Forever and Always // Zayn Ma...

By zaynsflawless

777K 6.7K 1.3K

Rhiannon Crookes. A quiet country girl from a small town in England who spends her life hiding behind a fake... More

Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part five
Part six
Part seven
Part eight
Part nine
Part ten
Part eleven
Part twelve
Part thirteen
Part fourteen
Part fifteen
Part sixteen
Part seventeen
Part eighteen
Part nineteen
Part twenty
Part twenty-one
Part twenty-two
Part twenty-three
Part twenty-four
Part twenty-five
Part twenty-six
Part twenty-eight
Part twenty-nine
Part thirty
Part thirty-one

Part twenty-seven

14.9K 263 112
By zaynsflawless

Hey guys! This part is dedicated to my cousin, 'boneygirl98' as her writing is amazing and she doesn't get half as much attention as she deserves. Please check out her one direction, harry potter and disney works! Thanks! 

Warning: Contains some scenes in which readers may find disturbing. Sorry in advance if some of the medical information is incorrect, but i had to rely on research from the internet.

*Zayns POV*

I hate hospitals. The strong stench of antibacterial, the screams of children or those in pain, the deathly silence when someone is seriously ill, or worse, have died. Yet the hospital is where I have spent the last 12 hours; pacing up and down the corridors, praying and hoping that Rhiannon and the baby will be okay. "Urgh, why is it taking so long?" I shouted out, to no one in particular, however earning an answer from Niall. "Don't worry; I'm sure everything is fine." He said, attempting to reassure me. "Mmm..." I mumbled my mind elsewhere. But, even though I tried to deny and push the thoughts out of my head, in my heart I knew that they would be harmed in some way- if everything was okay, it wouldn't be taking this long.

I carried on walking up and down the corridor, biting what was left of my nails as I did, until a nurse finally came out from one of the rooms to inform us on what was happening. Within an instant, I was next to her, waiting to find out exactly how much damage had been done. "Mr Malik?" The nurse asked me, and I simply nodded.

"Rhiannon has been severely injured, suffering damage to a lot of the bones in her body, and is now being treated on life support in intensive care. Due to the oxygen deprivation, her body went into cardiac arrest which caused a sudden cut off of blood flow and oxygen to the brain. We have performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation on Rhiannon, which she did survive, and is now in a coma. At the moment, we can't see why she wouldn't wake up, however I have to inform you to be ready for the worst. I am also extremely sorry, but she has also lost the baby due to its oxygen supply being cut off, just like the carrier, therefore not allowing the baby to breathe. I am very sorry for your loss, but we simply got there too late and there was nothing we could do. I'll leave you to grieve and you will be able to see your partner very shortly." The nurse said, before nodding her head and leaving again. As soon as she did, I felt the tears fill my eyes and spill down my face as I fell onto the floor in defeat; turning into a sobbing wreck. It felt as if nothing would ever be the same again; my whole world had been ripped apart, and this time, there was nothing anybody could do to fix it.

*An hour later*

“Zayn Malik?” A petite woman with a blonde pony tail asked, wearing a nurse’s uniform. “Here.” I said, only having just stopped crying over the loss of our daughter. The woman gave me a sympathetic look. “You’re able to see your partner now, she's currently in a stable condition, however we are not sure how long this will last.” The nurse said. I jumped up from the small hospital seat as the woman told me the room was number 201. I walked down the hospital corridor, checking the numbers quickly as I did. “197, 198, 199, 200.” I mumbled under my breath, until I came upon her door. Slowly, I pushed it open, to see somebody that I didn’t even recognise lying in the bed.

Her skin was scarcely pale, and her eyes were clasped shut. Wires and machines surrounded her, apart from the steady beeps escalating from the heart monitor; the room was filled with silence. I stared at her body; this person wasn’t my girlfriend, this wasn’t Rhiannon, she was completely different. Yet I knew that it was, and as the feeling of realization rushed over my body, it hit me just how much I had lost, and how much I could lose at any moment.

I took small steps over to her, and found her hand from underneath the white cotton blanket covering her frail body, and gripped onto it. It was cold and limp, with no sign of movement present. I held it, moving closer to her, as if the closer I moved to her, the quicker she would sense me, and awake. Once I was up by her face, I stared at her delicate eyelids, which were now closed, and rubbed circles on her hand with my thumb despite the fact she couldn't feel it, as I began to whisper to her. "Come on Rhi, I need you to wake up for me. I've already lost out daughter..." My voice cracked, however I carried on. "... I can't lose you too. You keep me going, I love you so much, I don’t know what I'll do without you. Please wake up for me darling-" My words to Rhiannon were cut short by someone at the doorway. "Mr Malik?" I shot my head up, thinking that it was a doctor, when my eyes lay on two police; a man and a woman, standing at the door of Rhiannon’s room. "What do you want?" I mumbled under my breath, preoccupied with Rhiannon and not phased by the fact they were police. "I know this is a hard time for you but we need to speak to you in connection with the accident and the allegations you made earlier of sexual harassment and abuse caused by Rhiannon’s ex partner." I nodded, signalling that I would be a second. They gave me a look of understanding as I turned to Rhiannon. "I'll be back soon; I just to need to make sure that you will be safe. I love you." I whispered, kissing her on the forehead and hesitantly leaving the small room, closing the door behind me and following the two officers into a separate room a few corridors away from Rhiannon.  

An hour later, I was still in the room with the police, finishing off answering their questions and making a statement. I had explained the situation with Chris, the abuse that she had received when in a relationship, and what I had heard on the phone that night. “Have you got any evidence of the damage done to the victim’s body, or any traces of the voicemail?” The female police officer asked me. I nodded. “I have the photos on my camera at home, and the voicemail saved.” I said, proceeding to remove my iPhone from my back pocket, pressing play on the saved voicemail that I had listened to a countless amount of times in the past few hours, not bothered it was slowly eating away my credit as I tried to piece together exactly what could have happened that evening. I looked at a spot on the floor, it suddenly becoming the most extraordinary thing in the world as the voicemail played aloud to the two officers in the room. Once it was up, they nodded. “Okay, that’s all we will need from you today, but we will need you to make a statement and give forward your evidence to the police station very shortly. If Rhiannon gains consciousness soon, it would be a huge help if you can get the hospital to report back to us so we can come and ask her a few questions.” They said, before pausing. “I know you have previously said that you would prefer if the public didn’t know about the incident, but we urge you to tell the public; we can give out a description and picture of the suspect, which increases the chance of him being found. The sooner he is found, the better.” I hesitated for a moment, before slowly nodding. “Alright.” I said hastily, before they declared that I could leave. I swiftly walked out the room, heading straight to room 201. As I approached the room, I noticed the bodies sitting around Rhiannon's bed. I walked in, and all their heads turned to look at me. The boys got up, leaving the room. Danielle went to too, but I stopped her. “Stay.” I croaked out, and she simply nodded, returning to where she had been sitting moments ago. I sat on the other side, finding Rhiannons hand, which was still cold. I felt my eyes glaze with tears, before they fell down my cheeks. I looked down, staring at her hand that was connected to a drip, trying to stop crying and avoid my sobs becoming noticed by Danielle. As I finally stopped crying, the sadness in which I had just felt turned to anger, as I jumped up, causing Danielle to jump in fright, and the boys that were waiting outside to come in and see what the problem was. I pulled at my hair in frustration, as Liam came over to me. “What’s wrong mate?” He asked, warily approaching me. I ignored him, moving closer to Rhiannon. “Why didn’t you listen to me?” I shouted at her body, but you didn’t respond. “I told you not to go down that alley, and you didn’t listen! Why didn’t you?” I screamed, beginning to shake her limp body. Harry and Louis, who had observed the whole thing, ran over to me, pulling me off her. “This is your entire fault!” I screamed to Rhiannon between tears as they held onto me so I couldn’t go near her.

At that very moment, a loud beep escalated through the room. I stopped thrashing around in their arms, shooting my head up to look at Rhiannon, everyone else looking round the room in shock and confusion. “What’s happening?” I heard Louis hiss to Liam, causing Liam to look at me in pity. At that moment an alarm started to ring, and the heart monitor began flashing, and it hit me just exactly what was happening. “Don’t you dare do this to me Rhiannon!” I screamed as doctors ran into the room, surrounding her body. “Rhiannon! Please! I didn’t mean it, stay with me!” I shouted, before Harry and Louis managed to pull me out of the room.

I watched from outside in absolute horror as the nurses and doctors began talking and acting very quickly. I watched as they pulled up her hospital gown quickly, and attached two paddles on her bare skin. “Charging to 200! Ready! Clear!” The doctor ordered, causing Rhiannon’s back to arch off the bed. However the alarm didn’t stop. My breath hitched, and as much as I wanted to look away, I couldn’t, and so I remained staring into the room as the doctor shouted yet again. “Charging! Clear!” Her back arched again, accompanied with a sickening crunch. “Charging! Clear!” Nothing. “Okay, final time!” The female doctor in blue scrubs shouted, causing me to shut my eyes in anticipation, praying and hoping that it would work. “Charging! Clear!” She shouted. I heard the sound of her body lifting from the mattress of the hospital bed. I squeezed my eyes shut, expecting the worse, but instead, much to my delight, the alarm stopped and the rhythmic beeping noise that I had gotten so used to hearing the past few days returned. I opened my eyes, and took a shaky breath, as I slowly sunk to the floor, hundreds of emotions hitting me at once. What in hell just happened?


Sorry that I haven't uploaded since last year, I really am slacking. (not very funny i know ok) 

Hope you enjoyed this partl:')

Merry Christmas and Happy new year to all my fans and readers, you are all amazing and really give me motivation to write! 

Please talk to me; 

kik- zaynsflawless


twitter- @zaynsflawless

My inbox is always open!

I have to go back to school tomorrow omg:'( 

I have been recieving hate on here lol omgggg

Thankyou for all the lovely comments, they make me smile so much omfg, and for the person who asked, for my age, I want everyone to guess my age on the comments (Abi, verity and Rhiannon you're not allowed because you know mwhaha)

90 votes and 50 comments for next chapter please? 

Fan for updates!

Much loveeee!xxx


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