WHAT!? He can sing!?

By Hiiiiiii876bye

245K 1.8K 2.2K

Izuku is heading to America to hangout with his Father who he hasnt seen in a long time. While he is gone Cla... More

More girls
Some reveal
Part 8
Just a question
Its you
Thank you(Im not leaving)
Nightime mission
The A/n
Final N/a

Izuku in America

15.8K 148 230
By Hiiiiiii876bye

Izuku's pov

I'm on a plane heading towards America with my mother to see my father and my girlfriend who I haven't seen in awhile. It's a good thing everyone believes my dad just runs a business, because in reality he's the number one hero in America, and oh my god don't get me started on his quirk. My fathers quirk is called Titan, basically whenever he hurts himself with a goal in mind a huge lightning bolt hits him and he turns into this ...Titan. Sure I might have admired All might but If we're comparing my father and All might strength and admiration then i'm going for my father. My father has told me that "When I'm ready I will get a Titan '' which I still don't understand of being ready. I'm not sure but it might be something like OFA where I have to develop my body but eh its whatever.

During the flight my mother has been constantly checking up on me, which I always respond with yes im fine why wouldn't I be. I guess I actually might get my titan soon if shes this worried but were about to land

Once we get off our private jet

Private jet(Inside):


Once we were outside we started heading to our personal driver but something about him made me suspicious. We got inside

Driver: Hello Master Inko, Master Izuku

Inko: Um. I'm sorry you're not the normal driver

I start charging up OFA but not all the way. Suddenly the driver starts laughing and takes off his hat to which I realize ITS DAD

We all get out of the car and I hug my father but when he gets to my mother they kiss ... for about ten minutes

Izuku: AHEM

They stop and chuckle, my father pulls out his phone and dials somebody

Hisashi: Well Izuku you sure have changed, you look like me but not as handsome

I roll my eyes and my mom chuckles

Hisashi: Although I must say seeing you on the Sports festival and seeing what happened during the USJ you got me worried son

I start to feel guilty because yes since my father is a hero in America the number one hero no less he can't just leave, for any hero you just can't move countries it takes time and a ton of paperwork to do

Hisashi: Although, I doubt you can imagine Rui's reaction to everything especially how you saved that little girl from that monster overhaul

Izuku: 'Fuck.Rui, shes gonna kill me' I'm dead arent I?

My parents just chuckle while I plan my funeral. Once we're done talking Our driver comes up but with two cars. Our driver comes out and


Alfred: Ah Master Izuku it has been too long i've missed you as well

I run up to him and do our handshake

(I cant put the second part of the gif but you know if you watched the show)

I start laughing while Alfred just smiles. My mom comes up and hugs Alred

Alfred: Master Inko it is great to see you again

Inko: I've missed you to Alfred. Now, tell me has Hisahsi been a good boy?

Hisashi: Oh my fu-

Alfred: He has, he finished all his patrols then went straight to bed

My father rolls his eyes while the rest of us share a laugh

Hisahi:!! Alfred, uh why is that car here

My father points to- what. Thefuck. Is that?

Alfred: You told me to bring it for izuku

Izuku: HUH!?

Hisashi: No I did not

Alfred sighs and pulls out a tape recorder of my dad saying to bring the present

Hisashi: Okay look-

Inko: You got Izuku this!?

Hisashi: I-I thought it was time he gets his first car

Izuku: QUE!?

Inko: I agree but this car really

Oh my god oh my god oh my god it is MY CAR. My dad got me a 2021 ferrari sf90 stradale!

(Bnha takes place like 2000-2090 sooo whatever)

(Its green)

I run towards my father, mother and Alfred and pull them into a huge hug. My mother was hesitant to let me have the car but she gave in and let me drive towards our home

'I wonder how Rui has been' I'm driving alongside my parents in Alfred's car, but then I realise. I can go faster, I'm about to go full throttle till I notice that I can put nos into this beast. I put a medium amount of nos and put my foot all the way down and I blast off

I notice that I'm almost home but there this turn I need to do. WAIT THERE'S PEOPLE THEIR. I start honking my horn because I know I can't stop in time, they start moving out of the way because of how fast i'm coming towards them then I do the thing that will most likely get all of UA on my ass

After I that happened I made it home and got out my car and waited for my parents

After a while my parents and Alfred came, my mom started scolding me on how I shouldn't be so reckless while my father was just grinning. We head inside our home and Oh My God I've missed this place

Home(Including the pool):

I immediately head towards my room but before I do I hear my mom say once I'm done doing whatever to come done. I open the door to my room and it brought back so many memories of my childhood

Izuku's room:

A bit plain I know but fucking amazing when I have friends over or have party's

Izuku's gaming section of his room:

Once I'm done admiring my room I head downstairs to see what my mom wanted to talk about and when I get there I see the one person I've been dying to see this whole time. Rui. She hasn't noticed me yet so I use a little bit of OFA to get behind her since she's sitting on our couch, once I'm behind her I lean in close to her ear and say 


(Just the waddup baby)

Rui turns around and starts to tear up, I start to panic but she jumps on me and clings to me like a koala. She has her arms wrapped tight around my neck and her legs wrapped tight around my waist while I hold onto her. I could hear her crying, but I know they are happy tears, I whisper into her ear

Izuku: I'm back Rui

Rui: *Sniff* I missed you Iku (e-ku)*Sniff* I missed you so much, you better not *Sniff* leave for that long ever again

She pulls her head out of my neck and we stare into each other's eyes and share a passionate kiss. The kiss got pretty heated to the point we were on the couch with me laying on top of her, we would have gone more into till we heard


We look up to see my and Rui's parents/Siblings. I get off of her and we compose ourselves while having a blush on our faces

Hisashi: Well, thats one way to say hello

Inko: Theryre teenagers. What do you expect

Izuku and Rui are still blushing till Izuku realisez Rui's parents are there

Izuku: Aunty Uncle its been to long

They share a hug

Akihito(uncle/Rui's step father): hmm its been a long time Izuku look at you you've grown and gotten much stronger. I remember the sport festival where, excuse my language, you were being a dumbass

What he looks like:

Izuku*sweatdrop*: Thanks uncle

Tachibana(Aunty/Rui's mom): Gosh you gave us a big scare and for that-

"OW WTF-" Izuku said, because he was hit by Rui and his Aunty

Tachibana: That's what you get for worrying us

What Tachibana looks like:

???: you deserve more of a punishment if anything

Izuku looks towards who said that and it was Rui's sister Hana

Hana: Jeez you got into trouble when your in America but when you went to Japan it doubled somehow

Izuku: hehe sorry Hine-nee

Hina just smiles and hugs him

Izuku: Wheres Natsou?

Rui's: Hes with his girlfriend

Izuku: FFFFIIIIIINNNNNAAAAALLLLLYYYYY. Jesus he finally got one huh who is it?

Rui: Its Mui

Izuku: OoO. Its been such a long time since we've seen one another , How about we all go out to dinner do something after then come back and do whatever

Everybody seemed to agree with that plan so they all went to their respective rooms/homes to get ready. But Rui didn't want to leave Izuku's side so she stayed with him while her family went back home to get ready

If you were to put your ear on Izuku's room door then you would be meet with a lot of moaning.

Rui: Hng...More....Harder..Hng

Izuku leans into Rui's ear and whispers "Does it feel good blue"

Rui: Y-yes..Hng....It feels amazing...I forgot how good your massages were

After Rui got her massage she and Izuu got ready to leave but they got ready a bit early so Ruis wanted to know what he's been doing at UA. Izuku told her all about the USJ the sports festival, Stain, training camp, rescuing Katsumi, provisional licence, Overhual and rescuing Eri, His new quirk, the festival where Eri first smiled, and then finally Class 1-B vs 1-A battle where he lost control of his quirk. He also told her about all the friends he's made, and how his classmates are pretty cool. Izuku was expecting Rui to be happy for him but what he got was this look from her


"Dad's right your a dumbass"

Izuku:!! What? What did I do

Rui: Really? One. You get attacked by villains and break your arms and legs. Two. You go into the sports festival where you broke your fingers, arms, part of your face and yes it's good you help the candy cane girl 'Helps her too much for my liking but whatever' but you messed up your bones. Three. Thank god and gran Torino you got a better handle on your quirk and it's good you saved your friend but what the hell is wrong with you its like you have some type of villain magnet quirk. Four.You get attacked by Villains AGAIN and screw up your arms so bad that if you injure them again like that then y-your going to have problems using them. A-and all the other stuff you've been doing.*Sniff* I-it just scares me to know you're in constant danger, a-and I know that if you're a hero you will be in danger but all the stuff, that's not normal even for a regular hero. *Sniff* I ... I just love you too much to lose you.... I... I don't want to get a call from Aunty Inko saying your very hurt or worse ..d-

Izuku brings in Rui to a hug where she's laying on his chest

Izuku: Rui. I know that all the stuff that's happened to me is dangerous and could get me killed. But it's been both our dreams to be heroes and to make sure we protect people who cant protect themselves, you might already know but I also wanted to become a hero to impress you

Rui chuckles bit from when they were kids and them playing hero vs villians

Izuku: Lately I've been working harder to get my power under control. And turns out that most likely there are six other quirks in OFA. And as for me getting hurt in the future, I know I can't promise i wont get hurt considering the league of villains are running around

Izuku moves so that their foreheads are touching, and staring into eachothers eyes

Izuku: But I promise you that I will not die, I promise that I will come back home every time I go out to do hero work, I promise we will live the life we've always dreamed of. And who knows perhaps someday we can get blessed with a child of our own. And, My final promise to you is that I will keep all my promises, because I love you Rui

Rui starts crying but has a big smile on her face

Rui: *Sniff* I Love you to Izuku

They both slowly lean in to share a very passionate kiss. Once they separate they just stare into each others eyes and enjoy the comfortable silence till Rui gets an Idea

Rui: ...You know I think we still have time till we need to leave

Izuku: Cuddle?


Rui gets on top Of Izuku and latches onto him while Izuku wraps his arms around her waist. What they didn't notice is their family listening in the hallway smiling and deciding that tomorrow they will all go out

I know there wasn't any music in this chapter BUT THERE WILL BE next chapter. Izuku will sing in america but not yet. BYE

Ps Sorry for spelling mistakes

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