Christmas Poems on any taste

By Melethiel579

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Poetry for Christmas Day, it's written in: Russian, English, and Spanish. More

Poems On X-mas Day

26 0 0
By Melethiel579

Let's think of Lord, our Lady, and Jesus upon arrival of Christmas.....

The onyx sky is recalling that star tonight,
It appeared on December Day.
On that night, was born Jesus Christ,
Savior to fade our aches away.

Колыбель Господня

Новорожденный в объятии Матери Марии,
Будучи в окружении наблюдали в тиши они...
‪Вечер в Назарете: Несёт Иешуа долговечный крест за собой,
‪Засиял в Христова День алмаз ночной.

‪Спаситель в любой день вас бережёт,‬
‪Песнь ангел с небес священную поёт.
‪Пусть ваше житие наполняется с добротой и мудростью, и пусть,‬
‪Тёплый лучик света вам дарит Иисус.‬

Lord's Cradle

Newborn in the arms of Mother Mary,
They watched in silence, near to Our Lady.
Evening in Nazareth: Joshua bears the sempiternal  cross behind,
Star alike with diamond, is shining in Day of Christ.

Savior protects you any day,
With angel sacred canto sang.
May your life be filling with kindness and wisdom, and may,
Jesus give you warming Sun's ray.

Cuna De Señor

Recién nacido en los brazos de Madre María,
Nuestra Señora, miraban con silencio ellos cerca haber estado.
  Tarde en Nazaret: Josué con la cruz sempiterna llevando,
  Estrella como diamante, en Día de Cristo brilla.

Salvador está protegiéndoles cualquier día,
El canto sagrado cuando un ángel cantó.
  ¡Qué sus vida se llene con bondad y sabiduría,
Y qué se Jesús dé rayo cálido del sol!

𝓓𝓮𝓬𝓮𝓶𝓫𝓮𝓻  25𝓽𝓱  𝓞𝓻  𝓙𝓪𝓷𝓾𝓪𝓻𝔂 7𝓽𝓱

Father God, Holy Spirit, Magdalene;
Let us think, today, the very Bible...
Jesus who taught us to commit none a sin,
As written in a gospel.

Yule, Nativity, Noel — there're jingle bells!
Christmas names are Natalia, and, of course, Julia!
Not moonless nights, Satellite, and stars shone,
Merry X-mas I am wishing to everyone.

𝕏-𝕄𝕒𝕤 ℙ𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕥 - ℕ𝕖𝕨 𝕐𝕖𝕒𝕣'𝕤 𝔾𝕝𝕒𝕕𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝔻𝕒𝕪

I'm meeting the Eve,
And thought of a sooner relief...
X-mas present- New Year's gladder day,
-Is what to animals, since 2019, I've given.

As I finish tea with sugar at morning,
Notice how Yule tree is glowing.
I desire for felicity since January,
So it'd last infinitely, generally.

Dₐy  ₒf  ₕᵢₛ  Bᵢᵣₜₕ

A moonshine is knocking upon windows,
Snowflakes are clinging on this glass.
My letter with my wish and in the name of Jesus,
Let's all stay happiest with smiles in this X-mas.

The divine words from the Prophet's lips,
So that we would've committed no greatest sins.
He shared us His wisdom that was sacred,
Bread is flesh, wine the blood, deception as a secret.

𝒲𝒽𝒾𝓉𝑒  𝒞𝒽𝓇𝒾𝓈𝓉𝓂𝒶𝓈  𝒯𝓇𝑒𝑒  𝒲𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝒯𝑜𝓎𝓈

My dear friends, as well as "Foes",
Dear girls, and-boys!
I'm wishing my holiday greetings to all,
As I gaze upon my white Christmas tree with toys.

Snowwhite tree wears scarlet globs with light garlands,
Claus's soarin' o'er Europe, all the way thru Netherlands!
Rockefeller Center rink with my music, cause us a feel wonderful,
First snowflakes we play with have us cheerful.


L̳a̳p̳l̳a̳n̳d̳'̳s̳ ̳M̳a̳i̳n̳ ̳G̳u̳e̳s̳t̳

It's the Finnish air for today,
Winter has a chillier ray.
Helsinki isn't city of sins, I'll rather see,
The capital cathedral, and real Santa soar above me.

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