
By maplecow

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34 0 0
By maplecow

Ok, this is my first, so please be nice, but i do exept critisizum just don't go over the top, k


I stood in awe at what stood before me, it was a high school, but it wasn't any old high school it was Hetalia High. It's the only school for country representatives. Here at Hetalia High they only teach history, to get in you have to get straight A+'s in history; you could fail everything but only get A+'s in history you're in for vote. Everyone in it can be from grade 9 to grade 12. I'm the representative for a country called Scotland it's very close to England; anyways I got picked to be the representative of my country. And that is why I am here, to represent my country! 

About 9:30am everyone had gathered, so we all headed inside. Then the most embarrassing thing happened to me, I tripped over my own feet. But it was also one of the best things that happened, as I began to pick myself off the ground a hand reached down and helped me up, I brushed myself off. I looked up; standing in front of me was an Albino boy with red eyes... They were awesome!!

"Uh, Thanks." I replied, I surprised myself I seemed so shy and quiet!

"Ya know problem!" he said "So what's your name?"

A bit louder this time I replied "Mackenzie, but please call me Mack."

"Cool, I like that name Mack it's awesome but not as awesome as me of course. I'm the almighty awesome Gilbert, I'm Representing Prussia!!!" he pretty much yelled.

"Awesome!!!" I yelled

"Yes I know." He smirked

We continued walking, he told me about some of the history of his country, and I told him some of mine.

In front of us we heard a bunch of wows, not sure why we pushed through the crowd. Then it clicked, we had just entered the grand hall and dining hall, it was beautiful the ceiling was so high it reminded me of Hogwarts. And the brick work on the walls was epic! (Not as epic has Prussia of course)

Gilbert and I sat beside each other. Then we were told who we were sharing dorms with:


Alfred (America)

Ludwick (Germany)

Ivan (Russia)

Kiku (Japan)


Me/ Mack (Scotland)

Gilbert (Prussia)

Matthew (Canada)

Francis (France)


Ben (Ireland)

Aussi (Australia)

Bella (Belarus)

Feliciano (Italy)

And that who was with who at least on our floor, as we walked up to our dorm we found out Francis is a pervert and he likes me , poor Matthew get forgotten a lot, Gilbert likes beer and video games and they found out I have a real pet wolf. They found that out because Kumjero, Matthews's pet polar bear opened my bag and Fang popped out and started running around. He found an old sausage under the bed. It was almost bigger than him. Fang apparently likes Matthew and Gilbert but not Francis.

We were all sitting on the floor playing one lie, two truths when there was a loud slam on our door. I got up to get it and when I opened the door Alfred came crashing through flowed by Ludwick pounding his face in, Kiku trying to pry them off each other and Ivan with a evil smile on his face muttering something under his breath. After the fight had gone outside our dorm we sat down again.

''Is it just me or did that Ivan guy seem creepy! '' Matt said

''Ya is he like in dark magic or something. '' Francis continued

''Yep. '' I said everyone looked at me.

''My country is Scotland... it's known for its stories about ghost, monsters and magic, well that's because magic originated from. And let me say this they're not all fake. ''

And with that I got up and went to bed.

About 2 minutes after, three people climbed onto my bed.

''Your joking right. '' Francis whinnied

''Of course she's not. '' said a muffled voice

''We have to wendigo back home, I've seen one before their terrifying and... And we have other thing almost like the loch Ness monster but not quiet. '' Matthew continued

"Oh ya I've heard about that!" said Gilbert.

Then started the conversation on the history of our country's 'myths'.

We found out a lot about the history when there was aloud knock on the door and Matthew feel off the bed along with Francis and Gilbert following.

An ear splitting voice came from behind the door "The lights better be out in 1 hour and you better get up at 6 o'clock tomorrow if you want breakfast!!!!!"

Xxx Chapter2 Xxx

After a long nights sleep I got up before anyone else in the dorm with is very rare. About 5 o'clock I dragged the boys out of bed. I felt a bit bad for Matt because he seems so little because he's only grade 10 when Gilbert, Francis and I are grade 12, after they had gotten up, washed up and they had changed into their robes with their home flags pinned on the chest the four of us walked down to the great hall, and the doors swung open as if by magic but there was two people standing their... sadly... we all stopped, the door people had to push us in to close the doors, all the foods from different country, I quickly gravitated towards the pancakes.

So did Matthew and Gilbert but Francis head towards his home country's food. Matthew, Gilbert and I had our plates stacked to the ceiling with pancakes, the three of us used 1 ½ bottles of maple syrup on our pancakes which tasted very good. Interested in our new school we decided to take a tour, we went down hallways and in different class rooms. We even found an indoor swimming pool. We turned a corner and stopped two clocked figures had just headed down the corridor, after they left we went to investigate. Matthew put his hand on the doorknob when Professor Kirkland stopped him and said "I wouldn't go in their if I were you."

"Yes sir." We all said in union as we high tailed it out of there.

xXx Chapter3xXX

Back at the dorm, we were in chitchat about what had just happened. Something was wrong, very wrong. But what was it? We didn't know but we sure wanted to find out. What if all the teachers did some mind controlling spell to make as a do our homework. That would be bad. Also what if it was a much dark, sinister plan! (Dun dun Dunn!!)

Thought we didn't put much thought it to it until we started to feel different very different.

"Nooooo!" whined Gilbert, "I don't wanna do homework!!"

1 hour later

"Hey guys, apparently classes have been cancelled for tomorrow." I said

''How odd." Matthew thought aloud,

"Oui, vraiment." Francis said

"Come again?" Gilbert questioned Francis with a cocked head,

"It means yes, indeed!" Matthew blurted out,

"Oh, ya I knew that because I'm so awesome!!" Gilbert said grinning.

"Any way's we have 10 minutes before the janitors go to their rooms and there the last ones up so we can sneak out to investigate." I whispered as Janitor Johnson came and told us to get to bed. After we heard the last door close we leisurely opened the door and I lead the way valiantly down the hall. We veered to the left down vestibule to that door Matthew timorously turned the handle and forced himself on, as the door swayed open we were greeted by a shock wave witched knocked us to our feet. But we all were hit with a different feeling Gilbert was hit with joy, Matthew Love, Francis relief but me, I was hit with torment and to this day I still don't know why but I shall find out one day.


As looked up all we saw was a janitor's closet. "Odd" we thought. As we walked back to our dorm Gilbert was beaming like a little girl who had simply got a pink pony and a Barbie dream house , Matthew wouldn't stop blushing, Francis was sighing and I was virtually in tears from the pain, we were about 15 minutes away from our dorm when my knees buckled I sat their incapable to progress on, so Mattew lugged me back to the dorm bridle style the whole way Francis kept asking when the wedding was . Witch was fine by me not so much Mattie who was blushing uncontrollably, we got back and it took me an hour to get changed and get into bed.

The next morning Gilbert took me to the nurses office who went and got Professor Kirkland who was oddly worried, he said it was just something with the nerviest system and should past in a couple of days, also to stay in bed he said I could miss class for three days. "oh ya!!!" is all I could think, plus I got to pick a buddy to hand with!!! Mattie alright...

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