Alpha Kane

By FatesBetween

12.1M 331K 77.7K

At the age of 31 Alpha Kane Locus Black had given up on looking for his mate, since the age of 18 it was all... More

1. Sora
2. Kane
4. Kane
5. Sora
6. Kane
7. Sora
8. Kane
9. Sora
10. Kane
11. Sora
12. Kane
13. Sora
14. Kane
15. Sora
16. Kane
17. Sora
18. Kane
19. Sora
20. Kane
21. Sora
22. Kane
23. Sora
24. Kane
25. Sora
26. Kane
The End
Bonus chapter 1, Suprise!
Bonus Chapter 2, Black in town
Bonus Chapter 3, Cat-Man
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4

3. Sora

657K 17.4K 8.9K
By FatesBetween

Moaning awake from the smell of bacon in the air has to be the best smell to wake up to.

Also the incredibly sexy image of Kane.

I was not expecting to meet someone the day after my ex-boyfriend cheats on me and I leave the country and instantly feel so attracted to them. He was a walking god, no scratch that.. he is a freaking god walking on earth in human form.

My skin jumped and tickled every time he moved and I felt his gaze on me the whole night. He only ever took his eyes from me is when Lucas said something. It was like I was the most interesting person in the room and we had just met, not to mention he doesn't even know me, but his stares tell me exactly what he thought of me.

His stares made me feel strange things, but I didn't exactly hate it..

Whoever the hell Kane is... I know it's not the last time I'll be seeing him, he made that very clear last night. My heartbeat is speeding up at the thought of seeing him again.

Oh god.

He smelled like the forest... his rough hand felt huge in my much smaller one... his wide shoulders.. those eyes.. oh my god, I am so screwed. Don't even get me started on his body. What kind of workout does he do to get that body? I thought Lucas was ripped but this guy.. it's like as soon as he entered the room he controlled everything.

Kane was a force I would definitely not survive, and I didn't want to.. for some reason I wanted him to dominate me, in every single way and that terrified me, I don't even know the man, and I'm already deeply attracted to him.

I just met him after all and I'm acting like a teenager in love.

No, nope, not love. I just met the guy. I just got heartbroken, I can't go into something so fast again with a guy I don't know!

I'm losing my mind, yep- I've lost my mind.

But damn I want that bacon.

Stretching my arms wide with a groan I get myself out of bed and ready for the day, knowing that today I am surely going to run into this god of a man today, and my legs weaken at the thought. I'm terrified and excited being near him, the combination is an odd feeling.

I have no idea what he will do or say next but whatever it is will surely leave me as a puddle on the floor. I'm getting warm just thinking about him.

His voice... ughhhhh how can a man have a voice that deep it does freaking somersaults in my belly and causes ground shaking flutters between my legs.

Walking into the kitchen I see a grouchy Amanda and grinning Lucas with baby Troy, their son.

I haven't seen Troy much since I got here, he's been with Lucas's parents since this morning, since now he's happily playing with Lucas and his fingers.

"Morning piss-pot. " I say and salute in my English accent as I salute Amanda, teasing her like the old times from our days at college whenever she had a hangover.

She groans and salutes back. "Mornin' why are you so fresh and I'm dying?" She puts the pillow on the table and puts her face into it and groans, making me and Lucas laugh out. She cant handle alcohol at all, I don't know why she bothers.

"Should you be drinking, what about Troy?" I ask, realizing her mistake. "Will he be alright?"

Amanda and Lucas look at each other and things go silent, and I know I didn't say something wrong or funny, but Amanda goes silent while Lucas holds back a grin.

"Uh.. the kind of alcohol we have here is special, it doesn't effect our pu- children, it's perfectly safe I assure you Sora."

What? Is there alcohol out there that is safe for kids? I was about to ask him what he meant but he started speaking.

"How did you sleep Sora? I hope Troy didn't wake you." Lucas asks me from the kitchen.

I drop the subject and I shake my head. "No, he is a gem, it's the bacon that woke me." I say with a shy grin.

His laugh booms. "Of course!"

"Here, dig in!" he hands me a bunch of bacon, egg, and waffles.


"So." Amanda says as she got us from the sofa to sit with us at the kitchen table. Making me look up at seeing they are both staring at me, both smirking at me.

I raise my brow. "Huh?"

Please don't bring it up...

"Kane... what did you think of him?" Amanda asks me.

She brought it up.

And instantly my I feel my cheeks grow warmer. Why did she have to bring him up so early in the morning? Especially after that hot dream, I had of him last night. I feel so awkward talking about him with her like this.. in front of Lucas too.. ugh so embarrassing.

"He's... pretty intense... erm.. but he's nice.. " I mumble out, avoiding eye contact with the two grinning idiots in front of me.

"Oh.. my GOD, YOU LIKE HIM!" Amanda tries not to scream out.

I pale. "N-NO, w-what! We barely spoke!" I stutter out. "I-I mean he kept staring at me and b-barely spoke to me." I keep stuttering. At this point, I want to hide and crawl in a hole and wait for death.

This is so embarrassing and she's loving this.

Lucas joins in next to his wife. "You're both perfect for each other." He wiggles his eyebrows at me which causes Amanda to nod her head in agreement.

"Oh my god, stop it guys... he doesn't, theirs no way a guy like that will go for a girl like me." I let out a sigh. I really am not even in his league. That man definitely has a girlfriend, maybe a thousand.

I get a throbbing pain in my chest at the thought of him with another woman.

Shit, I'm jealous.. I'm jealous of women I don't even know exist.

Lucas snorts. "He never even looks at women, you're the first for him to notice, trust me."

Amanda nods. "It's true, I've never seen him with a woman, he wouldn't do that too --- he wouldn't do that. He is a good guy." She says softly, reassuring me.

I was about to reply when my phone beeps, causing all the eyes in the room to glance at my phone.

To which we all see who it's from as 'Kane' pops up on the front screen.

Oh my god, he texted me! Holy shit.

Why is my back sweating?

Suddenly feeling uncomfortable with Amanda and Lucas's stares I excuse myself. Their faces give it all away, showing me how happy they are that he messaged me, which makes me even shyer.

I head towards the guest bedroom I slept in last night then sit down on the bed. Taking a deep breath I open his text and I'm instantly excited and nervous reading over what he says, reading it over again and again.

8 AM

Good morning Sora, I hope I didn't wake you

I would like to see you today, it would be my pleasure to show you around the community if you would like that?-Kane

I reply with shaking hands, yes yes yes yes.

08:05 AM

Good morning Kane :)
I would love a tour if it's not too much trouble for you?

I hit send. And nervously wait for a reply.

It comes almost instantly and my heart is beating so fast.

08:06 AM

I'm there in 5, be ready for me -Kane

Holy shit, 5? Minutes? I glance at my hair and it's like a bird's nest... panic sets in as I pull myself together. Going with skinny jeans and a navy sweater and putting my hair up high into a ponytail. Applying the small amounts of makeup on to hide my tired eyes, brush my teeth then I put some lip balm on.

I hear a car door slam shut outside and I'm frozen. He is here so fast! What the hell.

I haven't even had the time to mentally prepare myself to meet him again.

This man is driving me wild.

I rush and grab my purse, phone and handbag then I quickly put boots on. I rush out the bedroom door and try to not look so flustered like I didn't just get ready in 5 minutes flat, without warning or time to prepare myself to look remotely human.

I walk into the living room to see him at the door talking quietly with Lucas who has his back to me.

As if they sense me they both turn to look at me, one grinning and one very.. intense stare.. he got here so fast. Did he sleep outside? I laugh to myself at the thought, wouldn't shock me.. he seems very certain of what he wants.


"Hi. You look beautiful." Kane says to me and my cheeks heat up.

I can hear Amanda saw 'awwh' from the kitchen which causes me to blush.

"Thank you." I whisper out.

We say goodbye to Lucas and Amanda then Kane leads me to his car.

How can this man be any sexier?

He drove here in a completely different car than last night. Now it's a beautiful dark red Dodge Challenger GT. I'm in awe, this car must've cost him a fortune.

"I like your car." I smile shyly at him as he gets in the driver's seat.

He smells so good.

He is dressed in dark blue jeans and a black shirt with combat boots. How is it that he can make even the simplest of outfits looks freaking sexy?

"Thanks, sweetheart. I like your hair like that, I get to see your face." He smiles back almost knocking the air out of me.

I feel my cheeks get warm and I'm instantly nervous and aroused being around him.

"Are you cold?" He asks and I nod, his voice is so smooth and relaxing, I feel warmer just by him speaking to me. He turns the car heating on and I'm starting to relax a little, even though now I don't need it anymore.

He clears his throat and I look at him to see he is looking at me with something I can't quite place. "So, where are you from Sora?" He asks as he begins to drive.

"London." I say. "But I lived in Paris for work until... recently."

Until my cheating, lying scumbag of an ex-boyfriend ruined my life. But I won't say that out loud..

He hums. "I like your voice, your accent is cute." He winks over at me and turns right on the road.

I laugh at his comment and I start to feel more comfortable in his presence. "Cute? Damn, I was hoping for sexy." The words came out without me thinking and he looks over me with a smirk, as if I somehow challenged him.

And the thought alone makes my legs clench as I feel flutters forming in my stomach. What is this man doing to me?!

"We're here." He turns off the engine and I glance around.

There's a HUGE lake, surrounded by trees. Much like the one at the back of Amanda's home but this one is huge and surrounded by life. You can hear it in the trees and see it in the water. It's beautiful. Like a painting coming to life.

Without realizing he opens the door for me and I silently thank him as he nods with a small smile. He is so thoughtful and gentlemanlike, who would've thought from a huge muscled rough guy.

He grabs something from the back of the trunk and I notice he packed us food... and just when I think I couldn't swoon over this man enough. This man I don't know but is treating me like I'm his queen.

This scary, sexy, every woman's fantasy of a man. And he is looking at me with the same thoughts as me, they are clearly visible in his expression whenever he looks at me.

"I hope you like bacon." He suddenly asks, making me jump. I nod my head and he grabs my hand and almost instantly the sparks from last night shoot up my arm once again and almost make me moan out as his strong rough larger hand takes hold of my much smaller one.

"Is this okay?" He hints towards the lake with the picnic basket in one hand and his other is held firmly intertwined with my hand, I nod my head and smile up at him.

It feels like his hand was meant to be in mine. It felt right, we fit perfectly.

I nod and he looks breathtaking as he gives me his smile... that smile he only seems to show around me. He barely smiled at Lucas or Amanda. I don't even think he shows emotion unless he is speaking to me.

"I used to come here a lot as a boy with my dad to fish." He says to me and I look around admiring the breathtaking view.

He put the blankets down then kicks his shoes off. I joined him as I look around the spot he brought us, it was gorgeous and seemed unreal like we are inside a fairy tale.

This place is special to him and he brought me here, my heart can't handle how sweet that is.

"This place is beautiful, thank you for showing me this." I smile as he smiles then leans back, resting on his elbows.

"Tell me about yourself." He asks and I freeze.

"What would you like to know?" I ask nervously. Trying not to fidget with my hands, something I do when I'm nervous.

"Everything, anything. I want to know all about you." He says as he admires me and I melt in a puddle.

I freeze unable to speak and he interrupts my silent panicking with a husky laugh.

"Shall I go first?" He offers and I nod shyly.

Embarrassing myself again great Sora.. well done.

He hums and nods. "Okay.. My full name is Kane Locus Black, I was born and raised here. I'm 31, too close to 32, I'm an only child, my folks are still around, they live just half a mile from here and I see them almost most Mondays for dinner."

He hums. "I run this community but before that my old man ran things, I took over when he retired, it's a family business.. when I have a son he will take over from me, it's just how things are in my family." He pauses and looks at me.

"My favorite color is your eyes.. forest green." He moves closer to me and I'm holding my breath in from how close he is to me.

"And I really want to kiss you." He whispers and I look up to him. Feeling the burning in my cheeks as his eyes stare at my lips.


I don't have time to react as his hands hold either side of my face as he leans in and captures my lips with his, he's holding my lips prisoner at an agonizing slow but comfortable pace and it feels like I'm floating. His lips are soft against mine as I slowly move mine against his. I hear a small growl coming from his throat and it makes my insides do flips at the sound and how much I loved it.

What I wouldn't give to hear him growl between my legs.

As if he heard my lewd thoughts he takes my mouth with such force and dominance that I feel like I'm being devoured by a beast. A beast that is starved and starving for me and I'm his favorite meal. His growling is now a constant vibration in my mouth as I moan into his, panting and hot we both back away slightly, he rests his forehead against mine.

I'm staring at his lips which probably look like mine. Red, puffy, and slightly bruised from the intensity of that kiss. His eyes are closed as he whispers a 'what are you doing to me' out.

"I can't stay away from you Sora, please don't make me." He says breathlessly, staring at me with such need in his eyes and tone in his voice.

He wants me as much as I want him.

"I won't.." I whisper against his lips and he closes his eyes and his nostrils flare, almost as if he is trying to control himself.

"Fuck, baby you are mine!" He groans out with his sexy deep voice as he takes my lips urgently again in a fierce battle for dominance which he wins, he will always win this battle... I'm not a match for this beast of a man, quite frankly I'm bloody done when it comes to this insanely mysterious sexy growling man.

I'm utterly fucked when it comes to this beast.

I'm completely doomed.

When it comes to Kane.

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