Isolated | Taekook

By orangexmint

18.1K 1.6K 333

"How do I know I'm not dreaming?" "You think you're the only one who's freaking out right now?!" Or in which... More

Author's Note
character profiles
twenty-one | smut


376 36 13
By orangexmint


_____ 🌿 _____

diary entry #1761
found and old ring today....I think Jungkook would like

_____ 🌿 _____

Taehyung was 26 and half years old, and for the first time in his life, he thought about marriage. It wasn't something he put much thought into before. He didn't have a reason to when he was younger, and when the world ended, there hadn't been anyone around to marry. So there wasn't a need to think about it.

And then he met Jungkook, and everything changed. They never spoke about marriage specifically over the past years, but they sometimes spoke about what they thought life would have been like if things had been different - and Taehyung would like to believe that maybe the two of them would have found each other if that were the case. It wasn't until he met Jungkook - wasn't until the last year or so - that Taehyung had begun to think about marriage. The idea itself seemed ridiculous to him; what was the point of marriage in the aftermath? It was a word with no meaning in this world. But he knew he wanted to marry Jungkook, and that was what mattered

He doesn't know how he's going to pop the question, and he isn't sure how Jungkook is going to react to his proposal which is the part that scares him most. Taehyung is deathly afraid that Jungkook is going to leave him if this doesn't go according to plan.

Of course he's overreacting. He knows this, but it's something they've never discussed, and Taehyung can't predict his response to it.

He's not going to leave you, he thought to himself. Just relax.

Taehyung tried to control his breathing as he stepped out into the morning light. The sun was still low in the sky - a little too early for Jungkook to be up - but they did need to do laundry, and figured that he decided to do it sooner than later. He chuckled to himself then. For the first time in forever, Taehyung had been the one to wake up to an empty bed, and not the other way around.

As he stepped out of the trailer and walked towards the hill, Hen Solo clucked at him from her homemade chicken coop. He smiled at her, and took a moment to pet her on the head.

After a decade in the aftermath, Taehyung finally got his wish when the two of them had run across a baby chick running around the city. Taehyung refused to let Jungkook send the chick away, and suddenly the two of them had a baby chicken living in their trailer. Jungkook had to admit, he did enjoy having something to care for (other than Taehyung, but he'd never admit that to his face).

"Morning Hen," he said. "Feeling good today?"

She clucked at him.

"Yeah, I am a little nervous, but I, I know this is going to be great," He told her. "Wish me luck?"

Another cluck, accompanied by a light nibble.

"Thanks Hen," He took a deep breath and let out a heavy breath. "Here we go," he told himself. He had plans to let Jungkook finish laundry, but he was impatient and the anxiety had gotten to him. He needed to know the answer. Now.

He was nervous by the time he reached the top of the hill. He thought he'd have no more time to think about what he wanted to say to him, but Jungkook was appearing over the top of the hill, with a heavy basket of soaking wet clothes resting against his hip. He seemed slightly out of breath from carrying it up the hill, and for a moment, Taehyung had forgotten what it was he wanted to say to him, because Jungkook was shirtless, showing off his torso. Taehyung would never get tired of looking at his boyfriend's body. Jungkook was absolutely stunning.

When their eyes met, however, Taehyung knew instantly that Jungkook knew something was up. He set the basket down and held his arms out to the older, to which Taehyung gladly stepped into, allowing Jungkook to hug him tightly. "What's wrong?" Jungkook asked, concern lacing his voice. Taehyung sighed.

"It's nothing bad, I promise," he told him - although he didn't sound too convincing. "I've just been thinking lately,"

"Thinking about what?" Jungkook asked, pulling back slightly. Taehyung wrapped an arm around his waist so that he couldn't get too far.

"I-" Now he had wished he had waited. He would have figured out what he wanted to say to him, rather than have to try and improvise. He didn't know how to continue. He was too busy worrying over losing Jungkook.

"Taehyung, baby, you're scaring me," Jungkook whispered. "What is it, you're scaring me. Are you s-sick? Did something happen?"

"N-No," Taehyung replied, shaking his head. "I'm not sick, don't worry about that, I'm not- it's nothing serious, I just don't know how to explain really isn't the word I want to use, I um-"

Deep breaths, you can-

"Taehyung, spit it out, you're freaking me out," Jungkook demanded, his pitch dropping slightly.

"I want to marry you," he blurted. "And I know that the idea itself seems silly because it's the end of the world, and it wouldn't matter if you were my husband or my boyfriend, but i've been mulling over the idea for the past year or so now and - and I want to marry you regardless, I want you to be mine completely, even if it does seem pointless in the long run,"

He let his arms drop from his waist, and dug around the pocket of his shorts for the ring that he had discovered a while ago. He then placed the ring in his hand. "Will you marry me Jungkook?"

He half expected Jungkook to run away. Or to agree with him that the idea was silly and there wasn't a need. He assumed he'd say something like "it doesn't matter to me what we are, as long we're together," but Jungkook did none of that.

"I don't think this ring will fit, Tae Tae, we might need to get a bigger one,"


Jungkook bent down to pick up the basket of wet laundry.

"You need a bigger ring, this one won't fit me," he explained, and stalked off for the clothesline.

Taehyung stood dumbstruck at the top of the hill, staring out at the lake before him. He said...he

Jungkook was still walking away from him, a giant smirk plastered to his face. He wondered how long it would take him to...

"JUNGKOOK!" Taehyung shouted, spinning around on his heel. He was met with a cheeky grin from the younger. "Is that a yes?" he questioned, stupidly. He was still very much dumbstruck.

Jungkook laughed. "Yes," he replied. "I will marry you Kim Taehyung, but you'll need to get a bigger ring first,"

_____ 🌿 _____

He found a bigger ring, as requested, and a week later, sitting around a bonfire, Jungkook allowed Taehyung to slip the new ring onto his finger. Taehyung had also found a similar one to Jungkook's, and when he was finished slipping the ring onto his hand, he allowed Jungkook to do the same with him.

There was no exchanging of vows or the long speech about 'till death do them part', but Taehyung did kiss him on that mattress under the stars. It was filled with passion and love; that same kiss would turn into something more. Jungkook wasn't shy anymore when it came to Taehyung and he was more than willing to be taken under the night sky.

It was nowhere near being a proper wedding, and there would be no future generations to share their stories with, but they would always have each other and that was enough.

_____ 🌿 _____

two chapters left and then this story will be over ):

i love these two

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