Gassed up Love || Sunaxreader...

By minminoikawa

25.8K 646 1.3K

"You look so good when that smoke falls out of your mouth" "You think I'm cute?" "That's not what I said..." ... More

Smoke Rings
Fuzzy Nights
Waffle Shenanigans
Partys and Promises
Bloody Good Time
This Can't Be Love
Thank you for reading!


2.6K 65 47
By minminoikawa

After the movie, Rin grabbed his shirt and went home. I went about my night before heading to sleep at some point, there was school tomorrow so I really didn't have a choice. The next morning was simple, woke up, ate, brushed my teeth, and got dressed. I never really wore makeup and I definitely wasn't going to start today. The twins picked me up, Rin choosing to drive his own car.

"How come you didn't go with Rin?" Samu asked from the passenger's seat.

"You guys are my best friends why wouldn't I pick you guys?" I shrugged, not really seeing an issue.

"So what was up with him staying the night after the party?" Tsumu questioned, glancing at me in the rearview mirror.

"I just didn't want to be alone." I simply stated, attempting to make it seem like nothing happened.

"Why did he take his car this morning when it was our turn to pick everyone up?" Samu casually asked.

"Not sure," I shrugged, "you would have to ask him."

There were a few moments of silence before the twins glanced at each other, Atsumu being the next to speak, "So how was it?"

"How was what?" I innocently asked, knowing exactly where this was going.

"The sex." The silver-haired twin responded.

"How the hell do you guys know everything?!" 

"Well we guess so when Rin left your house this morning with a sensitive nose and messy hair," Osamu gleamed.

"And then you came out of the house completely unaware of the dark purple marks on your neck." Atsumu finished, grinning from ear to ear.

My face flushed red, "Ass holes! That's what you are!"

"Love you (Y/N)~" the boys chimed in unison.

By that time we had already reached the school. I ran inside, frantically searching for Yuki before spotting her at her locker, "Yu!" I called out, springing over to her, attempting not to hit anyone, "Plz help it's a purple emergency!!"

As her eyes glanced down to my neck they grew in size. Without another word she grabbed her 'just in case' makeup bag and pulled me into the girl's locker room, sitting me down on the bench.  The small bag consisted of; a nude eyeshadow pallet, a beauty blender, a few brushes, lip gloss, both of our foundation and concealer shades, liquid eyeliner, and mascara, "So who was it? It wasn't at the party."

"It was someone you know yeah..." I vaguely responded, closing my eyes as Yuki decided to give me a full face of makeup, this was quite the common thing.

"Okay but like...who." She questioned, "Don't make me sat who I think it was."

"Who do you think it is?...." I nervously asked, scared that my growing feelings for a certain fox were oh so obvious.

"Suna," She scoffed, "Duh."

"Is it that obvious?!" I burst out, eyes flinging open.

"Damn I'm good." She congratulated herself, "And just a little. But I mean he eats up every time he looks at you. You may not notice his feelings but the rest of us do. And somehow he doesn't notice yours either. "

"What you think he likes me?!" I yelped, my nerves getting the better of me. 

"Oh, hun that's painfully obvious!" She rolled her eyes, waving her petite hand through the air, "But I'd hurry, there are a hundred other girls with their eyes on him!"

"But..." I sighed, "We made this agreement thing...Lonely together."

"Keyword together." She cooed, "He likes you (Y/N)."

My mind flashed back to the night we spent on his roof, smoking, and drinking as if there was nothing between us, counting the stars in hopes of finding a lover. The way he looked at me in the pale starlight was nothing special at the moment, but now that I think about it, his eyes had A longingness to them, once I felt like I knew but couldn't quite put my finger on.

"No." I shook my head, not wanting to believe a word she was saying, "It's not like that I'm sure. I just have a tiny crush on him and there's no way he's into me!"

"So you do admit you have a crush on the Suna Rintouro?" Yuki teased, brushing a piece of hair out of her face.

I simply rolled my eyes and huffed at her, "I gotta get to class. See ya around bestie."

"See ya around bestie." She softly replied, giving me a simple pat on the back.

As I left the locker room I was cautious of who was around me, not wanting to accidentally run into Rin. It not like I was nervous or embarrassed to be around him, I just wasn't ready for a confrontation right now. I glanced at every face around me, I probably looked paranoid as fuck. As I continued to look around my eyes caught a pair that were slightly bloodshot, a little more tired than they should be while attending school. A made a break for it in the other direction, I must have gotten lucky as my class was this way. I didn't have any classes with Rin until the third period, the second to last period of the day. I slipped into class, seeing a familiar face and crafting a new plan, "Aran!" I called out, taking a seat next to the volleyball player, "You have the second period with Rin right?"

"Suna?" He asked, raising an eyebrow, "Yeah, why?"

"Can you do me a favor?" I asked, batting my eyes at him, "Just distract rin after the second period as long as you can please! It would such a help."

He placed his hand on his chin thinking it over for a minute, "Yeah seems simple enough. But you owe me."

"Deal!" I agreed, "I'll pay for your lunch today."

"Sounds good." He replied, both of us turning our attention to the front of the room as class started.

I couldn't think much but I knew that the class was flying by, I ended up mindlessly doodling in my notebook. Some of them turned out alright but others were a total buzz kill to the total appeal of the page.  I tapped my foot nervously, watching the clock tick by and still getting startled by the bell. I poked my head out, scanning the area before emerging into the sea of people.  Only a mere few seconds after I did I heard a familiar voice call out, "(Y/N)!"

Shit. Rin saw me and I had to get the hell out of dodge fast, I took a sharp turn around the nearest corner, searching for anything I could dip into and disappear. As my eyes scanned the walls they landed on a blue plaque with a girl in a dress. I slipped in, hoping Rin didn't see because he had no shame in doing stupid things when someone was avoiding him, and he definitely knew I was avoiding him. Seconds seemed to creep by like hours as I waited as long as humanly possible before leaving to avoid confrontation. a single minute before the bell rang I poked my head out, seeing that the coast was clear and making a break for my class two hallways away, if I hadn't taken a short cut threw the science room (it had a door on either side), I would have been extremely late. I took my seat, laying my head down on my desk to catch my breath. I pulled out my phone, using my front camera to check that my foundation was still in place, I don't need any questions about a mysterious dark purple mark and who gave it to me. 

This class period was much, much longer than my first, seeming to freep by at a snail's pace. It was full of dread and worry. Our friend's group all had the same lunch period, thanks to Yuki's parents of course, so I was going to have to see him either way. I let my knee bounce up and down, just needing a place to focus all of this anxiety. 

After what seemed like an eternity the school bell rang. I got out of my seat calmly, remembering the deal I made with Aran. The journey to the classroom was fairly boring, simply making my way through the crowd of people. I placed my books at the seat closest to the door, sitting anxiously until the bell for first lunch rang. Rin didn't enter until about a minute before the bell, seeming a bit irritated with me. He sat directly behind me. I could feel his eyes burning holes in the back of my head. The second the bell rang I stood up, Rin latching onto my wrist from his seat. He stood up, intertwining out fingers so I couldn't run away, slipping his other hand in his pocket. He kept a tight hold on my hand, almost constricting it.

"You've been avoiding me all day." He stated, venom dripping like rainwater from every word. I looked up at him, saying nothing. He had an odd look painted on his face, a vile mix of fear and anger. His eyes were sharp, fully aware of every little movement I made, but he didn't even glance my way. He just kept looking forwards, "Why?"

"Do we have to do this now Suna..." I pleaded.

"What happened to Rin?" He scoffed, "That cute little nickname you gave me that everyone adopted."

"What's it matter?" I asked, "It's just a name!"

"It's not just a name (Y/N)!" He snapped, "It makes me feel like maybe just maybe...forget it."

He let go of my hand, eyes fixing themselves to the ground. His expression changed, the anger fading away to our pain and distraught. I took hold of his arm, holding it loose to my chest, hoping he couldn't feel my racing heartbeat. He looked down at me, cold silvery eyes brimming with tears, "I'm sorry....I've been trying to figure something out. I didn't even think to consider how it would make you feel."

He patted my head, rubbing a thumb across my cheek. I felt a burst of comfort flow through me, "I'm sorry I got so angry," He softly spoke, "Let's go eat yeah?"

"Yeah." I swiftly smiled.

"I already paid Aran for you by the way," he smirked.

"He told you?!" 

"Aran doesn't talk to me outside of games and practices, I knew something was up."

"You're an ass," I claimed, rolling my eyes at the man and the smarts he never showed.

We walked into the cafeteria, sitting down at the table we always did, waiting for everyone else to fine in before going through the lunch line. We talked and joked and I found myself leaning in Rin's direction just a little bit more than usual, maybe things were changing, maybe it was for the better. 


This is very unedited BUT I really liked writing this chapter! Writing things where people are avoiding others is so fun to me. I also just wanted an excuse to write in angry Suna Aneywayyyyy I really hope you all enjoyed. This book as been so fun to write so far! Let me now if there's anything youde like to see added into this and I can see what I can do! I cant belive its already febuary tho! Time is just flying by and its crazy ah. I knidna wish it would slow doesn't a little lol. I de be able to romanticize my life more. If you cant tell I'm into dark academia there for I romanticze everything. I wish there was more inclusion in it tho. Anyway enough blabbering love you bye!

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