May I Take Another?

Von _VaMpIrE_

49 2 2


May I Take Another?

49 2 2
Von _VaMpIrE_

This book is just my attempt at something new I thought I'd try a high school/collage romance story and it's probably gonna suck REALLY bad but hey like I said it was my first time. But this IS still gonna have paranormal people in it like vampires vampireses (although he refers to her as a she-pire) and this will have my personal opinions in it about different mythical beings and if you disagree I would please ask you not to correct me.

 now the main characters name is Blaze Valkilamer Grim he is 18 years old and he is a vampire now this boy has a journal and he love to write in it he does it all the time he writes down facts about his kind and his life and he likes to talk about GIRLS he is OBSESED with girls (but hey at that age what guy isn't? Now he doesn't talk much but he expresses himself in his journal and by his actions not all of which are pure (and don't worry you people out there who don't like sex details I'm not writing THAT kind of romance novel but I will be saying that he does do some things that e doesn't fully explain I hope you enjoy it)

It was hard being a teenage vampire (Blaze wrote in his journal) please for god sake I'm sick of people walking up to me and going bluh bluh bluh I've never said that sorta shit in my life and that stupid ass book twilight we don't fucking sparkle either this is what we actually do

1. we have large k-9 teeth that is true yes we do bite people and we love to bite girls expecialy HOT girls but there is no such thing as a female vampire now she-pires are NOT immortal nor can they change others into vamp kind but they DO drink blood but other than that they are normal people

2.we don't wear capes we actually just usually wear black t-shirts, torn up jeans, and black hoodies

3.super strength that is true

4.woman seduction that is true to a fault that vampire has to actually love that person with out a doubt for the seduction to actually wok if they don't like you they can be a real pain in the ass and yes I admit I am a pain in the ass to a LOT of people

5.unlike what twilight sais we ARE actually capable of moving the muscles in our face and emoting a lot of us are actually quiet amusing once you get to know us

6. think what you want about us but we actually like things you might not think like some of us aren't that pale some of us actually go out in the sun to tan I mean it stings like a mother fucker but hey it's worth it

and hey that's all I've got to say today except for the fact that school starts tomorrow and I don't want to go because I'm sick of working for a teacher it is boring as hell and I hate it but hey when you live alone and there are girls at your school that look as good as the one at mine you've got the motivation but I'm tired and it is 12:02 so goodnight to my world and good morning to another (I stand up and zip up my hoodie and walk outside in the darkness smiling to myself I love the dark it's when the rowdy ones come out when you know what I mean I walk to my friends house she is a very good friend of mine I just hope she's still awake)

Now I hope I can get some positive criticism or ideas for the next chapter because I need help writing this sort of book because as I said I'm not that good and excuse his language because you know the damned have a strong vocabulary
