never can say goodbye ▪︎ klau...

By neverlearnthowtoread

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you love him more and more tell me why is it so? klaus hargreeves x oc best rankings: #2 - sheehan #3 - robe... More

Cast List
The Day To Start All Days
And So It Begins
We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals
Run Boy Run
Extra Ordinary
Man on the Moon
Number Five
The Day That Wasn't
The Day That Was
I Heard a Rumor
The White Violin

Right Back Where We Started

251 15 1
By neverlearnthowtoread

I fell with a grunt, landing on the hard concrete ground.

"Ow, ow, ow." I winced as I pulled myself up. I must've done something to my ankle when I had fallen.

Where the hell was everyone else?

I heard a faint crackle of energy and looked up. Five's portal. "Guys!" I yelled but it was too late. The blue swirls shrunk to nothing and there wasn't anything I could do to get back.

"Klaus?" I called out, hoping he would be nearby if we had just arrived. "Five?" I tried again but got no reply. "Fucking hell." I groaned and I began to limp out of the alleyway I'd arrived in.

The sun was just about to set over the large buildings that made up wherever the hell I'd ended up. As I gazed around I was momentarily distracted and didn't see the girl walking towards me, crashing into her as I stumbled around, completely lost. "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry." I put a hand out to make sure she was ok, finally looking at her. Instantly I furrowed my brows and lost my breath. "Lizzy?"

"I'm sorry?" She asked, clearly as confused as me. There it was, that Liverpool accent was as strong as ever. "My name's Christine, are you alright?"

"What? Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry, it's just... you look so much like this girl I used to know."

"Oh, well..."

"Sorry, I must sound like a crazy person. I'm Olive." I gave her my hand to shake. "You can call me Liv." She smiled and took my hand.

"Well, you can call me Chris. Now, are you sure you're alright? You're limping." Chris. Lizzy's mum was called Chris, I was pretty sure I remembered her saying that when she would tell me stories about what her mum was like before she passed away.

"Oh, yeah, I just fell, I'm really clumsy." I lied, thinking it was best to not tell her how I had just fallen out of a massive portal in the sky.

"Can I walk you home?"

"Oh, it's ok..."

"It's no problem."

"No really it's-" I sighed. "I don't live anywhere, I have nowhere to stay."

"Then stay with me." I opened my mouth to protest but she cut me off. "And don't think about saying no, now come on, I only live around the corner." She put her arm around me and helped me walk.

"Thank you. I really appreciate it. I promise I'll be gone first thing tomorrow morning."

"Stay as long as you need. I've been needing a new roommate anyway."

"Oh, well in that case I might take you up on that offer." I grinned. Maybe this won't be too bad, I thought to myself.

"Here it is." We arrived outside a small convenience store. She let go of me as she fumbled through her bag for her keys, eventually finding them and unlocking the door. "I live upstairs." She explained. "And I own the shop too."

"Pretty short commute." I joked as I hobbled through the backdoor and up the stairs to where her apartment was. As soon as we got inside she took me to her sofa before running off to find some ice. I thanked her and began to reach down to take off my shoe.

"Let me." I began to unlace them as I tried to ignore the throbbing pain that came when she pulled them off. "Wow, these shoes are very... extravagant." She laughed as she put them to one side. Immediately I bolted upright, realisation hitting me. I still had those damn bowling shoes, I never got my boots back, the ones I loved so much, and now they were stuck in the middle of a bloody apocalypse.

"Ha, yeah they are." I faked a smile to cover up my pain.

"I must say..." She changed the subject as she put the ice on my ankle and then came to sit next to me. "It's refreshing to see another brit. I've been in Dallas for years now and all I hear every day are those loud Americans!"

"Tell me about it." I giggled before I fully processed her words. Dallas. I was in Texas?

"Where about's are you from?"

"London, I got here... recently." Technically I wasn't lying. "What about you?"

"My parents moved here for work back in 51 so it's been 10 years now." 51? I'm in the middle of Texas in 1961. Great. "But they went back to Liverpool a couple of years ago, so it's just me now."

"What do your parents do? If you don't mind me asking." I had to find out more about Chris, to know if she was who I thought she was.

"Oh, nothing exciting, they work in a bank."

"That's such a coincidence!" No, it wasn't. "I used to work in a bank, in Liverpool actually, years ago." No, I didn't. "What were their names? I wonder if I knew them."

"Gerald and Sarah."

"Oh, no I didn't know them." I hid the excitement on my face. Gerald and Sarah were the names of Lizzy's grandparents. This was her mum, I was sure of it.

We spent the next few hours getting to know each other, me having to make a lot of things up on the spot, like why I was in America - it was a dream of mine to visit - and what I did for a living - I was a waitress before I left London.

Eventually, the night came to a close and she showed me to her spare bedroom and grabbed me some pyjamas before closing the door and going to bed. It was then, when I was alone, that all that had happened really sunk in. I pulled on the floaty nightdress she'd given me, a pastel yellow in colour that ended mid-thigh, and then got into bed where I lay awake.

I was in the middle of Dallas, Texas in 1961. I had no idea where the others were, or if they were even alive. Why hadn't they fallen out of the portal as I had? And what I was going to do, I had no idea.


I was up bright and early the next morning to the sound of a knock on the door.

"Morning!" Chris greeted me with a cheerful smile. "How's your ankle?"

"Much better actually." I got up to try it out. "I can barely notice the pain."

"Great! I'm about to head down and open up the store." I noticed then that she was already dressed for the day in a blue A-line dress and orange tights and a pair of matching sapphire heels. "Feel free to grab anything you want for breakfast, and take anything from my wardrobe to wear. Meet me downstairs whenever you're ready." Before I could thank her she had already left, gently closing the front door behind her.

I first looked for her bathroom, finding it down the small corridor, to the right of her bedroom. I took a quick shower, getting rid of all the sweat and grime from yesterdays adventures, a wave of sadness hitting over me yet again. Holding a towel around me, I crept into her room, careful not to let my damp hair drip onto her floor, and flicked through her large wardrobe full of bright and colourful clothes, eventually landing on a pair of flared jeans and an off-the-shoulder blouse in a pale seafoam green, perhaps the most subtle of her clothing.

For breakfast I grabbed an apple from her fruit bowl, not feeling particulaly hungry, and took a bite as I walked towards the door before stopping, realising I couldn't go out wearing those stupid bowling shoes. I turned on my heels and went back to her wardrobe, now gazing at the shoerack displaying chunky heels in every colour imaginable. There were no flats in sight. I sighed and found a pair or white ankle boots, pulling them on my larger-than-average sized feet, expecting them to be uncomfortably tight and being surprised to find they fit perfectly. Even so, I stumbled down the stairs to her shop like a baby deer, almost falling over multiple times.

"Hi, you look great! I love those shoes on you." Chris greeted me.

"Thanks, I never was a heel kind of girl, hence me not being able to walk in them." I laughed.

"You'll learn soon enough. Now," She changed the subject, "I need to pop out for a bit, there's a sale on at a store around the corner and I cannot miss it. Could you watch over the shop for a bit?"

"Oh, I don't know I-"

"It's super easy, I promise. Just greet the customers and take their money. I'll be back before you know it!" She called out as she left.

Before I could find my bearings around the shop a middle-aged man walked in, grabbing a newspaper and a loaf of bread before bringing it up to the till. "You gonna serve me, or what?"

I ran as fast as the heels would take me to it, staring blankly at the machinery in front of me. "Right, yes, sorry, it's my first day." I apologised.

"And I need to get to work." He glared at me and stood impatiently.

I looked at the dials and buttons, trying to decipher their meanings as I began to panic.

"I don't have time for this, here's the money." He threw some cash on the table. "Just gimme a reciept."

This was easier to do, there being a large pile of them on the side of the table. I grabbed one and the pen next to them and filled it out the best I could. "Sorry, I've completley gone blank, what's the date?" I asked him as politely as I could.

"Februrary 17th." He grunted.

"Thanks." I handed him his reciept. "Have a great day." He didn't respond, already half way out the door.

Luckily only a couple more customers came in, each only buying one or two items, before Chris came back, arms full of shopping bags. She ran upstairs to put them down before coming to help me.

That morning she taught me all the basics I needed to know, and once she explained the till it made perfect sense. As soon as I was trained up she offered me a job, stating that I would be the perfect fit and that it would be a good way to earn some money. I accepted it immediately and got to work, serving people until the sun had set.

Once we'd closed for the night she ushered me upstairs, pulling out a bunch of clothes.  "I thought I'd get you some nice things, you can put them in the spare room, start making it feel more like a home."

"You were serious about letting me stay here permanently?"

"Of course! I can already tell we're going to be great friends." I grinned at her words. "And look what I found..." She pulled out a pair of pumps. "Just incase you don't master heels, but I think you will."

"Thank you so much. You didn't have to do this!"

"Don't be silly. Now go and try this all on, I wanna see how perfect it looks on you!"


I stayed with Chris for months, helping her run the store and spending the money I made on rent, food and bus tickets. When I had a day off I would go and explore the city and surrounding areas, telling her I wanted to sightsee but in reality I would desperately search for any signs of my new family. After a couple of months looking I gave up, accepting the fact that they were truely gone, and that I would never see them again.

Without the stress of the Commission, or the impending apocalypse I had time to work on my power whenever I was hidden in my room. I started off with small things, like conjuring up a vase of flowers and seeing how long I could keep it there. At first, it was a matter of minutes, but as I built up my strength I could keep things around longer, days and weeks even! But as my power grew stronger the consequences did too.

Some days it would create my nightmares, setting them out in front of me like some kind of torture to myself that I couldn't stop no matter how hard I tried, as if my heart couldn't accept what my mind had, that everyone I loved was gone. It was always the same, I would see Klaus or even Five laying on the floor, their skin a pale and lifeless grey, their eyes cold and dim. I would want to scream and yell out but couldn't in fear of revealing my secrets to Chris. No matter how much I wanted to I couldn't tell her. It could mess up the timeline even more than I already had by being there.

It was on one day in early July that everything changed. When a group of teenagers came into the shop laughing at something on a piece of paper.

"What's funny?" I made friendly conversation with them as they purchased their items.

"Take a look at this." One of the girls handed the flyer to me.

My heart stopped. It was Klaus, but not the Klaus I remembered. His hair was now shoulder length, and his signature eyeliner had completely disappeared. The poster showed him with his arms out in front of a bright and colorful background. "Follow me, you're destined for enlightenment." I read aloud.

"How weird is that?" She asked me.

"Very..." I could barely focus on what I was doing anymore. "Where did you find this?" I asked as I handed it back.

"Someone threw it out of this brightly coloured bus just now. You keep it, I don't want it." She told me before leaving.

I stood there in shock. Klaus was alive. More importantly, he'd just driven past me, and had I been outside I would've seen him for the first time in months.

"You alright?" Chris came up to me. I couldn't form the right words, simply handing her the flyer and hoping she could read my mind. "I saw a poster like this in a newspaper recently, offering places for new members in some sort of cult, oh I've forgotten it's name. Apparently they live a few hours east of here. You wanna... join a cult?"

"Wait what?" Now I thought about it, what was written on it did sound pretty cult-like. "No, I know him. We used to be friends."

"I know that look. You were more than just friends."

"Alright, you got me." I sat up on the counter. "His name is Klaus. We were in a relationship of sorts. I liked him. I really liked him."


"But we went our separate ways and I never thought I'd see him again, but now I know he's here-"

"You want to go and see him, get back what you lost."


"Well go! Pack a bag and get out of here!"

I jumped back down. "I can't just abandon you, Chris. Not after everything."

"You can and you will. We'll both be miserable if you don't go. Besides I can sense love when I see it."


"Yes, love." She laughed. "You might not know it but I can tell you love him, even if he is some cult leader."

I giggled. "If you're sure?"

"I'm sure." She smiled.

"Ok then. I guess I'm going to chase after a cult." I laughed before running up the stairs to her flat. I was wearing the heeled boots I had worn on my first day here, she gave them to me as a gift, and over the last few months I had mastered walking in them, just as she said I would. As soon as she put up the closed sign she joined me in my room with a suitcase, ready to help me pack.

We got to work, pulling out clothes from my wardrobe. I threw them in hurridly and she took them out again, neatly folding them before arranging them nicely. "You don't want to look all scruffy when you see him after all this time." She told me.

I eventually zipped up the bag and left my room. As we got to the front door I took out my keys and held them out for her.

"Keep them. You'll be back."

I pulled her into a hug. "I'm going to miss you. Thank you for everything."

"I'll miss you too, I'll see you soon, ok? Now, go and have fun." She wiggled her eyebrows playfully.

"Oh, shut up!" I joked before opening the door and slowly walking out. "Bye, Chris."

"Bye, Liv." She smiled encouragingly.

I walked to the bus station a few streets away and after asking a few people for directions, found out which bus I should catch and payed for my ticket. The warm summer had heated the bus to an uncomfortable degree and as soon as I stepped on board it hit me like a smack in the face. I found a window seat and settled in for the long journey, leaning against it and shutting my eyes.

We eventually arrived, the small chug of the engine died as we arrived in a town nearby to where Klaus supposedly was. As soon as I was off the bus I noticed something peculiar. A bald man with glasses was walking around wearing light blue from head-to-toe. But what was strangest were his hands. He had the exact same "Hello" "Goodbye" Klaus had written on his.

"Excuse me, sir." I ran over. "Your tattoos are..."

"I know, our saviour, he has them as well."

"Your... saviour?"

"I can take you to him?"

"That would be wonderful, thank you-"


"Thank you, Keechie." I tried to hide how weird I thought this man was. He was my only way to Klaus and I wasn't going to stuff it up. "So, how come you're here and not with the uh... the cult."

"Destiny's Children?" He said. I audibly laughed at this.

"It's called Destiny's Children? Like the band..." I trailed off, realizing that it didn't yet exist. "Nevermind."

"Well, to answer your question. I was handing out leaflets, I think it's important that other people can learn his lessons."

"Right." I cleared my throat. We'd reached a pair of large gates. Behind them was a huge mansion with a bus parked outside. "Is this it?"

"Yes. What's your name? I'll let him know that you're here."

"Just say I'm an old friend." I followed Keechie up the stairs to the grand front door and watched him go inside. My heart was beating at a thousand miles a minute as all of these sudden doubts hit me. What if he'd moved on? Realised he didn't want me after all. What if he'dd met someone else?

But before I could question myself anymore the door swung open and there he was. Klaus. His eyes wide open and mouth in the shape of an 'O'.

"Oli?!" He yelled in excitement and all of my fears melted away.

"I heard you were looking for new members?" I grinned before dropping my bag and taking away the last few steps between us. I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck as he picked me up and swung me around before finally putting me down and kissing me.

"How? What- what are you doing here? I thought you were dead."

"I thought you were too. But then I found this." I showed him the flyer I had with me. "And here I am." I pulled him into another hug. It felt so good to be back close to him again. He kissed the top of my head. Oh, how I missed him doing that. "Cute beard, by the way." I noticed how long it had grown, like his hair. "And this outfit, I like it."

"Thanks." He laughed and gave me a twirl. He was wearing a large coat in a white and pale blue that matched Keechie's outfit, and a pair of loose-fitting stripy trousers. I couldn't help but notice how similar his and my shoes were.

"Now, tell me how the hell you can afford a place like this." I took a step away to gaze at the stunning interior of his house. "I mean, this is incredible, Klaus."

So he gave me a tour, and told me his story, all while keeping me close and stopping every now and then for a hug or kiss, or for one of his cult members to give us some sort of gift, like a necklace, for example. I was even handed an orange at one point, Klaus declined his, telling me how he dislikes the sourness of them.

"...And that's how I started a cult."


"Shh! Keep your voice down." We both giggled. "Oh, I've missed you."

"I've missed you too, so much." I smiled up at him. "God, I've hated all this time without you."

"I have too, but I think it made me realize something." He gently grabbed my hands. "I really love you, Oli."

I grinned at the fact that we both felt the same way, even if I hadn't known I did before. "I love you too, Klaus." And just like that everything was back how it once was, even if life around us was completely different, though our moment of bliss didn't last long as someone tried to get past us, snapping us out of our gaze we held. "Hey, how's Ben?" I changed the subject. I was never too good at keeping up the lovey-dovey stuff and I knew Klaus wasn't either.

"Good, great. I dunno where he is right now, though."

We spent every minute of the afternoon and evening together as we escaped to the peace of his room, far away from anyone else. I told him all about what happened to me, how I met Chris and discovered she was Lizzy's mum. About how I'd managed to strengthen my power, though I left out my nightmares, not wanting to upset him. It was then that he told me about his powers.

"When I thought you were... dead." He gulped. "I did everything I could to be able to see you again. I got here about a year before you did and I've been sober ever since. I thought that if my powers were strong enough that I'd be able to see you. And my powers did just that- hey, Ben, perfect timing." I assumed he'd just walked in. "Yes, Oli's here, look, let's show her what I can do now." He stood up from where he was sat and held out his arms and immediately a blue, transparent figure of Ben appeared in the space that Klaus was talking to.

"Hey." Ben smiled at me.

"Hi... Ben. Oh my God, this is insane." I grinned as I ran over to him.

"Tell me about it." Klaus smiled at our interaction.

"It's so great to finally meet you properly." I told the ghost, but before he could reply he faded away.

"I can't do it for long just yet, but it's a start."

"It's a bloody great start, Klaus. That's amazing."


It was decided that Klaus didn't want me to leave. And I wasn't complaining, I loved being back with him, so I took on the role of co-leader of Destiny's Children, making fun of the name with Klaus as soon as I got the chance. His response was that he panicked and it was the first thing that came to mind.

Being the only one without Klaus' tattoos and not wanting to get them, knowing how much it would hurt to get done, I used my power whenever I was around people, making it seem as if I had them.

As it turns out, leading a cult it easier than it looks. From observation, it seemed as if we could just go about our daily business, and then find some song lyric to use as our next "life lesson" if asked for one.

Though we had our ups and down, like any relationship, Klaus and I had been going strong for years now. We even talked about getting married at one point before deciding it wasn't really our thing.

Both Klaus and my powers grew more and more powerful, to the point where realisation hit us. Klaus could see the dead. And I could make anyone believe something was in front of them. With our new knowledge of our powers, and the fact that I'd seen Ben and knew what he looked and sounded like, we managed to figure out a way to combine them so I could make myself see Ben just as Klaus did all the time. Getting to know him was wonderful, and though I wished I knew where the others were and if they were ok, having those two around always helped - them comforting me whenever I needed it.

Soon after I arrived we traveled to Baja, Mexico, where we drove the dusty streets with luscious greenery. Then it was Varnasi, India the year later. Our latest trip was San Francisco, where we escaped the ever-growing crowd and drove away before they noticed when they began to get clingier than any cult could ever be.

Through all of this I would send Chris letters and postcards from everywhere I went, making sure to keep in touch. In fact, I was writing yet another one from the backseat of the car were in. We'd been driving for hours from San Francisco, getting as far away from our followers as we could, though Ben didn't seem too pleased.

I looked up from my letter as we began to stop, the engine spluttering weakly. "What's going on?"

Ben sighed and got out, Klaus doing the same. I threw my pen and paper down and followed suit.

"Now what?" Klaus groaned.

"Remember when I told you the engine was overheating?" Ben asked.

"Yeah, well, being smart doesn't make you interesting." Klaus shot back as I leant against the car. Great, another sibling rivalry, I thought.

"Neither do your matching outfits." Ben looked between us. Klaus was wearing what he wore the day I found him, me wearing a flowy dress of the same fabric as his trousers and the identical coat as him. My heels were the same pair Chris had gifted me a couple of years ago and I wore a large, round pair of sunglasses, the rim my signature olive green - Klaus had brought them for me a few months prior.

I glared at Ben.

"You know, it would help if I knew where we were going."

"Back to Dallas." Klaus replied simply. I instantly grew excited at the chance to see Chris again.

"That far? For how long?" Ben asked as Klaus opened the bonnet of the car. I instantly stood up straight, coughing at the amount of smoke that came out.

"None of your beeswax."

"Really? Think I'm just gonna keep following you two everywhere for another three years?"

"Yeah, you are my ghost bitch." Klaus joked. "Remember?"

"No. We have to go back. They need you two in San Francisco."

"Ugh, but they were so clingy!" I chimed in.

"Ok, fine!" Ben yelled. "I need us back in San Francisco. I have... unfinished business."

"Oh." Klaus chuckled. "What're you gonna do? Wear your little ghost power suit and do some ghost phone calls and do some business?"

"Forget it." Ben started to walk off.

"Ben, come back." I called after him.

"You have unfinished business. You don't even have a body without me!" Klaus shouted. "You need me!"

"Nobody needs your shit, Klaus. That's why you're always alone." Ben turned around.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I walked over to him before jumping out of the way as Klaus tackled his brother to the ground.

"Eat shit, you shit-eater!" He yelled as Ben yelled.

"Guys!" I tried to get their attention. "Guys stop, people are staring." I grew embarrassed as a car went by, the driver slowing down to witness what would look like Klaus rolling around on the floor and kicking the air.

They eventually calmed down and after we realised the car was beyond fixing, we began to walk down the long road in hope of finding something, anything in this deserted place. We staggered along for hours, Klaus whining about his feet hurting, and Ben about us getting even further from San Francisco.

After hours we found a small building with a car park outside.

"Other humans!" Klaus yelled excitedly, making me chuckle.

We swung open the door and stumbled inside to be met with a pool table and a bar.

"You lost?" A man nearby looked up and down at us.

"Thirsty, actually." Klaus replied nonchalantly as we both headed for the bar. "Whoo-hoo!" he called out to get someones attention.

"Yeah?" The bartender grunted.

"Do you know when the next bus to Dallas is coming?" I asked politely.

"Sure do."

"And?" Klaus searched for an answer.

"Three o'clock sharp... tomorrow."

"Well, that'll mean plenty more bonding time for-" The barman had already walked away, ignoring Klaus' joke. "Ok." We both sighed.

"Hey, pretty boy." A man called out from a table nearby.

"Do you mean me?" Klaus turned around.

"Yeah, you. You wanna play a little poker while you wait?"

"You know what? We would be delighted." Klaus said.

"Who said anything about the girl playing?" He grunted, glaring at me. "This is a man's game. Ain't no woman knows how to play a game like poker."

"Well then, prepare to be amazed." I sauntered over with Klaus to sit down at the two empty chairs, raising my eyebrows as if I was daring them to object.

Soon enough we were in the middle of a game, I was doing quite well actually, much to their surprise and annoyance. That one man from earlier was beginning to get on my nerves as he eyed me up and down suspiciously from across the table. I sighed and leaned forwards slightly. "If you keep undressing me with your eyes, I'm gonna catch a cold."

"Watch your mouth." He snapped.

"Watch yourself." I replied, mimicking his tone. Klaus giggled slightly.

"Is something funny?" He asked.

"No, no, just thought of a little ditty I'm working on." Klaus answered nonchalantly. "There once was a young buck from Dallas who sported a miniature phallus-"

I burst out with laughter, grateful for Klaus to have stood up for me.

"Tell you what..." The disgruntled man interrupted. "If you're so cocky... what say we up the stakes?"

"All our money's already in the pot." I reminded him.

"Throw in that sissy-ass gold necklace then." He looked to Klaus. "Clyde here can melt it down, make me a belt buckle."

"That would be one hell of a belt buckle" Ben chimed in from where he was leaning on the wall behind the table. "He's bluffing, by the way. He's got nothing."

"Ok." Klaus and I made a silent agreement. "I'll put in the sissy necklace." Klaus began to take it off.

"For the keys to your pickup." I finished his sentence. The man hesitated. "Unless you're bluffing."

"Deal." He tossed his keys to the center of the table. "Let's see it." We began to place our cards down, only he just laughed. "Full house. Kings over sevens."

"Oh." Klaus and I chuckled. "Well, that... that's not nothing." I glared at Ben who smirked proudly before looking worryingly at Klaus. We'd lost all of our money, meaning we had no way of getting out of here. He just nodded subtly, silently telling me to trust him.

"Fair is fair. You win." Klaus sighed as we stood up slowly. "We gotta be on our way." He dramatically slammed his hand down on the table, picking up the man's keys as he went.

"You got sticky fingers."

"And crazy IBS. I mean, it's a miracle I'm sitting down-" Klaus was cut off by the man punching him so hard that he flew across the room, slamming into the pool table with a grunt. A glass was knocked off the table and fell to the ground with a piercing shatter. "All right." He groaned.

"Give me my damn keys." He demanded.

Klaus simply stood up straight, opening out his arms. "Showtime, Ben."

"What in the hell?" Everyone at the table exclaimed as Ben appeared in front of them as a blue, glowing figure. While they were distracted I quickly reached over the table, snatching a few notes and, more importantly, Klaus' necklace I knew he loved.

"Nah, I'm good." I heard Ben tell Klaus as he disappeared for the poker players as quickly as he had appeared. "You're so independent, go fight your own battles."

"You think you could pick a better time to self-actualize?" I yelled exasperatedly before turning towards the door. The only thing we could do now was run. "Klaus, let's go." I whispered before we both suddenly sprinted out of the bar and out towards the car park where the sun had begun to set.

"I bet you're loving this, aren't you?" Klaus yelled at Ben as we frantically tried to figure out which truck the keys belonged to.

"I'm not hating it." Ben found this all amusing.

"Get back here! You little shits!" The man had brought all of his friends out. They stormed our way.

"Try this one." I ran over to a navy blue pickup nearby. The door unlocked and we scrambled in, Klaus sitting in the driver's seat. He turned on the engine and began to pull out.

"That's my truck!"

"Oh, shit." I gasped as he ran up to Klaus' window, trying to stop us from getting away.

"Give me back me back my truck, you assholes!"

Klaus panicked for just a second before biting the man's hand, the only way he could think of getting his hand off of the wheel. He screamed and pulled his hand away as we drove off, leaving them in the dust.

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(Mostly Klaus, Five and Diego 'cause they're my faves) 1•Luther is an ass 2•Diego is a precious child who needs to be protected 3•Allison is a bit o...
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╰┈➤ 𝗜𝗻 𝘄𝗵𝗶𝗰𝗵 𝗙𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗴𝗿𝗲𝗲𝘃𝗲𝘀 𝗴𝗲𝘁𝘀 𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘄𝗮𝘆 𝘁𝗼 𝗬/𝗻'𝘀 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗯𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗮𝗽𝗼𝗰𝗮𝗹𝘆𝗽𝘀𝗲 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 �...
446K 10.6K 27
❝I ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ᴡᴇ sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴀʟʟ ɢᴏ ᴀʀᴏᴜɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴏᴏᴍ ᴀɴᴅ sᴀʏ ᴡʜʏ ᴡᴇ'ʀᴇ ʜᴇʀᴇ. Eɪɢʜᴛ? Yᴏᴜ'ᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ʜᴇʀᴇ ʟᴏɴɢᴇsᴛ, ᴄᴀʀᴇ ᴛᴏ sʜᴀʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜʀ sᴛᴏʀʏ?❞ ❝Iᴛ sʜᴏᴜʟᴅ ʙᴇ ᴘʀᴇᴛᴛʏ sᴇ...
315K 9K 45
How dysfunctional can a family get? Throw in some powers, an emotionally absent dad, raising emotionally stunted children, one of them stuck in a chi...