If It Hurts This Much (Chaeli...

By chaelice_97

333K 9.6K 6.9K

(Converted) - They've been friends since childhood, and best friends for even longer. But what happens when L... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 - FINAL CHAPTER
SEASON 2 : Chapter 1
SEASON 2 : Chapter 2
SEASON 2 : Chapter 3
SEASON 2 : Chapter 4
SEASON 2 : Chapter 5
SEASON 2 : Chapter 6
SEASON 2 : Chapter 7
SEASON 2 : Chapter 8
SEASON 2 : Chapter 9
SEASON 2 : Chapter 10
SEASON 2 : Chapter 11
SEASON 2 : Chapter 12
SEASON 2 : Chapter 13
SEASON 2 : Chapter 14
SEASON 2 : Chapter 15 (END)

Chapter 10

7.1K 212 100
By chaelice_97

Lisa grins as she hears Chaeyoung sigh with pleasure, and leans up to lock eyes with her once more. Carefully, she nudges their noses together and leans in, pressing a long, lingering kiss to her best friend's lips, tasting the salty of their combined sweat and remains of herself on them. She doesn't think she'd ever get used to kissing Chaeyoung, whilst it's amazing, it's almost surreal because it's that damn good. When she feels Chaeyoung's grip around her cock loosen, she groans and then realizes her fingers are still inside the blonde.

With a grin, she bites her bottom lip and slowly slides her fingers out, stroking the inside gently one last time to get Chaeyoung to moan, and of course, she does. The last few minutes play on the back of her eyelids like an old school movie theatre and she can almost feel herself getting hard again at the thought.

"So…" Lisa smirks, kissing a smiling Chaeyoung one last time before slowly sitting back on her ankles, and kneeling between Chaeyoung's legs whilst her fingers move against each other, allowing them to glide together flawlessly. It's kind of strange, but watching the moisture make them slip against each other is rather arousing.

Chaeyoung blushes, watching Lisa watch her glistening fingers move, and brushes the back of her hand against her face, pushing back a few locks of hair. "Yeah, so…"

With her clean fingers, Lisa starts to fumble with her jeans, until two pale hands grip around her wrists to stop her. "Uh, Lisa?" Chaeyoung starts, her vision darting between brown eyes and Lisa's crotch. "You might wanna go change," she chuckles and leans back again, bending her knees until Lisa's out from between them.

Lisa's brows furrow. "Huh?" She asks as she looks down, noticing what Chaeyoung means. Apparently, she wasn't prepared for how much she was going to shoot, because slowly dripping out of her jeans, sliding down the zip is glistening moisture, similar to the one on her fingers. A blush creeps up on her cheeks, but then she thinks it's ridiculous considering what just happened, and shakes it off. "Oh, yeah."

Chaeyoung continues to chuckle as Lisa pushes off her best friend's knees, wiggling against the uncomfortable feeling of drying come rubbing her softening cock from inside her boxers and scrunching her nose. "I feel like a teenager again," Lisa says, pinching her forehead and grinning at the ground.

"Well your mom's not here to surprise you," Chaeyoung quips, shooting a wink at the brunette as she lifts her hips from the sofa cushions to pull her leggings up properly. "and make you come inside your boxers before you can grab some tissues," she finishes, plucking at the hem of her top as she clamps her knees together with a large smile.

Lisa gives her a playful shut up look with narrowed eyes and a small smirk. "Well excuse me if I didn't want to stop you and say 'hold up, let me get some tissues.'"

A pillow smacks her in her stomach, followed by a heavenly giggle. "I wouldn't have minded."

"Yeah," Lisa bends down and picks up the pillow, fluffing it in her hands. "I'm sure you wouldn't have minded if I stopped doing what I was doing."

Chaeyoung shrugs. "You weren't really doing much for me." There's affection lacing her tone so Lisa knows her best friend's joking, otherwise her ego might've been seriously affected.

Lisa quirks an eyebrow and takes a step closer to Chaeyoung, crouching down and trailing her fingers up the expanse of her best friend's leg, dipping into where her calf muscle curves. Chaeyoung’s eyes widen, watching Lisa's every move and the brunette grins as she hears an audible gulp, and a familiar pair of brown orbs following her like a hawk. But she continues, lingering slightly at the bottom of a strong knee, before dipping to the inside of Chaeyoung's thighs, continuing up dangerously close to the place that makes her mouth water with anticipation and arousal.

As she gets to the apex of Chaeyoung's thighs, her eyes flicker up to meet Chaeyoung's, now dark and slightly hooded, and she grins. However just as her finger seems like it's about to run up the crease between Chaeyoung's center and thigh, she dips up and underneath the blondes top, who gasps in response. The skin is so smooth under her fingertip that Lisa almost melts right then and there, and she traces up and down the line of Chaeyoung's abs, then across her taut stomach from side to side and pauses at her protruding hipbone.

"I think this," Lisa's eyes are still locked with Chaeyoung's as she traces around the blondes right hipbone, then across to the other – emphasizing the feeling of them still rolling, "Proves different."

A blush creeps up on Chaeyoung's face and Lisa taps her hipbone once before standing, heading straight for her bedroom. She can hear the blonde giggling and a massive grin spreads across her face. It's ridiculous how easily Chaeyoung can make her smile, and as she slips out her messed jeans and boxers, and slips into a new pair of boxers and some sweatpants, her stomach only flips several times over with the memory of what happened flashing behind her eyelids.

"Hey, Lisa?"

Lisa hears Chaeyoung call from the living room, and rocks onto the balls of her feet to pull her sweatpants up before answering, "Yeah?"

"I'm gonna make some pancakes," Chaeyoung's head pokes around the door frame, "Want some?"

Lisa turns and pinches her lips up at the side as if she's thinking of an answer. Her eyes narrow playfully and she slowly walks over in the direction of her best friend. "You gonna put maple syrup on them?"

Chaeyoung grins widely. "Did my cat used to read my diary?"

"Uh…" Lisa hesitates and runs her hand through the side of Chaeyoung's hair. "Chaeng, about that…"

"Shut up," the blonde scrunches her nose and grabs the hand running through her hair, twining their fingers together. "Yes, there's maple syrup. Now do you want some or shall I wait here for a few more seconds whilst you decide?"

Lisa's skin flares up at this simplest touch from Chaeyoung, and she feels all her nerves react and fizzle with elation. Being in her twenties, Lisa's used to her how her body reacts to different things; she's spent twenty years learning what does what to her. But it seems she still hasn't quite adjusted to the sensation of Chaeyoung's skin on hers. Sure, in the past they've touched, hugged, snuggled and seen each other half-naked, but everything's changed completely, and it reflects when they come in contact with each other. Chaeyoung makes her feel like she's falling and doesn't care where she lands.

"I'd love some."

Chaeyoung smiles and then shuffles towards Lisa, head ducking to her chin. Lisa inhales sharply, her eyes flickering from velvet, pink lips to bright, sparkling eyes, not sure which one looks more alluring at the moment. Her arms circle around Chaeyoung's waist, and she spans her fingertips underneath the hem of Chaeyoung's top like it's the most normal thing in the world.

"You want pancakes," Chaeyoung's voice is soft when she speaks, and Lisa's stomach flips as she knows it's because of what she's doing, "With maple syrup."

"I want pancakes," Lisa inches her face closer towards the blondes and inhales in her scent as Chaeyoung's arms loop around her neck. "With maple syrup," she repeats, her voice an octave lower than it was.

Lisa licks her lips in anticipation as Chaeyoung shudders in her arms, hoping the wide grin on her face means a kiss, but just as her eyes flutter shut, Chaeyoung's face inching closer and closer, nothing happens. After about two seconds of waiting, Lisa cracks open an eye and sees her best friend still standing in front of her, grinning widely.

"Good," Chaeyoung steps away, leaving Lisa to pout. "So you won't mind going to get some, then."

Lisa's jaw drops into an 'o' shape and her eyes widen in disbelief. Such a classic 'Chaeyoung' thing to do. The blonde cocks her head to the side, smiles and then steps away, tapping Lisa's nose and heading in the direction of the kitchen, swaying her hips.

"I thought you said we had some!" Lisa half-yells after her, stepping out the bedroom door to look down the hallway.

Chaeyoung pauses and throws a glance over her shoulder. "Guess I lied," she winks and then disappears into the kitchen, leaving Lisa to narrow her eyes in an, I'm-pretending-to-hate-you kind of way as she shakes her head and mutters "flirt" to herself.


Lisa's about five meters away from the store when her phone buzzes in her pocket, she slips her hand in and takes it out, running her thumb over the sliding lock to read the text.

We're doing presents when you get back by the way! – Chaeyoung

She grins and shakes her head, feet still moving towards the store as all her attention focuses on the cell in her hand, and the reply she's conjuring up.

I thought I already got mine? ;) – Lisa

The phone's swiftly back in her pocket as the sliding doors open with a greeting ding, leaving the cold air outside and introducing Lisa to the warmth of the 7/11. Just like she expected, the store's pretty vacant. The clerk behind the counter has his feet propped up, magazine in hand and all concern for the two mischievous looking teens in the corner pocketing various items with no intention of paying for them, completely shot out the window. A few Christmas decorations are hanging limply from the ceiling and Lisa's pretty sure they're the same as the ones she first saw when she moved to Seoul.

"Welcome to 7/11," a monotone voice comes from behind the magazine, "I'm Andrew, if you need any assistance you know where I am, and we here at 7/11 are wishing you Merry Christmas."

Lisa wants to ask what the hell that was even about, considering the other 364 days she comes into the shop, there's barely even a glance from whichever mindless clerk is not paying attention to the thieves in the back corner, but she decides against it – she kind of wants to get home.

She makes a sound of acknowledgement, thinking it's more polite than completely ignoring him and stuffs her hands in her pockets as she makes her way through the store. The teenagers throw her a nervous glance as she comes to the aisle beside them, and she just chuckles, jutting her chin towards the security camera above them. Both of them to stare at the flashing red light on the side of the device for about two seconds before scampering out of the entrance, tails between their legs.

Just as her eyes dart from side to side, eyeing up the sauces and random condiments, she hears the ding of the doors and cranes her neck, rolling onto the balls of her feet to peer over the stacked shelves. It's always intrigued Lisa to know who the hell would come to a 7/11 on Christmas day, seeing as it's kind of sad that they're not with family – but then again, she's here, so maybe they have a case of syrup emergency too. Maybe they're bouncing in their step, hoping to get home as soon as possible so they can cuddle up to their…

Lisa's face falls.

Best friend.

Coming down to the store now doesn't seem like the best idea in the world. It's like inside the apartment, there was an atmosphere that dragged her into an unbreakable daze – allowing all her concerns and her conscience to just fly out the window. Now she's here, staring mindlessly at shelves that don't have syrup on them, just about thirty odd types of ketchup and mayonnaise, she's thinking about what the hell she's going to do when she gets back to Chaeyoung.

She's married. Like, ring-on-the-finger-devoted-eternal-love-and-traded-vows kind of married - not second grade married with candy rings and a kiss on the cheek.

The thoughts get too much, and she shakes them off – it's Christmas, she doesn't want to be dealing with strangling confusion and a guilty conscience. She just wants to enjoy her day with Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung, the only girl who makes an idiotic grin slide across Lisa's face whilst she walks down countless aisles in search for the hidden bottles of syrup. Jesus, it's like 7/11 wants Lisa to buy a pair of trekking boots and throw on a survival rucksack just so she can find the damn syrup.

After about another minute lap around the store, she finds the right aisle. There's only two bottles of syrup left on the shelf, and she shrugs, picking up both. There's no such thing as too much syrup, she thinks, and makes her way back to the counter – hoping she actually remembered to stuff a twenty dollar bill into her pants pocket.

It's probably not good for Lisa to be feeling this way, but she can't help it. She's practically bouncing in her spot as she waits for the small, Asian lady in front of her to pay for whatever she's buying. Damn, how hard is it to just give the damn clerk a few bucks and get on her way? Instead she sets aside the instinct to throttle the innocent bystander in front of her, and lets her brain occupy itself with other thoughts. Blonde haired, brown eyes thoughts.

Excited is definitely the word Lisa would use to describe her mood right now, even though there is a twinge of nervous mixing with it. Right now, all she wants to do is just throw the greasy clerk the twenty she's now clasping and sprint home – leaving the change there since it's pretty much the last thing on her mind. She's buzzing to see Chaeyoung again, even though only about thirteen minutes since she last saw her.


Obviously this would happen.

Reluctantly, Lisa turns to see a bundled up version of Kim Jisoo - mittens, woolly hat, scarf, the whole works cuddling her tiny hobbit form – standing in front of her with a wide grin. Why couldn't it be Jennifer Lopez, or Halle Berry? Or better yet, Chaeyoung coming down to see why she's been taking so long? Why the hell does Kim Jisoo have to be here? What are the chances?

"Oh, hi," Lisa mutters, keeping her head down as the Asian woman finally leaves after paying for her item – yes singular – and steps into her place, sliding the bottles of syrup across to the resistant clerk.

"What are you doing here?" Jisoo asks, her voice high and cheery, and just reeking essence of Christmas. "It's Christmas Day."

"Could ask you the same thing," Lisa doesn't turn, keeping her back to the smaller brunette as she hands over the twenty dollar bill to the clerk, still flicking through his magazine with his spare hand. "Shouldn't you be like, I don't know, making sure Gargamel doesn't ruin your festivities?"

Jisoo lets out a small laugh. "Oh, Lisa. I see Christmas hasn't done anything to cheer up your mood. Are you missing Miyeon?"

Rolling her eyes, and really wishing Jisoo hadn't said that, she hastily snatches her change from the clerk, who jerks in surprise and grabs the bottles of syrup. "Actually I was in a good mood until I felt your presence spike the atmosphere."

"Someone's been reading through their cracker jokes this year haven't they?" Jisoo retorts, her face splitting into a grin like she thought Lisa was actually joking.

"Whatever, Jisoo. I've got to get back to Chaeyoung." She steps around the smaller brunette, before her body collides with a similar sized one and the bottles of syrup drop to the floor.

Of fucking course, the one time she actually has an outing to get away from Jisoo, someone has to knock her right back into the ear-nagging depths of Jisoo world and probably route her there for a good ten minutes. Damn it, she just wants to get home. Plus, what's even stranger is that she's pretty sure she hasn't actually run into someone in like, ten years. Ever since the age of twelve, she'd perfected a fuck off scowl that somehow constantly remained on her face – even when she didn't mean or want it too – and the majority or people just seemed to stay away from her.

Lisa feels her lip curl, now more time is going to be wasted apologising to this stranger when all her legs want to do is lead her back to her apartment and re-join Chaeyoung in enjoying their Christmas festivities.

"Whoah, my bad," a voice comes from above Lisa as she ducks to the floor to receive her fallen items, "Wait, Lisa, right?"

Lisa pockets one bottle in each available pocket and stands again, looking into hazel eyes. "Yes…"

"It's Jennie," the shorter woman says, "Jennie Rubyjane."

Recognition strikes Lisa and she smiles, nodding her head. "Hey, how are you?" It's pretty weird considering she hadn't actually spoken to this woman in a friendly conversation kind of way, only the professional one, and now she's talking to Jennie like they've been friends for years.

"I'm good," Jennie says, "Just picking up some last minute presents." Jisoo's still hovering behind Lisa, and Jennie's eyes flicker over, completely clouding when they land on the small brunette and remain there. "Oh, sorry, did I interrupt you?"

Lisa looks back, suddenly remembering Jisoo's presence and lets out a loud laugh. "Oh, hell no. Saved me is more like it."

The smaller brunette sidles up beside Lisa, her eyes still locked with Jennie's as she smiles sweetly. Suddenly this relatively large store seems kind of small, like Lisa intruding in something. "Right…"

Jisoo turns after a few long seconds, her body sagging as her gaze breaks from Jennie's and looks at Lisa expectantly. That was weird. "Well, are you going to introduce us?"

Lisa's brow furrows and her sight flickers between the two women in front of her. Seriously, what the hell is going on? "Yeah, right," her body faces Jennie, "Jennie, this is Jisoo," then it turns to Jisoo, "Jisoo, this is Jennie."

Jennie's face beams and Jisoo's brightens as they both offer their hands out at the same time, and then blush in embarrassment. This is really cringey, like some lame ass chick flick where two strangers' eyes meet across the room. Eurgh, if Lisa doesn't find a waste bin in a few seconds, clean-up to aisle one is going to be coming through the speakers and the clerk is going to be grovelling. On second thought, that kind of seems like a good idea.

"Hi," Jisoo smiles sheepishly, "I'm Jisoo. I'm friends with Lisa."

"Only because of Chaeyoung," Lisa interjects, not wanting to give Jisoo the gratification of being able to say those words in front of someone else, but also not wanting to be rude seeing as Chaeyoung will probably tell her off later. There's no doubt if she did say anything slightly offensive, Jisoo would go straight to Chaeyoung with teary eyes. Stupid actresses.

Jennie cocks an eyebrow. "Chaeyoung?"

"Yeah, the blonde I was with when we first met," Lisa elaborates, "This is her best friend."


Jisoo narrows her eyes, and Lisa tries to read the reasoning behind the confusion suddenly etching its way across Jennie's face. She can't. "Oh?"

"I thought you two were together," Jennie wrinkles her bottom lip into a small pout as if to shrug with her face, "that's all."

"No, that's ridiculous. Lisa's mar-"

"Anyway," Lisa steps further towards the door, hoping to make a quick exit, "Yeah, this is Jisoo, Jennie," she turns to Jisoo, "shake hands, have a hug, hell, ask for her number. Are we done here?"

The shorter brunette seems stunned by Lisa's bluntness and clears her throat awkwardly, "I guess so," her attention diverts towards Jennie who's frowning at the interaction happening before her, "It was a pleasure to meet you, Jennie." Jisoo's voice is sickeningly sweet as she sticks out her hand, her teeth showing through a wide smile and her eyes gleaming like she just saw the light for the first time. That train wreck's going to be fun to explain to Chaeyoung.

"No, Jisoo," Jennie steps forward, and takes the hand offered, sighing when their fingers brush against one another. Lisa rolls her eyes, because, really? What is this? A stupid romance movie? No. "It was all my pleasure."

Jisoo's face splits into the widest grin Lisa's ever seen, and she tries to think of reasons why the hell Jennie would flatter the dwarf? Seriously, she's doing a pretty good job of feigning interest if it's not legit. "Anyway, however corny and awkward this meeting was, I think I'm gonna go now."

"Yeah…" Jisoo breathes, eyes glossed over like she's in a daze," That… Sounds… Yeah."

Jennie chuckles and suddenly the smaller brunette snaps out of it, blushing furiously as her hands make a path down the front of her miniature skirt, (not to mention a skirt? What the fuck? It's like zero degrees outside), to smooth out the creases as her eyes dart to the floor. "I've gotta get going too."

Lisa scoffs and then looks between the two women, not sure if she should go or stay seeing as the last thing she wants is to miss an opportunity to see Jisoo getting arrested because of indecent exposure and sexual indecency. Now that shit, would be funny as hell. "Okay then…"

Jisoo spares Jennie one last sappy grin, which Jennie returns, and then waves sheepishly and exits, apparently forgetting her reason for actually being in the store in the first place. Lisa's brows raise, a large crease forming in the middle as she tries to make sense of what the hell just happened. It's pretty obvious that Jennie's into Jisoo, and vice versa, and fuck knows why. She can think of more appealing lepers.

"What was that?" Lisa asks, her eyes flickering towards the door where Jennie's eyes are still routed.

Jennie stays silent, and Lisa coughs lightly, but still, nothing.

"Jennie?" Lisa waves her hand in front of the shorter girl face, "Are you in to her?"

This grabs Jennie's attention and she whips her head round, straightening up and shifting the lapels of her jacket like she's trying to play it cool. "Nah, she's... Course not."

"Yeah," Lisa deadpans, shoving her hands deep into her pockets and rocking up onto the balls of her feet, "Sure seems like it."

An awkward silence invades their conversation as Lisa looks around the shop, trying to find something to use as an excuse to get out of there without being rude. Thankfully, Jennie shuffles and stands in front of her, focusing all her attention on the girl in front.

"Hey," Jennie puts her hands into her pockets, "I was meaning to ring you, actually."

A perfectly shaped eyebrow perks up, "Why?"

"I was wondering if YG," hazel eyes dart around the store, like what the blonde's about to say is the most difficult thing in the world, "If you guys were still interested."

"In you?"

Jennie nods, "Yeah."

Lisa runs uneasy fingers through her hair. It's probably not the wisest idea to tell a possible artist that she's considering leaving YG because she can't handle having the boss she does anymore, or the work hours, or just, yeah, that she can't deal with her job. "Uh, I'm not too sure."

Jennie's face falls with disappointment, "Oh, right," she scuffs her shoe along the floor and then glances up, forcing a wide grin that really isn't convincing at all, "Doesn't matter. Just wondering. Well, I've gotta go now." She offers Lisa a quick wave and then turns away, zipping up her bomber jacket and tucking her chin into the collar before heading for the exit.

She doesn't know why, and sure as hell can't explain what the hell she's even thinking about doing this for, but Lisa jerks forward, her hand flying to Jennie's and pulling the blonde to an abrupt halt. Hazel eyes stare at her with question, and Lisa retracts her hand, stuffing them into her pockets of her jeans as she looks past the blonde into the snowy streets of Seoul.

"Look," Lisa whispers, like it's a stage secret, "I only said that because I'm not sure how long I'm staying at YG for."

There's something resembling hope that flickers behind hazel eyes, "Why?"

Lisa shuffles back, clearing her throat as her eyes dart around her surroundings. It's like a crime movie where she's pretty sure secret agents are going to be hiding round the corner, or cameras zooming in on her face and recording the conversation as she speaks. "Because I just…" her voice trails off and she tries to find the right words to say, but nothing comes out.

"Do you wanna get a coffee and talk about it?" Jennie offers, "And trust me I'm not asking you out."

Lisa chuckles, her cell phone buzzing in her pocket and the maple syrup bottles half-hanging out her jacket pockets. It's probably Chaeyoung, and there's pancakes waiting at home. But she doesn't get a lot of opportunities talk to someone about music, which actually understands music. Sure, Chaeyoung's great to talk to, and she kind of gets it, seeing as her life revolves around dance, but it's just not the same thing.

"Sure," Lisa smiles, "Coffee."


It's about an hour later when she walks out of Starbucks with Jennie.

"Thanks," Lisa stops, chugging back the remains of her coffee before chucking the cup into a nearby trash can, "You've helped, a lot."

Jennie nods in agreement, "You've helped me too. But, just think about what I said?" She pats Lisa's bicep, "Alright?"

The blonde is right. She said, after Lisa delved into the dark secrets of the music entertainment business in regards to YG, that there's no point in staying somewhere where her needs aren't being fulfilled. Lisa doesn't want a job where they want to make money; she wants a job where they make music because they want to make music. To spread the deep meaning and joy that songs can bring. Yeah, it pays Lisa's income and gives her the big ass apartment and ability to go a little crazy sometimes, but that's not why she does it. Honestly, if she could choose, and if it was actually a possibility, she'd do it for free. Music means that much to her. Mostly because it saved her when Chaeyoung couldn't, and for that she'll always be eternally grateful.

"Yeah," Lisa breathes in the cold, crisp city air and then out to form little clouds, "I'll think about it."

"Okay, well I've gotta go to a gig now, so I'll talk to you later." Jennie leans in, hugging Lisa and then parts, offering a small wave as she says "bye."

Lisa watches Jennie walk away, when she remembers something. "Hey, Jen?"

"Yeah?" Jennie turns around.

Lisa grins, "Check your phone," she nods down towards the shorter girl pocket before turning away and walking back to the apartment.


Halfway home, her cell buzzes in her jeans pocket and she grabs it, sliding her thumb across the screen to reveal two texts and two phone calls. The phone calls are from an unknown number, and then the two texts are from Chaeyoung. Instantly, butterflies flutter inside her stomach and she can't fight the ridiculous grin that spreads across her face.

With a tap of her finger, she opens the first message.

You did get a present, but not your proper one :P – Chaeyoung

She shakes her head, discreetly pinching her own thigh through denim when the shot of arousal bottoms out at the apex of her thighs. Getting an erection in the middle of the street, in jeans, is pretty damn hard to hide, and not to mention it's embarrassing as hell. She moves onto the next text, flicking it open in a similar fashion.

Hurry up! I'm getting impatient!
(P.S. if you forget the syrup you're gonna be in trouble.) - Chaeyoung

It's starting to snow lightly, and Lisa knows she's looking forward to night of close contact and cuddling, for, you know, warmth obviously. She loves the snow. She's always loved the snow, ever since she was a little kid and had her first white Christmas. There's something about snow that seems to take away all the melancholy that most other weather conditions create. Everyone complains when it rains, heavy or light, everyone complains when it's sunny, because it's either too hot or not hot enough, and everyone complains when it's windy, because it messes up their hair. But snow, there's a period of time when the snow starts falling, that everyone just gets up, looks out the window and watches each individual snowflake cascade through the air, twirling and flying without a care in the world. She loves that snow has that effect on people.

Lisa arrives at her apartment block, entering in the four digit code to get in, when suddenly a wave of nausea hits her. She's nervous. To see Chaeyoung. The one person who she probably feels most comfortable with in the world – and that includes her wife. But when she climbs up the set of stairs, deciding the elevator would take too long, the intense nerves switch to humming excitement.

A quick click of the lock, and she pushes her apartment door open, smiling at the smell of pancakes, warmth and Chaeyoung. Damn, she doesn't ever think she'll get used to this strange feeling.

"Chaeng?" Lisa calls, stepping over the threshold and pulling the bottles of syrup out her coat, placing them on the side table. "I'm back."

The jacket comes next, and she tosses it where it lands perfectly on one of the hooks on the coat rack. A small sense of satisfaction flushes through her, because let's be honest, that was totally cool, and it's only added to the intense buzzing going through her body. It's like nothing can dampen her mood today.

"Chaeyoung?" Lisa turns to slide the locks into place after closing the door. "Where are you?" She tries again, but there's no answer.

After picking up the bottles of syrup, she heads around the small wall blocking her view of the living room, stepping over something by her feet and slows as Chaeyoung comes into sight.

The blonde's sitting on the sofa, dressed in a pair of grey sweatpants and a baggy white t-shirt, her hair's damp and tied into a high ponytail. Lisa quirks an eyebrow, it's not strange for Chaeyoung to have a shower, but in some ways, it kind of is. Not to be presumptuous, but Lisa would've thought she saved the shower for later.

"Chaeyoung?" Her feet wander cautiously into the room, around the sofa so she can take in the expression on Chaeyoung's face. When she does, her own face pales, because Chaeyoung does not look good. "What's wrong?"

Lisa drops the bottles of syrup to the sofa, and bends, crouching in front of her best friend as she places both hands on the blonde's knees, looking up into blank brown eyes. "Chaeng?"

Chaeyoung finally snaps out of whatever daze she's in, and her eyes slowly moves down from their place on the TV, which is playing a mindless cartoon, to meet brown ones staring up at her. Lisa gulps, because she can read the fear, regret and sadness lingering behind those eyes she's become so wonderfully accustomed too. Panic seeps into her body and she tries to fight the rise of bile she feels bubbling at the back of her throat because her eyes, for some strange reason, start darting around the room.

It's only then does she notice the pair of knee length leather boots sitting haphazardly by the small wall.

It's only then does she notice the extra coat hanging on the rack.

It's only then that she realises there's two, small, black suitcases sitting on the kitchen island, with a glass of red wine that she knows Chaeyoung doesn't drink, sitting right beside it.

"Surprise," Chaeyoung whispers, her voice cracking and hoarse like she just spent the last half hour crying.

Her heart almost stops functioning around the same time her brain does when she glances back to Chaeyoung. The blonde is staring at her with pained, brown eyes and she's slowly pushing Lisa's hands off her knees as she gets up from the sofa, her knuckles pushing against the cushions to support her weight.

Lisa's still crouched in front of the sofa, which isn't occupied and it's like her visions blurry as she stares at nothing sitting in front of her. Her fingers flex against the sofa cushions, since they must have landed there when Chaeyoung got up, and suddenly it's like the fabric beneath her palms is the only thing keeping her stable, keeping her from falling and possibly passing out as her skull hits the hardwood floor.

"Babe!" A familiar voice booms throughout the room, and Lisa winces as her the muscles in her legs make the decision for her to stand up. "You're back!"

Chaeyoung's standing in the corner, her back facing the television as her arms are securely crossed across her chest. Her eyes are a dark brown, and bloodshot, like she's trying to hold back unshed tears, and Lisa looks across the room, at nothing in particular as she tries to avoid the guilt pangs violently strumming against her insides.

She's about to open her mouth to say something, to say anything because right now would definitely be the best time – but instead something slightly heavy collides with her body. Legs wrap around her middle and she feels hands push against her cheeks to bring lips to her own. It takes about two seconds to register that someone's kissing her, someone that isn't Chaeyoung, and that Chaeyoung is watching this happen.

Hesitantly, and carefully, she opens her eyes, immediately locking with sad brown ones staring at her from across the room as lips glide across her own. It's strange, like painfully strange, partially because she hasn't actually bothered to take a look at the body connected to the lips, and mostly because about two hours ago, she was doing the exact same thing with the person she's looking at with apologetic eyes. Two hours ago, her lips were pressed against Chaeyoung's, sliding and gliding over each other smoothly as their tongues caressed each other's lips carefully.

But now, she's holding someone in her arms, doing the exact same thing with someone that it doesn't feel as half as good with. It's like her body is being possessed by someone else, like it's not her own as her lips release from the ones occupying hers with a pop. Arms pull against her head, legs tightening around her midsection, and she feels a nose bury into the crook of her neck as she tries to convey every ‘sorry’ and ‘please don't hate me’ she can possible cram into one glance at her best friend.

"I've missed you," the words print into her skin at the base of her neck, and they singe again her like an open flame. "I've missed you so much."

Lisa barely pays attention to it though, instead focused on the way Chaeyoung's body deflates, her shoulders sag as she swallows and blinks, a stray tear leaving the corner of her left eye and trailing excruciatingly painfully down her pale porcelain cheek. The blonde swallows audibly, her arms visibly clenching tighter around her body as she looks up at Lisa with glossy eyes, saying the one thing Lisa really didn't want to hear, and the one thing that was inevitable, but still hurts more than either one of them could imagine.

“Miyeon's back.”

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