
By softsloth

1.6M 76.5K 12.8K

"You don't understand, little female. I am like a God to these people." Elodie is lost. Literally. After a ma... More

Book 5 - His Redemption


57.5K 2.6K 297
By softsloth


      I'm panting with effort, tears streaming down my face as I run. My legs ache from the effort. My heart thunders in my chest like a warning alarm.

      I don't know how long I run, but I can't stop. Fear pushes me forward until I'm tripping over rocks and sticks and foliage.

      A trickle of rain sleets from above, soaking my hair and pasting my clothes to my skin. The massive sun in the sky begins to rise, casting the forest pink and orange. It was night when I left. I must have been running for hours.

      Stumbling, my knees hit a stream of water, I try to catch my breath for only a moment before I shove my hands in the freezing water. I stand as I whip my head around. My eyes search relentlessly through the trees. Terror sparks as the image of Locanas floats into my mind.

      My throat tightens, and I'm afraid I'll throw up.

     My wild red hair flies around me as I torpedo through the woods. The cursed color of my locks combined with the brown speckles across my body have been the bain of my existence. My coloring is only a reminder of my pain as a whole new pain comes on.

     I can remember every comment, every snide remark, every joke. My Dad's embarrassment and disappointment. He didn't even care when I decided to abandon Earth, all he worried about was his wives leaving him. I was the last thing on his mind.

     Tugging free of a low tree branch, I scrape my arm against the bark, ripping open my flesh. I hiss in a panicked flash of pain, the sting dulled out by my adrenaline.

     I had thought this new planet would be a new start. It was, but it's not what I thought it would be. I didn't plan on almost getting assaulted by a giant. I thought they worshiped females, we are supposed to be sacred or whatever, but of course I would be the one they see as damaged goods. I'm still less than.

     I clutch my red hair as I continue on, tears springing to my eyes at the realization. Maybe red hair is seen as ugly here too. I have yet to see a Rytarian warrior with orange locks. Maybe I'm a curse anywhere I go.

      Sniffling, I push a hand into the river, shoving off of a rock and into the woods.

      I have no idea where I'm going, or what I'm going to do, I just had to get away. There was so much fear and pressure and unknowns.

      All I've ever wanted was romance and love, but now that I finally had a chance at finding someone it got ruined.

     It's almost as if Locanas had some sort of claim on me. Other males never came near me, and when he was around they wouldn't even look at me.

     Sniffling, I clutch at my injured arm, I make myself move forward. Locanas is so much bigger than, and much bigger. That means he's faster than me too. The thought shoots a panic through me. I keep going anyway.

      I should have known that this planet would be a bust. I'm just not lucky. Maybe I'm not meant to find love. I hate the idea. I've always dreamt of romance. Even if it's hard, I have to face the thought that I might never experience it.

       Tears and rain mix on my face to become one, and soon I can hardly see. I pant for air. I force my legs to go as fast as they can. My muscles burn from exertion, on the brink of collapse.

      I see something that doesn't blend in with the forest. It's a sign I realize. A wooden sign nailed to a tree. There's words painted in black, words in a language I can't even begin to understand.

      My heart thuds heavily in my chest. I don't know what it says, I have no idea what I'm getting into, but whatever it is must be better than what's behind me.

      So, taking a chance, I keep going. My steps become sloppy. The rain falls harder. My blood thunders through my ears, making it impossible to hear.

      My arm throbs, but I ignore it. Surely there must be someone out here, there was a sign after all.

      Tree after tree passes me by, and nothing looks safe. It's all endless. Nothing but endless woods and rain and pain.

      I trip, an unexpected stumble that has me smacking into the ground. I yell out in pain, my ankle twisting in a way it's not supposed to.

      But I can't stop, I won't. I have to keep going. I try to get back up, but my legs crumples, no strength left in them. A  rips free of my throat as I desperately try to stand.

     It's no use. I'm trapped on the forest floor until my strength returns.

      Next I decide to hide. I'm small. Surely that will give me some advantage on the monstrous alien man.

      I stare around the forest with a new sight. Even the trees here are bigger. They tower high above me, covered in dark bark and like green moss. A light drizzle of rain is constantly going. No wonder the trees are enormous, they're always being watered.

     I start crawling to the nearest tree, clawing the damp soil, grabbing thick roots that peek out from the ground.

     The one if pick for sanctuary has a little alcove hidden at the base of the trunk. I curl up inside it, and it gives me a bit of shelter from the constant rain. I close my eyes, trying to pretend like none of this is real.

     I picture the endless green fields in Tennessee. My home. The flowers. The river. The hot sun and the humidity. I shiver in the darkness, and a summer's day seems so far away.

     My ankle throbs, my arm bleeds, my eyes leak. Allowing myself to cry is a blessing. Sobs rip free, my desire to stay hidden and quiet is gone. I just want to be sad.

      Eventually the crying subsides. I lay still against the tree, sniffling and shivering. I keep my eyes closed tight. The only sound I hear is the rain. The forest. It's all that exists.

      That is until I hear sniffing. And it's not coming from me. My eyes fly open as my heart rate triples in speed.

     I'm met with a big, black nose. Red eyes. Horns.

     It's a... dog. Or something close to a dog.

     The dog like creature raises its ears. He's enormous. Bigger than any dog I've seen or heard of. He gets closer, shoving his face in the tree hole, sniffing at my tear soaked cheeks.

      He licks at the salty rivers, and I giggle despite the situation. He sniffs everything on me. My ears, my nose, my mouth, making a gruff purr in his throat.

     Of everything I expected, this definitely wasn't part of it. A feeling of safety washes over me. I stiffen. Someone is outside. Close by.

      Oh crap.

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