The Occult Pull

By JinxedMagic

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Sophie has been running for years. Never allowing herself to settle or get comfortable out of fear that he mi... More

One: New Start
Two: First Meet
Three: Mine
Four: Doctor's Orders
Five: Run
Six: With The Wolves
Seven: "I want to hear you"
Eight: Mates
Ten: Some Space
Eleven: "Watch what I do to you"

Nine: "I wasn't going to hurt you"

766 26 1
By JinxedMagic

"You're my mate you idiot," He chuckles.

I try to speak. I try to force words out of my mouth. I try to question him or tell him he's confused or I'm confused or something. I try to tell him anything. Ask him to explain or even just tell him that I'm both elated and aroused that he just said that. But nothing comes out. My breath just catches in my throat along with all my words. His eyebrows knot in confusion and worry at my silence.

"Don't run me over with excitement anyways." He smiles and pecks my cheek. This snaps me out of my trance so I push him away from me.

"What the fuck did you just say?" I stare at him shell-shocked and open mouthed. He begins smirking at me.

"This isn't a great time to be turned on by you, is it?" He raises an eyebrow as an amused smile crosses his face. A faint smile reaches my lips but I quickly replace it with a glare.

"Jokes seem to be your reaction to everything, Alexander. Compensating for something?" I raise an eyebrow and tilt my head.

"Oh trust me baby, I'm not. But I've no problem in proving that." He smirks as he reaches for his towel and pulls it off before dropping it on the floor. My first instinct is to turn around embarrassed and blush. But for some reason I stay rooted to the spot. It's what he wants. He wants me embarrassed and fumbling. Well if he wants to play. I cast my eyes down his body and drink in the sight before me. Then my eyes land on the subject in hand and I feel a pulsating need throb inside of me. I look back up to his smirk with a bored expression and shrug.

"I've seen better." But before I can smile I'm pinned to the wall again with Alexander's hips stopping mine from moving.

"You know," His eyes are pitch black now and his jaw is clenched. "your constant need to pretend like you don't feel anything is getting old." He barely gets out through clenched teeth. Again, instead of cowering and quickly ending the joke, something in me is just pushing at my playful side to keep teasing him even though he is shaking with the strain of controlling himself.

"I'm just being honest," It's my turn to smirk this time as I lean into his ear and whisper. "I've seen better." This causes him to growl. He literally growls and his whole body vibrates against me which both sends a jolt straight to my libido and wakes me up. I realise what I've just said to a fucking werewolf. Good plan, Soph. Before I can fix the situation, Alexander slams his lips into mine. I thought earlier was rough but now it's just carnal dominance. He has completely succumbed to his primal side and it embarrasses me to admit that I'm okay with this.

He almost rips off the jumper as he pulls it over my head and then slams his lips back to mine again forcing my lips to move with his. He bites my lip hard and I let his tongue into my mouth before groaning at the feel and taste. How has this gotten better? He grabs my ass and lifts me off the floor as my legs wrap around him. This time, however, he's completely naked and I'm dripping wet with boxers as the division so I can feel every little movement between my legs and it is glorious. He looks at me with black lust-filled eyes.

"This is about where we left off. I did say we'd continue this later." His smile is seductive and tempting and dangerous. I lose myself in it as I throw my arms around his neck and pull his lips back towards mine. I then lift my hips and grind into him which must send a jolt to his libido as well because I can feel it begin to twitch. He moves his lips to my jaw as his hands push up my shirt and start to massage my breasts. I can't help but arch my back into his touch as I feel my nipples begin to get erect. My whole body is responding to him so easily and I have no idea how.

I stop caring when he begins sucking on the sensitive spot he found earlier today and I gasp loudly as I feel myself building. I gently scratch my nails along his back, trying my best to be gentle. He doesn't need to learn this early that gentle is definitely not my style. But then he bites that spot lightly and I can't help the moan. For some reason it seems to jolt my whole body awake. I feel like I am alert but waiting for whatever he is about to do. I feel like my body knows what is coming and is trying to urge me on to get it but I have no idea what it is. He bites it a little harder this time and I almost fall apart. I know I'm on the edge but Alexander is in control of when that happens. I dig my nails into his back this time and close my eyes as I try to control myself. I can't handle it for much longer if he keeps biting there.

I rock my hips forward and he groans but pulls his head away from me. When I look at him I can't help but be shocked. Four of his teeth are extended, two at the top and top on the bottom. What I would imagine would be similar to a wolf's teeth. He's heaving and his eyes are black but he seems to be attempting to control himself.

"Sophie, I have to put you down now and possibly take a very cold shower. Otherwise, I'm definitely going to lose control and I don't want that to be how this happens, okay?" I raise an eyebrow in confusion until I remember the book The next step is biting each other's necks to leave a permanent mark. Oh God, he was going to mark me. What are we doing?

This truly throws cold water over the whole situation as he lets me slide to the floor again. He must notice that I'm slightly panicked.

"Sophie? What's wrong?" He bends his head so it's level with mine. His whole face is worried but he begins smiling at me warmly. No, not that smile. I'll melt. I push him away and walk into the middle of the room. I need to be able to think.

"I want to go," I try to say as strongly as I can but my heart is still beating really fast as I attempt to stop tears from spilling. "I want my stuff and I want to go home." A few tears spill at that but thankfully my back is still turned to him.

"Sophie, there's no need to leave. You're not well enough yet to look after yourself and I promise you're safe here." I can practically see the confused, upset face he has right now. He speaks slowly like he's dealing with delicate glass. I turn around to him and notice he has wrapped the towel around himself again. I'm thankful that I'm less distracted. His face is pure worry and it breaks my heart.

"I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself thank you very much. I just want to go home. I've been here too long surrounded by strangers and strange things and I just need time to think. Alone. Okay?" I tilt my head and try to seem as angry as I can but he's so confused and worried that he did something. I'm just focusing on not kissing him again.

"I swear I wasn't going to hurt you." He whispers but his voice hitches halfway and he's clenching his jaw. Not in anger. He's devasted. "I would never. Just please stay." I can hear the hurt in his voice. I just shake my head. "You can have your own room here then. I'll leave you alone, just please stay here." He pleads. Please don't look at me like that. I can't.

I turn around and head for the door. When I open it Jack turns around to face me.

"Jack, I'd like my things please. Also, could you order me a taxi?" His eyes flicker to a spot behind my head which I'm assuming is Alexander.

"Alpha?" He raises an eyebrow in question. "Can I go get her stuff or will you kill me first?" He half-heartedly laughs. I can't help but smile at Jack trying to insert some humour into the situation.

"Your Luna gave you an order, I'd advise you to follow it before she kills you." My eyes widen in shock at his words. Luna? I'm the Luna? Oh my god. I'm the Luna. I'm their Luna. I'm the leader of a pack of werewolves. Holy shit.

"If you'll follow me?" Jack gestures past him so I start walking. When I glance back at Alexander his head is hung low and I have to stop myself from going back and hugging him. But I look forward again and keep following Jack.

"So what state was my car in?" I attempt for idle chit chat. Jack gives me a knowing look but obviously decides it's none of his business. Which he is correct about.

"Shit. Absolutely destroyed. Don't worry, we got you a new one. Alexander insisted." Jack says casually. A new car? He got me a new car? Just like that? How fucking rich was this guy?

"Oh." Is all I can manage of a response as we walk down the grand stair case. "What about my stuff? Anything destroyed?" I ask as we head left towards the kitchen.

"Not that I remember. I think everything was salvaged." He smiles and I breath a sigh of relief. We walk through the kitchen to a door on the far wall. When Jack opens it, I see that it leads into a huge multistorey garage. There are quite a few cars in here and very expensive ones at that. I spot a Ferrari, some Audis, a few Aston Martins, a Lamborghini, and a bunch more I didn't recognise. He had motorbikes in here as well and they all looked to be Harley Davidsons. Also quite a few army style heavy duty jeeps with Gladiator written on them. Jack laughed at my probably very shocked and impressed expression. He pointed at the vehicle right in front of the garage door. It was a black Jeep Wrangler with tinted windows.

"She's nice isn't she? I mean the Audis are more my style but whatever." He flashes me a cheeky grin but I'm just in too much shock to smile back.

"This is my car?!" I can't help but raise my voice slightly. I had just bought a new car but it was a second-hand old Toyota. Bought for purpose and nothing else.

"Well we weren't sure if you usually travelled with this much stuff and Alexander insisted on the safest vehicle I could get my hands on. So a Jeep seemed spacious and safe. We did add the roll cage though." He smirks down at me, "We also weren't sure how much of a habit you had of flipping it." He chuckles and I can't help smiling back at him.

"Ha. Ha. Very funny." I shake my head. "But appreciated, thank you. Tell him that I love it." I smile at Jack before sitting into the car. I spot my cases in the back seat and sigh in relief that I don't have to track them down. I can just leave.

"You can tell him yourself when you come back," He raises an eyebrow at me warningly and crosses his arms. "You know what he is to you now and I'm amazed that he has let you get this far away from him unmarked. I wouldn't let my mate. But don't be fooled, he is by no means letting you go nor are you going to be able to stay away for that much longer," I'm relieved when he smirks at me because serious Jack was getting scary. "You'll be mated within the month." He winks and closes my door. I can't help but laugh. I roll down the window.

"You know, you sounded a lot like a scolding father up until that last bit," I laugh before starting the ignition. "Thanks for everything. You should visit me once I'm set up. I'm sure you'll be able to sniff me out or something." I wink and pull out of the garage. The GPS starts up automatically thank god since I don't know where I am nor do I want a repeat of last time. I punch in my address and I start driving down the driveway. When I look in my rearview mirror I see Alexander standing at the front door staring at me. Everything in me screams to stop the car and turn around but I force my eyes away from him and drive away from his mansion to my new home.

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