
By baekhoni

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ice-cream melting, cream dripping, vanilla coating the hand, look how dirty and sticky it is now. More


740 14 13
By baekhoni

in a summer holiday, where the sky is dazzling in blue and the sun illuminating golden light, where the flowers bloomed and where the humidity dampened the outfits, two vans sped the uncrowded road to the resort where they're gonna be staying in chalets with a swimming pool on every section each group of individuals who are gonna be staying in-- quiet separately.

they barely controlled their demeanor and proceeded to behave puerile. besides being loud, they thought it's gonna be a great idea to make races between the two cars as if they weren't accelerated already.

the blasted songs almost shattered the windows into broken pieces, and the vehicles twerked due to the reckless jumping against the seats.

amidst the chaos was mina who was settled between both of her best friends nina and somi. she was a person who'd preserve serenity, and most of the times she'd be either eyeing her phone or peeking through the window to glance at the twin car.

she could feel her heart ablaze, heating up her entire chest from the persisted pulsation of her heart and that's most probably because she was a preserved introvert, so being with a big number of people drained her out. on the other case, she's most probably anticipating to meet him. when that doesn't convince her, then she's definitely overthinking her choice with those pastel pink pants she's wearing.

she had her hair loose to flow down her torso since the car had an air-conditioner.

as the car stopped just next to the frontal gate of one of the chalets the doors slid open for each individual to exit one after another, with their luggage on their grips or hung on by their shoulders.

baekhyun finally made his appearance wearing a plain black shirt, beige shorts, his hair pushed all the way back, a huge black backpack hugging his flat back.

on the other hand, mina stepped out of the vehicle with her also black bag that was big enough to carry her basic needs to last for four to five days, and a smaller chanel bag that carried her phone, cash and cards.

with the humidity suffocating her just by stepping outside, she abruptly tied her hair up into a tail.

the girls that couldn't meet the boys earlier greeted each other with enthusiasm, while mina was at the back waving and mumbling a small 'hi' to whoever's eyes falls on her.

she slowly took her small steps towards the boy who was looking for her only because it always feels home when she sees him and once she reached his figure, she tugged his sleeve to grab his attention, which naturally had him turn around only to meet her eyes.

he approached his mask that was already loose below his nose to pinch it further down under his chin only to reveal his delicate smile that helped the latter to mirror the same grin on her face.

without a 'hi', baekhyun initiated,

"i can't believe i actually miss you."

mina's brow lifted in amusement, almost offended, but before she lost control, she swallowed her sanity back and went with the flow.

"and who's fault is that?"

she received nothing in response besides a familiar warm chuckle that blew out of his stretched lips.

it was only a mere second for her to process that his palm stroked the back of her head in attempt to pull her into his embrace and once she felt his arms circling around her shoulders, her own arms locked his waist securely like a tight rope suffocating him.

the two were interrupted by the noise the girls made when they were checking out the little houses. they were so small yet so wide to fit a group of people.

they rented two chalets with a partition in between that separated them. they had a ground floor and an upper floor, the ground floor had one room and a huge living room while the upper floor has two rooms.

they all stood at the front yard before they decided to take a tour and figure out the structure of the chalets. they walked all the way to the backside through the small door fixed on the alley next to the house, just under the stairs that led to the upper floor.

as they passed the tight corridor, they reached the wider area that had a swimming pool on the centre, umbrellas, tables and chairs and everything that is expected to be seen. it was dark and the only source of light radiating the area was through the transparent wall of the house as well as the pool LED lights underwater beaming the design of the interior.

screaming, squealing and pure excitement was a natural response they gave including mina who was also eager.

through the glass backdoor, they entered the house and it was something they barely see on a normal house-set. the furniture was old-fashioned yet classy and appealing to the eye. the whole interior had from one to matching shades and nothing looked too crazy and out of place.

throughout the tour around the entire structure of the chalet, they stood on the core of the living room while some just headed to the couch to sit.

"alright, we're seven girls here, three will share and lower portion's room, and each room on the upper floor will have two girls."

one of the girls announced and with the proposition, and no one seemed to oppose since it was a rational arrangement. during that, the males were heard discussing and as one of them seemed to argue in a vexatious tone, one of the girls stepped in to check the muffled commotion, one of the boys whined.

"we're five which means one person gets to have a room all for himself and baekhyun argued he'll have it with the excuse that he's the eldest."

baekhyun blurted,

"i am the eldest."

mina blindly protested,

"well, he is the eldest."

due to her unforeseen affirmation, baekhyun burst into a small discreet giggle with his fist covering his mouth, as if he did it willfully to tease mina. and as that went on, the guy proceeded.

"why do you sound so confident, it's creepy."

mina faked the stunned expression followed by a guffaw that didn't make sense before nina stepped in to proceed,

"i mean-- if the eldest doesn't take it then who would?"

"you're so whiny, jongin, shut up, and let's sleep together, am i not the most fun person to sleep with?"

his friend managed to make him surrender after persuading him but he ended up sharing the room with someone else while the girls went to their rooms to just start their night routine considering how late it already is. mina, somi and nina shared the lower portion's room being the three closest friends among the rest.

after a nice shower, the girls were settled over the king-sized bed, plainly on their pajamas and face mask-sheets plastered on their faces, which is something that the most basic girls on a sleepover would do despite that they almost forget the presence of those masks at home.

apparently the air-conditioner was also on and a low music played in the background which echoed in the room.

"look at the eyeshadow pallet i bought the other day."

somi pulled out the mate lavender colored pallet to show it off when nina mocked her.

"why did you bring an eyeshadow pallet in this summer where we're gonna be swimming?"

somi debated,

"it's water-proof!"

she defended herself before the two went on to argue whether there's any need for heavy make-up when they're there to stay casual and have fun.

when the lamps were shut off and somi fell asleep, the other two were just about to take off to their slumber as well only for mina to get interrupted by the small voice of nina echoing across the room when she mumbled out of nowhere.

"i saw how you hugged him earlier."

mina flickered her eyes open before blinking twice, unaware what to make out of that statement and why she's speaking as if she hasn't seen them that close before. after a prolonged silence, mina sighed before speaking.

"you know we're close, and we haven't seen each other for almost a mon--"

she was cut off by another mumble from nina.

"you're gonna spend at least one night at his room, that's why you talked over with jongin, am i wrong?"

by hearing the supposed libel being thrown at her, mina's torso flew off the mattress with such force that the bed almost concussed. she opened the lamp next to her and turned around to face the laying nina and only stared at her in silence.

a few seconds passed with the same unmoving frame before nina finally decided to sit. she hummed casually before uttering.

"relax-- it's just a joke."

mina agitatedly responded.

"no, i....."

she paused before stuttering once again.

"why'd you say that? we barely been half a day here and you're already trying to get on my nerves."

nina's words didn't only offend her but they also had mina doubt herself not because she planned to spend a night with him but only because she imagined it for a good minute and chuckled about it. but she's well persuaded that going to his room wasn't her intention for defending him.

his heavy lids glimmered his eyes open by the skeptical noise that could be heard behind him. something which seemed liked someone was going through his belongings.

with the retrieval of his cleared and unblurred vision, he was naturally brought with the fact that it's already way past dawn as the sunlight illuminated the room from the sheer see-through white curtain.

instead of waking up in peace, he only opened his eyes with irritation by the intruder. his grumpy face drew wrinkles amongst his brows forming a scowl when his frame under the blanket turned around to inspect the source of the noise only to be met with one of his friends.

the other flinched when he saw baekhyun shifting on his bed, and as a response he froze on his spot, not in fear but in await for his friend to regain consciousness.

after their eyes met, he asked abruptly without any prior apologetic elaboration,

"where's your phone charger? i forgot mine."

"fucking go buy one. my god."

baekhyun deadpanned. his voice despite being deeper than the usual, it cracked and was rather weaker except that, ire was clear-cut on his tone.

"i will, but my phone is dead, let me at least charge it to twenty."

he whined so the laying one only heaved a sigh in response, wiped his face with his palm and dropped his torso back against the mattress before pulling the wire under the pillow to toss it towards the latter who stood like a pole next to the bed.

five minutes forward, baekhyun finally decided to get out of the bed, walked to the bathroom to freshen up and without changing, he stepped down the stairs with his pajamas on, and as he walked over the grass instead of the pathway to reach the door, he entered only to find that he wasn't the only person wearing them anyway.

his feet took him behind the bar of the opened kitchen to get to the fridge only to scan it from inside, and indubitably, it was empty considering they arrived late at night. they gathered together to have dinner in a restaurant and directly walked back to the cabins to sleep, which means they got there empty handed without even snacks for breakfast.

"now, what do we eat?"

baekhyun proclaimed as his elbows landed against the surface of the bar to fold his forearms together, shrugging his shoulders from pressure. before he could receive a response, all the girls broke through the frontal door, minus two girls which included mina since she was nowhere to be seen among them.

one of the younger girls placed a plastic container which had what seemed liked club sandwiches. while she was at it, she announced while lifting the lid off the box,

"they're fresh, i preserved them in the fridge and grilled them as soon as i woke up so eat up."

apparently without hesitation, the boys shrouded the table to grab the snack. after having their bites, complimenting the savory flavor of the meat mixed with eggs, ranch sauce, some cabbage and sliced tomatoes, they proceeded to argue that it wasn't enough which they ended up concluding to have a tour around the area and eat since there's going to be a variety of food on their way.

it turned out that two of the girls who were relatives to one another had the responsibility to think about the food they'd need, so they decided to bring bread and meat patties along with the supplementary stuff that they bought earlier in the morning before everyone else have woken up.

baekhyun approached one of the girls to seek information just to fulfil his curiosity since he was been searching among the girls ever since they got there.

"where's mina?"

the female turned her head to listen carefully to his mumbling before she lightly shrugged.

"she was asleep along with nina when we got here. maybe she's awake by now."

the male spaced out as his head nodded in a slow motion as if he was processing it inside his head. eyes fixed on air. his attention was retrieved when the latter added.


she grabbed four pieces of sandwiches from the container and handed them to him.

"hand this to them if you find them awake."

baekhyun grabbed them as his unsteady gaze shifted from the air to her face with a jumbled up expression.

"you didn't reserve them earlier?"

"i thought they were gonna be here earlier."

she whined and that's where the conversation ended. he grabbed the lid to use it as a plate, settled the sandwiches on top of it and made his way out of the door, to the next cabin.

in silence, he discreetly pushed the door open and begun to scrutinize the mute soulless living room. with no one being visible to his sight, he decided to call out for them not loudly but also not so placidly.

not even a minute after, he promptly earned a response when the room door was pulled open, revealing the interior and that's when the blonde revealed herself.

she stepped out of the bedroom and looked around the living room, and by seeing no one except one individual standing there at the core, she asked in perplexity.

"where's everyone?"

as soon as he captured her figure, he stepped towards the room where she was by, and responded on his way.

"with us. these are kept for you."

she leaned towards the food and sniffed the aroma of the grilled meat. after she commented on the scent without a flatter and grabbed the tray-like lid from his hands, she made her way back to the room to place it on the dressing table.

"will change then eat those."

baekhyun walked along her except that he didn't quite enter the room, he just stood at the frame, inspecting the bed and the empty couches.

"nah, just eat first. where's mina?"

the blonde eyed the room for a second as a reaction to his query before responding without stuttering.

"oh-uh, she's in the bathroom."

just with her name being brought up, the female exited to find two people seen in the room than one person. capturing him standing at the doorframe, his blissful gaze witnessed her wearing her pajamas that were too revealing compared to how she'd usually be dressed, more precisely since they were tiny shorts and the entire outfit was made of silk.

it's a known fact by now that mina always felt home in his presence, so to see him out of the blue standing there, almost in the room, her lips needless to say, they naturally stretched to form the most gentle smile.

although his eyes did unconsciously and unwillingly land onto the unusual look of her body, he was easily brought in clouds with her smile that he effortlessly mirrored.

she emitted a small chortle when she turned to the hook-stand to grab her matching rob only to coat herself and while she's at it, she murmured.

"what brings you here? and if you're here.. why is it so quiet-- where's everyone?"

mina caught nina from the corner of her eyes aggressively turning around and cringing at her and under the deep stare. she waited for baekhyun to finish with his response to take her turn to speak.

"they're over at our place. i came here to hand you those."

his chin gestured towards the sandwiches against the dressing table and before mina could speak, nina took the chance to scandalize.

"creepy, you'd be a screaming mess if a guy entered the room and saw you dressed like that."

fries, pizza slices, corndogs, cheese balls, cheese sticks, ramen, dumplings, tteokkochi skewers, rice and fish cakes, ice-cream filled waffles and finally, ice-creams.

smelling food at this point was sickening and that's entirely the script on how much each individual pressed harder on their stomach. burping was something they all were looking forward to.

they arrived there at late ten in the morning and they were still out under the sun when it's past afternoon.

to take advantage of the swimming pool back at their chalets, they finally decided to go back and have a small pool party.

with the decision to hold it at the females' side, everyone went to their own rooms to change into their swimsuits.

the males wore their shorts while the girls went for one or two pieces as for mina, she just decided to wear her summer dress with the idea that she wasn't going to get into the water anyway.

making her way in, the view of the sunrays falling into the water giving it such glow as if it was a glitter pool alone gave her the urge to jump into it. the sunlight could be mean but the wind was nice.

some jumped right in, the other went for the huge colorful ball, while the rest went to prepare the cocktails and fresh juices. a lot happened in one frame. mina stood at the edge of the pool and crouched just to sit down and let her feet into the water.

she dangled her legs and splashed the water in a playful manner. as she sat there for a moment, she captured a figure underneath the water wobbling and as he almost got beneath her amongst her legs, his identity was revealed when he came to the surface.

mina blasted into a rapt snigger, enthralled by the scenery of him just appearing in such an appealing posture with his wet strands almost covering his eyes and his rectangular blissful smile painting his expression.

as their petit chuckles fused all together, they gradually evaporated into a prolonged enchanting staring contest before the latter leisurely swam closer to mina enough to use her lap as support for his arms that folded right over them.

"what are you up to? seated all alone here without even a drink in your hand."

she sarcastically rolled her eyes before eyeing him once again from the corner of her eyes.

"we just got here and you're already worried about my lack of company."

"you've got friends but you're barely seen spe--"

she was dazed gazing down at him as he spoke when her hand ascended off the ground next to her at a snail's pace to his face for her palm to airily caressed the side of his head to fumble the strands with her fingertips before she eventually shifted the side of her digits to adjust his hair off of his eyes just to have a better look at them. when she noticed how she managed to stupefy him by observing his stunned reaction after cutting off his sentence, her brows lifted in a flinch in utter amusement.

before she could even exhale or given the chance to have a glimpse of his tiny grin that was drawn out his timidity, he pushed himself back into the water by jumping backwards and swam back to the centre of the pool along with the others, and she just discreetly monitored him.

subsequently when her attention was averted elsewhere, somi crouched next to her.

"you pussy."

she was wearing a dark red one-piece swimsuit that matched her dark skin, her height and her weight were so astounding, to which she was easily given the opportunity to try being a model that she is now.

"i'm thirsty."

mina didn't avoid her comment but only bypassed it, and there was a difference.

"try the strawberry juice, it's bomb."

and with that, she jumped into the pool.

a few seconds afterwards, mina finally decided to lift her bum off the ground and decided to go play and be active rather than just sitting down. she grabbed the racquet off the ground and called out chanyeol's name who was supposedly the best challenging one among them.

on the first round she only had 2-8, on the second it was 4-6 and on the last she was cursed with 3-7 which ended up with her throwing it on the ground with exaggerated rage while the latter just cackled with ridicule.

with desperation to win, she invited the petite girl to play with her which helped satisfying her with greater numbers but even with the little booster, the taller was on the background mocking her for gaining strength through a smaller one which wasn't an insult for her but it was an indirect indignity for the girl.

despite that mina and ari, the girl, didn't have the best relationship, mina still decided to defend her by throwing the racquet at him, although it didn't get to reach him but it managed to shut off the noisy radio.

"i can't believe you didn't call me to play with you."

baekhyun appeared with two glasses between his grip behind the spaced out mina before he sat down. she lifted her face off her arm and eyed the envious man sitting right after her and as she stared at him, she muttered.

"you were busy anyway."

she faked a classy attitude of speaking and blinked five times with the speed of light before approaching the red juice to slide it towards herself. she took a sip from the straw and while gulping the liquid, she chewed the chunks mixed with the shredded ice.

the two remained silent for sometime just watching the rest playing and having fun. their voices waved through the air which filled the entire area with eventful energy despite the purplish orange color of the sky, indicating that it was already sunset.

baekhyun then proceeded.

"don't you have a swimsuit?"

mina almost choked on her juice before a small laughter spilled out with her mouth concealed by her hand.

"i do and i brought them but-- i don't know.... i'm not used to showing this much skin since i'm not that big of a fan for beaches and summer."

he hummed by hearing her response, averting his eyes elsewhere, perhaps in thought and when their eyes met once again, he teased.

"or do you just not know how to swim?"

she promptly responded readily.

"sshhh, somi called me a coward earlier because of that."

"that wasn't the exact word she used, though."

listening to him admitting to eavesdrop and basically knowing that he heard the word that came out of her friend, it led her to throw the straw at him out of embarrassment.


baekhyun only giggled after dodging it witnessing her reaction, and after his not so irritating voice faded, she heard him utter.

"i can teach you."

she stayed still, gaze fixed down on her fumbling fingers over the surface of the table.

she held up the glass, sipped from it, gulped it then responded.

"no, it's uncomfortable with everyone around."

her lids then finally lifted, to glance up at him.

"and who said we have to do it now? let's take sometime during the night when at least most of them are asleep, and let's have our time together. it'll be fun. you can then show off your swimsuit."

as timid as she was hearing him indirectly setting a date for the two of them, she was somehow taken aback by his last sentence which enforced her to sough and release a flustered scoff. she was slightly in disbelief how confident he was to imply that he's eager to see her on the swinsuit


she uttered his name under her quivering breathes, her eyes unable to meet his own so she kept them downwards. soon as she lifted her face back up, glancing at the view next to her she sighed, aware that his silence meant he's waiting for an affirmation.

after a moment of her attempt to gather herself together and even her breathing pattern, she responded in a muffle when her head dropped down over her folded arms.


a tiny chuckle slipped out of his mouth not only in delight but also by the sight of her flustered state. he stretched his arms for his palms to reach the top of her head that was facing him anyway, and patted it while uttering the following.


during the night around 8, everyone settled in the living room, talking, playing games, watching television and just doing anything that could be thought of. some sat on the couches, and some sat on the ground.

baekhyun was fixed at the foot of one of the couches over the carpet while mina filled the space next to him.

her clinging habit plugged the gap between herself and him as her torso could be seen slanted against his chest while her knees inclined over his lap.

she felt so comfortable, secure and at ease with him that it wasn't a challenge for anyone to notice how she barely left his side that night. the two not only shared the same air, they also ate separately and shared a coke can with a single straw and were nigh on their own world.

everyone in that room had their bed outfits on. mina was on her nightgown which was made of beige silk fabric and beyond the shadow of doubt, she had her matching silk rob on despite that the gown was long enough to cover more than half of her thighs, she intended to conceal her cleavage that was way too exposed to be just shown.

on the other hand, baekhyun just had the same plain black t-shirt matched with a pair of black sweatpants.

he could've worn one of his pajamas but he just decided to keep whatever he had on earlier that day.

midnight was approaching after two hours and everyone was still awake which rattled the chances for their supposed date to take place. more precisely because they didn't seem worn out despite the activities done during the entire day since the morning.

it was only half an hour when they slightly calmed down, sat limp and moved tardily on their spots which could be seen as an advantage but also had it's own flaw when it started getting quieter and quieter, making the pair's conversation more audible and clearer to the distance.

they weren't precisely having an inappropriate subject, they were just being personal.

"my goodness, i can't believe that i'm also getting my battery drained. my lids feel heavy."

mina muttered as her head fell backward to land right over the edge of his shoulder, which gave him a clear view of her facial features when his head was turned to gaze down at her to observe her face.

"i might let you take a nap if you want."

he attempted to hearten and soothe her up since she seemed concerned, fearing about her inability to hold it till everyone actually decides to fall deep into their sleep.

when he received nothing from her as a response and just watched her eyes closed to relax her lids, he gulped before adding.

"come on, let's go to my room. it'll be easier for me to wake you up when i make sure everyone is asleep."

mina avoided to overreact and exaggerate in-spite her shaken body as reaction. she remained tranquil and serene from the outer view but she did feel her organs making flips inside her.

she stayed discreet and calm, gulped the lump on her throat and lifted her head off his shoulder, opened her eyes, turned her head to his side and glared at him in utter silence.

his brows lifted, puzzled on what exactly to pinpoint from her empty expression or rather a face that filled expressions and couldn't decide to pick what to exactly draw.

"don't you think it'd be more comfortable for us?"

you don't get it, mina thought to herself, pondering about the conversation she had with her friend the previous night. her gaze stirred, transferred her sight from him to the laying nina on the couch shifting from conversing to glancing at the screen.

baekhyun followed her gaze and eyed nina too, but immediately retained the sight of mina who was now almost on his lap.

"does she tease you too much?"

she only provided him with nothing but a single nod and a hum as response which led him to speak again.

"she'll get over it. she's probably doing that because she's not used to seeing us in one room often."

as he reached the end of his sentence, she lifted both of her hands and wiped her face with her palms in frustration while mumbling the following.

"doesn't matter, i'll deal with her. my eyes are way too heavy, let's just go, i need sleep."

baekhyun naturally drew a pout on his perplexed expression and lifted his bum off the ground when mina was also on the process of standing up.

they feared anyone questioning them about their destination but god bless, they did not, perhaps assumed they were just going to hangout.

the two walked past the group but from the backside of the couch and the crowd and made their exit from the frontal door to the yard and from there they walked over the pathway to the stairs and stepped up to the balcony which led to the door to his room.

entering there, she was met with a huge room that had a small section that is used as a kitchen, a bathroom and the larger portion as a bedroom. one side of the room didn't have a wall but was rather made of glass windows curtained with the white sheer see-through curtain.

she stepped straight towards it and peaked through the slit to have a glance at the view outside from the higher floor.

"i can't believe you brought your gaming setup here. we're in a vacation."

she deadpanned when her eyes landed on the office table that was crowded with his gaming equipment, making him giggle playfully.

she hopelessly sighed and walked over to the same hook-stand she had in her shared room, untied the belt of her rob and left the garment fall loose over her shoulders, took it off and hung it by the hook.

baekhyun was already settled on the side of the bed, leaning on his back against the pillow while his attention was given to the phone on his hand.

she approached the bed, and got over the mattress with the edge of the blanket fixed on her grip to drag it along with her as she crawled towards him and after settling down next to him, she covered her legs up and leaned over to check the screen to see what he was doing.

under the silence, she decided to come up with most random question to talk about.

"are you superficial with anyone among your friends?"

with his attention fixed on the screen still, he hummed in thought before mumbling a 'not really' which immediately killed the chat.

to her perspective, she was slightly taken aback by his cold behavior towards her but to make it clear, baekhyun was only lessening the risks of constantly moistening his lips from the dryness that could take place by eyeing her under the night.

but that didn't last.

"anyway, where do you think we're gonna go tomorrow?"

baekhyun felt weak around her that giving her an intimidating aura and a thick demeanor felt too off for him to even act it out so he did eventually settle on the centre of the mattress, folded his legs together and started jumping from one subject to another topic and took her into a dive onto another prolonged conversation that didn't have an end to it.

the clock hit past 10 by then, and they were still laughing and leisurely exchanging babbles and at one point, mina was further dazzled the more she studied his features considering she wasn't able to observe him this close nor this deep ever since they got there.

"have you ever heard about flavored lipsticks?"

she blurted out of nowhere causing the latter to scoff, incomprehensive of what she uttered which helped her to add further with the same energy.

"i've actually seen it somewhere on youtube years ago. it's like flavored lipsticks, they apply it and have their partner or whatever taste it off their lips and figure out what it was."

baekhyun's brows lifted in bewilderment, exclaiming shortly as he was unaware of it.

"that's kinda intriguing, it'd be nice to lick your lips like ten times in a row to figure out what the flavor is."

mina felt the boiling blood in her veins almost exploding from her ears out of shyness when she heard him speak and by releasing a reluctant  cracked scoff, she responded.

"it's not like you haven't done that before."

despite the butterflies pinching his stomach internally, he seemed rather serene and uneventful from the outside judging by his posture and the casual smile drawn on his lips.

"you had loads of strawberry that day."

she then promptly answered.

"oh, by referring to strawberry, i have brought a strawberry flavored lip balm, should i go and apply it?"

his body language eventually came to express some agitation as he was seen utterly flabbergasted by her remark or rather an implication or a hint.

"you want a kiss?"

panic had him let the cat out of the bag by directly asking her without thinking or at least going on with her game.

she dwelled in his words and her thoughts as she left him without an answer for at least twenty seconds, just staring him down in mute. he was mirroring her eyes when he also bided. after those seconds, she murmured almost inaudibly.

"i miss you, how long has it been?"

it is undeniable that he yearned for her every single day but seeing her in such state helped him recall the duration they were unable to sit this close to each other.

he gasped for air when he was already falling into dizziness and failing to keep his rational mind after he figured how overwhelming their atmosphere has gotten.

with a small whisper, he commanded.

"come here."

she knew he wasn't going to refuse it and she was more restless and tensed up about it considering that she knew how much tears she's going to shed the moment they touch. but even regardless of that, she was already stirring her frame to inch closer to the male sitting right in front of her.

as soon as she got to him, she used his shoulders as a prop to settle herself right over his lap, fixing her bum exactly at the centre of his folded legs.

once she came face to face with him, his hands immediately sneaked to her shape only to hold her hips under his palms, drawing a gentle simper and before he murmured he released a titter.

"you just had pasta and meatballs, that's probably better than strawberry right now."

without anticipating or planning a response, the two of them narrowed the gap between their faced before it was completely seal by their lips meeting.

not even six second into the kiss, and baekhyun has already breached the flesh with his tongue when he licked the bottom tier of her lips, which has naturally caused the two of them to open their mouths to provide a better access.

his left hand was seen to slide further to the backside only to tighten his grip on her. their heads tilted on the opposite sides to some degrees that were enough to make the kiss more comfortable and natural.

they weren't only suckling on each other's tiers but it was also baekhyun who couldn't let go of her tongue and kept repeating the process of suction to take almost the entire wet material into his mouth.

it was long after mina started creating soughs and whimpers to slip from her mouth during the session and it's when the two acknowledged how serious, sincere and genuine it has gotten since they begun feeling their bodies sinking under the mattress to their own paradise.

the pressure on her through his hand was so heavy that she constantly felt the need to stir forward even when their torsos had made contact and by the sensation of his crotch underneath her, her breasts against his chest, their sloppy lips against each other, she began clenching on his shirt and although her message was conveyed, baekhyun found joy by seeing her breathlessly whining against his lips and the most alluring part was the fact that she was yet glued against his lips despite her visible struggle to keep the kiss ongoing under the lack of oxygen.

the tranquil room was filled with nothing but the relaxing light sound of the air-conditioner and the sloppy motions of their lips over each other, alongside their heavy breathes that were easily heard across the room.

as they eventually loosened the tension and tardily initiated to retreat, a visibly glowing string of their saliva stretched from the corner of her flesh, connected to his own.

they needed almost a minute to refill their lungs and when mina thought it was hopeless to slow down the quick pulsation of her heart, she clung further onto him and entwined herself around him before she mumbled.

"i don't wanna get up. i love the feeling of your bulge, specially when i felt it growing and rising."

they both knew her intentions to tease him were merely an attempt to suppress the fact that she has already messed her undergarment and how the slippery sensation has grew uncomfortable for her.

baekhyun released a chuckle before plunging on her into another session except this time, he aimed for her jaw, her neck and further down to her collarbone, her chest and eventually her cleavage.

mina reclined her head to provide him better access to her skin and the moment he reached her cleavage, her entire body squirmed. she was constantly swallowing her saliva to avoid it from leaking out, though she knows she'll later lose her control over it and soon will start drooling.

she called out his name under a light whimper but later slowly shut her eyes to just live the moment. he once again ascended to her neck but that time, his right hand made an appearance when it slid all the way up to caress her breast and just when his palm made contact with the soft mound, he grasped it and airily initiated to flicker the erected nipple with his fingertip for a small minute before he used the pad of his thumb to fondle and press on it.

at this point, mina was unable to hold back her voice but she managed to suppress it by muffling her volume.

baekhyun's face was now almost buried against the side of her face, his lips parted enabling her to feel his breathes stroking the skin on her cheek.

soon when his lips proceeded to wander around her skin, the busy hand pushed the stripe of her gown to fall off her shoulder and due to how loose the neckline was, it was easy to reveal her left breast to his eyes which encouraged the corner of his lips to stretch into a coquettish smile.

as his eyes fixed on the naked breast, he glanced over her face that already seemed too dazed and drunk into the initial stage of the dive still, his gaze fell once again to land at the sight of her own lap.

her dress was lifted all the way up to her groins when her thighs were completely exposed to the air.

he was well aware of her dampness, and that alone has grew the eager in him to soak her up further by descending both of his hands to sneak them under her dress just to touch her bare skin on his palms and as they reached her buttocks, he gave them a hard grope that enforced her to arch her back followed by a sob.

that behavior, that touch, the final grope was her last straw and that was when her gaze fell on his abdomen where his waistband was. her hands travelled all the way to fumble the surface of the shirt where the band was beneath and not long after, one of her hands went down further to squeeze itself between her and his core just to reach for the lace to pull it down in attempt to untie it.

baekhyun quietly watched her taking every desperate step as he scrutinized the movements of her hands and when she loosened the knot, her face was lifted back up to glance at the empty space next to his neck and that's right when she gradually proceeded to grind his crotch.

he had a boner. but she wanted to harden it further until she senses a wood-like material under her and as it helped stimulating her furthermore, she was found rocking herself on the top of him as if her life depended on it.

the pleasure she felt even with the interruption of the fabric had her imagine the  paradise she'd feel when it's off.

the impatient male reached out to his waistband from both sides as she grinded on his, and pushed his sweats off alongside his boxers to his knees which was enough to provide skin to skin sensation and despite that she still had her undergarment on, it's undeniable how the feeling was ten times better than the prior.

she paused her motions for a moment just to mesmerize the rod that jumped to her vision.

she couldn't hold herself back from the urge of touching it which ended up with her fingers curling around the shaft and gently observing the hardness and the shape of it between her hand.

before she could even take her time to look at it more, she felt baekhyun's hand on the right side of her hip clenching her panties and as he begun twitching it out of the place, mina adjusted her right leg in such a way that enabled the male to pull it off of her leg smoothly, letting it hang loosely on her left thigh.

once the fabric was off her core, mina felt the cold air stroking the damp skin under her and the sensation of her exposed nakedness sent shivers down her spine, which was visible to the male how he captured her frame quivering for a second.

a titter slipped out of his mouth that was stretched to draw a one-sided smirk. his eyes toured around her entire frame to observe each corner of her shape, studying how evidently aroused she was just by the state she was in.

their breathes were heavy judging by their chests that could be seen rising and slouching.

mina felt like her heart jumping out of her ribs, causing her to constantly swallow her saliva, sniff and sob and although it could seem as if she was weeping, she was more immersed with the venture into paradise with him that she has waited for.

her grip clenched on his t-shirt against his chest when she felt his shaft twitching amongst her core, stroking the surface of the sensitive area right in the middle.

with the mere touch of their bare skins that just met, she could feel herself at the verge of slobbering.

afterwards, she raised her hips upwards to alter the position of his rod to slope down horizontally under her core but when he confronted her about how uncomfortable it felt to him, she slanted it back up vertically before she decided to alter her own posture.

her back tilted backward in order to emerge her labia to come to view and once it stood parallel to his member, she inched closer to help them meet.

mina pushed her hips further towards him just enough to feel his hardened shaft filling the space amidst her folds and for a split seconds, she started to ascend her pelvis before descending in attempt to rub her clitoris against his member and from the initial motion she made, the two of them heaved a moan that proved their gratification through the collision of their most intimate areas.

she felt chills that her corners internally shivered and as she repeated the process, she almost mutedly begun to sob under the whimpers that wasn't permitting a break to her throat. her speed increased bit by bit that his entire member was distinctly glowing under the light which was a result of her lube that she smudged the surrounding area including her own thighs.

she was so drenched that the two has gotten used to the additional sound under the silence of the room which was of the sloppy fraction their genitals made.

as baekhyun recognized the sottish look on her face, he carried her off of his rod by her waist in order to avoid having her reach climax when they barely started yet and by that, mina was by some means brought back.

she didn't necessarily say anything, she only quietly propped herself by gripping on his shoulders just to stand upright on her knees and with her neck being on the same level with his face, it was easy for him to take note of her rising and falling chest and the little sounds she made in ferventness which made it evident to him that he wasn't the only one who was in such state.

the position of her body slightly bent only to reach out for his member and to make it easier, baekhyun approached it and circled his digits around it to hold it for her and it's when her frame descended to a lower level and once she felt the tip compressing her clitoris, he attempted to tease her further by shoving it between her labium, enforcing her to whine his name in a cracked moan, which was an indirect way to complain, and with his ability to have an advanced comprehension of her, he released a chuckle when he recognized what that meant.

he wobbled the tip in circular motions against the wet surface to eject whimpers out of her but it fired back when he was the one also emitting groans from the overflooding sensation of pleasure he felt.

after getting the signal that their patience and control begun to perish, he finally settled the tip right against the surface of her aperture and that was the allusion for mina to descend. she lowered her frame which naturally allowed his member to make the entry and as it inserted gradually, she felt her walls stretching in a progressive manner with a pleasant pain.

the way her cavern shrouded his member and clasped it conveyed him a massive amount of delight that he was seen lowering his heavy lids with a vehement sough escaping his lips. and mina was no different when she airily cried out by the number of emotion merging in one second through her veins.

as soon as he sank deep inside her, baekhyun expelled his thrill by praising her while she just spitted a curse except that it came out soft and gentle from her mouth.

in a lazy method, she begun wobbling her hips to the sides in circular motions to persuade herself that he was indeed plugging her hole, after a very long time, she's finally coming to reach this level of intimacy with him, after the long yearn.

it took her quite awhile to awoke from pondering and he was the one helping her with that when she felt his palm gently caressing her head, burying his fingertips among the strands of her hair while his other hand over her thigh fondled her skin.

her gaze climbed to his face only to be met with his smile, the reassuring smile that she didn't think she needed. that alone caused her torso to lean forward just to have his lips to be captured by her own with the thought that she needed a dose of the dulcet aura she received by devouring his flavor.

his hand on her head tugged on the strands before applying pressure of her head with the intention to pull her towards his face and that was when they fell into another heated battle except this time, they were connected.

nothing interrupted the kiss except mina who ascended to eject his rod and before the tip could slip out, she descended once again and with that, the riding session has taken place.

on the initial stage, her motions were tardy and lazy and it was entirely for her to get used to his size until she adjusts to it and it wasn't hard when her lube coated her entire cavern, his entire shaft alongside their smacked skins against each other.

her liquid leaked so much that she was certain she never felt this lubricious and lustful before.

with her body swayed and vibrated on such manner that every access flesh on her quivered in the process which included her thighs, her buttocks, and her breasts, more precisely the naked roofless one.

the scenery in baekhyun's point of view was so voluptuous that it took a huge role in driving him to the edge. everything occurring inside his room had an erotic atmosphere because under the literal silence of the room filled not only their audible breathes or their moans but it was also the damp fraction of their soaked genitals alongside the smacking noises of their skins slapping against each other which proved how much mina has positively accelerated the crams into her cavern.

her back was inclined backward, supported by her limbs when her palms landed right over the mattress to prop her up. as for baekhyun he only seated on his spot, monitoring every motion taken by her, every detail of her trembling corners or her bouncing mounds, and felt every bit of pleasure she provided to him not only by punching her sweet spot with the head of his shaft but also by emitting her crying moans and presenting him such view of her salacious nakedness despite having her dress still on but barely holding on. besides the brief particular detail of her panties still worn on one side of her thigh.

his hands were persistently shifting from one spot to another. one moment he's tucking her hair behind her ear, on the other hand he's caressing her neck, while sometimes he's groping her breast or fondling her buttocks or her thighs.

it's only last when he was fixed on one area.

as baekhyun gradually acknowledged that he was just nearing climax, he decided to double the pleasure of her knowing that she'll be a moaning mess if he does it.

his hand glided all the way across her shape, passing the outline to her pelvis, and further down to his goal. he took out two of his middle digits and without a delay, the pads shoved between her soaked folds before he begun to shudder the area with the help of his vibrating motion.

undoubtedly, mina's whimpers loudened without a second thought when she felt his own hand being used on her clitoris to deliver her the pleasure she has been waiting for and despite the reasonable gratificaion she felt, she knew she needed his hand on her.

mina cried out as she was awarded with the flood of pleasure that has been doubled up for her. she received both through the chafing shaft thrusting inside her cavern and her sweet spot getting tapped with the head as well as his hand on her clitoris providing her the needed sensation of a vibrator.

at this point, she knew she'll be reaching the edge in no time, and more precisely if he takes another move. and baekhyun being baekhyun, he did.

as bad as it already was, after being given the severely sturdy shudders, he proceeded to slap the area and it was mind-blowing to her that he remembered such detail about her. he recalled that mina was sensitive to her core being smacked and she had gotten mixed up between feeling touched by effort to remember everything about her and between how nasty he is for choosing such a way to boost her way to climax because it always worked.

on the midst of his strokes and her crams, she felt shivers travelling all the way to her back, limbs, and stomach that her entire body begun trembling in an abnormal manner and during the rattled motions of her sways she emitted a moan that was in a higher volume than the previous ones.

and instantaneously throughout the event, his hand on her core rather than smacking or shuddering were now tightly pressing the soft wet surface which turns out it was his reaction to his own orgasm because when mina was orgasming, he rhythmically permitted a groan to escape his parted tiers in a matching volume as her own with his head that lolled back on the process and with mina almost squirting additional fluid, she felt a warm thick fluid filling her entire cavern inside her aperture.

which meant he ejaculated inside her.

the melody of their soughs filled the erotic air of the room. he felt his own liquid coating his sinking shaft from inside while she felt it flood inside of her, which effortlessly given her goosebumps.

not long after, his thick fluid begun to leak out, dripping all the way to their skins and his thighs.

gathering all the missing air back to their lungs was the roughest part specially when the two were submerged and yet to process what just happened.

mina collapsed on the top of his torso, concealing her face onto his chest which allowed her to hear his heart throbbing against his ribs and to feel the surface rising against the side of her head.

the two of them took at least a minute and half to regain all the oxygen back in silence before they could expel a word.

a moment after the two of them were soothed down, specially with her head on his chest and his hand on her head stroking her hair gently and patting it, she mumbled in such a low volume that was luckily heard due to the tranquility.

"i need to pee."

they both knew she was sore at this point and walking was a whole separate task to do, so he took action without speaking.

with a small inaudible titter, he released her from his grip and left her relax on the bed, as he slide over the mattress to the edge to get off of it before making his way to the bathroom. entering there, he first went to rinse and clean up all the mess made on his member and the surrounding area and after pulling his pants back on, he steered his body over the sink to wash his hands and once he was done, he exited the bathroom and approached her feeble-like figure.

he first helped her to sit upright before carrying her on his shoulder. despite the session they had earlier, he has the audacity to still play around with her when he knew she wasn't in her full power to fight back, specially when she's tipsy sleepy.

he settled her over the toiler seat before standing there, inclining his upper arm against the wall as his forearms were folded. he did that even when he knew mina wasn't the most confident female to be able to pee in front of anyone even with the person she's most comfortable with but she didn't have a reasonable defense against him when she was literally riding him twenty minutes ago.

the trickling sound of her pee echoing in the room was so flustering to her, that the red shade on her skin deepened even further to her ears now, which was followed by her covering her entire face with her palms before speaking crackly in a sobbing tone.

"get out...."

he burst into a small chuckle before adding an "okay okay" as he walked out.

"i'll be waiting here."

mina heaved a sigh of either relief or annoyance when she was finally given the freedom to clean herself up instead of letting him to the job or doing it in front of him.

after she carried out the process, she stood off the seat and held the edge of the sink as a support before calling out his name, to which he promptly appeared and entered through the door and that's when she questioned.

"where do you put your dirty clothes?"

her voice echoed in the small room as she looked at him with the concerned expression drawn on her face while she held her undergarment that was no more usable without getting washed. he knew she couldn't just walk out now in that state to put her undergarments among her used clothes so he took it from her hand and murmured.

"i'll take care of it. are you done?"


she hummed before she took small steps towards the sink to wash her hands and during that, baekhyun walked out to place the clothe along his own used boxers into a bag, tied it and shoved it somewhere next to the pile of his clean clothes.

as his feet took him back to her, this time, he cutely bent in front of her to wrap his arms around her hips before lifting her off the ground only to carry her up vertically just the way she stood like that. she grabbed on his shoulders to keep herself fixed and emitted a giggle at his behavior in disbelief.

once she was settled on bed, he spoke in a flirty tone as he was tucking her.

"you worked hard, next time, let me be the one to do the job."

she abruptly lifted the edge of the blanket upward to hide her face as she responded.

"i can't believe you're indirectly telling me that you're gonna be the one to fuck me next time."

"i can't believe you're shy yet you're uttering the words 'fuck me' just like that. i love it when you're explicit."

another sigh was heaved. she retained serenity when she wasn't seen to be moving or showing any sort of reaction, she just suddenly seemed mute. her face was barely showing anyway since she had it all curtained. when baekhyun made it next to her, he pulled the covers off of her but her features were already buried against the pillow.

he was gonna push her to speak but he decided to just let her rest, aware that it was a lot to take in.

it was the same case with him except that, he was better at acting natural than she is. he eventually found himself slouched against the headboard of the bed, blank, staring at nothingness.

he was viewed conscious but his mind was otherwise.

he sunk deep into his thoughts, pondering on everything and every choices he has taken. if mina didn't stir, baekhyun would've dug deeper into everything that increases the chances of ruining a lot but she managed to interrupt his thoughts when she abruptly circled her arms around his chest.

baekhyun didn't give a single sign of hesitation when he exchanged the gesture and held her into his arms as well. later on, it wasn't difficult for baekhyun to figure out that she wasn't overthinking but it was something else.

amidst her face and his shirt could be heard a small muffled noises of her sniffing her snot and if it wasn't obvious enough, he also felt his own shirt dampening the more she stayed in.

he did understand what it was for, and it was alone flooding his heart with the gust of emotions.

mina was crying, she knew it'd happen and she prepared for it but she didn't know it'd shudder her heart in such a way that she'd feel pain out of it. the more it throbbed, the more she clenched on his shirt.

at this point, the fabric of that tee was almost wrinkled on several spots distinct from each other which would be suspicious if anyone noticed it.

throughout the entire time she was weeping, all he could do is stick by her side without moving an inch and if he did, he'd be just snuggling closer to her. he fondled her hair, pampered here and even sang for her long until she was finally lulled to sleep.

onto her deep slumber, baekhyun stayed up for sometime, till the midst of the night.

he was lost between waking her up for the date when he figured that everyone was deep asleep or just let her sleep and leave the date for the next day.

nevertheless, that night was the night baekhyun made mina cry in contentment and happiness and he was the reason to let her sleep in such peace. i mean, look at her face.

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