Voldemort's sons and daughter

By asiyakone

2.5K 34 0

This is the sequel to Severus' daughter Voldemort's granddaughter. Harry is adopted by Voldemort and Severus... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18

Chapter 12

89 0 0
By asiyakone

Three weeks later

Selest is walking down the corridor with Sarina strapped to her chest trying to get her to sleep when she sees harry and he seams to be in pain.

"Harry, Harry" she shouts just as he faints she runs up to him to check for a pulse when she feels none she jumps into doctor mode straight away she has been training secretly for months and had just qualified as a cardiologist.

"misty!" selest calls. When misty pops in she immediately gives Sarina to her before starting CPR on her brother/patient while giving orders.

"misty take Sarina to my dad and tell him to meet me at saint mungos and then bring me the portable defibrillator and CPR set and then go to saint mungos and have my team come here to assist"

Selest is continuing CPR as her team arrive and misty pops in with the CPR set and the portable defibrillator.

"okay guys this is harry Riddle he went into cardiac arrest and I have been doing CPR for five minutes Steve take over chest compressions while I hook up the defibrillator OK charge to 200 stand clear shocking he is still in VF charge to 250 stand clear shocking OK he is back with us lets get him to the hospital asap and into surgery"

At saint mungos

Selest is in surgery operating on her brother while her father is pacing in the waiting room when selest comes in to the waiting room she goes up to her dad.

"Mr Riddle your son is going to be ok he had a blockage in his artery and his heart valve failed I put a new one in and he will make a full recovery you can see him now"

"selest when did you become a doctor and how did this happen" asks Voldemort

"I have been training for months and have just qualified and I don't know how this happened but he is going to be OK"

They both go to see harry but he is still sleeping so they both just sit with him and watch him sleep

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