Lost girls(Annie X female!rea...

By loser_bitxhz

6.9K 166 92

Gun shots were Shot towards Annie and hitting her "Annie!" Y/n yelled running up towards Annie on the floor a... More

Carly stratmann
Wald & lou
Where's carly
Annie and y/n,Party fight
Found out
Hang out
Annie leonhart and y/n l/n
Bonus chapters

Wayne Eisner

597 22 17
By loser_bitxhz

3rd person P.O.V
"I'm already out!"a guy yelled shaking his small bag only to find crumbs."Hey!anyone got some coderoin with em?!"the guy yelled "you need to slow down with that stuff man" another guy across the bar said

"Shut it!I don't need your lectures!" The guy yelled "give you a good deal,mister.heheh" a guy across the table

"Stop messin around when that all you got,hurry and hand it over!" The guy said snatching the bag "ah!" The guy with the bag said

"Hey!You have any idea how much it cost me to get that?!"the guy yelled "aw,I know you stole it anyway." The other guy yelled back "either way,give it back!"the guy yelled

"Don't be such a tightwad"the other guy yelled "hey"some other guy yelled,to see y/n and Annie walk  into the building,as they both walk to the bar Annie places the drawing of the girl

"I think this girl has come her before"Annie said "do you know her?" Y/n asked "doesn't ring a bell" the barkeeper replied. "What about you? Know her?" Annie said showing the paper to the guy on her side

"Why would I?here's my money barkeep"the guy said "thanks" the barkeeper replied "if that all you're her for,could you please leave?" The barkeeper said, Annie took out a bag and took out a coin and place the coin on the table

Y/n sighed then took out a coin from her pocket and place it in the table"That's not going to do anything,I only know what I know" the barkeeper said "we're just thirsty" y/n said

"One limeade,please"Annie said "I'll have what ever there is" y/n said, the got there drinks and they drink them "hah,this is a bad bar ya know!why don't ya order a real drink missy?" The guy with the black shirt said

"Or what?!cant cause you're still a little baby drinkin from daddy's teat?"the guy said "gaahahaha!" The other two laugh "I'm so scared Daddy make it all better!" The guy said

Y/n and Annie got up and walked towards him "what about you three,do you know her?" Annie said placing the paper on the table "her name is Carly stratman"y/n said,they all looked shocked "from your faces,I'd say you do" y/n said

"We don't know her.so run back to suck your daddys bosom little Mp.or else..." the guy said,"you might find yourself suckin ours inst-"the guy said reaching out to grab Annie's ass

But Annie was faster and grabbed his hand and squeezed it "damn it,you little...let go" the guy said swinging at Annie,but Annie caught it and kicked him and yanked him and threw him against the wall

The two other guy had a bottle in their hands "now ya've done it!!" The other guy yelled,but both of them got kicked by y/n and they pushed back all the way to a wall "owwwww" "I'm dying,I'm dying" they yelled

The same guy Annie threw was behind her with a chair in his hands "think your so tough?you.." but was cut off by Annie kicking and break a chair leg and kept her leg up "ah..er..w-wal.." the guy said

Annie then brought down her leg and hitting him in the head,she grabbed him and pinned his arm on his back and pushed him on the table "let go you little!! I'll kill you!! Do you have any idea who you're.." the guy said

"Ugh,shut up" y/n said walking to the guy and pushing his shoulder making him scream in pain "ya little piece of...damn you.y-ya just dislocated my shoulder!!" The guy yelled

"Coderoin.Illegal drugs,three years imprisonment. No,five years minimum" y/n said dropping the bag on the table "you two can run.this man won't tell me a thing about you" Annie said

"You think he's trust worthy,right?"annie said making the guy look at each other in silence
Time skip
"We're here looking for Carly stratmann on her fathers request" Annie said "if you tell us what you know,well forget about everything we saw here today,in other words you all get to go home safe,understand" y/n said

"Understand?" Annie said,no response "I'm asking you a question" Annie said "tch!Fine!!ya piece of shit!!" The guy yelled "yes Carly did come here...we could barley believe how generous she was..almost every night she'd come buy us round and dance for us" the guy said

"She was cute little thing,and popular,too.she was even kind to fools like us,everyone loved Carly" the other guy said "but ten years ago she stopped coming around.no ones seen her since,and no one knows why she stopped coming" the guy said

"Did anything about her seem different the last time you saw her?" Annie asked "well she was mad.." the other guy said "mad?"Annie and y/n said at the same time

"Yeah.we were all surprised cause it was the first time we'd ever seen her like that" the guy said open the bag and grabbing a drug and putting it in his mouth chugging his drink

"...so,what made her mad?"Annie asked "it was because of him" the other guy in the white shirt looking at the guy In the black shirt. "Soon as he took some coderoin in front of her,Carly got mad

"But it's odd.she never got that mad when we took other stuff-" "hey!." "Er..".Annie took a sip of her drip and placed it on the table "keep going" Annie said "until then whenever she caught,she'd lightly scold us 'stop with those things' you know"

"But she got mad mad when she saw that coderoin...do you know why?"y/n asked "no clue.she got so quiet after that you'da thought she was at a funeral" the guy said

"She wouldn't even open her mouth if ya talked to her,haven't seen her since"the guy said "why did you lie to us and say you don't know Carly?" Annie said

"Just forgot"the guy said grabbing his drink "we get real forgetful around MPs" the guy said "plus,we thought you were here to arrest carly-"HEY" "why'd you think that?" Y/n said

"Well because...huh,I wonder why!" The guy said "do you even want to make it home tonight" Annie said with a glare
Y/n P.O.V
'God Annie looks hot when she had a glare~ god y/n what are you thinking,Annie probably's straight,I am most definitely not not straight

"Tch we thought Carly might be involved in some bad stuff"the guy said "what's that mean?"Annie asked "her old man was broke.everyone knows that.but Carly was still loaded."

"At the same time,we all knew that cash wasn't from working a job and it wasn't from her old man.so we thought.that's some dangerous money she had" the guy said

'Carly got her money by doing 'bad stuff'...?" Stratmann knew about it,that explains the way he spoke about her and of course he couldn't tell us...a military police members about it'I thought

"Plus..someone who couldn't have been on the straight and narrow was in here looking for her"the guy said "oh him,course we just played dumb" the other guy said "when was this?" I asked "about five days ago" the guy relied

Annie wrote it down in her journal "and what's this bad stuff you're talking about?" Annie asked "that? I've no idea "all right do you have any idea how much longer your sentence will be if our reports says that you sold illegal drugs to a child" Annie said

"THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?!I REALLY DON'T KNOW" The guy yelled slamming his hand on the table "aren't you forgetting something again?" I said "you'd forgotten about the man with the glass eye,too" Annie said

"No!!I really don't know!!" The guy yelled "I hope you can remember on your ride to prison" Annie said getting up making me get up "...!you little shit..."the guy mumbled making me glare at him "Please don't be so mean to them" a voice said

Making me and Annie turn around "I really believe that they don't know"the barkeeper said "so,did you just now remember something too?" Annie asked "I haven't forgotten anything,I just didn't want to have to interrupt my reading" the barkeeper said placing down his book

"I don't know what Carly was involved in either,but...I may know..about Carly's lover" the barkeeper said "perhaps she's with him now" the barkeeper said "L...Lover?!" The guy yelled surprised

"What's his name and address?"Annie asked "Wayne Eisner.he lives in a housing complex on south Aachen. I don't know the exact address"the barkeeper said

"Did you tell the man with the glass eye about her lover?" Annie asked "no.someone else was tending bar that day...I was not here" the barkeeper said

Annie and I glared at the guy making him jump a little I walked towards him "h-hey..!I didn't know about Wayne either,I wasn't keeping quiet or anythin-" I cut him off by grabbing his dislocated arm and pulling it back

Making him shocked  because I fixed it back and I let go Annie place money in the table "sorry for the trouble" Annie said and walked away and I followed along

Before Annie opened the door I asked something "what do you know?" I asked "about what?" The barkeeper said "about Carly and Wayne" I said turning around

"When you do this job for so long enough,you come to know a lot of things.even something you don't want to know" the barkeeper said
Time skip
As we were sitting at a bench Annie was look at her journel and eating something while I was just stirring there with my arms crossed 'meow' we look down to see cat

Annie gave a piece of her food to the cat and it was already finished and it meowed again "you're done already?" Annie said 'she is soft sometimes cute' I thought

The cat then rolled over while licking its paws Annie reach out to pet it but the cat rolled the other way and it happened for a while "pfft,hahahahha"I laughed making Annie look at me

I stopped and looked at Annie and she looked flustered and she quickly looks away, 'huh?Annie looks flustered,I must be imagining things' I thought
Annie P.O.V
'What am I doing,if I go home of carly's lover and don't turn up any clues,I'll call it a day's' I closed my eyes as we wait for the carriage to arrive to where we need to go

'I'm sure I've already done enough to pay her back'I thought,the carriage stops"we arrived miss" the guy said making me open my eyes,
y/n opens the door and gets down and wait for me

"Could you wait here until we get back?"I asked  the guy "you really are green,aren't you?" The guy said,I see y/n glaring at the guy "it's Stohess District's skid row" I said

"A place so dangerous,we don't send regular patrols here anymore" y/n said "if you know that much,you should be able to answer your own question" the guy said Having his hand out

Y/n walked towards him and gave him money then turned to me waiting for me to walk,we both walk until we came across these two guys cooking something

We stopped in front of them "who the hell are you?" The guy said "do you know a man called kampfer?" I asked,they just started laughing "it's illegal to start a fire in this district without a permit"y/n said

"If you answer her question,I'll overlook this infraction" y/n said with a smirk,the two guy get up while one has a knife in his hand "looks like we got ourselves a comedienne here, has the heat gone to your head?"the guy said walking towards us

And putting his knife on me "we can help you cool down,if you like.." the guy said, I stepped back and kneed his arm making the knife go up and knees him in the stomach

Y/n caught the knife "do you know a man named kampfer Boltz?" I asked "h-he lives at no.225,second floor" the guy stutter,we walk to the build and I knock "Mr.kampfer,are you there" I said "Stohess district military police" y/n said

No response,i pulled on the door and it's unlocked,y/n and I looked side to side before we entered the building "Mr.Krampfer,are you here" y/n said

As we walked we see drinks,I started to looks for clues while y/n helped "nothing" y/n said placing an item back, I walked to a closet and separated hanged up clothes to see a box

I grabbed it and opened it to see a look of wrapped up items,y/n grabbed one and opened it to show three "Codeloine,huh" I said

We hear some movement under the bed,i crouched down and lift up the covers to making me widen my to see a dead body making me jump back and hit the table dropping the glass cup

I was breathing heavy while y/n eyes were widen "hey!" We hear y/n turn to the sound while I stayed looking at the body "keep it down!what are you doing?!" A voice said again

"I told you to be quiet earlier!" the voiced yelled again,I calmed down a little and put my hand in front of the body "shit!" I said,I got up "say something!" The voice yelled again banging on the door

"Apologize!Make your excuses like you always do!hurry up"the voice yelled again "are you fuckin with me?!" The voice yelled again "you wait right there!"the voice yelled again

Y/n gasped and ran towards the door and I followed,the door then opened a little ...

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