Steven Universe: The Return...

By Marcos_17A

38.8K 694 50

It's been nearly a year since Steven set off on a journey across the country, fully committed to therapy to a... More

1. The Return
2. Relaxing Day
3. Attack On Homeworld
4. Final Tag
5. Looming Threat
6. Gems Out
7. Problems
8. Pink Again
9. Revelation
10. It's Your Fault
11. Unexpected Call
12. Let's Go To Homeworld
13. Other Matters
14. Gems Rejuvenation
15. New Era
16. Outburst
17. Scars
18. Escape Attempt
19. I'll Be Back
20. A Plan Is Needed
21. Rules
22. To Each Their Own Plans
23. The Best Opportunity
24. Here We Are
25. The Rescue
26. Classic Drama
27. Independence
28. Wrong Way
29. Made Of Love
30. Found Out
31. Water Fight
32. Failed Attempt
33. Bad Experiences
34. Quartz Battle
35. Stubborn
36. Retreat
37. Communication Cut Off.
38. They Know Everything
39. Can't Bear It Anymore
40. Unwind
41. Just Around The Corner
42. Head On
43. Taking Risks
44. Stealth
45. Bring Up The Rear
46. A Matter Of Time
47. Face-Off
48. Last Resort
49. Molten Fusion
50. Azure Tempest
51. Crushing Pressure
52. Aqua Cataclysm
53. Resolute Strength
54. The Resonance of Painful Memories
55. Crucial Piece
56. Alone No More
57. See You Never
58. Different Circumstances
59. Hassle
60. True Friends
61- Can't Forget
62- Diamond Power
63- The Past Is Past
64- Don't Leave Me
65- Dawn On
66- Where Is She?
67- Save Gems
68- It's Getting Away
69- Under Control
70- Worthless
71- Perfection
72. Flaws
73. Trust
74. The Perfect Diamond
75. Human Being
76. The End Light
77. Stroke Of Luck
78- In Need Of Help
79- We'll Not Abandon You
80- Together 'Till The End
81- Just A Distraction
82- Regret
83- The Incinerator
84- End Of The Line
85- Steven Falls
86- My Other Self
87- Misused
88- Self-Love
89- What Happened To Them?
90- Is Everything Fine?
91- Freedom
92- Conclusion
93- New Changes
94- Second Chance
95- Good Progress
96- Irredeemable?
97- Sooner Or Later
98- What Should I Do?
100- In The Future

99- So We Can Be Together

273 4 1
By Marcos_17A

Steven: Spending time with me would only distract you from your studies, wouldn't it? I don't want to be a bother to you.

Connie: Don't say that. You would never be a bother at all.

Steven: ...

Connie: My studies are important to me, but so are you. No matter the circumstances, I'll always have time for you!

Steven: I'm glad to hear that. I think it's good that you are able to complete your studies, I, on the other hand, never went to school. It was my father who taught me to read and write in a van.

Connie: But what's really important is that you can do it and that you had your father, who despite the bad situation, had the interest to teach you the basics at least. There are parents who don't even do that.

Steven: Yeah. I appreciate that about him, because there are people in the same situation as me who didn't have that opportunity.

Connie: Even without an education you could be successful at anything in the future, you know?

Steven: That's true. I can build a good future here or anywhere.

Connie: All right, that's the spirit, Steven!

Steven: Hey, by the way.

Connie: Huh?

Steven: Would you like to go get some ice cream or something else you want? Well, if you have time, of course.

Connie: Sure, why not? *shows him her watch* I still have plenty of time.

Steven: Good.

(Steven and Connie go to get ice cream at a nearby store, and talk as they walk back to Connie's house.)

Steven: Hey, you remember the first time we met?

Connie: You mean when you were trying to ride your bike on the sand, and you ran away screaming? How can I forget it?

Steven: *laughing* Exactly! That was a great day, the moment that stuck with me the most was when we almost died.

Connie: Uhmm...

Steven: Just kidding, hehe. That day I was trying everything to get your attention.

Connie: *laughing* I'm pretty sure I was totally focused on my book and didn't see anything. oneBut one thing I do remember well is that you didn't want the Gems messing with your "funky flow".

Steven: *blushes in embarrassment* Please forget that!

(Connie giggles.)

Steven: *sighs wistfully* It's been so long since then, but I remember it like it was yesterday.

Connie: Me too.

(Suddenly, Connie's phone alarm rings.)

Connie: My alarm! *turns it off*

Steven: Well, I'd better get going. I think you've wasted too much study time on me already.

Connie: What? Of course I haven't. Steven, you'll never be a waste of my time or anything like that. I'll always have time for you, I'll always be there for you. No matter what happens, we'll always be together.

Steven: I really appreciate it, Connie. Same here.

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