Changes || Lucius Malfoy

By luciusmalfoyxx

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Athena Belladonna is a 24 year old pureblood witch, who owns her own shop at Hogsmeade. One day she meets the... More

Chapter One | An Unexpected Customer
Chapter Two | Evening Greetings
Chapter Three | Dinner
Chapter Four | Back to Hogwarts
Chapter Five | The Library
Chapter Six | Draco Malfoy
small announcment
Chapter Eight | Mistakes

Chapter Seven | Jealousy

1.6K 42 68
By luciusmalfoyxx

Lucius awoke about an hour later, to see Athena sleeping peacefully in his arms. He admired her beauty and kissed the top of her head, before carefully letting go of her and getting out of bed. Athena felt the weight shift off the mattress and she woke up, rubbing her eyes.

"Did you sleep well love?" he asked her, as he pulled his black shirt over his head. She nodded with a smile and slowly sat up in his bed, glancing down to her wrist that was still badly bruised. Once Lucius was changed into his black trousers and expensive furs with his cloak, he walked around the side of the bed and gave Athena a kiss. She cupped his face and smiled through the kiss, and he soon broke it off.

"Jinky!" he yelled. With a loud pop, the house elf appeared beside him.

"I want you to keep an eye on Athena while I go get Draco from Hogwarts. Keep her company." he ordered.

"Yes master! Jinky would be honored to accompany Young Mistress!" the small elf beamed. Lucius nodded and looked back to Athena.

"I'll be back in a bit, i'm going to get Draco." Lucius spoke with a small smile. Athena nodded and laid back down, holding her arm close to her chest. Lucius left the room and shut the door behind him, leaving Jinky and Athena alone.

"Can Jinky bring Young Mistress anything?" the small elf beamed.

"No thank you Jinky, you can relax, i'm sure Lucius constantly has you working." Athena said sweetly.

"Thank you Young Mistress!" Jinky beamed. The small elf left the room leaving Athena alone in the silence. She stared at the wall and began to think.

• Athena's POV •

The past few days have felt so lonely without Lucius. I cant help but miss his presence although it's been only a few minutes he's been gone. I let out a sigh and sat up in the bed, being careful not to put too much weight on my wrist. Lucius' room was huge, it was easily over twice the size of my shop.

Unable to go back to sleep, I sat up in his bed and got dressed with the clothes form earlier. I stood up a little too fast and felt a pounding in my head from the events that unfolded with Jason earlier. I rubbed the back of my head and winced in pain before opening the doors and leaving Lucius' room. I walked down the stairs in attempts to find the library, but soon found it when i recognized the large doors.

I sat on the couch that him and I cuddled on, replaying the memory in my head. It gave me butterflies to think that I dropped to my knees for him in this very place. I don't know if this little crush is going to last, but something is telling it will. I've only known Lucius for a few days but I already feel so connected with him, as if I've known him my entire life.

It's strange.

I grabbed a book off one of the many shelves in the library and plopped back down on the couch to read, waiting for Lucius to return.


Around 30 minutes later Athena heard a familiar masculine voice from outside the library, talking to another man, or maybe a boy. She stood up, and walked out to the main entrance to see Lucius and the younger Malfoy. Draco turned around to see Athena and gave her a tight smile. Lucius gave him a light nudge and Draco cleared his throat quietly.

"Eh erm..Hello, my name is Draco." he said with a slight tone of boredom in his voice. Athena smiled a little and stepped forward and extended her hand. She made sure to use her right hand for her left wrist was still badly bruised. Draco took her hand and gave it a firm shake, but not too hard.

"It's nice to meet you Draco, i'm Athena. You're father and I are friends." she said while pulling her hand away. Lucius smiled at the sight of the two interacting and then nodded.

"That we are." Lucius said. All though Athena had been the first to say it, she felt slightly hurt by his words. 'friend' Athena knew that they weren't in a relationship and had only met that week, but they already had done things that normal friends don't do. Draco nodded and looked at her purple wrist, and frowned slightly. Athena took notice of where Draco's eyes had been she broke the silence.

"Draco, I cant thank you enough for what you did back at my shop," she began. Draco had a proud but small smile on his face. "If you hadn't helped me Merlin knows what would've happened." she said trying to push the terrible thought out of her head.

"You don't need to thank me Athena, it was the right thing to do." he said. Suddenly Jinky ran towards the trio and bowed upon Lucius and Draco.

"Masters!" She squeaked, "Jinky would like to know when you want dinner!" Draco looked up at Lucius and then to Athena, with a I don't really know or care but i'm hungry type of look.

"Are you hungry Athena?" Lucius asked.

"Yes i'm a bit hungry, but whenever you guys want dinner is fine by me." she said kindly.

"Very well. Jinky, start cooking." he ordered.

"Yes master! Jinky would love to!" the small elf beamed.

After Jinky had left, Lucius put a hand on Draco's shoulder and gave it a small squeeze, like a silent 'I love you'. Draco smiled and then stepped away from the two and towards the stairs.

"I'll be in my room until dinner is ready Father." he stated and then proceeded to go upstairs. Athena waved with a smile and then looked back to Lucius.

"How are you feeling?" he asked as he gently grabbed her wrist examining the bruise.

"Decent, my wrist is hurting but my head has stopped pounding." she sighed. Lucius nodded as he gently brushed his fingers across her wrist, causing  her to wince in pain from the sensitivity.


"Yes Athena?" he asked looking down at her.

"I don't know how long i'll be able to stay here," she frowned, "I have to work to afford my home, being away from that could slip up my finances." she spoke. Lucius let out a low chuckle, to which Athena knitted her brows in confusion.

"I don't see what's funny about this Lucius." she said with a hint of annoyance in her voice. Lucius' lip curled as he tried to hide a smile.

"Forgive me love, it's just, have you forgotten who I am?" he questioned. Athena remained silent. "I will pay for anything you need." he assured. Athena blinked a few times before shaking her head.

"No no, Lucius I wo-" Lucius put his finger on her mouth pressing her lips shut.

"Quiet. I will pay for anything you need, I have more than enough and i'd love to help you." he said letting his hand down from her face.

"A-are you sure?" she asked feeling a bit guilty.

"Of course I am." he nodded. Athena smiled a little and opened her arms, taking another step toward him and hugging him. Lucius hugged her back with a smile growing on his face when suddenly a loud crack was heard, making Lucius jump and pull away from Athena.

The young witches eyes widened when they fell upon Narcissa, standing in the middle of the room, and if looks could kill, Athena would be long gone.

"Who's this, Lucius?" she hissed, tilting her head to the side and looking Athena up and down. The man took a step back from Athena and cleared his throat quietly.

"This is a friend of mine," he began. There it was again, friend. "She's staying here for a bit, she's injured." he calmly explained.

"Then why doesn't she go to St. Mungos?" Narcissa snapped back. Athena gulped and fidgeted with her thumbs, unsure what to say.

"We already went, she should be fine but they recommended she should be supervised." he stated. Narcissa walked up to Lucius stopping in front of him. "She will stay with us for a few days." he stated.

She sighed. "Fine by me." she coldly spoke, shooting Athena a quick side glare before putting her arms up and around Lucius' neck and kissing him. The younger witch clenched her fists as jealousy took over her emotions. After only a moment of the Malfoys kissing, Lucius gently pushed his wife off of him. Lucius looked to his wife with loving eyes before shaking his head ever so slightly and turning to the younger witch.

"Athena, let me show you to your room." he said and walked past her, leaving her and Narcissa standing there with an awkward energy in the room. The older witch shot one last look at Athena before leaving the room, and Athena was still thinking about the Malfoy's exchanging that kiss. Lucius stood at the top of the stairs, looking down at Athena.

"Athena, come on." he spoke, and watched her as she made her way up the stairs. He turned on his heel and showed Athena to a guest bedroom where she would be staying for a few nights. She gave him a smile and a quick thank you before stepping into the room and shutting the door, not giving Lucius the chance to speak. On the other side of the door stood a confused Lucius, who was debating if he should barge in our simply walk away. He reached for the door knob and grabbed it, but didn't twist it. Perhaps I should go spend time with Cissy...He let go of the handle and walked down the hall, to find his wife.

Athena was too upset to admire the beautiful room she was given, and locked the door with a quick flick of her wand before sitting on the bed and letting out a sigh. She knew that Narcissa was his wife, but seeing her kiss him like that knowing she's unfaithful made her blood boil. The second thing was the kiss in general, Athena had been the only woman Lucius had kissed in a while, according to him. A few tears rolled down her cheeks as she thought more about what had just happened moments before.

About fifteen minutes had passed and Athena remained sitting on the bed, looking out the window and watching the sunset. You've known him for barely a fucking week, what you did meant nothing, get a grip.


Lucius walked down the stairs to find Narcissa in the living room, sitting cross legged with a glass of red wine in her left hand. She set the wine down on a nearby table and rose from the armchair she was seated in, to approach her husband.

"I've missed you Cissy," he spoke, trying to push his thoughts of Athena out of his mind. She smirked and wrapped her arms around him, pressing another kiss onto his lips. Lucius hadn't been kissed by his wife in months, he was hesitant at first but then returned the kiss and pulled her closer to him.


A knock at the door startled her, causing her to jump and quickly wipe the tears off her cheeks.

"Alohomora," she whispered.

"Come in."

The door creaked open and Athena didn't see anyone, not until she had looked down. Jinky stood in the doorway with a smile.

"Young Mistress, dinner is ready!" she small elf squeaked. Athena stood up from the bed and fixed her hair before following the elf down the hallway, down the stairs and into the dining room. There sat Lucius at the head of the table, Narcissa to his left and Draco to his right. Athena took a seat across from Lucius leaving the two other Malfoy's facing each other. The room was silent and Athena wasn't in the mood to eat anymore. Everyone had picked up their forks and knives and began eating, while Athena started down at her food. Draco and his mother had quickly struck up a conversation and Lucius just nodded and listened. Athena looked up at the blonde man across from her with a hint of pain in her eyes, watching his as he looked at his beautiful wife. Suddenly Lucius' gaze went to Athena who was still staring, she quickly looked away and clenched her fist under the table. He eyed her while taking a sip of wine from his goblet. Damnit Lucius, what have you done.

The conversation died down between Narcissa and Draco, and the half blonde woman looked to her husband.

"I love you, Lucius. I'm sorry i've been so distant lately, i've been very busy." she spoke as she put her hand on his. Athena stared at Narcissa who was still holding her husbands hand. Lucius smiled a little and nodded.

"It's alright darling, I understand." he spoke. Athena's blood was boiling from jealousy and a feeling of betrayal. She knew it was wrong, she knew that Lucius was married with a child, she knew that what happened between the two wasn't going anywhere.

"May I be excused? I'm afraid my head is beginning to hurt from earlier." she lied. Lucius looked so Narcissa and back to Athena, nodding.

"Yes you may, thank you for joining us for dinner."

Athena didn't say a word, she stood up and left the dining room. Draco knitted his brows in confusion and shrugged. Narcissa raised an eyebrow at Lucius, and he gave her a tight lipped smile.


Lucius left to take Draco back to Hogwarts leaving Narcissa and Athena alone in the manor. The younger witch remained in her room, sitting on the bed, bored and hurt. She decided she'd grab a book from the family's library to keep her company. The Manor was quiet as she walked down the hall, accompanied by the sound of her own footsteps. Once she'd stepped into the library she regretted it instantly, Narcissa sat with a book in her left hand and a goblet of wine in the other. Narcissa dipped the book down and her eyes met with the other witch. She didn't look interested in speaking with her and continued to read. Athena approached one of the many shelves and looked around hoping to find something interesting, it didn't take long. She grabbed the book and began to walk towards the exit of the library before she was stopped by Narcissa, who had grabbed her by the wrist. The younger witch hissed in pain and pulled her arm back quickly and shot a nasty look to Narcissa.

"Why'd you do that?" Athena snapped. Narcissa's lip curled slightly, she looked as if she was trying to hide the fact she did it on purpose.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry dear." Narcissa spoke innocently. Her eyes were cold, and Athena wasn't liking it.

"It's just, I needed to tell you something," Athena tilted her head slightly and looked at her confused, still gently rubbing the sensitive skin on her wrist.
Narcissa then took another step towards the younger witch, closing the gap between their bodies and started to lean, and said lowly in Athena's ear, "Stay away from my husband." Athena's eyes widened and Narcissa stepped away, chipping her shoulder roughly as she walked past her and into her and Lucius' bedroom.


i'd like to apologize for not updating in the past month, i took a break from writing due to some hardships in my personal life. things have been rough but i promise to update more. there will be a new chapter every sunday. thank you for the support and almost 1k reads. i love you all 🖤 - c

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