Alpha Kane

By FatesBetween

12.5M 339K 79.2K

At the age of 31 Alpha Kane Locus Black had given up on looking for his mate, since the age of 18 it was all... More

2. Kane
3. Sora
4. Kane
5. Sora
6. Kane
7. Sora
8. Kane
9. Sora
10. Kane
11. Sora
12. Kane
13. Sora
14. Kane
15. Sora
16. Kane
17. Sora
18. Kane
19. Sora
20. Kane
21. Sora
22. Kane
23. Sora
24. Kane
25. Sora
26. Kane
The End
Bonus chapter 1, Suprise!
Bonus Chapter 2, Black in town
Bonus Chapter 3, Cat-Man
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4

1. Sora

657K 19.2K 5.5K
By FatesBetween

"It's so freaking cold!" I blow on my freezing hands.

I finally landed down in New Zealand, Queenstown to see my best friend Amanda from college, she has just recently given birth to a son with her longtime husband, Lucas. Traveling from London had been no fun rollercoaster for me, I have never been so emotionally drained on a plane before.

My boyfriend of 2 years broke up with me, left me in debt, and my apartment flooded ruining all my artwork that was meant to be shipped by the end of the month to paying customers.

This happened all but just last night.

After apologizing and returning their money, the whole ordeal had left me emotionally exhausted.. how the hell am I going to fix this. Stressed and exhausted I glare at the sidewalk.

"I'm bloody cursed, I just know it." I mumbled to myself. Waiting for the dealership to deliver my car. I sit on my suitcases, all my belongings with me.

What was suppose to be a weekend away turned into me being homeless and now in a predicament. 

Amanda has been my best friend since our first year at college, she is the only one who I have kept in contact with since graduating. 

Since she met Lucas, her now-husband.. she moved all the way to freaking New Zealand, in the middle of nowhere and is living in a 'fantastic' gated community, or so she told me, this would also be my first time visiting her and meeting her husband, I'm excited to finally see her after all these years.

Of course I couldn't say no to see her newborn son when she asked for me to come and visit, with everything going on in my wreck of a life in London I basically sold what I could and packed up and flew here a day early, despite it all, it was perfect timing. I desperately needed to escape my shitty ex before I killed him and the catastrophic disaster that has now ruined my financial situation, all caused by him...

Amanda has no idea what's happened. We spoke pretty much once every week always keeping in contact together. But I just cant let my pride down when she always admired me for 'having my shit together', but I'm far from having my shit together.

"Excuse me miss, but the car you requested had been misplaced and there are no available ones till next month..." the man started rambling.

How the hell do they misplace a car I already booked and paid for?

"What? That's.. impossible I bought it already!" I try not to let my frustration come off as anger. "You have none available?"

"I'm very sorry..." he genuinely looked sorry smiled weakly at me. "We can arrange for a taxi to take you?" He asked.

I shook my head, I can't afford a taxi is he kidding me, the prices here are huge for a taxi.

My luck just keeps on getting better.

"No. It's fine." I mumbled out and said goodbye to the man. Grabbing my stuff I walk over to the nearest café that happens to be over the road.

Fuck my life.

Putting the phone to my ear and tapping my leg nervously against the pavement, waiting for the call to come through. She is going to freak out, she never liked Tom.

"Sora? Hey! What's up? I was just about to text you." Her carefree giggles came through.

She's going to freak out and definitely going to make a big deal out of this.

"Ha-ha, so listen... I'm in New Zealan-"

"WHAT? NOW?" She screamed making me wince back.

I sigh heavily and run my hand through my hair. Utterly emotionally defeated. "I could really use a ride.. do you think.. you could?" I mumble out, this is so embarrassing, I hope the world swallows me whole..

Her worried momma's voice comes out at times like this. "Oh my go, what happened? Of-course.... LUCAS COME HERE... wait one moment sora... no of.. no its Sora! Where are you, Sora? Lucas is coming to pick you up!" Her panicked sweet voice rushes out.

Relaxing at her concern for me has a lump stuck in my throat, when was the last time someone cared this much about me? Tom never acted like this with me, not even once.

I give her the name of the street and café I'm at, nervous at how laid back she is about me being here out the blue a day early without a reason why. But Amanda knows something is up, she always does, I'm really lucky to still have her in my life.. I don't know what I would do without her.

I've never met Lucas before, but from what I know, he makes her incredibly happy. 

Photos of them together were always sent to me from different occasions.. from the wedding I couldn't make, to birthdays I couldn't get time off from painting to celebrate.. I know from where I failed as a best friend Lucas was there to make her happy, and she is happy, it was almost like they were made for each other.

Meeting Lucas on summer vacation to marrying the guy a month later and they're still happily married, and now with a son.

I'm happy for her, she really deserves every piece of happiness she got.

A trunk honk startles me from where I sit outside. Glancing up, I see a man coming out from a big red truck, I recognize the man instantly, that is definitely Lucas from the photos Amanda sent me.

He's buff, huge actually.

So this is Lucas... I'll admit, I'm a little nervous.

He had pulled back dirty blonde hair and light stubble on his chin. He was definitely working out lifting freaking trucks or something. 

This guy was ripped, people sat around me in the café I'm currently at are staring at him in wonder and whisper quietly amongst themselves when he comes and stands in front of me grinning.

"Sora?" He asks, a shy humorous smile spreads across his face.

I nod my head but I didn't get a chance to say anything as he brings me into a bone-crushing hug.




"Oh! Sorry, it's just so nice to finally meet the famous Sora! Amanda never stops talking about you and your college days." He releases me grins at my luggage. "You sure packed a lot for a weekend." His eyebrows raise up.


I cough nervously and avoid eye contact with him. Shit. 

This is so awkward.

"I actually.. I.. um, I- it's a long story.." I mumble out trying not to let my emotions surface with all these people around.

Dammit, I'm not crying in front of him.

I was tired, too tired, but the small bit of pride I had left in me refused to fall around someone I didn't know, let alone Amanda's husband.

He stares at me, worry plastered on his face, before he could say anything I interrupt him.

"It's nice to meet you too." I force a smile and laugh. "It's so nice and peaceful here!" I try not to let my voice sound nervous. He is very intimidating with his build and looks. A freaking tree trunk of a man, what is he 6'4?

"Oh!" He smiles wide at me and starts the truck, my suitcases are in the back and he started the truck. He catches me looking around the empty quiet town as I sit in the truck. 

"I know it's not much compared to the big city, but it's home." He grins as he hits the gas and pulls out from the side of the road.

I let out a long-awaited sigh, my phone has not stopped making noise. I look towards Lucas and smile apologetically, to which he just smiles and nods.

42 missed calls, Dickhead EX.

57 unread text messages, Dickhead EX.

I press the side button off to turn my phone off then rub my forehead, I'm feeling a headache coming on.

Why won't he just leave me alone?

First I found out he slept with a model I painted in our bed, used all of my savings, accused me of cheating... and dumps me over text, and now he has the audacity to beg me to forgive him. He has no god damn remorse for what he did to me, and is still doing to me. 

I never should've joined accounts with him, to think I once thought we'd get married and live a happy life with this guy... I must've been out of my damned mind.

He has ruined my freaking life.

"Boyfriend trouble?" Lucas asks from the driver's seat as he takes a right turn on the road, heading towards the middle of nowhere, surrounded by huge trees.

She did say they lived a bit away from the town.. I didn't think it was in the middle of nowhere.

"Not anymore." I sigh out. "It's a long story." I simply say. I don't feel comfortable spilling my heart and soul out to someone I don't know just yet.

"Hmm." He nods. Not asking anymore. He turns the radio on and we sit in silence with nothing but the soft music from the radio for what seems like forever.

He stops in front of a metal gate with the words 'D E E P W A T E R' in the middle of the huge gate. Guards are at either side, they both who look similar to Lucas's built, all muscle, all rough-looking, and all business. This is crazy for a gated community right? I wouldn't know. I've spent my life in apartments in the city to ever experience something like this.

Lucas nods towards both men and they both lower their heads almost respectfully as they let us through. Lucas's voice startled me. "We like our privacy." He chuckles. He answered what I was thinking.

Okay, that was weird and slightly creepy, am I that obvious?

I simply nod. I understand that much.. privacy is hard to come by, they are lucky they have a community that respects that.

"We have over 4,000 people here, it's a very close pac- community, we rarely get visitors unless you're family." He continues. "But you're family so you are welcome any time of course." He smiles towards me and turns left, into a dirt driveway.

"It's actually special that you're here, the owner rarely lets anyone inside unless you're not family." He added, making me hum.

He sounds fun... not, who would not allow friends to see friends unless they were family? Talk about paranoid, or maybe the owner is just one of those crazy cabin loner types...

Yeah, I'll be sure to avoid him at all costs during my stay.

Coming up to their house, I was in complete awe when I laid eyes on it, it was huge and it was simply one word.. 'beautiful' the modern cabin/house is two stories high with freshly chopped wood out front, and a lake can be seen from behind the house. 

This landmark looks like it belongs in a painting, already making me itch to grab a paintbrush and some paint and get lost in its beauty.

"She's dying to see you, it's all she's ever talked about for months now." He grins and nods towards the house, the front door swings open and without missing a beat, Amanda is waving her hands in the air like a crazy woman making me grin and laugh at her antics.

I've missed her so damn freaking much.

"Go, I've got the bags." Lucas smiles towards me and I thank him quickly then smile back and nod as I struggle to get down from his huge truck.

Walking towards the house, to Amanda had been unreal, she knows that if she cries I do. We both look like I've come from the war and she's not seen me in years. She runs up to me, crashing into me she wraps her arms around my neck and sobs into my long hair, we are both crying and laughing like idiots. It has been far too long since we have last seen each other.

"Oh my god I can't believe you're here.. and oh my god!" Her soft crying voice sniffs out. "Look at you! You're so thin! And these legs!" She says making me laugh.

We walk into the house laughing and its gorgeous, with oakwood floors and walls, modernly decorated, the whole place screams homey, it definitely had Amanda's touch.

"I missed you so much manny." I sigh. "I'm sorry I... I had nowhere else to go.. and my apartment.. " I try to avoid her worrying gaze.

"I didn't mean to spring this on you, especially not now with you just giving birth..."

She reaches for my hand and lightly squeezes it. "Hey.. no no you are always welcome here, we're family." Her smile is relaxing me a bit. 

"Let's talk, tell me everything that's happened!" She gestures towards the back door. We both sit down in front of the lake and its beautiful.

The lake can be seen going miles in both directions, crowded by trees. 

Her garden was filled with plants I've never seen before and I'm speechless., it's so nice here, birds are peacefully singing in the tree and the sound of the water coming from the lake is relaxing.

"I have nothing left, Amanda, he's taken it all..." I whisper out, avoiding her sad eyes, I rub my face, completely stressed from the long traveling and worrying. 

Lucas frowns at me worried then stares at Amanda who simply shakes her head with a sad smile. Lucas sits beside Amanda and puts his arm around the back of her, and I can't help but want that for myself too.

"He's cheated on me.. and he's stolen everything from our joint accounts... my paintings... " I sob, my voice starts breaking. "... the flood destroyed everything.. all my work, everything is gone.. I can't.. it's gone." Tears are falling and I can't make them stop.

Seeing her is too much, and both of their worried faces are now comforting ones as they both glace at each other and nod, an unspoken agreement.

"You're staying here." She grabs my hand and squeezes it. "Lucas put her things in the guest room." Lucas nods and then looks to me.

"We are happy you came to us Sora, you are family to us, do not worry about anything." He smiles warmly and kisses Amanda on the cheek before he leaves through the back door to collect my bags from the trunk.

"Everything is going to be fine Sora!" Amanda grins through her glassy eyes, filling with tears.

I knew invading their life was not going to be alright, but a few days away... that's all I needed, then I'd have to figure out the mess which is now my life.

Amanda stands up and clasps her hand together excitingly then wipes her eyes. "Come! Come meet your nephew! He's so cute- with the most chubbiest of cheeks!" With a big grin and drags me inside.

Despite my life in complete ruins, I have a good feeling about me being here., it's been so long since I've felt such warmth and acceptance, or even been in a home that felt like it.

It was quiet here.

And that's all I needed right now.

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