Pureblood Lovers Draco X Y/N

By ReadingQueen_14

174K 3.6K 2.9K

DRACO X READER FANFICTION Finished The Valentine's is one of the most famous pureblood families in the wizar... More

1 - Seeing old friends
2 - The golden trio
3 - The sorting hat
4 - Christmas
5 - The train ride to Hogwarts
6 - Draco is hurt
7 - Sirius Black
8 - Page 394
9 - Hogsmeade visit
10 - Extra lessons
11 - What a show
12 - Expecto patronum
13 - Quidditch world cup
14 - Fourth year
15 - Three unforgivable curses
16 - The champions
17 - Dragons
18 - The first task
19- Lies
20 - Yule ball
21 - Black lake
22 - He's back
23-The Order
24- New year
25-New professor
26- Thestrals
27- Cat fight
28- Dumbledores army
29- R.O.R
30- I miss you
31- Occlumency
33- O.W.L.S
35- war has begun
36-Two sided
37-Tom Marvolo Riddle
38- Quidditch trails
40-Party crasher
41-Poison taste
42- Blood spilt
43-Dark times
47- quality time
48-Godric Hollow
49- See you again
52-Helena Ravenclaw

55-Lord Voldemort

2.6K 49 95
By ReadingQueen_14

The Deatheaters, Voldemort, and sadly Hagrid walked across the bridge. Harry laid in Hagrid's arms. You looked him up and down seeing scars, dry blood, a rope around him, and most importantly the lifeless Harry James Potter. You and Neville walked forward slowly as others came outside. You could see your family. Narcissa, Lucius, Theodore, Celestia, Valerie, and your own Mother.

'Who is that. That Hagrid is holding. Y/N? Neville?' Ginny stammered questions as you stayed quiet.

'Harry Potter is dead!.' Voldemort roared as a crash.

'No!' Haunting scream from Ginny seeing Harry. She was held back by Arthur.

'Silence! You stupid girl.' Voldemort ordered.

'Harry Potter is dead. From this day forth, you put your faith in me.' Voldemort smirked as he walked closer.

'Harry Potter is dead! Now is the time to declare yourself to me. Join us or die.' He repeated as the Death eaters cheered. Every single professor and student was outside watching silently in horror. 

'Draco.' Lucius shouted quietly. Wanting him to come forward and he did. Voldemort hugged him awkwardly as he went to his parents. Following were Blaise and Theo. They didn't want this. They just wanted to go home.

'Y/N.' Your Mother soothed your voice. Your eyes narrowed as you stared forward.

'Come forward Valentine and you will be at peace.' Voldemort grinned.

'You know what Tom. I don't think so. Not if you're going to sacrifice me for the power you're hungry for.' You scoffed back as Nagini hissed. He put his hand forward to push his snake back Neville stepped forward limping. You were in utter shock but didn't show it. But then you realised what he was doing as your eyes followed his. Harry moved.

'Well, I must say I hoped for better.' Voldemort started. The Death eaters cheered as Neville still limped forward. You then followed behind him as you clutched your wand. You didn't have a plan but you were ready to use your magic.

'And who might you be young man?' He questioned as he tried to come closer as you watched from behind Neville.

'Neville Longbottom.' He answered. Bellatrix's laughed corrupted the courtyard as the Death eaters chuckled along too.

'Well, Neville I'm sure we can find a place for you in our ranks.' He claimed.

'I'd like to say something.' He spoke over his last words.

'Well, Neville I'm sure we'll all be fascinated by what you have to say.' Voldemort clutched his hands tightly wanting to get this over with.

'It doesn't matter that Harry's gone. People die every day. Friends, family. Yeah, we lost Harry tonight. He's still with us in here.' He pointed to his heart.

'You still have me.' You spoke up as you called your magic through your body ready in your hands.

'He didn't die in vain. But you will.' He shouted at him as he grinned slightly.

'It's not over.' You roared. Neville pulled out the Gryffindor sword from the hat. Harry fell out of Hagrid's arms and ran for it. You pulled your hands forward creating a shield to protect you all; giving time for Harry as curses shot after you and him. Death eaters apparated into the sky. You watched as your family disappeared but not your mother. You threw curse after curse at the dark lord himself as he started to panic. You called for more powerful magic as it crawled up your body reaching your hands. You grunted hard as it left your palms hitting him and many Death eaters as they fall down. You created a smaller shield at the entrance of the castle as you held it up.

'We still need to kill the snake.' Harry spoke up.

'I can't hold this shield any longer.' You admitted as the Death eaters crawled inside of the castle. Voldemort and Nagini apparated inside Hogwarts.

You and Harry ran to the grand staircase being cautious turning in a circle. You spotted Voldemort in front of you as you threw the first spell. It was charm after charm as you and Harry deflected them. He then came from behind so you swiftly threw a shield but it was broken by him. Harry defended you both holding both spells in the middle as the neon green light crashed into the crimson red. You noticed the serpent behind you as Harry threw both curses at the ceiling destroying it making it fall. Harry pulled out the Basilisk fang ready to puncture it into its body. Voldemort was on the other side of the stairs as he threw himself at Harry. He then chased after Harry as you had Nagini on you.

You then ran down the stairs as a brick hit the snake. Hermione threw it.

'Are you stupid or what?' You muttered as you headed down to her and Ron. The serpent then hissed its tongue as it grew closer and closer. You created a barrier between you three and the deathly creature. As it launched itself at you all you closed your eyes ready for the barrier to be broken.  But nothing happened. Neville killed the sixth Horcrux.

'Well done Neville.' You gained balance as you hugged him.

You then headed to the great hall as many Death eaters were there. You and Ginny were back to back as Bellatrix fought her and you realised it was your own Mother. Curses were thrown quicker than normal. As you both had Merlin blood. Soon enough Molly stepped in fighting with you which. you were grateful for.

'Not my daughter you bitch.' She called out as she killed your mother and Bellatrix.

'I'm sorry I wasn't the best Mother.' Were the last words you heard before she disintegrated.  You didn't feel any emotions at all for your mother but for Molly, you felt like a Weasley. 

You then heard the commotion outside in the courtyard. It was Harry fighting Voldemort. It was like before on the stairs but Voldemort was weaker as for Nagini died. The green collided with the red but Harry's spell was stronger. He then crushed the killing curse Voldemort used and caught the Elder wand. The killing curse rebounded onto Voldemort as he realised he lost. You used one last bit of magic in you to finish him off for good. You laughed loudly with relief as you hugged Harry tightly. The wizarding war was over.

 You, Harry, Hermione, and Ron headed onto the bridge for some air. You and Harry stood on some broken railing looking over to see the water below. Harry then pulled out the Elder wand.

'The Elder wand. Why didn't it work?' Hermione asked.

'It answered to somebody else.' Harry explained.

'When he killed Snape he thought the wand would become his though.' You grabbed the wand from Harry's hold.

'It never belonged to Snape. It was Draco's but I took his wand from the manor.' Harry added on.

'Which equaled it really belonged to you.' You sighed as you realised the truth. You then broke it in half and chucked it in the water below.

'What was that for mate?' Ron screamed.

'It's too powerful.' You answered.

'Now what?' He asked.

'We live our lives in peace again.' Hermione pulled you all in a hug.

                            15 YEARS LATER

'Ascella, Scorpius come down honey you're off to Hogwarts.' You shouted as you grabbed their suitcases.

'You ready love?' You walked into the kitchen kissing your husband.

'Are you asking if I'm ready to see my god kids or sending my kids to school?' Draco replied as you laughed in his arms.

'Ew mummy and daddy are being gross.' Ascella giggled as Scorpius covered his eyes.

'Come on kids you're off to the best school ever.' Draco shouted as he picked up his giggling children. 

'Have you packed everything?' You asked questioned Scorpius.

'Yes, Mum I have.' He replied. You then all apparated to Kings cross station and ran into the wall with their trolleys. You did it with Scorpus and Draco did it with Ascella. As you headed through the wall you heard the train straight away. You smiled at the familiar feeling as you headed over to see Blaise and Theo with their kids and wives. The Greengrass sisters.

'Of course, you too are late.' Theo greeted you both.

'Nice to see you too Theo.' You grinned.

'If it isn't Malfoy.' Blaise spoke up.

'Hey, Blaise.' You hugged them both.

 As you were about to say goodbye to all the kids. You turned to your left to see your other friends from your Hogwart years. Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron saying bye to their kids. They also looked to their right to see you. You and Draco smiled ahead at them and waved. The train started to move heading to Scottland, Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.

You got up from your bed as you headed downstairs. You grabbed a drink and headed down another corridor in the manor. You walked into the library passed all the paintings you own. You walk in to see your kids with your Husband.

'How was it, love?' He asked you.

'How was what?' You questioned.

'Well, the book.' He replied.

'Oh. It was amazing  Nath.'  You smiled. You then got back up as you headed back to your room. As you went past you swore a painting moved. But you were just hallucinating after finishing the story. You always wished it was a reality. A reality where you were in it. Magical and Powerful. But you weren't. It was just another story and another dream. 

A/N don't hate me guys I love this ending so much. This is now the end of Pureblood Lovers. It was the first book I ever made. But it isn't the last. Check out my account for others. I love you guys so much thank you for all the love and support you gave me.

We now say goodbye to Pureblood lovers and hello to Broken promises and Better than you. Another HP story with an OC and an MCYT story with an OC. 

Also my second popular book Soft spot a Rafe Cameron X oc with smut.

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