In love we find

By Galexy7

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Another short story added to the fold More

Untitled Part 2
Untitled Part 3
Untitled Part 4
Untitled Part 5
Untitled Part 6
Untitled Part 7
Untitled Part 8
Untitled Part 9
Untitled Part 10
Untitled Part 11
Untitled Part 12
Untitled Part 13
Untitled Part 14
Untitled Part 15
Untitled Part 16

Untitled Part 1

3 0 0
By Galexy7

When I was little my dad always told me that I should love who ever I want to love no matter the consequences and I thought that was amazing. Until he ran off with his secretary and left me and mum to fend for ourselves. So  when I was five and I met Abel I was confused, I mean I was five and I knew that I liked Abel more than a friend. 

Abel was blonde with grey eyes and he was always so quiet and reserved, he still is today. Abel's stuck by me ever since we met, we were in first grade and now we're in senior year at high school, Abel's captain of the football team and I'm second in charge. I realised pretty quickly that I was gay, and my mum was totally fine with it when I came out to her, she threw me a gay party, and it was fucking amazing. So everyone knew I was gay, and I liked to flirt, but I've never been kissed. I think part of me was hoping that Abel would be my first but he's so cut off from relationships and things that I doubt he'd even date a woman at this point, maybe an alien but definitely not me. 

Most of the time I'll flirt with guys in front of Abel to try get some kind of reaction out of him. As we got older he got more and more reserved, he still talks to me but he doesn't talk unless he thinks it's needed and he hates getting caught up in other people's problems. I think the hopeful part of me wants him to get angry and either tell me to stop or tell me to date him, I just want him to tell me something, anything.

'Why hello there.' I looked over to see Frank as I walked down the hall, I was exhausted, I'd had to work the double over the weekend and was up late doing my homework. 'You look like hell.' Frank smiled and I hummed out.

'Frank carry me~' I whined and held my arms out.

'Jesus no, I'm not carrying your fat ass anywhere, you can walk like the rest of us.'

'I'm not fat! Don't be mean!' I cried as I reached my locker, Abel standing there reading a book. He was always reading something, he hated using his phone to read too so it was always a paperback. 'Abel I'm not fat am I?' I asked and he looked up from his book with a "seriously? You're going to pull this shit, again?" kind of look. Well yes you stupid handsome jerk, just say I'm not fat and reassure me.

'You're not fat Cain.' He said before putting his face back into his book. Thank you, Jesus was that so hard?

'Abel can you carry me to class? I'm so tired, I had to work the double this weekend and cram my holiday homework in.' I muttered as I held my books to my chest and started walking towards class, not actually expecting him to throw me over his shoulder and walk down the hall.

'You're so lucky Cain, I wish I had my own football player to carry me to class.' Frank was on the drama comity at school so, as you can tell, there is always flair to his word.

'Well, Abel's mine, go find your own football player.' I said before Abel put me down and I looked at him to see he hadn't even taken his eyes off his book. The three of us walked into class and sat down, Abel sitting next to me, I'd become so aware of him since we started senior year, he'd gotten fitter over the long break, we hadn't seen each other much, he'd been helping his dad with work and I'd had to work a lot to try and save for college. I was aiming for a scholarship, Abel was too I'm pretty sure, but he never said too much when I was talking about college. He walked me to the next class before wandering off and going to his own class. I found him at lunch reading over the back of a bottle label.

'Hey.' He said as I sat down next to him and pulled out my lunch.

'Hey.' I was so tired I felt like my eyeballs were going to fall out. 'I was thinking, the practice we have to go over this afternoon, do you think we should keep a D12 formation? I thought maybe if we changed to a C1 and A2 shot formation?' Abel hummed out and thought about it.

'Are you two doing that weird ass letter thing no one else understands?' Kai asked as he walked over and I rolled my eyes, I wasn't a big fan of Kai's, he was pretty good at football but an utter jerk any other time of the day, and he was kind of homophobic.

'I think D12 gives us a lot more open spaces, C1A2 is good but it limits on distance and space.' I thought about it.

'Yeah okay, stick with D12.' Abel nodded and took my apple and I frowned at him but didn't make a fuss.

'I don't understand what you guys mean, that stuff is confusing.' That's the point idiot.

'Don't worry about it, you're on defense anyway.' I said trying to keep the annoyance out of my voice.

More of the guys from the football team came over and Abel was quiet like normal, I smiled and talked but was always looking over at Abel, watching him as he watched the rest of us. I don't understand him.

'Hey handsome.' I snapped my head up to Aaron as he leant over the top of me with a wide grin.

'Hey yourself.' I smiled and was happy to see him, Aaron was also openly gay, he was on the cheer team and was often at games with us. 'How was cheer camp?' His eyes opened wide and a grin covered his mouth.

'I have so much to tell you oh MY lord, this guy Patrick from California. Damn.' I smiled and stood up. Abel gripped my wrist tightly and I looked down at him.

'The bell's about to go.' And with that the bell rang.

'Well catch up later.' I said and he nodded before heading off, he was one of those buff gymnastic type guys, he's very handsome as well but... I want Abel. We all headed off to class before meeting back up in the change room for football practice. We practiced three days a week at school and then every Sunday. Abel is quarterback and captain of the football team, and he's amazing, last season when we were on the junior team we made it through to semi finals but were knocked out, and most of that was because of Abel, he really carried the team and the seniors saw that, giving him the captain position this year.

We were on the second last play when Kai tackled me hard. It knocked the wind right out of me and I couldn't breath, I was on the floor wreathing, trying to get some air into my lungs.

'You think that's fucking funny?' Abel growled gripping the front of Kai's helmet. 'That's not even fucking funny if it were an apposing team, but to do it to your own team member? Fucking disgrace, you can pack away all the equipment by yourself.' He said shoving Kai away before coming to my side. 'Are you alright?' I nodded and he helped me up. 'Deep breaths.' He said as he took my helmet off and rested my head on his shoulder trying to take deep breaths.

'Alright! That's enough, everyone that's enough for today, go shower and go home. Make sure you're studying that playbook like your life depends on it, because I'm telling you know, if you fuck up a play on our first game I'll make your life a living hell, you hear me?' There was a collective YES COACH from everyone before they all broke up and I really did not feel well right now.

'Come on, I'll take you home.' Abel said helping me walk to the change room as I slowly got my breathing back to normal. We changed and he and I walked out to his car, it was an older modelled blue truck, he threw our bags in the tray and I got into the passenger's seat before he climbed into the drivers seat. 'Are you sure you're alright?' He asked as he started the drive to my house.

'I'm okay, just really knocked the wind right out of me. Kai's such a jerk sometimes, I didn't even do anything.' I mumbled and he kept quiet. 'I'm so tired.' I muttered as I closed my eyes for a minute. 

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This is the second part of "The tales of love" continuing the short love stories. Published date: November 1, 2020