Gift- Book 1

By JustKassidi

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- - -Don't underestimate your influence.- - - Before she knows it, Leiea's done with school and whisked away... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 26

20 2 0
By JustKassidi

Leiea flinches at the noise of Odenne's heavy footfalls and frowns at Sheyric. She's been sitting for another long while, crying harder over the old locket Craith crushed. Nearly the last thing remaining of something she recognized in the wreck. Something she'll never let go of in honor of little Fleya.

Sheyric swings down from the horse stands for a moment, as if hesitant to approach the girl.

"I found something you might want to see. Get on the horse," He nods to Craith and gets back on Odenne, turning around and leaving Leiea behind in the ash. More than likely the kash of her home.

She sighs and urges the horse over, wincing as her stiff legs refuse to get over the saddle. Craith prances and immediately runs off for the others with Leiea barely hanging on, disliking the distance between the group. They catch up to him, finding that the far area is thick with old smoke, hiding the horizon. Meaning that either the wind has been exceptionally slow lately or the fire was very recent. She shields the sides of her face and eyes with hair and puts the fabric piece back over her face, barely making a difference in the smoke as thick as autumn mist.

They kept riding for a confusingly long time; the smoke was getting to them and the horses and making them dazed and slow. Their chests, throat, and eyes pained but Sheyric solely focused on going wherever he's leading, pushing to move briskly.

Leiea is nearly ready to fall off the horse when he Sheyric, being very far ahead, speeding up quickly and making some sort of motion to her that's impossible to see in the haze. She takes her time to not pass out, but keeps her eyes set ahead, knowing that the wall of smoke ends where he is.

Soon she makes it through, the majority of the smoke behind her, with tendrils still reaching out and fading away. Sheyric's still on Odenne, resting on her neck. He perks up and nods to the right of him, moving again. Her eyes are still almost unworking, but the blue sky, bluer than it was over in the ruins, cuts through. The sun here confusingly bright and cloudless like nothing happened beyond the smoke wall. Plus, most of the grass and dirt is unscathed besides some dark patches that were ignited by embers. Sheyric's silhouette, and even the silhouette of Craith's head right in front of her, is completely blanked out with light.

Leiea unclenches her hand and finds the locket still there, digging into her palm painfully. She picks the tiny pieces from her hand and drops them into the fabric mask she had, tying it securely and putting it in one the saddle bags. She looks up to find Sheyric and Odenne standing still, only a ways in front of them. Her eyes adjust again and she gaps.

It's small and compact, but unmistakable. An encampment, gray and faded canvas and tarp tents covered in burns and held down by rubble. Little is outside of the tents beside mangled metal figures of ploughs and flimsy containers with things like tool heads and silverware inside. There's no signs of movement, not even horses or cattle, but it's enough for hope. Really, if there were only two or three tents, her happiness would be immeasurable. But here, there's dozens. Plenty of survivors of the fires. Some dug holes along the outskirts mean they were digging for wells, as that was how water was gotten in the village.

Leiea feels her eyes spilling with tears again and she looks at Sheyric, asking how with her eyes. How anyone could have escaped such a disaster, and been well enough to set up a camp like this. How, even after such a horrible and tiresome event, survivors gathered around and set up a base.

He gives her a small smile and shakes his head. "We have fighters," he says. "It's not like they can go on their own. We're here, and we can't just stand around. Go on." He waits for her to go forward first before following behind.

Although jumpy and hesitant, even with her excitement, Leiea approaches the first few tents, the most intact and large. She tries to keep Craith's hooves moving to alert everyone around instead of calling out herself. Sheyric catches on and does the same for a moment, being much more effective with such a weighty horse. A shuffling noise from inside the closest tent makes her jump and stop the horse's movement.

The battered tent flap on the side flutters. For a second, Leiea catches a glimpse of bright blue eyes poking through before it disappears. She pretends like she didn't see it and begins moving a little more to the other tent before another noise of crunching grass comes to her ears.

A tall woman stands in front, holding a length of cloth and an expression of happiness and wonder like Leiea's never seen. Her midnight black hair is held back in a loose bun, and minor burns cover her face and legs that stand out greatly on her tanned skin. Her face breaks into a huge smile and she goes to Sheyric first. She walks with a slight limp and seems to be taking extra care to not irritate it.

"You... that trader..." Her voice trails off but Sheyric smiles and nods.

"We got word in... Galerus that something happened here." He says. Leiea releases her pent up breath when he doesn't mention any of the strange things that happened over the weeks. She vows to herself to say nothing about the calamities they faced before heading back. The old woman in Galerus, losing a horse and the caravan, and certainly not bringing up either time the man with the fire birds in Karyk came to haunt them. She shouldn't even mention the emerald, since it all leads back to it to some degree.

The woman speaks again with a worried tone. "You're hurt. You can come in, at least get some of those cuts bound up."

"Please, don't waste material on me," Sheyric responds, glancing at the burns and scratches covering his arms. "I could only imagine the victims of this disaster. I've had time to heal, they haven't."

She shrugs and turns to go back inside when Leiea quickly pulls a medical kit for her pack, spilling her extra clothes. She hands it to the woman. "Ointment, gauze, stitches, most of what you'll need. We have no reason to hang onto it when people are suffering."

The woman's eyes fill with tears as she takes the box. She flips the tent back open, letting the material flap in the breeze that picked up. For a moment, Leiea sees the inside, people laying on wood planks and the dirt floor. On some of them, their entire body covered in burns and raw, mangled flesh oozing blood. A few of them with limbs cut off, dripping into buckets.

She shutters and jumps off of Craith, picking up the clothes that fell and stuffing them back inside. Sheyric jumps off too and leads Odenne past the tents by the reins. Leiea follows, setting them up a ways from the encampment in the freshest spot of grass. She unhooks her pack from the horse, turning around to find a figure peeking out from a smaller tent.

She gasps and drops her pack, walking forward with large steps. Although incredibly thin, burned and spindly, it's Ryn. Ryn and his compulsive, genius self, alive after the disaster. It's impossible to even see him and be mad after their tiff. It was so long ago, so unimportant compared to the new problems faced. The person Leiea "comes home" to, and although it's not Fleya or Mother, it's someone out of dozens that she knows. That she knows and newly cares for again.

Ryn rushes forward as well, embracing her, an old friend that returned after days that seemed like years. Small raw burns streaking across his cheek and hands became irritated and bleeding after the long welcome.

Leiea's the first to let go, grasping his shoulders and shaking him, meaning to be playful but certainly coming off as concerned. "I thought you were dead! I thought everyone was dead! How did-"

"Save the questions for me. How did you know to come? You must've been so far from here."

"I... well..." She's not even close to as smooth a liar as Sheyric. "We were in Galerus, so pretty far. Only there for a few days when you got word of something happening here... couldn't take any changes so we came right back."

"What about that caravan thing?"

"We sold it to get here faster. One of the horses died right before so it wouldn't've been right to let one pull that whole thing. So we traded the caravan for a new horse and gear..."

"And that weird emerald?"

"I returned it to Sheyric. Ask him what happened to it."

"Hmm. Okay, just follow me." She nods and motions Sheyric over, but he crosses his arms and steps back. "I need a better look around here. I could only imagine how many people I know here that are dying or wandering with one eye. I'd rather help than talk for pleasurement" He nods in goodbye, throws his pack over his shoulder and tosses Leiea's bag to her. She catches it and turns to find Ryn back at the front of his tent waiting.

"I'm sorry about him," She says, "He's not the same as before and never liked you in the first place. Expect violence if you ever look at me in his vicinity."

"Violence, eh?" He asks, opening the tent and letting her enter.

"More or less." She points to an old metal chair and Ryn nods. She slumps down in it and rubs her eyes, collecting her thoughts. "You're allowed to tell me when it happened here, you know."

He sits on a stack of wood planks in the corner of the compact tent. "I'll tell you what I do know. There's about 30 or 40 survivors, most on the brink of death." He sighs. "All the survivors were outside already or near the edge of the village, making it easier to escape."

"How many days ago? And how did it start? What's the status of this camp?" She knits her brow and props her feet up on the edge of the uneven seat.

"I've lost count of the day, but maybe four? Or five. No one who knows how it started is alive, or isn't coherent enough. Just one day, someone started yelling and fire erupted everywhere. If it wasn't so windy or dry, we might've been alright. Once it died down and the smoke was better, we gathered any surviving material or tracked down bodies. That's how we have a decent camp.

"Good thing we used so much metal day-to-day. Also, you looked for bodies?"

"Why would we not?" He bends down and takes a few rocks from the floor, setting them on the planks. "A few were intact, most of them burnt and maimed but recognizable. But about the camp. The biggest ones are for the injured since there's so many. Smaller ones for families, or really anyone you wanna house with. The smallest one are for one person. People that can work have to work. Women lean to doctoring day and night or cooking for everyone when we have the chance. Men-"

Leiea interrupts with an intense look of concern. "Do you have food?"

"Well, not much. Sometimes we get a rabbit or some plants. We definitely haven't eaten enough."

She frowns and picks up her pack again, digging out a crumbly package of crackers. She hands it to him and he smiles big, taking it and putting it in a container next to her chair to save. "I saw wells around the area. Do you have water?" she asks.

He nods. "More than food. Anyways, women go for nursing or cooking. The men go hunting, which is minimal, or digging graves. All the bodies we recover we're burying. They're letting families of those recognized to make headstones. I... I made one for my mother." Leiea holds her tongue from saying something stupid but she gives him a sympathic path on the knee and a look of sorrow. He nods and keeps talking.

"My father's digging. These jobs are in such high demand they get no breaks or sleep. Everything's too sad or hard for children, so we're left to do whatever. I'm still too much of a kid to work with Father, according to Namior." He scoffs.

"I'm sure Sheyric would be willing to help around. I can hunt or nurse if I have to. I'm sure I'll be wanted for every job, being the most healthy here." She snorts and digs her heel into the dirt. "Hey, what was that career suggestion you wanted to give me a while back? I'm so sorry I never gave you a chance."

He shakes his head and waves her off. "No, no, it's fine. Trading is more valuable than my idea. I was going to suggest weapon making. Bladesmiths, swordsmiths, the like. I know! It sounds really dumb but I know you're interested in that kind of thing. I've seen you playing around with those soldier's swords. Even training as a guard wouldn't be bad."

"I shouldn't be trusted with weapons, let alone making them. Anyways, would you be okay with me staying in this tent with you? At least for the next few days. I would ask Sheyric but you know..."

He blinks and looks around the room. "Yeah, of course. Father camps by the grave sight now anyway, so this is my own tent. If you don't mind being on the floor for now"

"Not at all. I think I'll try to find some job around here tomorrow. I think I'll go for doctoring, it seems the most needed. Oh also, if you know anything about this, did they find the bodies of Fleya or my mother?" She grabs her bag off the floor, standing up and stretching her legs. She needs to know where Sheyric went, see who he's bothering.

Ryn signs and itches his head, as if nervous. "I would have to ask about it but I... I don't think so. I'm sorry."

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