The Daughter Of

By SecretsKeepMeSane

37.5K 1.2K 269

Drake, a man with blazing blue eyes. Silas, a man with breathtaking green eyes. Hunter, a man with astonishin... More

Chapter 1, The First Encounter.
Chapter 2, The Abduction.
Chapter 3, Adrenaline.
Chapter 4, Defeat.
Chapter 5, Will This Ever End?
Chapter 6, The Mansion.
Chapter 7, Unbearable Pain.
Chapter 8, The Weakness of Lust.
Chapter 9, Surfing.
Chapter 10, Weakness.
Chapter 11, Death Is Near.
Chapter 12, Master.
Chapter 13, Curly Mistakes.
Chapter 15, The Need.
Chapter 16, Meeting Hunter.
Chapter 17, A Lie.
Chapter 18, A Painting.
Chapter 19, Oh Fuck. Literally.
Chapter 20, Empathy?
Chapter 21, A Beast Saves The Day
Chapter 22, A Shower Gone Haywire
Chapter 23, Blood for Blood.
Chapter 24, Little Did I Know.
Chapter 25, The Night Before Darkness.
Chapter 26, Darkness Consumes.
Chapter 27, Freedom?
Chapter 28, Fireworks.
29, Apology Pizza.
30, He Returns.

Chapter 14, So Close To Freedom.

1.1K 39 2
By SecretsKeepMeSane

I'm moving, I swear I am. I feel myself bumping up and down and as I begin to wake I notice the roar of an engine.

I must be in a car.

Without opening my eyes, because I'm simply afraid of who will be next to me, I move my wrists. Lightly pulling on them to see if they're restrained. As I expected, they are.

After fiddling with my feet I know they're also tied up.

Without making any quick or sudden movements I open my burning green eyes.

As I suspected, I'm in a car. My throbbing head is leaning up against the cars glass window, keeping my head still, only my eyes scan the vehicle.

Silas is next to me concentrating on his phone.

No one has noticed I'm awake yet, and I intend to keep it that way.

The bastard that strangled me into unconsciousness is sitting in the front, on the passengers side.

I can't look at who's driving without moving to see him, so I really don't give a shit about him.

Deciding to distract myself, I look out the window. It's dark, really dark. But I watch the palm trees fly by, their huge leaves lit up by the street lights.

I know we're on some road, whether it's a highway, or just some back woods I'm not sure of.

Although, it's been five minutes and I've only seen two other cars, so I have a feeling it's either super late and no one is out driving, or it's just not busy road.

Where are they taking me? Back to the mansion and run down motel?

In a way, I hope they just kill me and get it over with. I'd rather die than watch my siblings get hurt.

But if I do die, there will be no one to protect them.

Thinking about how I'm the one who has bought them a ticket with Drake because of my loud mouth and bitchyness, I'm not sure it would be any worse for them without me.

I'm not the greatest at protecting them, that's for sure.

It hasn't always been like this though, you've always been able to protect them. My mind quickly reasures me, and I guess it's true.

Back at "home", I could always keep them away from harm.

I'd blackmail John and Helen by threatening to call the authorities. This only scared them because they were living off of the cheques they'd receive for taking care of us.

No kids, no cheques, so I could easily manipulate them into staying away from us all.

I wish I could feel that feeling again. The feeling of knowing that I could always protect my siblings, and keep them from harm, just by threatening to call a number.

Now, I have no way to protect them.

I heave a heavy sigh, forgetting about pretending to be asleep.

I know they all noticed.

"Well, shit." I roll my eyes as both Silas and Drake glare at me.

"How long have you been awake for?" Silas questions as him and Drake examine me.

Shrugging my shoulders, I ignore them, and look out the window some more.

I don't feel like talking, but I also know that I won't get away with not answering him.

The sound of fabric against the car's leather makes me wonder, and when I turn my head to look, Silas is no farther than an inch in front of my face.

Being that close to someone, especially a person like him, makes me automatically back up.

I scoot as far back as I can into the car door, against the window.

It doesn't help any though, because he shuffles as close as he can to me.

He grabs my thighs, and sets me on his lap, wrapping his arms around my waist, holding me there so I cannot move.

I don't appreciate this, at all. I squirm and huff and puff, but get no where.

"Let go." I turn my head to face Silas, looking into his eyes.

"Nope." His dark green eyes stare into me. "Got to make sure you don't escape."

"But, my hands and feet are tied..." I protest.

"I don't need an excuse to grab you and set you on my lap. End of story." Sadly, considering that I'm being held captive... He's right.

I stop struggling and sigh in defeat, Silas smirks.

"So, Drake, What do we have in plan for her?" He asks, starting one of their "casual" conversations.

"One of her siblings gets a big beating while she watches, and she will watch. I'll tape her eyelids open if I have to," The sinking feeling of sadness is filling me, it's not fair. "We'll have to punish Scarlett directly too, not sure how yet though. Although it has to be something she'll remember."

They talk as if they've forgotten I'm here.

Drake turns in his passenger seat to look to me. He snarls, "Sound good babe?"

"Please, can you just leave them alone?" I beg to Drake.

"Stop begging, it's pathetic. And it won't change the fact that one of your brothers will be beaten because Lucy needs to heal."

"You- you beat her that badly?" My voice cracks.

"I did." Drake speaks as if it's absolutely okay to beat an innocent child.

"She didn't do anything... It wasn't right of you to beat her that bad, or at all because she didn't deserve it. A person like you on the other hand, they deserve a very big beating."

Silas' grip on waist pinches, I squeal from the pressure. He presses his lip against my ear, and whispers to me so know one else can listen. "Stop talking like that Scar, you're making things worse."

"Congrats Scarlett, now when I beat your siblings and you, I'll make sure to make it ten times as painful." Drake claims.

Silas then whispers to me again. "Told you so."

"Master, please, can I just have one more chance?" This is my last attempt at getting what I want, and what I want is to protect my siblings.

Silas squeezes my waist again, as if warning me that what I said wasn't good to say.

Drake turns around in his seat to look back at me, I can't see his eyes because it's too dark. But from the way his voice growls, I know he's frustrated. "Stop. Begging. Now."

"Sorry." I mutter before shutting up.

"That a girl." Silas whispers and it's starting to bother me.

"Pass her to me." Drake orders.

No, please no.

Si's whispering may be starting to bother me, but I rather his presence than Drakes any day.

I turn to Silas to look into his green eyes, and shake my head no, I plea to him with my pearls and a puffed out lip.

"I dunno, I kinda enjoy her on my lap." I smile, thanking him.

"I didn't say it like it was a choice." I watch as Drake continues to look forward out the windsheild but his fist clenches, he's getting angry.

"Drake." Silas dominantly grumbles. "I have a choice. Unlike Scarlett."

They're both getting angry and it's because of me, this has to stop, or I'm afraid they'll tear me apart limb from limb.

"I really don't want to get you two grumpy, how about I just sit by myself?" I kindly ask.

"No." Drake snaps.

"Not happening." Silas demands, pulling my ass closer to him.

"Give her to me. I was the one who found her." Drake pushes.

"Oh you were not. I was and you know it." Si counters.

"Fine you're right, but I went and got her. Just give me the damn girl Silas!" He booms and the car almost shakes.

I'm starting to shake too, the flaming fury of both of them is terrifying me.

"Stop telling me what to do Drake! She's just as much mine as she is yours."

They sound like a much scarier version of two five year olds arguing.

"Pull over." Drake looks to the driver, and he immediately does as he says, pulling off to the side of the road under a street light.

Why are we pulling over?

The furious man who's wrath I've faced before jumps out of the car.

Silas roughly pushes me off his lap and puts me on the opposite side of where Drake swings open the car door; so he's in between the monster and I.

Using his weirdness, or power, I'm not too sure what to call it, Silas hurls Drake away from the door. He flies fifteen feet from the car and slams into a tree, I can hear the snap when he makes impact.

Then the driver cranks the music so loud I can barley think straight, but I continue to pay attention to what's happening.

I thought they were on the same team... But Silas probably just killed Drake with the force that he threw him with against that pine tree.

Si stalks toward Drakes lifeless body and I watch, hypnotized by the scene.

Just as Silas is about to grab him, Drakes' once lifeless body jumps up and tackles him to the grassy ground.

These people are freaks.

"I need to get out of here.. " I mumble to myself, realising that there's a wide open door and the two strongest men are distracted.

Then, something amazing happens, Headlights. There's headlights coming on the road!

I scoot to the open door, my hands and feet are tied but if I can just make it to the road...

I plop out of the car, the driver is too into the music to even notice me go.

The cold grass tickles my skin and I shiver half to death from the sudden change in temperature, it's so cold.

But I crawl agaisnt the grass, getting closer and closer. Finally I meet the pavement.

I continue to inchworm my way onto the road, I'll risk getting hit.

The headlights are almost here.

I try my best to stand up, but only get to my knees, my heart rate accelerates as the lights are fifteen feet in front of me.

Waving my hands above my head, and moving as much as I can, I pray the car stops.

Ten feet in front of me.

It begins to slow down, Yes!

Five feet.

It's almost here, my insides jump.

Then, the car blares it's horn. Oh shit. That'll definitely draw unwanted attention... I look towards the guys and my heart stops.

They're running towards me.

But the car has stopped and a chubbier but tall man slowly steps out, before he asks any questions I shout.

"I've been kidnapped! Please take me away from here," I point to the two men closing in on me. "They're going to kill me, please help!" I beg.

"What's your name!?" He asks, running to me but taking forever to get to my side.

I look back to Drake and Silas, they're fifteen feet away.

"My names Scarlett Thomson, I'm from Lake Park, Florida and a bus load of people and I have been kidnapped by a large group of men. Two of their leaders names are Drake and Silas." I quickly make a decision that could change my life forever, "Get back in your car, there's no time to take me, quick or they'll kill you, tell the police about this."

He stands looking at me in awe, "NOW!" I yell, shocking him out of his stance, I watch as he waddles, or in his case runs, back to his car.

I look at them, they're ten feet from me.

"Hurry up! Drive fast and don't look back!" I yell to him.

He looks at me one last time, "This is crazy, but I'll get you away from them. I'll save you, I promise." And something inside me makes me believe that his promise will be broke. He slams his car door and speeds off before Drake and Silas can reach him.

"You little bitch!" Drake roars.

"That wasn't very smart Scarlett, you should've stayed in the damn car!" Silas bellows to me as they both close the distance between us.

I'm screwed... But at least someone will know about this.

Silas gets to me first, he grabs me by my hair, lifting me to my feet, and gets so close to my face I can feel his cool breath and taste the sweat dripping from him.

"I'm done being nice. You don't mess with me when I'm in a bad mood, and you just made my mood a hell of a lot worse. Especially considering how kind I've been to you, unthankful bitch." He growls and my everything shakes from how low and raspy his voice is. I've never seen him so angry.

Drake stands, watching.

"I'm sorry." I quickly say, trying to make his mood dim, but when I look into his eyes, the only thing I see is pure fury.

"You're sorry!?" He shouts, "I'm fucking sick and tired of your sorry's  Scarlett! If you were sorry the first time you wouldn't have got out of the car and told that mother fucker your name, our names, where you're from and that you were kidnapped!" How'd he hear all that I said from such a far distance?

He lets go of my tangled hair and pushes me to my knees. His hand reaches out infront of me, his palm facing towards my body. I know what he's going to do.

"Please, please don't..."

Pain shoots through my insides, traveling through every single one of my fragile bones and ripping through my soft skin, I shreik.


Long chapter, sorry to leave you in suspense. (;

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