Kuroo's little sister (Kenma...

By Savage_gamer

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You are y/n Tetsurō. You're Kuroo's little sister. Your best friend is Hinata Shoyo. You go through a lot at... More

First week
I'm going to kill you
After math!
Meet up


206 0 0
By Savage_gamer

It was the next day and kuroo was having a party later on. You woke up and did your normal thing. When you went downstairs you saw Kenma and three others. You sighed you grabbed some sweet tea and something to eat.

"Hey y/n!" Shoyo says smiling I sigh. I wave at them and go back upstairs after seeing Sarah. "What's wrong with her?" Sarah asked. They all look at her. "She doesn't like you." Kenma says and she rolls her eyes. "What a brat." Sarah said and kuroo furrowed his eyebrows. "Don't call my sister a brat. You literally don't have to be here." She gasped. "Kuroo calm down." Kenma said and shoyo huffed. "Wow Kenma you really need to figure out what you want." Shoyo said walking upstairs. "Huh?" Kenma says as Kuroo sighed and sat on the couch.

"The party starts at 6 do what you need to do it's only 11." Kuroo said turning the tv on and the two nod.

~time skip the party~

I come downstairs from streaming because it's loud and there are now people everywhere. I sigh and get something to drink.

"Kuroo seriously?" I ask and he smiles. "Come on its fun!" I roll my eyes. "Sho?" Shoyo smiles. "Hey puppy!" I nod and look around I see Kenma and Sarah dancing and I sigh. "I'm going to my room. "Wait y/n!" I sigh. "Kuroo." He puts a hand on my shoulder. "Stay for a bit were about to play a game!" I instantly declined. "Pleaseee!" I frown. "Fine."

We end up playing truth or dare I played as more people started to show up to the party. After a few rounds we stopped and just hung around. I went back to my room because it became crowded. Shoyo came in a few times to check on me and play some games on my switch with me.

"Where's that girl?" Someone asked Kuroo. "What girl?" He responded. "The one from earlier that was playing she looked like you." Kuroo did an o with his mouth. "My sister she's probably in her room I'll go get her wait here guys!" Kuroo says and they all nod.

"Hey y/n?" Kuroo entered your room. I nod. "Some people are asking for you." I raise my brow. "Can you come down for a bit more?" I sigh getting up. "Yay!"

We walk downstairs. "Hey the cutie is back!" They shout and I wave shyly. "So what's your name?" One of them ask. "Y/n Tetsuro." They nod and start making conversation with me. I try and keep up best I can. Shoyo smiles. "Glad to see you meeting others." I smile slightly.

"Kuroo I'm gonna go get a drink really quick." I said and he nods. I walk away to the kitchen. I go to the kitchen and see Kenma and Sarah. I go to just walk passed them when I notice them making out in the Corner. I look down and grab my drink and leave quickly. My whole night ruined and I feel tears start flowing.

I run to the bathroom and wash my face. I stay for a bit my eyes red but it's not that noticeable anymore I walk out. I go back to the group I was with. "Hey I'm back." I said quietly they smile at me. "You okay? You took a while." I nod. "I'm fine." I smile slightly and they smile back.

They start the conversation again and I'm not really listening anymore since I can't get that out of my head. I sigh and shoyo looks at me. "What's wrong?" I shake my head and smile. "Nothing." He looks at me suspiciously and sighs. "Don't lie y/n" he whispered.

I smile and get up. "Hey let's play spin the bottle!" I yell and everyone cheers we all sit in a circle. "You sure you wanna play y/n?" Kuroo asked I nodded. "Of course what could go wrong!" I smile and he smiled back we start playing. I kept landing on random guys. "Alright y/n you landed on r/n" I get up and kiss him he grabbed my waist pulling me closer. I break the kiss and he's panting. "You're a good kisser." I smile.

We continue. My teammates from Karasuno arrive and start playing. "Tsukishima!" I smile and he sighs. "I have to kiss her?" They nod and he gets up and kisses me we break the kiss. "Damn what a good kisser." He says blushing I smile Kenma rolls his eyes. Sarah looks at him and kisses him I feel myself frown but instantly hide it.

Shoyo Kuroo Noya and Sugamama caught it and glared at Kenma who kissed her back. We continued to play everyone getting a turn almost everyone landing on me. "Well that was fun guys!" Shoyo says smiling and I nod. "I think I'm gonna go to the pool." I said. "Oou us too!" Noya and Tanaka said I nodded and we all left.

"Spill." Noya said and i look at him confused. "I saw you back there what's going on between you and Kenma?" I sigh. "Nothing Really." Tanaka frowns. "Are you serious? Last time we saw you which was two days ago! He couldn't get his eyes off you." I laugh slightly. "That was two days ago." Noya sighed. "Where did she even come from?" He asked.

"She's our moms friends daughter. She went to the mall with us yesterday and ever since then her and Kenma have been inseparable. She flirted with him the whole time and doesn't like me so yeah." I say sitting in the pool drinking juice. "She's gonna be a problem I know it." They both say I nod. "Yeah I know."

We sit in the pool laughing and playing for a while until the others come out. Kenma and Sarah making out on the end on the pool I couldn't take it anymore so I said something.

"Do you both mind?" They stop and look at me. "What?" Sarah said. "We're trying to have a good time here and you two sucking each other's faces are disturbing others!" She rolls her eyes. "Y/n you're just mad that you can't get some." Kenma says and I sigh. "Kenma you're cool and my brothers best friend. I advice you to watch your mouth." He rolls his eyes. "Very well then. If you don't mind I'm trying to have a good time!" I say taking them out the pool with my teams help.

"Y/n why are you acting like this!" Kenma shouts I flinch. "Why can't you just leave!" I shout back. "I asked you nicely and you didn't move so I did it by force get out!" I hiss and Kenma sighs. He walked in the house.

"Who do you think you are!" Sarah yells walking my way. "The daughter of the owner of this property and house." I say matter a factly. "I will tell my mother!" She shouts. "I don't care fake bitch." I say back and Shoyo giggles. "One day you'll reap what you sown Sarah. Go away enjoy the party." I say and she stomped back inside.

"Nice one pup." I nod at shoyo. "Yeah I'm gonna kill him." Kuroo says along with sugamama. "Calm down it's fine." They sigh. "I'm gonna go to my room." They nod. "I'm going too." Noya and sho say and follow behind me.

~in my room~

"First I want to ask something." Noya says as we sit on my bed. "Shoot." I say he looks at me and shoyo. "Is it okay for friends to make out?" Me and shoyo giggle. "Yes Noya it is if the other person is okay with it!" I say and he smiles. "Well now what?" Shoyo asked. "Well we could call some others in here and just play another game but with only friends?" Noya says and we agree.

Tsukishima Kuroo bokuto oikawa and lev are now in my room. "Hey bokuto." I say and he smiles. "HEY HEY HEY!" I glare. "Now what's up guys?" I shrug and look at the others. "Let's play uno!" Shoyo shouts and I nod. Everyone agrees and we all start playing. I won every game and they were all trying to figure out how. "Shes cheating!" Tsuki yelled. "I'm not."

"Then how the hell are you winning Everytime!" Kuroo shouts. "Y'all just suck and I'm playing the game right." I giggle they sigh. "New game!" Shoyo says and everyone nods. "How about a video game?" Kuroo shakes his head. "That's what she's best at!" Me and shoyo giggle. "Fine no games!" They shout and we all laugh.

"Well Kuroo go see what's going on downstairs attend to your guest you've been up here for an hour now." I say and he nods. Kuroo takes bokuto Tsukishima and lev.

"Alright y/n who's the lucky guy?" Oikawa says smiling I raise a brow. "Huh?" He looks at me with an are your serious face. "All those guys you kissed tonight anyone got your heart?" I shake my head he pouts. "Oh come on not one?" Shoyo rolls his eyes. "There is one but he's being a real pain in the ass right now." Oikawa looks at me. "Oh boy problems? It's Kenma isn't it." I look shocked. "Why would you say that?"

"I see how you look at him. Plus i caught you staring at him." I sigh nodding. "Isn't he with that Sarah girl?" I look at him. "They're together?" He nods. "Yeah that's what they said earlier." I look down. "Oh." He bites his lip. "I'm sorry." I shake my head. "Don't worry about it! Now go have fun you guys I'm gonna take a shower!" They all look at me worriedly as I push everyone out my room.

I hop in the shower and sigh not bothering to turn on my light. I bath in the dark and let my tears fall with the water. "I knew he didn't like me back why am I crying?" I say trying to wipe my tears but fail. I let them flow and someone enters my bathroom.

I open the curtain slightly. I see Shoyo and Noya. "We know you're not okay." Shoyo says and I just nod. "We're gonna get out once your done we'll be in your room." Noya says and I nod. They leave the bathroom and I turn the water off after I bath.

I get out dry off and put on my clothes. I leave my bathroom and shoyo and Noya are sitting on my bed. They open there arms and I hug them. "It's okay to cry y/n." As Shoyo says that I break down in tears they hug me till I calm down.

"Now what do you want to do?" I look at Noya. "Party till I drop." They smile and we leave my room. "Kuroo!" I yell he looks at me. "Change the music and lets dance brother!" He smiles and turned the music up. We start dancing.

They throw me on the counter top and hand me drinks. "Don't kill my sister idiots!" Kuroo shouts smiling. "We would Never!" The others shout we're all having a good time. We laugh and talk I'm laying on the couch in shoyo's lap as there are others sitting on the floor talking to me.

"So you single?" Someone asked. "Yes I am!" I respond. "Can I kiss you?" Someone else asked I smile. "Sure!" I said and they kissed me I kissed them back. I break the kiss. Shoyo shifted a little from the movement. I got up and sat next to Shoyo so Kuroo could be with shoyo. He sat sho on his lap and they started making out I laughed.

As I talked to the people around us. One boy in particular came up to me. "Y/n?" Lev says I nod. "I know I shouldn't do this but I really wanna kiss you!" He shouts and I giggle getting up. "Ok do it then! This is the one day I do not care so kiss me!" I say and he smiled.

Lev kissed my lips and I kissed back he grabbed my waist pulling me closer. I push him into the couch and we begin to make out with one another. The others are whistling and cheering. As wrong as it was I didn't really care neither did he. He slipped his tongue in my mouth we fought for dominance he won. After a while we broke the kiss panting.

"Woah that was amazing." Lev said and I smile. "Damn sis didn't think you had it in ya." Kuroo said shook. "It was just a kiss." I smile innocently and everyone laughs. 

Kenma walks into the room. "Really y/n?" We look at him. "What?" I ask. "Making out with other guys? Just because you're mad that I found someone better?" Everyone gets up. "This has nothing to do with you Kenma!" I say back. "Really? You seem like a slut to me!" He shouts I flinch and feel tears threatening to fall. "Why do you care Kenma! Go back to your hoe ass girlfriend Sarah!" I shout back. "Don't call her that! Don't be mad she's better than you!" I scoff. "If she's so much better than me why are you here? Where is she at? Probably fucking another guy kitten!" Kenma stops talking and looks around.

"She wouldn't do that! She wouldn't go around making out with other people like you! You probably even faked your problems!" Kenma shouted and i feel the tears fall as I walk up to him. I push him. "How are you gonna say my problems were fake when your were there kitten! You were fucking there! If I faked my problems then I wouldn't have all these scars! She's probably lied to you saying all that about me. Yet doesn't have the guts to say it to my face" I laugh.

Kenma looks me dead in the eye. "I wish you never came back." I feel my heart break. "Pathetic." I say turning around. "SARAH! Come get your fuck boy and get out of here. The parties over. Kuroo I'm sorry I'll help clean." Everyone's shocked.

I walk to my room and see Sarah making out with a guy on my bed. I take pictures and drag them out tossing them infront on the room downstairs. "Kenma here is your proof that she's a hoe. Just started dating and already cheating on you." Kenma looks shocked and something in him changes. "Baby don't listen to her, she's lying." I toss my phone to Kenma. He looks at the picture. "Wow we're over Sarah get out!" He yells. "What? Because of that slut! She's nothing I'm better than her!" I laugh. She punched me and I giggle psychotically.

I punch her back. "Don't touch me!" She goes to hit me again but is blocked by Kuroo. "What's wrong with you slut!" Sarah yells. Shoyo's recording everything. "I'm not a slut you don't know me. I want you out of my house and you're not allowed back." I say calmly grabbing her by her shirt.

"You can't do that!" She shouts. "I can and I will now I advice you listen before I let him do whatever he wants letting you die." She looks at me shocked and shuts up. "You can't throw me out it's not your house." She says and I look at shoyo.

"She can't but she will." My mom and Sarah's mom walk in. "Sarah!" Her mom yells. "Mom!" I drop Sarah. "I'm so sorry for her behavior! Sarah we're going home and you're never allowed back!" Sarah cried and they left. "Alright everyone out! Expect Kenma Kuroo Shoyo and y/n." Mom yells and everyone leaves.

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