The Squad Effect

By Gilinskers

305K 1.9K 2.9K

Book One in the Affect Series Hillsdale high has two kinds of people. Greasers and Jocks. The Greasers are hi... More

Chapter 1 | Pussy Party
Chapter 2 | Meet & Greet
Chapter 3 | Fuck School
Chapter 4 | Rejection
Revamping This Story

Chapter 5 | Distraction

7.8K 343 375
By Gilinskers




Matthew groaned in boredom. He was slumped over in a black bean bag chair that was falling apart. I shifted on the ugly couch in my room, just waiting for Nash to get back from doing community service.

"I'm bored as hell. I can't wait until this party starts. I swear I'm gonna beat my record of most make out sessions at a single party." Our second blond friend, Jack Johnson, stated while filling up a bowl with punch and putting it into the fridge.

"Something tells me that goth girls won't be interested." Matt chuckled.

"Well, I guess my only options are the chess club boys." He joked. When all of us turned to look at him without laughing he coughed into his hand. "I'm only joking. The bottom line is that I need to get some tonight, or else I may die." He explained.

"Calm your horny hormones." Matt replied while laughing.

"It's not that easy. I have needs."

"This conversation is over." Hayes, Nash's brother, rolled his eyes. Suddenly we heard the click of a key in the lock on the door. Nash walked in the door, cooler in hand, seeming annoyed. He immediately stripped out of the community service uniform, revealing his own clothes underneath.

"Hey. The seniors held up on their end of the deal, so we've got beer. Give me a second and then we'll go pick up the food." He nodded to the rest of us while placing the cooler on the floor. He picked up his uniform and walked past all of us into the bedroom. After a few minutes, Nash stepped out of the bedroom with his hair freshly combed and gelled back. "Alright, let's go." He ordered. Matt, Hayes, Jay and I made our way to the door, waiting for Nash to cross the living room. "Shawn could you stay here and watch the drinks please? I'm not putting anything passed those fleabags next door. Those conniving bitches would do anything to screw up our fun." 

"Alright. I can do that." I nodded while pulling the cooler away from the door and over to the coffee table. Nash thanked me before promptly leaving along with the other boys. I stared at the beer cooler, using all of my concentration. "Do not fuck up Shawn. I repeat, do not fuck up." I spoke to myself diligently.

A few minutes had passed by when I heard a knock at the door. People couldn't be showing up yet! We didn't have any food or any of the furniture moved. Oh no! I walked up to the door cautiously and look through the peep hole. He was standing there. "I'll be right there!" I shouted while quickly patting down any fly-aways I might have had. Taylor knocked again. I took a deep breath before opening the door, a shot of adrenaline rushed through me along with the feeling that I shouldn't even be speaking to him.

"'Sup?" I asked, attempting to seem effortless and cool. He's just so freaking cool, I wish that we could just... be friends.

"Hey Shawn." He smirked. "I heard that you were interested in being friends. Can we talk?" He asked while resting his hand on the door. I nodded silently while stepping back to let him in. He closed the door behind himself before gesturing that we sit on the couch. I don't know what had come over me, but it felt like my throat had been glued shut, leaving me unable to respond. "So, I know we're kind of in a sticky situation when it comes to being friends, right?" He asked once I had sat beside him on the couch. It took several seconds for me to gather up the strength to reply.

"Y-yeah," was all I could manage to get out.

"But from what I've heard through the grapevine, you're a really good person and you aren't like your friends when it comes to homophobia and stuff like that." He continued. As he spoke, I found my eyes starting to wander to his mouth. If he notices that, it's going to be so embarrassing. "Well, at least that's what I've heard. You don't have a problem with gay people, do you?" He asked while flashing me a charming smile.

"N-no! Not at all." I replied quickly this time.

"That's good, for obvious reasons. So, I think I've rambled long enough. Tell me what you like to do in your free time." He tried to coerce me into speaking. My eyes were fixated on his lips for several seconds before I snapped out of my trance and looked into his eyes again, attempting to keep eyes contact.

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked, hoping I didn't just blow my chance of having a new friend.

"No offense but, it just doesn't seem like you're listening. Maybe this isn't the best time..." Taylor trailed off before getting out of the couch. 

"No, please! I'm sorry. You can ask me any question, I'll pay attention from now on!" I promised as I followed him to the door. He had his hand on the doorknob, about to turn it, when he stopped. He turned to face me.

"Well, I'm glad to see you have some emotions." He flashed the same award winning smile from earlier.

"Yeah. It takes a lot sometimes to get them to show." I smiled back before putting my hands in my pockets. "Ask me anything, I'll give you an answer. Try me." The tiniest drop of confidence entering my voice.

"Okay, let's see." He thought for a moment before taking a step towards me. I could almost physically feel the drop of confidence disappearing from my body. "How often do you think about kissing other guys?" He asked quietly. My heart dropped as he took another half-step towards me.

"I... I don't think about kissing other guys..." My voice cracked. Part of me wanted to move away from him, but my legs wouldn't cooperate. I feel like my body's working against me. 

"Okay. New question. How much do you want to kiss me right now?" He whispered while taking another step toward me. We were roughly ten inches apart and I could swear I felt my fingers start to go numb as I rubbed them together nervously. He took one more step towards me, leaving only six inches of separation between us.

"I... d-don't wanna kiss you." I whispered back, unable to raise the volume of my voice.

"Are you sure?" He asked, while leaning in ever so slightly.

"No." I replied truthfully. In a split second his lips were on mine. He pushed me up against the wall and wrapped his arms around my waist, grabbing handfuls of my shirt. It took a few seconds but I kissed back, trying to match his level of passion. A warm feeling spread throughout my entire body like an explosive made of sunshine. Every bad thought and insecurity that was lingering in my mind began to disappear until they were gone, leaving only happy thoughts of Taylor and the way that he made me feel. I felt as if I could never possibly get enough of this feeling of euphoria. I moaned against his lips as one of his hands went up the back of my shirt. The area where his palm lay on my skin tingled with warmth. To my utter dismay, Taylor broke the kiss to catch his breath. He looked at me, with sheer surprise on his face. 

"You-" Taylor began but I cut him off by pulling him back in to kiss me. I rested my hands on his jaw as he put his hand on my back. This round was even more passionate than the last, as he began leading me toward the bedroom without breaking our kiss. I pulled him down into my bed on top of me. He slid his tongue into my mouth as he grabbed the outer jacket I was wearing and helped me take it off. I grabbed the hem of his t-shirt and lifted it up, making sure to only break the kiss to get it over his head. He began to grind his hips down against mine, which only encouraged my growing erection. I moaned against his lips again. Taylor broke the kiss once more. His hands traveled down my chest to the button on my jeans. He undid the button before pulling down my zipper. He snaked his hand into my pants while beginning to plant kisses on my neck. I leaned my head back, still basking in the euphoria. When Taylor's fingers made contact with my dick through my boxers, I flinched and began to sit up, pushing him off of me. 

"What am I doing? I-I can't have sex with you." I told Taylor.

"What do you mean? I know it'll be your first time, but I can guide you through it."

"I can't have sex with you because I'm waiting until marriage. I guess I thought for a second... that since it would be with a guy it wouldn't count, but that's not the case. It still counts as sex and I don't even know if I like guys." I sighed.

"If the fact that you're rock hard right now isn't enough to tell you that you like guys, then I'm not sure what other type of sign you're looking for." Taylor scoffed while climbing out of my bed and pulling on his shirt. 

"Taylor's that not what I meant." I pleaded while turning to face him.

"Then why did you say it? Never mind. Forget that I even showed up." He shook his head before exiting my bedroom quickly. I laid back in my bed and exhaled deeply while doing my pants back up. My mind was swimming with thoughts of what could have happened if I had kept my mouth shut. I also couldn't help but imagine what my next meeting with Taylor would be like. It's going to be so awkward.

Suddenly, the sound of the front door opening caught my attention. Oh my god, what would Nash think if he found out that I almost slept with a guy while he was gone.

"Shawn what happened? Did you take a nap or something? The beer is fucking gone." Nash asked

"Taylor came in here and he-"

"The one that you could actually tolerate? Damn it, what did he say?" Matt cuts me off.

"He said he wanted to be friends." I muttered, deciding to keep the other details to myself for now.

"The jocks probably sent him in here to distract you so that they could take the beer." Nash shook his head. "Come with me." Nash ordered while grabbing my arm and pulling me out of bed. He pulled me through the living room and out the door.

"Really, Nash it's okay. Please, we don't have to do this. It's my fault." I pleaded. There was a loud noise coming from the far end of the hallway. Our attention was diverted as we spied the group of at least forty sophomore boys from three cliques coming down the stairs. I could hear snippets of keywords like party and football. Taylor's door opened, revealing Cameron Dallas who was in the middle of putting on a t-shirt. 

"Hey Shawn, what's good?" Cameron completely ignored Nash.

"You know exactly why we're here. Taylor's one of the least dickish people on your team and Shawn here actually tolerates him. So-"

"Tolerates him? Shawn did much more than tolerate him." Cameron laughed. Nash rolled his eyes. Luckily he dismisses everything that Cameron says. Nash was about to respond, probably with an insult, when I stepped in.

"I just wanna talk to him." I looked expressionlessly into Cameron's eyes.

"Surprisingly, I believe you. He's in the back room. You've got four minutes until we have a party we have to go to." Cameron nodded into his room, gesturing for me to go and speak to Taylor. As soon as I passed over the threshold of the front door, Nash started going off on Cameron about the beer thing. I tried to block it out before entering Taylor's bedroom. Taylor whipped around, seeming surprised to see me. He was in the middle of changing shirts.

I plopped down on the bed closest to where he was standing. He just stared at me for a few seconds before sitting down as well.

"You used me." I muttered quietly.

"Well, I'm sure you've done things that Nash has asked you to do, even when you didn't like the idea. I thought that this was going to be fun, since the original plan was just to be your friend. I didn't plan for it to get serious like it did. But I will say... I'm kind of glad it did." He shrugged while leaning back on his hands.

"You're the first guy I've ever kissed." I felt heat begin to rise on my face as I blushed.

"I could tell. You kind of unloaded on me." He chuckled while snaking his fingers in between mine. I looked at him with a sheepish expression, before bringing my focus to our hands. "Don't be embarrassed. That's a good thing. It means no more repressing your feelings for men, right?" He asked. 

"We'll see." I muttered.

"I'll make it easy for you. I'll take you on a date some time so that you don't have to repress anything. How does that sound?" He offered. At the mention of a date my stomach flipped and my heart fluttered. The hand that Taylor was holding began to have the warm tingly feeling from earlier again.

"Great, but Nash doesn't know what really happened." I sighed.

"If it's easier for you, he never has to know. Nobody does." Taylor flashed his most charming smile yet. 

"That works for me." I whispered. Taylor connected our lips in another euphoric kiss, this one feeling way better than the last.


Anyways Vote for the next POV





Jay (Jack J)

Jack G







Love you guys💟


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