"Wanna bet?" An Oliver Wood x...

By sarah_averagewriter

337K 10.2K 14.8K

Y/N L/N a sassy but shy Ravenclaw meets the boy who every girl has a crush on, Oliver Wood. Obviously it turn... More

Author's note
1. Back at Hogwarts (Year 4)
2.- Drama+Quidditch
3. Hogsmeade and Something Else
4.- He's a Good Listener
5.-Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw
6.-Cuddles and Friends
7.-Life pre Hogwarts
8.- Mudblood (Year 5)
9.- A little tiny rumour (A.K.A Filler Chapter)
10.- Amorentia
11.-Bludger To The Stomach
12.- Pumpkin Pasties
14.-Forgive Me?
15.- OWL's With A Little Punch
16.- Meeting The Parents
18.- Birthday Boy
19.- Date? At Diagon Alley
20.- He Loves You More Than Quidditch
21.- The Chamber Of Secrets (Year 6)
22.- Happy Birthday!!
23.- The Duel
24.- Blue Hair (Aka Another Filler)
25.-The Black Lake
26.-Duelling Club
27.- Heir of Slytherin?
28.- Heartbroken
29.- Petrified
30.- I Love You
31.- We're Dating
32.- Boyfriend+Dad Issues
33.- I Need To Be Strong
34.- Dementors
35.- Peeves being Peeves (Year 7)
36.- He Knows
37.- Boggarts & Apologies
38.- Hufflepuff v.s Gryffindor
39.- Angelina Is Going To Kill Me
40.- Sirius Black Is Ruining Everything
41.- You Remind Me Of A Friend
42.- Too Many Emotions
New Year's
43.- Redemption
44.- Not again...
45.- Y/N's Been Kidnapped
46.- Charlie Planned It (Filly Filler)
47.- More Protection
48.- Quidditch/Fire
49.- NEWTs
50.- Last Day
51.- Ready To Be An Auror?
52.- Hangouts (not the app) (Filler)
53.- Back at the Wood's
54.- The Beggining Of The Cup (Book 4)
55.- Bulgaria vs Ireland
'slooF lirpA
56.- The Dark Mark
57.- The Beginning Of A War
58.- Interrogation (Filler...)
59.- Dragons? (Filler question mark)
Mother's Day
60.- Pricks, Snow and a Sleppover
61.- Yule Ball
62.- Time Skip
63.- A Hero
65.- Order Of The Phoenix
Father's Day
66.- Meeting (Book 5)
67.- House Browsing
68.- In The Process Of...
69.- Finally Home
70.- St.Mungo's
71.- Cuddle Session (Filling)
72.- A Death
73.- Hatred Is Laced With Reunions (Book 6)
74.- Lesbian Charper Wedding
75.- It's Just You And Me
76.- Love Sprouts From Death
77.- Will You...
78.- One Extra Harry (Book Seven)
79.- The Hunt For Muggleborns
80.- Losing Minds
81.- Ew. Trees and People
82.- Goodbye To The Lives We Had
83.- Air Strike Quidditch Version
84.- I Killed Them
85.- Congratulations
86.- The Return Of Someone Long Forgotten
88.- I'm Dead, But I'm Alive
89.- Weddings Ring (Fluffy Filler..?)
Last A/N (Cry with me)
Sequel ft. Zoe!!!

Valentine's Day

2K 55 71
By sarah_averagewriter

(A/N: In case you do not know by now, this is a one-shot. It may be skipped 😌)

Y/N's P.O.V:

That morning was different. Normally something would wake me up, or more specifically someone. But that morning I was woken up by the sun shining through the blinds and with the smell of fresh coffee. I slowly opened my eyes to be met with an empty bed and a tray next to me with a small note. I smiled slightly and grabbed the note.

Morning :)
I went to get some things for later. And don't worry about Zoe she's at your mom's place, she said she could take care of her so we could spend some time alone.
Enjoy the breakfast
With love,

I chuckled and closed the note once more. One whole morning by yourself without your kid was like heaven. I thought about eating breakfast but instead I turned back around and fell asleep once more. The sleep didn't last for long but 5 minutes was better than nothing. Oliver had made a huge breakfast (which I didn't complain), and after finishing it I just relaxed in bed for a while, until I heard the door click and Oliver walk in. "You're awake" I chuckled. "You don't say" He chuckled and kissed me sweetly. "How did you manage to convince my mom to take care of Zoe?" He shrugged. "It wasn't that hard. Your mom loves Zoe" I scoffed. "She sure loved her when she nearly burnt the house down" He chuckled. "You nearly did the same thing" I scoffed. "That's not the point here" He laughed and I couldn't help but to laugh with him. "So is the plan today to just lay in bed and talk? Because I'm not complaining" He rolled his eyes and kissed me again. "I actually need you to get dressed" I groaned. "Why?" He kissed my forehead and grabbed the tray that now had no food. "Trust me. It's worth it" And he left the room, I sighed and stood up, skimming through my closet, trying to find an appropriate outfit for the mysterious occasion, and once I changed I left the room.

Oliver was in the living room checking mail, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and placed my head on top of his, he grabbed onto one of my hands and kissed it. "You ready to go?" I sighed. "Not really. I would much rather just stay here and sleep" He chuckled. "We can do that tomorrow" I groaned. "But tomorrow Zoe will be here" "We can convince my parents to take care of her" I sighed and he stood up, walking around the couch extending his hand towards me. "I promise it'll be fun" I sighed again but nevertheless took his hand as he apparated us away from the house.

We landed in what appeared to be the outskirts of Hogsmeade, I turned to Oliver who had a smirk on his face. "Hogsmeade? Really?" He nodded and started leading us away. "We haven't been here in a while, so might as well" I shrugged and we started walking.

First we went to the Three Broomsticks, were we took a table at the very back, a waitress kindly approached us. "Welcome! What can I get you two?" I looked over at Oliver and he nodded. "Two butterbeers please" She nodded and left, I looked around the room. "This feels just as when we were in Hogwarts" He chuckled. "I remember. You were sitting over there with your nose hurried in a book" I shrugged. "It was a good book" He leaned closer and grabbed my hand. "And I took you a butterbeer, and you still didn't pay attention" I laughed. "It was a really good book" He laughed as well and just then the waitress arrived with our drinks, we quickly thanked her and then went back to reminiscing on the past.

Halfway through our butterbeers I noticed a small cluster of kids whispering and looking at us, but when they saw I noticed they quickly turned around. "Oliver?" "Yeah?" I discreetly pointed at the kids. "I think your fans found us" He looked over and chuckled. "Maybe their your fans" I scoffed. "Yeah right" We both laughed and that's when I saw a kid approach us, he seemed to be around 12. "E-ex-excuse me" Oliver turned to the kid, the kid started blushing. "A-are you Oliver Wood?" He nodded. "C-can I get an autograph?" Oliver looked at me and I smirked, taking a sip out of my butterbeer. "Sure thing" The kid smiled and handed Oliver some parchment and a quill, Oliver started signing it and the kid waved his friends over. So Oliver ended up autographing like 10 parchment. They all thanked him and left. "Look, who's mister famous all of a sudden" He smirked. "Don't sound so jealous Y/N" I scoffed. "As if. I couldn't handle the spotlight that well" He grabbed our empty glasses and stood up quickly kissing my cheek. "You're with me, so sorry to inform you're already in the spotlight" I rolled my eyes and he left to pay for our butterbeers. He came back and extended his hand. "This wasn't it?" He shook his head. "There's still much more to do pumpkin" I sighed and took his hand. He led me off outside.

"Where are we going now?" He draped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him. "All in due time Y/N" I groaned. "You're so mysterious" He scoffed. "You love it" I leaned against his shoulder. "No comment" He chuckled and kissed the top of my head. He then led us towards the forest, pushing branches and leaves away. "Are you planning on killing me, Oliver?" He laughed. "If I did, what would I tell Zoe?" I smirked. "I don't know, you would figure something out" He laughed. "I'm pretty sure she would kill me before I could come up with a decent lie" I laughed too. "What were you expecting, she has both of our murderous DNA" We both laughed, Oliver still pushing branches away. "You still don't remember this place?" I shook my head. "Should I?" He sighed. "I'll give you a hint. Charlie" I froze in my tracks, everything clicked in my mind. "This is were she planned our date" He nodded with a small smile. "Ten points to Y/N" I rolled my eyes and shoved him playfully. "Just lead the way Oliver" He laughed and kept pushing branches away. Until we once again came up to the clearing were we had our first successful planned date.

He waved his wand and a blanket appeared, he laid it down and placed a basket on top, just like the first time. "Woah" He laughed. "You like it?" I nodded. "I love it" He smirked. "More than you love me?" I smirked back as he pulled me closer to his chest by the waist. "I love this more" He chuckled and carried me. "Oliver!" He laughed and I was forced to wrap my legs around his waist so I didn't fall. "Oliver, you're going to make me fall!" He laughed and held onto my legs so I didn't fall. I laughed as well and he slowly put me down on the blanket, with him hovering over me. "You're insane" He smirked and kissed my cheek. "Insanely in love" I scoffed. "I mean insane, insane" He kissed my other cheek. "Only for you" I rolled my eyes. "You are so cheesy" He laughed and kissed my nose. "I promise I'll go back to normal tomorrow" I laughed. "And you also have terrible aim" He laughed back and kissed my lips. "Better?" I laughed back. "Much" We both smirked and he leaned in again, both of us meeting in the middle.

Who knows how long we stayed like that, until my stomach grumbled and we pulled away. "My stomach demands food" He laughed and rolled off of me. I sat up and searched through the basket. First came out a box I wasn't expecting to see there. "Oliver Wood. What is this?" He looked and burst out laughing. "That is in case we get bored and you don't want Zoe to have a brother or sister" I shook my head and threw Oliver the box, he caught it and started laughing again. "You are impossible" He laughed even louder, I shook my head. I searched in the basket again until I found food. "Finally! My one true love" Oliver scoffed. "You know I'm right here" I smirked and unwrapped the pasties. "I said what I said Oliver" He laughed and I threw him a pasty, he caught it and took a bite out of it. "I never understood your obsession with these. They're good but-" I pointed my pasty threateningly at Oliver. "Don't you finish that sentence" We both had serious looks on our faces. Until we couldn't contain the laughter anymore and we burst out laughing. "I haven't laughed like this in ages" He smirked. "What about that time when Zoe threatened me with a spoon if I didn't give her one of your pasties" I laughed. "You're right, that was hilarious" He scoffed. "For you maybe. I didn't know who I was more scared of, you or her" I laughed even louder. "You should definitely be more scared of her, she carries your genes as well" He rolled his eyes and threw me a nearby leaf. I couldn't stop laughing.

After we both calmed down we laid on our backs, our hands intertwined next to each other. "This really is nice" He sighed. "Yeah. We've both been so busy" I sighed and rested my head on his chest. "You don't say mister keeper" He chuckled. "Definitely am one" I groaned. "How many more times will you use that joke?" He smirked. "Until I can't speak anymore" I rolled my eyes and he flipped over so he was on top of me. I smirked. "Such a nice sight" He smirked and started leaning in. "Could you move over, you're blocking the sight" He pulled back and rolled his eyes. "When will you stop being so anti love?" I pecked him on the lips. "When I can't think anymore" We both laughed as he rolled off of me. He snaked his arm around my waist and I cuddled into him, closing my eyes.

"I forgot to ask, how did brunch go with the wives of the other players?" I sighed. "As good as it could get. I didn't share their opinions and they called me a savage" He laughed. "You never were one to conform with the rest of society" I laughed. "Not at all. And I'm pretty sure I'm banned from every brunch further on" He laughed again. "What was the argument even about?" I sighed. "Zoe refused to greet the lady who was trying to pinch her cheeks. And they called her rude and I told her to mind her own business and you can guess from there" We both laughed. "Godric's sake Y/N, you are a force to be reckoned with" I smirked. "Yet here we are" He smirked as well. "Yet here we are" We both leaned in, kissing softly, we quickly pulled away just resting our foreheads together, his arm still securely wrapped around my waist.

"We have to leave soon" I groaned quietly. "Why?" "For part two of the date" I groaned as he pulled away. "First you kidnap me and now you're making me walk?" He laughed. "I didn't kidnap you, and we'll aparate" I sighed. "That's too much work" He rolled his eyes and extended a hand for me to take. I sighed and gripped it hard as he pulled me up. He waved his wand and all the items packed themselves and disappeared with a pop. I shrugged. "That's handy" He nodded, and squeezed my hand. "Ready?" I shrugged. "Not really" He rolled his eyes. "Close your eyes" "Why?" He sighed. "Don't you trust me?" I smiled innocently. "Nope" He sighed again. "Please? You'll ruin the surprise" I sighed and closed my eyes. "I hate surprises" He chuckled and held onto my waist tightly. "Ready now?" I shook my head. "Nope" He chuckled and I felt the familiar feeling of appariting.

I stumbled when my feet hit the ground but luckily Oliver was there to catch me. "Can I open my eyes now?" He laughed and kissed my cheek. "Not yet. But don't move you might bump into something" I groaned and he completely let go of me. "Wait-Oliver!" I heard his distant laughter and then silence, it was nerve racking but I wasn't about to back down, though I did think of punching Oliver afterwards. "You can open your eyes now" I slowly opened my eyes to find we were once again in the apartment. "We're back?" He nodded and dragged me towards the living room, there was food on the table with some blankets in front of the TV. "Basically, I knew you would hate to leave the comfort of the house on our day off. So the next part of the date is in our living room" I laughed and sat on the couch. "You still made me leave" He chuckled and sat next to me, draping an arm around my shoulders. "That was for old time's sake" I laughed again and he turned on the TV, and out of my surprise Hocus Pocus started playing, (A/N: Fun fact: I have the same first name as one of the Anderson sisters 😂) I smirked and turned to Oliver. "If the forest date was for old time's sake. What is this for?" He smirked back. "Might also be for old time's sake" I laughed and leaned my head against his shoulder. "I remember how jealous you got that day" He scoffed. "Was not!" I smirked against. "Whatever you say mister" He shook his head with a smile. "How come you can remember all that but still forget where you left your wand?" I laughed. "It's called selective memory Wood, get used to it" He shook his head again. "Now shut up, pass me the popcorn and let me watch the movie" He leaned over and passed me the bowl with popcorn. "I got a better idea" He whispered in my ear, making me blush a bit. "Unless it includes resurrecting Winifred Sanderson and causing havoc. I'm not interested" He laughed and kissed my neck. "Sure?" I nodded. "Positive" He smirked again and pushed me against the couch immediately going to kiss me, which I immediately responded.

Halfway through the movie (which was mostly us kissing) we heard a noise. "Those bloody cars" I chuckled and pushed Oliver off. "That's not the cars, it's the phone" He groaned. "Why did you even get that phone installed? Wizards don't even use phones" I laughed. "Wizards don't. My mom does" (A/N: Sorry if that's the American way of spelling mom but again I'm not British (even though I love the accent) and I am too lazy to become so thank u for ur time 😂) He groaned again and I picked up the phone. "Hello?" "Oh Y/N, honey, how have the dates been?" I shrugged and looked over at Oliver, he had paused the movie and was looking at me with sad puppy eyes, I rolled my eyes. "They've been great. How's Zoe? Is everything okay?" She sighed. "That's what I was calling about. We had a little magic incident. Yes Zoe it's your mom. You want to tell her what happened? Y/N, Zoe will tell you what happened" I heard some shuffling on the line. "Mommy?" I chuckled. "Hi Zoe, what happened?" She sighed. "Well grandma and I were playing monopoly, and I got really excited and set the couch on fire" I stifled a laugh. "Are you two okay?" "Mhm. Grandma sprayed white clouds on it! But the couch now looks like that time you tried to cook turkey for Christmas" I laughed and motioned for Oliver to come over. "We'll be there in 10 minutes" "Okay! Bye mommy!" Zoe hung up and I went back to the couch with Oliver. "Zoe set the couch on fire" He groaned. "I'll get the coats" I chuckled. "I'll get the wands".

We apparated to my mom's house and knocked on the door. She immediately came out and sighed. "Oliver. Y/N. I am so sorry I interrupted your date" I shrugged and quickly hugged her. "It's fine mom, where's the damage?" She let us through and we immediately went to the living room. Zoe was right, the couch was all charred, she was sitting on the other couch playing with her fingers. "Daddy! Mommy!" She ran over to Oliver ande he picked her up. "A little bird told me someone got too excited and burnt a couch" She giggled and I rolled my eyes. "Let's fix this so grandma can finally rest" She nodded and I pointed my wand at the couch. "Reparo" The couch immediately went back to its normal state. I sighed. "That was fun" Zoe giggled. "Yes!" Oliver put Zoe down and crouched down to her level. "Go get your things" She nodded happily and ran across the room, packing all her toys. "Oh it's really not necessary, I can still take care-" I sighed. "Mom, you've already done enough. Thank you" She sighed and hugged me, just as Zoe came back into the room, Oliver crouched again and picked her up. "Say bye to grandma Zoe" She waved at my mom. "Bye grandma" She smiled and waved back. "Bye Zoe, goodbye Oliver and bye Y/N" I chuckled and started leaving. "Bye mom!" "Bye mrs L/N!" We went onto the street and apparted home.

As soon as our feet touched the ground Zoe ran towards the living room. "Are we going to watch a movie?" I shrugged and looked at Oliver, he was smiling. "We are" "Isn't she a little too young for the movie? I smirked. "You're never too young for Hocus Pocus" He chuckled and we all flopped onto the couch, playing the movie from the beginning. I leaned my head against Oliver's shoulder while Zoe sat on my lap. "What a day" He chuckled and kissed the top of my head. "What a day"

Word count: 3057

To all the ones with an irl boyfriend have a great day, and to all the ones with a wattpad boyfriend have a nice day hiding here (I'll be joining you) 😝
Anyways no great stories today cause yeah 🤣
I'll enjoy my singleness irl while drowning in Chinese food and searching for murder tv shows on Netflix🙃🙃

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