Blood Demon Art

By muccababe

20.4K 1K 291

"Even death is not to be feared by one who has lived wisely." - Buddha Started [2-2-21] More

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4.4K 152 61
By muccababe

 "Nothing can happen more beautiful than death."

– Walt Whitman

Ariyah La'shaun Loveless 

"Bitch watch who the fuck you talking to" my older brother yelled at my stepmom him and her were arguing per usual i was so use to them arguing i didn't even try to interfere with them i shook my head and walked out the house and walked down to the local park it was currently 

11:25pm i shook my head and sat at the bench with my air pods in but not as loud as they normal be since i need to hear whats going on around me i looked and seen a dark figure standing near the end i squinted my eyes to make sure i knew what i was seeing or not i seen it towering over a girl 

all i heard was a loud screech that made me hold my ears and close my eyes once it stooped and looked up to see it was gone i looked around for the girl but she was gone to i hurried and got up out off the bench and bumped in to someone i looked up and seen my older brother looking at me "shit you scared me" i said holding chest and leaning over breathing heavy .

"next time dont be out here alone" he said i nodded and walked behind him he snatched me up and pushed me in front  of him i sighed and shook my head while looking at my phone changing the song and nodding my head to the beat.

once we got home i went straight to my room and closed the door laying on my bed turning the volume up on my music and scrolling through twitter catching up on the latest drama "look" one of my ear pods said making me look that way before taking it out and looking around the room 

i changed the song cause it done scared my heart i laid back down and went to instagram and seen many people going live and i just went to my explore page seeing  all types of food and clothes. i hummed the song and scrolled while laying flat on my stomach i felt a stinging sensation on my thigh i turned around and seen the exact same black figure standing near my closet 

"bye Omar" i said and he didn't budge "who's there" i whisper thinking i sound crazy i wasn't scared i just wanted them out my room so i can practice my Megan knees. i huffed and walked towards it grabbing it arm pulling it into the light and it vanished. 

"well at least its gone" i said and played my twerking playlist . "big ole freak" played through my air pods. i bent over with my hands on my knees as i started feeling the beat i popped my butt lightly until i got the rhythm before i started going crazy that was until i got kicked in my back 

"got dammit" i said once my air pod flew out my ear and under my bed i looked under there before i seen bright red eyes "why are you trying to scare me like im not gonna be afraid of you" i said and then he floated above my bed "w-why aren't you afraid" he asked 

and i just shrugged getting up with my air pod in my hand and i put them back in the case i looked up and tilted my head at him "come to the light" i said and he stepped forward but you couldn't see his face "stop hiding" i said and his face slowly appeared

"what was you tryna hid in the first place" i asked and he shrugged i shrugged to and laid on my bed before getting on my phone and open tik tok and scrolling though it "come with me" he said i looked up with my eyebrow raised " where" i asked and he hid his face before showing it again but he looked normal this time and his hood went away 

and he had a red shirt and blue light washed jeans and forces. he looked.... good he grabbed my hand finna walk out "wooow there if they see me come out my room with a boy im dead" i said and he shrugged and pulled me out the door.i shook my head damn near running for the front door but he pulled back and went to the back door

"no no no my dads back there"i whispered and he ignored me "dammit" i mumbled to  myself. " hey dad" i mumbled while i pulled whatever his name is behind me we gon call him tyrone. "who is this nigga you got in my house Ariyah" he said angrily and drunk his beer i shook my head

he got up and stumbled towards me and grabbed me by my hair "who is he" he said tighting his grip on my hair. my eyes got watery i wanted to cry next thing i know is my dad and tyrone was sent up to the sky i couldnt see them any more before i knew it my father was falling and landed straight in the pool. i wanted to scream and cry but no sound or tears came out of me

tyrone came back down his eyes black as coal i shook my head and stepped back from him and he grabbed me before looking me all in my face and touching my head his eyes came back to a normal color and his body temp calmed down "are you ok" he asked i nodded and so did he 

he scoffed before pushing me away from him and running away fastly i shook my head and went up inside and called the ambulance to come get my dad after they came and questioned me the took him and left i went up stairs and laid on my bed falling straight to sleep.

hey guys this is a different genre of writing so please bare with me

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