone? :)

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