butterflies. - ji changmin

By imnotgoingback

92.4K 4.5K 992

you give me butterflies inside. warnings ! • cursing • may touch sensitive topics, even though i will add tri... More



1.4K 79 8
By imnotgoingback

"what the fuck?", the first thing she said to changmin when encountering him in the dance room was that.

because, what the fuck?

"they are trying to get information about me.", sunhee walked from side to side in front of the blue haired boy. "for what? i don't fucking know. is it good? no fucking way. will they get that address? not fucking sure and that terrifies me. my parents, my little brother live there! what do they want to fucking do?", her voice was loud, she was slowly starting to freak out as the worst possibilities came to mind.

changmin sighed and got up, walking up to her and stopping her from walking. "sunhee."

he called her by her full name, and it grounded the girl.

"do any of us know where you used to live?"


"does mina know where you used to live?"


"does anyone besides your family knows where you used to live?"

"no, the school got my actual address."

"then? why are you worried? if they do get your information we will be able to come up with something."

something about having changmin's soft voice tell him that, sent to her a big wave of reassurance. her chest went up and down for the last time before relaxing in the boy's arms. taking his scent in, she was finally put at ease.

"thank you, sweetheart."

"everything for you. now, let's start?"



"what the fuck?", chanhee almost ran to sunhee when he caught sight of her.

"i know right?", although she was more calm than before, her confused face was prominent.

"if these bitches trynna do shit i swear they will catch these hands.", hyunjae let his hand fall over sunhee's shoulders out of the protectiveness that the thought of chinsun and her friends hurting the girl gave to him. sunhee smiled and placed her arm around hyunjae's waist.

"today at changmin's!", sunwoo said loudly, making the others cheer. "call sangyeon over."

the blue haired boy knew there was no use in complaining or refusing, knowing that his family love his friends and his friends love to be at his place.

the 11 of them walked to changmin's while messing around and just being loud. when the boys would be outside at night with sunhee, they would place the latter right in the middle of them, so she had someone in front of her, at her sides and behind her since, well...she was a woman.

sunhee appreciated this with her whole heart as she could actually feel safe and breath easily. and although this does not surprise anyone, she always had changmin at her side, like right now. the boy was holding her hand and keeping her close to him, and by that, i mean having no distance between the two. the girl didn't complain.

they finally arrived at the boy's house and his oldest sister opened the main door with a big smile. "hello everyone, come in."

"sangyeon is on his way."

"nice, as usual, get comfortable."

"that's never a problem.", sunwoo layed over the couch, catching eric on his arms as the youngest meant to fall over him. in a second, they were cuddling.

sunhee's cheekbones raised in a teasing grin, knowing well that that was not a friendly cuddling. the image of them at the party making out came to mind and you could see mischievousness in her eyes.

"oh, i haven't seen you before.", changmin's sibling stopped sunhee. "what's your name?"

"oh right, i'm min sunhee, i'm classmates with min.", the older woman suppressed an excited smile as she has just met the min sunhee that won her brother's heart. "i arrived this year."

"nice to meet you, i'm changmin's oldest sister. my name is ji hyunjin.", the two smiled at each other. hyunjin seemed so nice to sunhee, protective and reliable.

"nice to meet you too!"

"well, don't let me keep you, go join this mess."

the '98 liner chuckled and nodded before walking away from the older, joining her friends in the living room. while sunhee was doing that, hyunjin almost ran upstairs to her sisters's rooms to break the news for the other two.

sangyeon soon joined them and was currently playing with kevin's hair. the 12 of them were there together, finally.

"so can we talk about what that chick said to sunwoo?"

"and the fact she invaded his space and made him uncomfortable?"

"and the fact that those bitches don't even know where the craziest chick is?"

"this is weird and probably wrong.", sunhee sighed and ran her fingers through her hair.

"it is surely creepy, i don't know in what moment they decided to go that way."

"you should be careful, this is getting really wrong.", sangyeon talked to sunhee in a serious manner.

changmin moved his head to the side, finding the girl slowly hugging her knees as fear went through her and sent shivers down her spine. "angel."

"this is getting scary.", her low voice hit the boy's heart and made it hurt.

"what if tomorrow we decide which one of us becomes sun's new roommate?", eric gave out the idea while sunwoo played with his hands.

"that's...actually a good idea.", younghoon smiled. "if they try to get information about past sunhee, they will try to get your current information."

that could perfectly be true, chinsun or the other two could perfectly get her address and her workplace's address, as it could easily be in the secretary's office of their highschool.

"that is true, we should follow eric's idea.", juyeon concluded and the rest agreed with him.

the conversation ended there and they moved onto lighter topics that made everyone breath way more easily.


"fuck you and your capitalist ass!", hyunjae pushed younghoon, making him fall off the couch.

they were currently playing monopoly, and most of the board was in younghoon's property. everyone laughed at hyunjae being a sore loser.

when the loud noise stopped, sunhee stood up and grabbed her bag. "it's really late, i should go home."

"i will go with you, i don't want to be near this asshole.", hyunjae hissed at younghoon who looked at him with calm eyes and smile.

the girl nodded. "sure thing, let's go."

changmin grabbed her wrist and, not letting her even assimilate what was happening, kissed her lips.

the boys either let out an 'ooh' or whistled at the scene.

"get a room!"

sunhee with red cheeks smiled when the two separated, looking down as shyness prevented her from being able to look up to the boy. "goodnight sweetheart."

"see you tomorrow, angel."

"yeah, yeah, you two are in love, whatever.", hyunjae pulled the girl next to him. "goodnight everyone."

a collective bye was heard and the two friends left the house.

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It's in the title, I shouldn't have to explain. Requests are open :) feel free to message me privately with them. Enjoy you horny mo-fos