By Grace[BWWM]

By JasmynTailor

444K 15.5K 5.2K

Blossom and Bloom Graceful and Tender - She couldn't believe her ears, or her eyes. Her husband, the man she... More

Bonus Chapter


13.1K 516 193
By JasmynTailor

"You look handsome, Reid. Those women at church will be eyeing you," Vanessa said slyly and kissed Reid's cheek.

Reid winked and kissed her hand. "And you look divine, as usual. I can't wait to meet your family and get to know them."

"I can't wait!" Lailah perked up from her car seat.

Vanessa turned around and blew a kiss to her little girl. "You're so sweet," She cooed happily. Her little girl was a doll.

"Is this it? It looks like it should be it," Reid tapped Vanessa's shoulder and she nodded.

"Yep, this is it."

Reid turned into the parking lot and parked in an open spot. "Are we late?"

Vanessa laughed and shook her head. Reid was adorable. "People just like getting to church early enough to talk before service starts. We're on time," She kissed his cheek and unbuckled her seatbelt.

"Come on, Lailah. Let's go see everyone," Vanessa murmured and

Reid shook Lucas Sr.'s hand and Jenna's hand. "It's nice to meet you both."

Jenna looked him up and down, making Vanessa a little nervous. She hoped that her mother didn't say anything harsh. "It's nice to meet you as well, Reid."

Reid smiled at her and walked back to Vanessa's side. "Come on, service is about to start." Vanessa told everyone and they all walked into the sanctuary.

She looked around and saw Eva with a nice-looking guy sitting next to her. That had to be Anwar.

Eva turned around and smiled. She pointed at the seats next to her and nodded.

"Eva has some seats for us," Vanessa whispered and Reid followed. He was being a little quiet, but she assumed it was because they were at church and he was new.

Once they made it to the seats it was already time for service to start, so they didn't have any time to chat.

Soft music started to play signifying that worship began.

"Out of the depths I cry to You

In darkest places I will call

Incline Your ear to me anew

And hear my cry for mercy Lord"


He really enjoyed every second of the church service. He loved God, read His Word, and had a relationship with Him, but he rarely went to church. That was going to change now.

However, instead of focusing on how wonderful the service was, he needed to focus on speaking with Vanessa's parents.

"So, Reid, what do you do for a living?" Lucas Sr. asked from across the living room.

They all finished eating and it was a rule, according to Vanessa, that talking was saved for after the meal. He didn't mind.

Vanessa placed her hand on his thigh and smiled at him. "I run the Portalo Resorts and Hotels. They're a small part of my pride and joy." He explained and wrapped his arm around Vanessa's shoulders.

"Anwar, you're friends with my daughter? You seem to like her," Jenna said snidely, making Eva groan and Anwar blush.

Reid felt for the young man. Being put on the spot wasn't anything to enjoy.

"Mom! You can't just say stuff like that." Eva snarled at her mother and turned to Anwar. "I'm sorry,"

Anwar took Eva's hand and looked at Jenna. "It's alright, Eva-Marie. You're right, Mrs. Grace. I do like your daughter, very much actually." He said boldly and turned to Eva. "Can we talk outside?" He asked lowly, but everyone could still hear him.

Eva bit her lip and nodded.

The couple walked out of the room and out the front door.

"Finally!" Jenna shouted triumphantly. "I want my little girl to have a boyfriend." She sighed and leaned back on the couch.

Lailah crawled off of Vanessa's lap and onto Reid's. "Hi," She said while looking up at him. "You're cute," She grabbed his cheeks and giggled. "Look! He like a fishy!" She let go of his cheeks and held her stomach while laughing.

Reid chuckled at her silly behavior and kissed her forehead. "I'm glad you find me funny-looking, angioletto."

Vanessa leaned into his arm and kissed his cheek. "You're so sweet, Reid."

"Can we talk to you, Reid?" Jenna asked.

Reid handed Lailah to Vanessa and stood up. "Of course." He was going to ask if they could talk as well. Thankfully this talk wouldn't raise any suspicion with Vanessa. It was a normal parent-to-boyfriend talk, nothing suspicious there.

Lucas Sr. got up and walked down the hallway.

They ended up in a room with trophies and certificates on the wall.

"We know that you love our Vanessa, as well as Lailah. It's noticeable to anyone." Jenna said lightheartedly and sat down on a futon. "However, I hate to say it, but Mason at one point in his twisted life loved Vanessa as well."

He wasn't offended in any way to be compared to Mason. It wasn't a direct attack.

"I remember the day she came home raving about some kind man she'd met while coming from the mall. She was 17 at the time and when we found out his age, we weren't worried. She was almost a full-grown adult and she was wise. He honestly seemed like the perfect guy, but we know now that he wasn't. The biggest problem that we noticed, later on, was how controlling he was. He would get so upset with Vanessa and manipulated her into thinking that she was a problem." Lucas Sr. explained with a grief-struck look on his face.

Jenna placed her hand on his shoulder and smiled at Reid. "Since you've been together we've seen a spark in Vanessa. She's happier than ever, she stands up for herself, she's confident in what she has to say, that's the best part to me. You're a great man, Reid and we're glad that you two are together,"

Reid shook his head. "Vanessa," He thought about his love. "She is my love. She and that sweet little angel, Lailah have been such a wonderful addition to my life. A blessing." He loved them both so much. "I've changed so much since meeting her, I thank God more and pray more. She met my son, Cabbrieli and they got along so well. She's such a beautiful woman inside and out." He wanted to bring her into the room and dote on her.

"Vanessa came along and gave me what I've been looking for over thirty years. I've been with women who turned out to only be after my money or just for sex, they were very selfish, old and young women." He explained simply. He didn't care about those failed attempts at dating. He had Vanessa now.

Jenna leaned forward and popped her tongue. "How old are you, Reid?"

"I'm 53." He laughed a little at her and Lucas's reaction. He was old and proud of it. "I know that I'm old, but Vanessa is the woman that I love. She's a treasure and I want to marry her."

Lucas hummed. "Why do you want to marry her?"

Reid liked that question. He liked it a lot. "She is my one. When I saw her at A Cuppa, I was dumbfounded. I couldn't comprehend how she was so beautiful and humble. She's a lovely paradox and she is my love."

"What will you do if Mason has a problem with this? Not that this is a problem at all, but he's crazy and unpredictable." Jenna told him cautiously.

Mason wasn't a problem. He was more like a flea than a real problem. "I've spoken to him already. He knows that if I see him near Vanessa and Lailah again, well," He didn't want to be graphic with Vanessa's parents. They didn't need to know what happened the day he visited him.

Jenna and Lucas laughed. "I hope he gains common sense." Jenna pursed her lips and Reid agreed.

"If not, I was in the business of handling people like Mason many years ago. I'm not afraid of Mason."

"I like the sound of that," Lucas huffed and shook his head. "That man is crazy."

Jenna laughed at Lucas. "You're as wonderful as Vanessa said. Did you have a problem with meeting us so late in your relationship?" She asked.

"No. I wanted her to know that she has control over her own decisions. It's nice to meet you both, but if it took three years, I would've been fine." Vanessa's comfort was his priority.

Jenna smiled and looked at Lucas. "You can marry our daughter, Reid." Lucas told him after a few seconds.

Thank God.

He shook both of their hands and smiled happily. He was going ring shopping.

Jenna laughed. "I never expected my daughter to be marrying someone older than me, but you're the best choice."

Reid chuckled at her bold statement. "Thank you, Jenna." He said sincerely and Lucas walked back to the door.

"Let's go back in there before Vanessa gets suspicious." He nodded towards the door and they followed him out.

Now all he needs to do is find out her ring size.

That could be fixed with a brief conversation with Eva.


Lailah fell back onto her newly made fort and screamed. "And I get to be the queen!"

Reid handed her a cushion and she smiled at him. "Here you go, princess. I mean, queen." He winked at Vanessa and turned back to the fort.

They were spending the rest of the day at Reid's house. A time that everyone was eager to enjoy.

Vanessa handed Lailah the final cushion and Lailah looked around. "We done! Can we watch a movie?" She asked Reid.

Reid handed her the remote and she took it.

Lailah checked out the remote, turned it around, and her face melted. "I-it's not working!" She cried and dropped the remote.

She was tired. It was expected, her little angel didn't get to nap after church. "Shh, don't cry. It is working. I just have to show you how it works," Reid told her calmly and picked up the remote.

Lailah stopped crying and watched Reid intently.

He pressed a button and showed it to Lailah. "This is how you turn the TV on." He pressed another button and Disney+ came on the screen. "This is how you get Disney to work,"

Lailah gasped and hugged him. "Thank you! You like magic!" She said in awe and kissed his cheek. She whispered something in his ear and he nodded.

"She wants to watch a new movie," Reid told Vanessa acting surprised and over the top, making Lailah giggle.

He put on a random G-rated movie and sat back.

Vanessa smiled at the adorable sight before her.

One of Lailah's hands was on Reid's face squeezing it and the other was on his ear. She was a touchy little girl, it was her love language, and she really loved Reid.

Reid just let her mess with his face without any complaint. It was so sweet.

Lailah let go of his face and held his hand, her eyes closing as the seconds went by. Her little girl fell asleep fast, which was a blessing.

Reid looked down at her and kissed her forehead. "Off you go, angioletto." He murmured and looked at Vanessa. "Your smile is infectious, my love."

Vanessa blushed and sighed. "My little girl is so happy, Reid." She'd never seen Lailah interact with a man or anyone in that way. "You're making her a very happy girl." She caressed his face. "I've never seen her with Mason, but I know that she's happier than she's ever been."

Reid's eyes narrowed as he smiled. "Lailah is my little treasure," She stirred in his arms and he brushed her hair away from her eyes.

Vanessa could've melted. Reid was the best father figure Lailah could have. Mason was unstable and evil, but Reid was kind to her.

It hurt her heart knowing that the last time Lailah saw Mason was when he was yelling and cursing. He scared her with his awful behavior.

She reached out and touched Lailah. It calmed her heart to know that she was okay.

"I hope that she forgets about him. I feel bad for saying it, but it's true." Vanessa said ruefully. "It was a blessing that we divorced before she was born. I would've hated to have my child in such a dysfunctional and abusive environment." She closed her eyes and inhaled slowly.

Reid used his free hand and pulled her into his chest. "It's okay to feel that way, my love. You're right. If I have anything to do with it, Mason won't be coming around again." He sealed his promise with a kiss and Vanessa hummed.

"He'll want to see her again. He's an evil man, but he'll want to see Lailah. I don't want him to ever see her again. He doesn't deserve a moment with her." She said sure. She prayed that God would make a way for that to happen.

"I'm no judge, but if you want it that way, It is done," Reid told her.

Vanessa looked down at the sleeping angel in Reid's lap and sighed. "She should be in bed,"

Reid moved his arm from her shoulder and carefully stood up with Lailah in his arms. "Then there she will be." He walked to the staircase and stopped. "Will you join me for an afternoon nap?"

Vanessa grinned and nodded. "Of course," She answered and met him at the staircase.

Reid slowly walked up the stairs and brought Lailah to a room with a crown on it.

Vanessa followed him in and stared in awe at the decoration. "When did this happen?"

Reid walked over to the castle bed and lay her down. "A few weeks ago. I wanted her to have somewhere comfortable to sleep. Do you think that she'll like it?" He sounded genuinely concerned.

"She's going to love it. Thank you for thinking about her," Vanessa said gently and kissed him.

Reid smiled in their kiss and pulled away. "I've made some changes to my bedroom, come and see." He wiggled his eyebrows and carried her bridal style to his room for a pleasant afternoon nap.

Authors Note


Reid met the family, they approve of their relationship, and he's going ring shopping!

Reid and Lailah have the cutest relationship! He loves her and he made the cute little bedroom for her! I can't with him

Vanessa and Reid....YALL! My otp fr!

They just love each other!

Vanessa, if you guys haven't noticed, is a lot more vocal about her feelings and she sees that Mason is crap! I love that! She's confident now and it's beautiful

Speaking of Mason.... he's making a visit next chapter! Don't be upset, you're gonna love next chapter! Let's just say...well, I won't say much😌

This is Lailah's bedroom in Reid's house

Anywho, that's it for now guys! I hope you enjoyed it!

See y'all on Friday

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