How many mates?

By Thunderthighz2005

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When you grow up your parents, friends and even school teach you about soulmates and the moon goddess and how... More

Chapter 1 - The new kids
Chapter 2 - Permanent reminders
Chapter 3 - School trip
Chapter 4 - What the fuck happened?
Chapter 5 - Spending time with my mates (The Avengers)
Chapter 6 - Spending time with my mates (Henry, Charlotte and Jasper)
Chapter 7 - Spending time with my mates (The Cullens and Jacob)
Chapter 8 - Spending time with my mates (DC superheroes)
Chapter 9 - Spending time with my mates (Teen wolf)
Chapter 10 - Spending time with my mates (13Rw)
Chapter 11 - Singing and school time
Chapter 12 - And it continues
Chapter 13 - Confrontations
Chapter 14 - Talk to them
Author's note
Chapter 15 - Today's the day pt. 1
Chapter 16 - Today's the day Pt.2
Chapter 17 - Relaxing
Chapter 18 - Last day
Chapter 19 - School time
Chapter 20 - She's awake
Chapter 21 - Thinking
Chapter 23 - Mum? Dad?
Chapter 24 - Awkward Dinner
Chapter 25 - Who's Hydra?
Chapter 26 - The truth
Chapter 27 - Let them go
Chapter 28 - What did you do?
New book
New book
Announcement and new book
Chapter 29 - She's gone
Chapter 30 - 1/2 of the Avengers
Chapter 31 - We found her

Chapter 22 - The talk about Hunter

627 31 11
By Thunderthighz2005

Kelani's pov

Everyone sat down. Everyone also growled.

"Right what's the growling before?" I said with my arms or crossed

"He's dangerous" Wanda said

"When you guys heard me scream in the hospital room, Hunter didn't harm me or hurt me. He was hugging me and he scared me because I woke up and he he was just hugging me, he was also leaning on my wound a little bit which hurt but he didn't mean to. Why did you guys beat him up? You didn't need to. He isn't Tory guys" I said

"Listen, Kel there's something off about him. It doesn't feel right. We beat him up because he's dangerous Kel. There is just something off about him. We beat him up because we thought he hurt you and because we found something." Henry said.

"I get you guys won't to look after me after Tory but he isn't Tory. We can't judge him, we don't even know him. I don't even know him that well but he's my friend and he wouldn't hurt me." I said

"How would you know? How would you know Kel? You said it yourself we don't know him." Diana said

"The day we were in English together, when you went to the bathroom, I went to grab your bag and he looked like he was looking through it. I said I would take it to you and he was being rally stubborn and was adamant on doing it himself." Jessica said

"Maybe he was being a good friend" I said

"No Kel you don't understand, you need to stay away from him" Shawn said

"But he's my friend, I can't just stay away from him" I said

"Kel please we don't want to see you hurt again" Edward said

"He told me all about his past and his criminal record and I am fine with it, he said he was being immature back then." I said

"What did he tell you was on his record Kel? Tell the truth" Tony said to me and sat me on his lap, all my mates and four best friends looking at me.

"Well let me start from when I met him at school ok?" I said

"Alright" Natasha said and smiled.

"So as you guys know I woke up and you know what happened and I rushed off to school and I was really early, so I took the longest way round to the entrance and I saw a boy leaning against the wall smoking. So I asked if I could have some of his cigarette and he said yeah. We introduced ourselves and then I said I'll show him round school later" OI started

"You take cigarettes?" Tony said

"No. Never. I just wanted to try it. Never again. I'm sorry" I said

"No need to apologise, I am glad you didn't like it because your never doing it again" Jackson said and I rolled my eyes and laughed and nodded my head.

"After we finished we walked into school together. All my mates who attend school with me then saw me with Hunter and growled in jealousy. I showed him round the school and then I headed to English with him. He sat at the back with me. Then I got a message, something about one of my mates and the consequences if I didn't go. So that's why I left to go to the bathroom. Hunter grabbed m arm when I got up and asked where I was going and I said bathroom then told Clay, Jessica, Alex, Zach and Justin so they knew where I was. Then I told them to bring my bag to lunch with them if I am not back before class finishes." I said

"He grabbed your arm?" Loki and Bucky growled

"He didn't hurt me" I said

I winced in pain as my arm marks stung from the lie.

"Damn this thing, I can't lie to you guys" I said

"Makes it easier for us to find out when you are lying so we can keep you safe princess" Emmet said

"Well it didn't hurt that much" I said

"While you were in the bathroom, class finished. i went to grab your bag for you and then Hunter looked like he was looking through your bag for something. I said I would take it for you and he resisted and I shouted at him to give it to me. Then Alex, Clay, Justin and Zach ran over to us and asked what's happening. I told them and he said I was lying and Justin growled at him and said don't say she's lying and matched the bag. Then Hunter said about you she's mine my friend. Zach pushed him against the wall and said about Kelani she's ours not yours. She'll never be yours and then I dragged Zach away. Then we waited for you to come and sit down. After about ten minutes your friends told us not to turn around and we did the exact  opposite and all of us saw you hugging Hunter and we all growled. Zach broke the tray and the fight broke out and you know how the fight went" Jessica said

"So what happened in the bathroom? Wait before that who was texting you? Which mate was it about? What did they say and what happened?" Jacob said

"Woah okay let me answer one question at a time. So first it was from an unknown number. It was about Charlotte and they said if I don't go to the bathroom to meet them they would kill her. I love Charlotte she is also one of my mates and I couldn't let them hurt her so I went. I arrived and they locked the door behind me and I tried to get out but couldn't. It was Chad who had the keys. But there was Sydney, Chad, Emilia and Britney." I said

"Then what happened?" Loki said starting to shake with anger

I walked over to him, sat on his lap and stroked his face.

"Whatever I am about to tell you, you guys can't go mad or go on a murder spree" I said

"Well whenever you say don't get mad we usually do and it's because someone hurt you" Loki said

"Well Bruce I need you to not Hulk out, I need the wolves to not shift and not go and slaughter people, I need the vampires not to suck the blood out of them or burn them and I need all the humans, Gods and everyone else not to go on a murder spree alright?" I said

Bucky and basically everyone was cracking their knuckles.

"Guys" I said sternly

"Fine, we promise " Wanda said with a glint of evil in her eyes for a second.

"Britney said well well well looks like you finally decided to show up and I said oh shit. Oh shit indeed Sydney and Emilia said as they walked closer to me. I gulped. Please don't hurt me or my mates. What do you want from me? I said to them and they mocked me.  Please don't hurt me or my mates. What do you want from me? They took advantage of my fear. What we want is for you to stay away from the new kid Hunter and to stay away from your mates, Emilia said. But I can't stay away from any of you my mates without either of us hurting physically from the separation and I just don't want to stay away from any of you. I responded by saying, I can't they are my mates. I had to calm down before any of you felt my emotions and came looking for me. You got us kicked out of school for a while. I think it's time for revenge. What you think Chad? Emilia asked him and I got really scared. They are horrid and nasty but Chad and Emilia are the worst of them all. I like that idea very much, He said and smirked. Hold her down Britney said. That's what they did. They held me down so I couldn't move. Then they shoved something in my mouth and duck taped it so no one could hear me scream" I said starting to cry and breathe heavily.

"It's ok Kel, we are here breathe. Okay breathe we are here with you" Rosalie and Diana said holding my hands.

I nodded my head and carried on.

"Gladly, Chad said. They took turns burning my skin and punching me and slapping me and beating me up. I screamed in agony and pain. I was in so much pain and it felt like Tory was there watching me and it felt like Tory was doing it and every time I screamed in pain or for help they carried on worse than the time before. Harder and harder worse and worse each time. They were enjoying it, enjoying seeing me weak and fearful like their prey. They left scars ad bruises littered up my skin and my body. I cried for them to let me go as I screamed in anguish. They just laughed and continued. They continued marking my skin and cutting into me letting me bleed out. Then the bell rung and I was finally free but they are coming back for me. I know it. They will be back soon. Your a lucky bitch. Remember to stay away from the new kids including your mates and Hunter or we will be back Britney laughed. You deserved it Chad laughed. I watched them leave while I lay on the floor in pain. I slowly got up and used my magic to heal some of my bruises and put a cover up. Enough is enough I said to myself. I fixed myself up, wiped my tears and put on a fake smile. I walked outside and bumped into someone." I said

"I looked up and saw Hunter. He helped me out. Oh sorry I didn't see you there. He said. It's my fault I said. No it's not don't worry about it anyway. Your mates took your bag into the cafeteria for you. But anyway I was just looking for you to ask if I could sit with you because I don't know anyone Hunter said. Oh sure definitely I said. We walked into the canteen and entered. But Hunter whispered in my ear Pretend your hugging me. I wondered why but didn't think too much of it. Why? I said" I said

I wanted to tell them about the needles but I can't. I need the needles they keep me sane. I just won't tell them. I thought.

"We just hugged each other. I put my arms around his neck and he hugged me back. Then I heard nine various growls. I looked over and saw all my mates jaws clenched and fists tightened glaring at Hunter. Then Zach snapped the lunch tray. Everyone in the canteen stopped what they were doing and looked at my table then me. You know what happened about the fight. After we came home we explained it to you. Then I said guys but you were busy shouting at each other about Hunter you didn't hear me. I fell forwards and held on to the sofa but you were all still shouting at each other. Guys I screamed this time. You guys finally heard me and listened to me. I don't feel so good I whispered and fell backwards. I lifted my hand up to see it covered in blood from my wounds. That's when you all panicked and took me to the hospital and a week later I woke up and now here I am." I said

"I'm going to kill them" Jacob growled and turned into a wolf.

He started growling. The wolfs started shaking and everyone else had a murderous glare. Bruce started turning green. 

"This was exactly what I was afraid of. I told you to do the exact opposite and not get mad" I said

"How can we not be mad Kel? You keep getting hurt and we can't protect you like mates are supposed to." Henry said

"Now tell me the real reason why you guys beat up Hunter" I said

"What did he tell you about what was on his criminal record?" Clint asked.

"He told me he went to jail for drink driving, vandalism and resisting cops and that's all. Those are not to bad. He told me how that it was a bad time or phase for him back then." I said

"That's a lie. That's not even half way true. He lied to you. We had Tony look up his record and we found some shocking things." Steve said

"You did what?" I shouted

"I get you guys want to protect me and all but looking at his record, that's an invasion of privacy, it's wrong." I argued on Hunter's behalf.

Natasha and Logan threw a file in front of me with Hunter.

"Read it. Read it right now" Scott (Lang) said

"Do I really want to? I feel like I am betraying him and going behind his back." I said guilty

"It is for your own safety. He's dangerous Kel and we just want to protect you." Peter (Parker) said.

I opened his file and read it and my eyes widened.

Arrested for:

- Arson

- Murder to the first degree

- Robbery

- Speeding

- Sexual assault

- Motor vehicle theft

- Robbery

- Arson

- Speeding

- Sexual assault

- Murder to the first degree

"What he lied to me. He didn't tell me any of this. This is what he was hiding from me. I trusted him. He lied. Sexual assault? Murder to the first degree? Robbery? Arson? Who is he?" I said

"We told you he is dangerous. He has been lying to you. If he had nothing to hide why did he lie to you?" Rhodes said.

I continued reading his file and I saw something that made me lose all color in my face. The initials of T.L. I knew these initials from anywhere. It all makes sense now Hunter Lanez and he looks a bit like Tory. Tory Lanez the initials. My abusive boyfriend who tortured me for years is brothers with Hunter Lanez. I feel so sick. I can't do this. Is this Tory's plan to get me back? To use his brother to get me? I am so stupid. I can't do this. I feel so dizzy and the room is spinning. I am going to throw up. I placed the file down and ran to the bin. I threw up again and again. Ari and Camila ran to me and lifted up my hair. They rubbed my back as I threw up again and again. How could I be so stupid? I finally sat up and sat back on the sofa.

Pietro speeded to the kitchen and brought me a glass of water and I thanked him. I continued looking through the file and found out more and more disturbing things making my stomach twist.

"Why did you throw up love?" Carlisle said 

"Does anybody recognize these initials?" I said seeing if anybody could figure it out.

Everyone shook their heads.

"Those are Tory's initials. Tory Lanez and it is under brother which means Hunter is his brother. Hunter Lanez it all makes sense now. How could I be so stupid? He even looks like Tory a bit. But I don't want to jump to conclusions because it could be a coincidence and the T could stand for something ese but I am 95% sure those are Tory's initials. If I am correct, I am dead already from the moment I met Hunter. Tory will stop at nothing to get to me and if it means him killing me so be it, he will." I said

"It does make sense as he looks like him, we all thought so too. Your right we can't just jump to conclusions. But you have to be very careful Kel. He is dangerous and we know very little of what he is capable of and we can't take any chances. So we have to be careful. Don't let him know we or you know anything but stay away from him at school when you go back Monday. We can't risk you getting hurt ever again." Nick said

"You are not dead. He will not touch you over our dead bodies. He will not lay a hand on you neither will Hunter or anyone else." Jasper growled out.

"Don't talk like that, I don't want any of you dead or myself but I will be careful. I promise. Now let's forget about them for a moment and enjoy our weekend together. I need to unwind and spend some time with my mates and best friends because I have missed you all very dearly." I said

"I am not completely letting this go but we do need to relax as well and I know all of you are tense after what has been said today and I know I am scared but it will be alright." I said

"No need to be scared my queen, we promise you, no one will lay a hand on you. We know that it has already happened with the people at school and Tory. But from this day on we are not leaving your side and will protect you ok my queen?" Loki said and kissed my forehead.

"I love you Loki so much. I love you so so so so so much and the rest of my mates and best friends" I said and hugged him tightly and kissed him with so much love and he kissed back.

"Right now bed time, tomorrow we have a busy day and I need sleep for it" I said

"What are you planning?" Shuri said suspiciously

"Well I need a lot of energy, especially if I am not going to be walking for the next few days" I said and winked at them all.

"Why wouldn't you be walking for the next few days?" Tony said

"You'll figure it out, you are all smart" I said and dragged T'Challa, Natasha, Clint and Wanda to bed with me.

"Night everyone" I said and kissed everyone's cheeks and lips and hugged them all.

Everyone went to their rooms to go to bed. T'Challa, Natasha, Clint and Wanda went to go get changed into their pajamas. Then when they were done they came in my room and snuggled into bed with me. T'Challa one side of me. Natasha the other side of me. Clint laying on my stomach and Wanda next to my waist and legs. We all cuddled with each other.

"Night everyone. I love you all" I said.

"Night my beautiful queen love you" T'Challa said and kissed me cheek.

"Night Babygirl, love you" Clint said and kissed me stomach.

"Goodnight gorgeous, love you" Natasha said to me and pecked my lips.

"Night princessa, love you so much" Wanda said in her sexy accent and kissed my legs, waist and stomach.

They all kissed each other good night as well because they were all mates as well. I am glad to see all my mates happy. I drifted off to sleep, happy and smiling.

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