By Moon_3004

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Here is a collection of BTS Maknae Line Fanfictions written by @/moon.fic and @/jimoon.fics on Instagram. Me... More

When his ex-wife comes back
He married you for revenge
He insults you as you're a housewife
He cheats on you on your anniversary
His paid wife
When you're a one night stand for him
His Mistress
His Wife of Contract
When you're forcefully married to his best friend
When he turns abusive towards you
He compares you with his second-wife
He finds out about his child with his ex
Your step daughter feels unloved because of him
Y/N - The luckiest imaginary human on earth
Your cold boss accidentally becomes your sugar daddy
He marries your sister after your break-up
He mistreats you because you're a housewife
He slut shames you and chooses his fake wife over you
He leaves his wife and his child for his secretary
Cascading Nights
Arrange married to the secret p*rn star
Mr. Heartless and his clumsy crush
When the mute girl gets married to her toxic ex
Slum life
Child Marriage
Rate that dick 10/10
Your cold arranged husband falls in love with you after his wife's death
When your arrnaged husband's parents want a grandchild but you're not ready
Husband wife and red velvet cake
The love of his life was once his enemy; frenemies
When his childhood sweetheart comes back in his life after your marriage
When the Playboy prince falls in love with the spy of another kingdom
πŸ’œ πŸ’œ Oneshot collection πŸ’œ πŸ’œ
When he saves you from burning alive on your ex-husband's death and marries you
When he falls in love with his therapist
πŸ’œ πŸ’œ Oneshot Collection πŸ’œ πŸ’œ

Your robot husband

1.8K 57 10
By Moon_3004

"Great work y/n. The hardwork, dedication and soul you've put in this project for the past 7 years and your genius brain made this impossible project possible. This project seemed almost impossible for the next 50 years.", Jungkook chuckled, "But because of you it became possible within just 7 years. Wow. You sure have a very extra ordinary brain.", he completed.

You smiled a little at his complement. "Thank you Kookie, but oh no! I definitely am not entitled to that much of praise. This project became successful because of our hardwork and dedication. The success goes to each one of us, specially Mr. Kim because it's under his guidance that we did this project.", you stated.

Wearing the same smile on your face, reciprocating the vibe of the party that was being hosted in the name of success of your recent project. It all seemed unreal to you. You still couldn't wrap your head around the fact that you and your team finally did this project.

The project of making an AI, a simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. What made this AI project more significant was that it was developed within a human structure.

Yes, you read it right. You and your team of leading scientists in the world had been working for integrating an AI system in a human structure and programme it in a way that these human AI structures could be used as ROBOTS.

These robots that you created could do all the physical tasks as a person can do, cannot yet think fully like a human, but had enough jurisdiction to function like a human being. These robots can be used for labour. Their physical strength is highly advanced, making it easier for humans to rule over them.

Any kind of work which requires excessive labour, like in agriculture, can be overcome by these robots. Indeed, it was a new era of robots and humans living and coordinating together coming up.

"Mr. Kim wants to see you and talk about the AI structures. We're soon handing over some sample robots to government for their approval, Mr. Kim wants to talk to you in that regard.", Mr. Jeon informed you and you nodded your head, making your way through the crowded party hall to meet Mr. Kim Taehyung.

Your eyes scanned the party hall until you spotted a familiar tall, muscular and built figure of Mr. Kim in distance. "There he is.", you dreamily said. Mr. Kim Taehyung, the head of your team, the leading scientist from Korea under whom you worked for this project.

He was exceptionally genius. His ideas, way of working and punctuality was what you adored. He was obviously like a dream guy of many women and same was for you too. You admitted that you developed a very small, ok fine, a very big fat ass crush on your senior scientist, Kim Taehyung.

"Sir, you called me?", you asked as you approached him. He moved around and looked at you with a poker face. " Oh yes, Ms. y/n. I was searching for you. I'm sorry I had to call you in middle of a party that too so unprofessionally.", he said, either no hint of apologetic look on his face, only a straight poker face.

"But we've to send a few examples back to the government by tomorrow. We need to export them tonight only. I hope you won't mind coming and checking the samples once more in the laboratory and helping me send them.", he said, again with a straight face. This was one thing about him. Even though the robots are perfectly made, he still wants to cross-check.

"Uh.... Yeah, sure sir.", you hesitatingly answered. " See, you're one of the most sincere junior scientist of your batch with extreme diligence and hardwork. I know you won't make any errors, that's why I want you to come.", he praised you, but again with a poker straight face.

"Was he making fun of you by a straight face? Or he's generally this cold and unexpressive?", you wondered but never thought of saying it out loud. You didn't want to upset him. " Let's go.", he said as he pulled out his car keya and excused himself and you from the party to go to your laboratory.

The hour long work of re-examining the functioning of every robot, keeping them silver cased and transporting them back to the main headquarters was extremely exhausting and tiring.

All that while, Mr. Kim didn't even utter a single word to you. Just like he was, mechanically he did all the tasks without even sparing a look at you. You were annoyed. At first he took you out of your own success party and now, he was being silent the entire time.

You huffed out and decided to let it slide. Either way, he never speaks much to anyone if it isn't about work. You both were in the laboratory, done with the work and ready to leave when suddenly you saw something unexpected and undesired at the moment.

"Y/n-ieeee, my baby!!!", your mother squealed as she got out of the car and made her way towards you with your dad. "Oh god, honey, how are you?", your mother showered your face with kisses while you stood embarassed, next to Mr. Kim.

"Mom? Dad? What are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to be in Tokyo! Why are you here in Seoul?", you bombarded them with questions as your eyes were widened.

"Oh honey! After so much of trying to convince you, you finally settled down and married and you did it without our presence? Very bad, baby! Your appa and I were almost shocked when you said that you married the love of your life. You should've told us earlier, we wouldn't pester you so much and send you pictures of eligible suitors for you.", she said.

"Anyways, we came here as soon as you informed us about your marriage. As your parents, we want to meet the lucky guy too. You did it wrong that you married without our consent, but.... ", she sighed, "Yeah, you're old enough to take your decisions and let me not get started on how wise you are, my dear daughter. I'm sure, you would've chosen the right person for yourself.", your mother cooed.

This was the reason why you were shocked. You've been in Korea for the past 7 years for work and you were already 27 now. Your parents were in Japan but owing to their busy schedules, they never came to meet you.

However, your mother wanted you to get married and get settled down but marriage was the last thing you wanted. You wanted to let your career build rather than just being a wife looking after husband and kids. That's why when your mom kept on pestering you by sending pictures of many men, you frustratedly lied that you were married.

And now, your plan backfired on you. What were you supposed to tell her now? That you lied to her? That you're still unmarried? You were frozen in your spot as your mother kept on asking about your non-existent husband.

Her eyes trailed towards Taehyung who was standing next to you. "Is this young beautiful man your husband, dear? Of course he is. Isn't he? Who would you be with at night time all alone? Oh Lord! What a handsome and fine young man he is. He's your husband right?", your overly excited mom said as she looked at Taehyung and your eyes widened.

Taehyung? Your husband? Your mind stopped functioning but then, suddenly, your neurons started running and you got the weirdest idea of the century.

"Yes omma! He is! Now come on, I'll take you home, we'll meet him tomorrow.", you blabbered oit whatever was coming in your mind without even thinking for consequences.

All this while, the coldy had the same poker face. As if he was unaffected by everything going on. "Hello? Mister? I just called you my husband and you're so calm? Good for me. Stay calm.", you thought.

"Aww, why tomorrow? He's your husband, doesn't he lives with you? Of course he should. If he doesn't, then what kind of marriage is it? I'm not going to hear to any more irrational things. My son-in-law is coming with me. End of the discussion.", she declared.

If anyone talking irrational is here them it's you, blabbering nonsense and your mother following tour words and Taehyung?........ Well..... He had the same poker straight face.

"We'll drive back to your place with our own car. We've your snapchat live location and we knew you were over-working at the laboratory.", she scoffed. "Come on, let's go home."

"Mom! I've my car. So I'll just drive back with h-him.", you said and your mother nodded.

Once she was in her car and drove back, you turned around to look ar Taehyung who was still....... Having a straight face as usual. Nevermind. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Kim. I'm so sorry, it all happened so suddenly. I had no idea about mom and dad coming and this whole marriage thing. OH LORD! I CALLED YOU MY HUSBAND IN FRONT OF HER - OH WAIT, WHY AM I SAYING THIS NOW? Oh gosh! No! I mean- I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. It was so unethical and unprofessional of me- but please, I need your help, my mom and dad are pestering me to get married, can you please help me out? It'll be for a few days only, jidt act with me? Please, sir? Oh god! What am I even requesting you? How stupid of me to say all this. Please forget I even said anything-", you went on blabbering ad usual when he stopped you.

"You forgot to keep this test tube inside.", he showed you an empty test tube in his hand which was once filled with the petroleum used for robots.

You were stunned. Here a whole fiasco happened and he was bothered about a test tube.....? Huh? You took the test tube from his hand but your hands were shaking out of nervousness that you dropped it down.

"Huh? I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!", you chanted your 'sorry' to him but before you could bend down to pick up the glass shards, he was quicker than you. He lifted up the glass shards with his hands. "Sir! You might hurt yourself! Wait, let me do it.", you bent down, but by the time you could lift you the shards, your fingers accidentally pressed on his hand, making it harshly land on a glass shard.

You were sure, he might be bleeding by now. "Oh god, oh god, oh god! I'm so sorry sir! I didn't intend to hurt you! Wait, let me check it!", he was about to yank his hand back but you were quicker.

You lifted his hand to receive the biggest shock in the history of humans. Instead of red blood, he was bleeding with blue blood.

Bluish-black liquid was coming out of his fingers which was poked by glass shards. At once it was shiny light blue and then blackish.

Why wasn't his blood red?

The smell of the blue-black substance from his finger was like a strong smell of petroleum oil. "SIR? THIS - BLOOD- BLUE- RED? WHAT?", you were unable to form words. Meanwhile, he still........ Had a poker and straight face without any expressions. You were fvcked out of your brains at seeing a human in front of you bleeding blue blood.

HOW IS IT POSSIBLE? Your eyes widened as you pulled him closer to you, placing your ear near his chest, trying to hear a heartbeat, but unfortunately, he had none.


He didn't have a physical blood-pumping organ, heart. He was heartless. His blood was blue and he was cold. Your brain was fcked out. How is a human surviving with no heart? Why is his blood blue? And body with temperature lower than ice? All this while, you were shocked at the not-so human in front of you while he...... Had a poker and straight face? No emotions? No expressions.

"Hello? Mr. Kim? Are you frozen? Reactionless? DUDE ARE YOU GOING TO TELL ME WHAT IS GOING ON?", you yelled, completely fucked up out of your wits and brain.

"I'm an advanced AI human system.", he simply stated, with a blank face. You gripped the roots of your hair, blinking your eyes like a fool. "Will you please care to elaborate?", you asked with a tone of sarcasm.

He lowered his head and face palmed himself. That was perhaps the first reaction you ever got from him. "Seems like my neurons are adapting to the earth's level of intelligence. Soon, my neurons will degrade back to that of a human just because of you all stupid humans.", he remarked.

"What do you mean by degraded neurons? What are you trying to say?", you asked him.

He looked up, dead in your eyes as his eye colour changed from blue to brown. That was the last straw for you. You were horrified by the sudden change of his eye colour.

"Aren't you wearing blue contacts? How come suddenly your eyes are brown?", you asked, terribly confused now.

"Shut your lips and open your ears. Hear carefully whatever I say.", he said in his usual weird commanding tone. " As I mentioned earlier, I'm an advanced AI human system. AI Human systems are not found in this age of 2021. You all people have barely developed a robot, an AI human is a far thing for you.", he scoffed.

You felt offended as a scientist. "Oh really Mr. AI human system? Who made you then? What are you then? A robot? An alien?", you asked.

He scoffed at your remark again. "I thought you're smart but I have to explain everything to a dim-witted person.", he said and took a pause before continuing, "Firstly, I am V, an AI human system from the 45th century Earth. In simple language, I'm not from your era of 21st century. I've come back in time to study about homo sapiens of this era. Before this, I was on a study to the Australopithecus, the first humans on earth."

"Wait-WHAT? TIME TRAVEL?! WHO ARE YOU KIDDING BRO?!", you yelled. He sighed. For the second time he showed emotions. "You are the one keen on knowing about my origin and you only saw my blue fluid, hollow chest devoid of heart and and spectrum in eyes.", he stated as a matter of fact.

"Then say something believable.", you rolled your eyes. "Don't believe. I don't care.", he stated. Your jaws were on the floor after seeing his flat answers.

"Okay, sorry. Continue.", you said, mocking his mechanic tone. "I'm a time researcher in my era. A person who researches about different time, different centuries, it's creatures, how they evolved and everything. Just like you all know how modern day humans came from caves like 6 million years ago. Similarly, in our era we study how human beings evolved to AI systems.", he explained.

"AI systems? You mean there are no more humans in 45th century?", you asked.

"Well, no. There are not. Human extinction took place long ago. Humans died as a result of them spoiling the nature, misusing it. You all exploited so much of your resources that no more atmosphere or hydrosphere exists on earth in 45th century. Because of your own mistake, your species ended.", he scoffed.

"Then who are you? If humans ended then what about you?", you perplexedly asked. He smiled sarcastically and said, "I'm not a human for science's sake.", he said.

"Science's sake? Shouldn't you say heaven's sake?", you asked. He gave you a blank look. "You all still believe in heaven and hell? Good for you. Well, we don't because it doesn't exist.", he said as a matter of fact. You oogled your eyes at him.

"And for your information, I'm not a human. I'm an AI human system. After the extinction of humans, earth was a barren land. No air, no water, no soil, nothing. Of course, humans can't survive without these things but AI human systems can. Our fluid, which you call as blood is blue is because we don't have haemoglobin, you idiot.", he said.

Then it was as if the rings in your head worked. Of course, he didn't have haemoglobin, so his blood was not red.

"My body is cold because our 45th century earth is cold. We don't have warm temperatures on earth. I don't have a heart, true, because our blue fluid does not need to be pumped. It's still in our veins. We're AI because our neurons are way more developed than any human. Our neurons can adapt to anything they're subjected to.", he explained.

"Anything?", you asked. "Yes, just like now, my neurons are degrading and becoming slower like humans. We don't have emotions, not because I don't have a heart. Good Science!", he said.

"Science?", you again asked. He gave you a blank look. "Yes. Like you say Goodness! Or oh Lord! We say Good science!" Low-key you wanted to laugh at it.

"Then what do you say for what the hell?", you curiously asked. "We say what the obsolete!", he said. You couldn't control your laughter at his statements. His words and swear words were so hilarious.

"Yes, so as I was saying, we don't have emotions not because we don't have a heart. Heart has nothing to do with emotions. It is meant for pumping blood only. It's all formulated by neurons and in the process of advancing our neurons, we lost our feelings.", he said.

"Oh! I'm so sorry. I didn't know. It's so sad.", you commented.

" You're sorry for what? We don't feel emotions, we are not sad that we don't have emotions. We just don't feel anything about it so no need to have that feeling fabricated in the potassium ions of your neurons, where you are melancholic or something.", he said.

"Shakespeare sir, please use some simple words. I don't want to deal with your vocabulary.", you said, joining your hands in front of him.

He rolled his eyes, "And to say, you're really a great scientist. How even?", he mocked you. "Oh well, because I don't have an AI brain like you.", you sarcastically said.

" Yes, you don't. You've the brain of a homo sapiens. Not an AI human system.", he said and you blinked your eyes. "WAIT - THAT WAS MEANT TO BE A SARCASM YOU IDIOT!", you yelled.

"Technically, I'm not an idiot. I'm an advanced human. You're a mere homo sapiens.", he commented.

"Homo sapiens! Why are you calling me that?!! I'm just a human, call me by my name!", you yelled now, with a red nose and red ears.

"Oh, so this is what people meant when they said that humans turned red in anger. Anger is another bad emotion, you homo sapiens.", he said.

You were so done with him now. "Anyways, you know my secret now, so I expect you to be silent until my report on homo sapiens is completed.", he said.

You scoffed. "Why would I do that? Shouldn't I get you thrown in a laboratory and get you dissected, cut and scientists check you?"

"No, they can't. Your 21st century scientists are too stupid to understand me by dissecting me. Plus, no, you shouldn't tell them about me because that way I won't be able ti finish my research.", he said....... With a blank face.

"At least beg for it a little. You're scared because your secret might come out and now, you're not even begging? Why should I save you?", you said with your hands on your hips.

This man, I mean AI human system had the audacity to speak everything in a flat tone without even begging you. How dare he? You have his weakness, you can expose him, get him killed and he's simply requesting you to not expose him without even making it seem like a request. It was more like an order.

"Argh, I remember, you don't have emotion. Fine, I think you might've been nervous or begged me not to blackmail you but it's okay. I'll let it slide since you're not even a human- but WAIT! YOU NEED TO HELP ME IN RETURN FOR ME TO KEEP YOUR SECRET!", you yelled.

"What help? I helped you in making robots. What more?", he said..... With a flat tone again which was already pissing you off.

"Be my husband."


"You have to. Or else I'll expose you. Be my fake husband in front of mom until she returns back to Japan."


What a mechanical conversation you both had just now! And how he easily changed his answer. It didn't even seem like a drama or rom-com movie. It was straight and simple. The deal was made flatly.

"Come, you've to live with me now for a few days.", you said. "Okay.", he replied, flatly. Being with him influenced you to the extent that even your voice was becoming mechanic like his. You placed your hand over your chest, relieved to know that you've a heart, you're not mechanical like him.

"But.... Our heart organ has to do nothing with if I behave mechanically or like an emotional human. He was right. All our emotions are controlled by brain..... So.... ", you pressed your hand on your head and were relieved to find your skull still there.

"Okay...... So I still have a human brain. That means, I have emotions. I'm not mechanic like him...... But I just made a deal with him mechanically. Can my skull be empty?", you gasped. "What if my skull had no neurons or advanced neurons like him and I won't feel emotions anymore?"

"Stop with your nonsense. Idiot. You can't have an advanced brain unless you're born as an AI human system.", Taehyung said, while scoffing at you and getting in the car.

"Okay.... So I have neurons inside my skull. Phew. I'm not a coldie mechanical like him.", you sighed.

"But what about your eye colour change?", you asked but he ignored. He never ignores a question, why did he ignore now?

You shook your head, making a mental note to ask him other time. He can't feel emotions? No love? No pain? No betrayal? What if you hit him with a fly swatter? Will he not cry in pain? What does he eat? Petroleum? Or food like you? He has no phobia? What if a guy breaks his bones, with the feel pain? What if he gets crushed by a car? Will he have metallic body parts? Or he has lungs, kidney and all? Now, you were filled with questions about your cold, heartless, blue-blood, time traveller AI human system fake husband.


His eyes opened due to the sunrays falling on his face and pulling him out harshly of his resting phase. He had his exact proper 8 hour of sleep. Not a minute more, not a minute less. "What are you doing so close to my lips?", he directly stated as he saw you curiously looking at him from such a proximity that you didn't even realise when you came that close to him.

You backed away, feeling crimson creep up your cheek. "Why are your cheeks red? Do you have a high body temperature?", he asked, placing his hand on your forehead.

"No, you idiot. I'm absolutely fine.", you were glad that he didn't identify that you were blushing because of his presence. "I was just curious about you. I've never seen a time traveller. That too a robot human.", you said.

"I'm an AI human system.", he stated flatly, not even angry that you called him a robot, but again, he can't get angry, he can't feel emotions. " But, you didn't answer my previous two questions. You breached my personal space by being that near to my lips. Anything to say in your defence?", he asked in a mechanical voice.

You stared at him blankly. "This. You're so mechanical. Your voice, your actions, everything is so void of emotions!", you frustratedly yelled. "I'm just curious about you.", you completed.

He looked at you blankly. " Fine, I'll tell you about myself on our way to laboratory. Get ready, homo sapiens.", he said and got off of his bed.

Fir the entire ride, you bothered him with questions which were never-ending. "So you don't have any organs? What do you eat? Do you get hurt if you're hit or burnt or cut by something?", you asked.

"Alright. Question one, yes, I have organs. I've a similar structure as that of humans except that I don't have a heart, lungs, and haemoglobin. As I said, we don't have air and oxygen, humans will evolve in such a way that your species will die out and our species will be a modified version of yours, able to survive without oxygen. You've heard of anaerobic organisms? We're just like that. It's quite complex, your tiny brain won't understand.", he said.

At first you thought he was mocking you by calling your brain tiny, but he can't mock you. People only mock out of irritation or anger. But he doesn't feel anything. So, you felt that your brain is actually tiny.

"Question two, I eat the same thing as you all. But less in quantity. Energy is itself produced within us, we don't need much food to get energy, only a limited amount since in 45th century, we don't have enough fertile lands for cultivation. Question three, you've seen my getting cut. Yes, I do bleed, I get burnt, everything like humans but it's just I don't feel pain. If it's severe...... Well..... We die.", he completed.

"Oh.... ", you said, trying to process everything. "Do you want ice cream? Your voice is low, you might use some cold things to rejuvenate yourself before working. It might help homo sapiens with their moods too.", he said, parking the car near an ice-cream shop.

Wow. Your first ice-cream date is so..... Mechanical. "Your flavour of preference?", he asked. "Butterscotch.", you replied. He came back with two cones of butterscotch ice-cream. "You'll eat too?", you asked. " Well, yes. I've never spoken so much in answering questions. This might heat my head up. So, I need to cool, just like you homo sapiens cool your anger.", he replied.

You both sat on the bonnet of your car, slowly licking your ice-cream like kids. You were giggling and talking about random things while he had his face expressionless but he was actively taking part in what you said.

"And then the teacher scolded me for forgetting my assignment at home.", you laughed as you told him about a story of class 4 when your teacher scolded you. " She said - y/n, if you can forget your assignment at school, did you forget your lunch? Your water bottle? No. Then why did you forget your assignment?", you imitated the voice of your class teacher.

"I swear to God, she was so pissed at me that day and I was internally laughing at her because I was small and at my height, I could see a hole in her jeans near her crotch.", you laughed as you narrated the incident.

"You should've told her that it happened because your memory power is weak and you couldn't remember to bring your assignment and what's so wrong about having a hole in her jeans? That was just a torn cloth. Either ways, she might get naked in her room for her husband, wouldn't she?", he said.

You blinked your eyes at his straight forward words. Your eyes were trained on him while he was busy licking the ice-cream like a baby. "Why are your eyeballs fixed on me? Is there anything worth to fix your eyeballs for 50 seconds?", he asked, mechanically again.

"Yes, you.", you said and he turned towards you. "Do you realise what you said? My teacher might've faced embarrassment because of a hole in her jeans and you -", you didn't know what type of human he was. Oh wait, an AI human system, right?

"What did I say wrong? What kind of embarrassment? What is that feeling?", he asked innocently. " I mean, for reproduction purpose, she needs to get naked for her husband for him to put his di-", you clamped your hand in his mouth.

"THE HELL! WE'RE IN PUBLIC! HAVE A CONTROL OVER YOUR TONGUE!", you yelled. "But I didn't say anything wrong. Is it different in homo sapiens? For AI humans, we have the same reproductive parts and same fertilization process. Are homo sapiens asexual? Don't you involve yourself in sexual activity?", he asked.

You were done with him. "I'm just asking for my research on homo sapiens. Remember, I'm here for that only.", he said. " I'm done. I've no answer to your questions.", you said but before you could climb off of the bonnet of the car, he pulled your hand back making you land on the front glass of the car. He was laying next to you, his head extremely closer to yours.

His hand rested on the side of your face. He trapped you with his body laying above yours while the surface of the car below you. His face came closer to yours, to the extent that you could feel his breath on your lips.

His fingers traced your jawline, going up slowly towards the corners of your lips. They swiped across of your lips and as usual, they were cold like ice. You hissed a little at the sensation.

You couldn't help but imagine how his soft yet cold lips might feel against your lips. You wondered if they'd fit perfectly against yours as if it was made for only you, if his lips moving against yours would give you another level of ecstasy as he would graze it erotically and slowly against yours.

How his tongue might feel in your mouth, how it might explore you, your mouth, it's curves and devour you like a prey. But all your wild and lucrative imaginations came to an end as he swiped his finger across your lips and got off of you.

You were stunned by his sudden actions. What just happened? "You had smeared ice-cream drops on your upper lip.", he said as he licked his finger which had some melted ice-cream and sucked on it. Honestly, it seemed quite hot and erotic to you. The way he sucked on them, the way his lips moulded around his finger, you wanted them against yours.

His eyes were now no more blue. They weren't even brown, they were black. A complete shade of black eyeballs, looking at you. "Y-your e-eyes.", you whispered as you saw his body shaking and shivering.

His body was ventilating a little as he looked at you grimly. His demeanor changed in a second and you didn't know why. "I want you.", he asserted.

It all happened so out of the blue and so suddenly that you didn't even realise it. He grabbed your hair harshly, pulling you towards him and fervently surcharging his lips against yours as if his life depended on it.

Your imagination was nothing compared to what you were feeling right now. Strangely, his lips weren't cold. It was way warmer. His body was getting warmer. His grip around you was warm and no more cold. His eyes were closed, sweat beads trickling down his forehead and the remaining gap between you two was minimised when you wrapped your legs around his torso, jumping onto him as he held you securely by your waist.

You felt something wet pouring on you. You didn't open your eyes at all, you were so into the kiss that you forgot everything around you. His kiss was so strong that you didn't even realise that it started raining.

Your bodies were drenched in the rain water, your white shirt became see-through, giving him a perfect outlook and shape of your curvy body. His hands gripped your sides next to your chest as he kissed the life out of you.

What's your name? You didn't remember. Where you are? You didn't care. All you cared about was the passion, heat, lust and warmth flowing from his body, fvcking your brains out.

All this while, you failed to notice the black emergence of smoke from his back. You didn't see the black smoke which had covered up his suit, it felt as if something was burning. As if he was burning.

"T-taehyung?", you stuttered. The smoke was covering his back completely while he was unmoved mostly. He slowly detached your lips creating distance between you two making you instantly crave for his touch again.

"W-what is happening?", you asked with a shaky voice. His blue eyes which turned black before kissing you were now turning into white. His eyeballs were freezing, his body was trembling in its place.

"W-what h-happened? W-why are you s-shaking?", you asked. He looked in your eyes, "I am sorry.", he simply said and fell in your arms.

His body was limp. His white eyes were closed, he wasn't responding anymore. You were numb. Tears were strolling down your cheeks as you shook his body, slapped him lightly on his cheek to wake him but your effects went in vain. His body showed no symptoms of improvement.

With a stone on your heart, you carried his motionless body back to his house, in attempt to find something useful related to the AI human. As soon as you entered his house carrying his body on your shoulder, you were shocked to see the interiors of his house.

Not a single coloured wall was there. Only differently coloured machines were embedded in the wall of a grey metallic frame. One was a big screen showing neon blue colour. It had some white spots on it, the same spots like his eyes.

You had never seen such a mechanical set-up ever in your entire life. It was fascinating and troubling your neurons at the same time. You kept his body on a nearby couch and focused your attention on the big wall-length machine. There was a keyboard with a very different language which you couldn't understand.

As soon as you touched the neon blue screen of the machine, it vibrated and a programme came up. Something which seemed like a computer programme. Translating the language to ancient English of 21st century as it was written in the machine, you were now able to read the programme.

The system referred English as "ancient english" Maybe because the system was from 45th century n English might be an old language for them. However, the programme was in quite simple language. You could see a neon light on Taehyung's head too.

You were scared. The readings on the screen was horrific and left you shocked to the core. It was a system which handled the AI neurons in Taehyung's brain. The readings showed how all of his neurons were disfunctional and detached. They weren't functioning in a way a brain should. It was like a short circuit that took place in his brain.

"T-this means that h-his brain w-was the only robotic part in him? Only his brain was made of AI? But what about his eyes?", your tears spilled from the barricades of your eyelashes and you opened other files in the system to gain as much knowledge as you could about him.

The research went for quite a long time. 8 hours, 16 hours, 24 hours passed and it then when you arrived to the conclusion.

He was a time researcher and was supposed to only do research on Homo sapiens and older human forms of Australopithecus. He just had to send his observations and studies back to his time but unfortunately...... He couldn't.

Their neurons were designed in such a way that he couldn't feel anything. Only his eyes could reflect any type of emotional imbalance within him. Blue was his neutral state, brown was of afftection, black was of lust and white...... Of death.

You fell on your knees as you recalled all the times his eye colour changed. His eyes were mostly brown whenever they looked at you. They were full of affection towards a human.... Towards you.

His black eyes today demonstrated lust. Lust and desire for you. Is that the reason he never told you about his eye colour change? Was he attracted and affectionate towards you? Was he craving for you? Did he actually care for you?

All sorts of questions filled your mind which was simplified with further research. The AI humans had their own mates, their spouses decided. They weren't allowed to feel anything and their partners were decided by birth. Taehyung must have a partner decided for him who might be waiting for him in the 45th century.

However, he went against the law. His AI neurons lost control over his body and his emotional imbalance tool place. The colour of his eyes travelled all over his body, damaging his system.

He couldn't stop himself from craving for you. He couldn't stop himself from being affectionate towards you. His emotions and love towards you grew so much in his system that he couldn't handle it. His brain started thinking like a human, which he wasn't allowed to.

As a result, he let his emotions win over his neurons. He let his love for you flow freely through his body. He went against the law of their system and faced the consequences...... The consequences as his death.

Your screams echoed in the house as you looked at his pale soft face. He lost his life, loving you. Your shaking hands caressed his permed hair softly, as you looked at him.

"Y-you loved m-me so m-much that y-you lost yourself for me?", you spike with teary eyes. Of course, he never showed emotions through his expressions, but his eyes spoke volumes.

His eyes tell.

"W-why did you keep y-your f-feelings to y-yourself, huh? Why? W-who told you to be the greater p-person and leave me a-alone? N-no. I can't let this

"H-hey V! T-aehyung-ah! Come on w-wake up! You n-never sleep for more t-than 8 hours. Not e-even a second more. Come on, wake up. See, w-won't you curse me in your way? O-OH OBSOLETE! See, I b-broke another test tube. W-wake up before I b-break your entire system! GOOD SCIENCE! Wake up!", you cried.

However, he showed no signs of movement. "Hey! See, J-Jungkook will c-come and get me. I k-know now t-that you love me, c-come on, if y-you won't wake up, I'll ask J-Jungkookie to take me to eat ice-cream to c-cool my h-head.", you cried even more.

He still showed no response. "Hey come on! Y-you love me, right! You desire for me, right? W-why do you think a human and an AI h-human can't be together? T-there's no law for love! C-come on, wake up. We'll h-have so many cute little b-babies together. E-even though you don't have dna, our b-babies will be as b-beautiful as their mama. Come on, w-wake up.", you crowd while holding his shirt.

"W-ake up for me. For your stupid tiny brain, Homo sapiens.", earlier him calling you out by your species name annoyed you a lot, but now, it strangely didn't. You were craving for him to call you that.

You were craving for him to wake up, to scold you, to patiently answer your questions, to kiss you, claim you, talk mechanically with you and just open his eyes for you.

"I became so used to your presence all around me that now I can't love without it. Even if you're speaking mechanically, even if you're calling me homo sapiens, even if you're giving me lots of work and scoffing at me, I want you. I want you with me. Please come back.", you whimpered as you buried your face in his chest.

The time portal next to the system was closed now. The people in 45th century came to know that his body fluid turned white from blue. They came to know that was no more alive. Hence, they closed the time portal. No one can go ahead in time now. It was all done and closed forever now.

"If he has AI neurons then by replacing all the white fluid from his body with blue fluid, can I bring him back to life?", you wondered with a newly formed determination in your eyes.


Your eyes looked lifelessly at the incubator attached to the neon system. Hope was something which you refused to lose for the past 11 years. Indeed it took 11 years for you to testify everything, set up a disaster proof system to replace the white fluid in jis body with the blue one.

You were glad to find a system of generating blue fluid for his body but the only difficulty was to replace his white blood with the blue one. He didn't have a heart which helped you a lot as you just had to change the blood in the blood vessels.

However, the network of blood vessels in his body was too much. From the tip of his finger nail, to his eyelids to the sole of his feet, it took you too long to change the white blood from his body with the blue one.

However, after 11 years of dedication towards your love, you were finally able to complete it all. Your pale and emotionless eyes were shedding drops of tears unknowingly as you saw the incubator being frozen, for his body to get back into its same old temperature. You locked the connection between his eye fluid and his body so that even if his emotions pour out through his eyes now, he'll be able to control them and live without having the fear to die.

The incubator opened, releasing chilly and foggy cool winds as you looked at Taehyung's body inside it. He didn't age even a day. He was as beautiful as before. "Taehyung-ah.... ", you said as more tears spilled from your eyes.

His body was still unmoved. His eyes didn't even flicker for a second. Your craving to see his chaging colour eyes increased with each passing second.

You wanted him to open them and look again with you those brown affectionate eyes but he was.... Unmoving.

Your body felt limp, your efforts of years going down as you held his body, letting your tears shed in his cold chest. "Why... Why us.... Why did we face this.... Were we fated not to be?", you cried more, holding his unmoving body.

Unknowingly, his body started heating up..... It was getting warm, just like the way his body warmed up that day he kissed you 11 years ago. You felt a strong and warm arm encircling your body as your tears stopped wetting his chest.

"Hey homo sapiens", you heard that same deep melodious voice again after 11 years. Your eyes moved up, to look at his now opened eyes, looking down directly at you with adoration and love. His blue eyes were no longer blue.... They were brown as they looked down at you. His eyes tell. His eyes told the love and affection he had for you.

Indeed, your experiment and hard work of 11 years, your undying love brought him back to you. It brought your cold heartless husband back to you. And it was for the first time that you saw something so different, something which you never expected but it happened. His eyes speaking love for you eternally as he...... smiled.

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