Ultraman Taiga

By kaikun47

9.2K 75 4

Twelve years ago, a dark Ultraman name Tregear tried to attack the Land of Light, but the New Generations Her... More

Main characters bio
Second characters bio
The Hero of Light
Dark Warrior, Tregear
The Sage of Strength
The Champion of Wind
What Friendship Means
A Man Who Waits for the Spaceship
The Demon's Legend
Earth's Power
A Friend from Afar
Fight in the Evening Sun
The Sorceress who lost a Magic from the Star
Keep on Believing
Origins of AIGES
The Cloned Robot
Fall into Darkness
The Burning Heart
Guardian Beauty
Protect the Android
Awaken of the Thunder Strike
Alien Reunion
Rival vs Friend
Takkong's Arrival
Clash, Hero vs Villain
I'm Kyoka
Buddy Steady Go!
Yapool's Revenge
Form a Bond
Human Specimens
Zillion, Returns
The Burning Promise
Facing your Shadow
Ephemera's Last Day
Wings of Destiny
Burn your Soul
Return of the Ancient Ultra Warrior
Final Sacrifice
Revive of the Demonic Monster
New Generation Climax
Special Episode

Zillion vs Zillion

109 1 0
By kaikun47

(episode starts with the city at night and then Zillion Burst Brave crush the building)

(then the Strike Chester and the Thunders arrive)

Yuga: That's...

(then they saw Zillion destroying the city)

Reporter: It's Zillion! He's devastating the city! Look at this, what tremendous power!

Maki: Why is Zillion...

Yuga: No, that's not him! There's no way it could be him.

Najenda: Hasegawa, can you talk to him, as Taiga.

Taiga: I'll try. Yuga.

Yuga: Right.

(then he summons the pull the trigger of the Taiga Spark)


(then Taiga face the fake Zillion and realised that he has the justice sword on his right arm and he remembers he gave the justice bird to the tri-squad)

Taiga: Who are you? Tell me!

(then he face Taiga and attack him and slash his arm)

Kaki: Yuga.

(then the fake Zillion face him and then flies off)

(then change to space and three orbs fly through and clash and the title show appears)

Ultraman Taiga

Opening: Aoi Kajitsu by DOA

(music starts with Taiga jumping and did his taiga swallow kick and lands)

Zubunure ni natta mama de, accel o fumikonde ano koro no jounetsu o momikesu (then Taiga jumps and then lands and change to Yuga)

Takanaru kodou abareru gamushara datta ano koro no boku ni boku ga hora mou oitsuka reru (then Yuga starts running and then change to Taiga running)

Oh no! Ushiro nanka mizu ni, hashiri tsuzukete kita kedo shiranu ma ni amai, yuuwaki ni nagasarete itanda oh! (then shows Yuga with Taiga then shows Eve with Fuma then shows Kaki with Titas then shows Satoru with the Strike Chester the shows Nana with the Thunders then shows Kotaro with the Gun Phoenix Striker and lastly shows Najenda with the AIGES logo)

Power o shiboridase, hadaka no mama no yokubou de boku wa choppoke na aoi kajitsu desho (then shows the Thunders then shows the Gun Phoenix Striker and then shows the Strike Chester)

Yuuki o nejiri dase ima no genjitsu ni manzoku shitara, totokanai kono omoi (then shows Ginga from the right the change to Victory from the left then change to X from the right then change to Orb from the left then change to Geed from the right then change to Rosso and Blu from both right and left then change to Taiga in the center then change to Taiga Tri-Strium then shows Kurosawa becoming Tregear)

Kyou kara wa kyou kara no, asu kara wa asu kara no matarashii story kizameba ii, desho (then shows Taiga looking up at the sky then change to Taiga Tri-Strium doing the same then change to Yuga looking in front then shows Taiga with the justice sword doing his strium cannon)

Can you please give some more power to me? Don't stop coz you've been chasing around kaze o nukisatte, todokaseru kono omoi (then shows Titas with the justice sword doing his planium bomber then shows Fuma with the justice sword doing his tornado hurricane slash then shows Taiga Tri-Strium doing his Tri Strium Burst then shows the Tri-Squad doing their stance)

Zillion vs Zillion
Dark Alien, Babarue Seijin appears

-at the Sky Base-

Nana: Currently, Zillion's whereabouts is still at large.

Yuga: That's definitely not Zillion!

Eve: Yuga-san.

Yuga: Zillion would never turn on humans! Besides, that one had the justice sword. It's like someone else change form to look like him.

Satoru: Someone else?

Najenda: Are you saying someone is trying to lure Zillion into a trap?

Yuga: Yeah.

Honoka: But, who?

Yuga: I don't know, but...

Taiga: I can tell, that one we face, is not Zillion.

Titas: Yeah, I can sense it's vibe.

Fuma: That vibe is not an Ultraman.

Kotaro: One thing for certain, he's not...

Yuga: I won't let this imposter, entrap him.

-at the press-

Reporter: How is AIGES will handle Zillion?

Toru: In behalf of the commissioner, I believe that Zillion once came to earth and help the humans. So rest assured...

-at the streets-

Man: That's scary, to thing that Ultraman has come to invade earth.

Woman: If they fight among themselves, then do it someplace else.

-at the cafeteria-

Mao: Yuga, don't sweat it, I'm sure Zillion has a reason to be back on earth.

Yuga: No, it's not that.

Titas: Zillion's backstory is like not his usual self, he wanted more power, and attempted to take the plasma spark for more...

Taiga: And in the end, he didn't take it.

Honoka: But, what was he back before?

Taiga: I don't know, I was training with Mebius at that time.

Fuma: Wait, if he tried to take the plasma spark, why didn't he?

Taiga: I remember something, it was because of his heart. Telling him it's not right. He even fought alongside Zero.

Mao: Is that possible?

Taiga: Yeah.

-at the harbour at night-

(the light came to earth and reveals to be Zillion in his Tri Type)

(then he head to the parking lot)

Zillion: I caught up to you, Babarue Seijin Derom!

(then the Babarue Seijin name Derom came out)

Derom: You fool, I was the one who got you.

Zillion: What?

Derom: You've lost your trust here on earth. There's no place for you in this planet now!

(then he shifts into Zillion Burst Brave)

Zillion: You!

Derom/Fake Zillion: I'm not going to let you on your way on this planet!

Zillion: That's my line!

(then the two Zillions head outside and the Fake Zillion use the burst cannon at the real Zillion and he crash on the ground)

(then the Fake Zillion use the burst cannon to hit Zillion but he dodge)

Eve: Another Zillion has appeared.

Satoru: That's, an imposter?

Titas: No, look at his right arm.

Taiga: That's the real Zillion.

(then he tried to summon the justice bird but he remembers he gave it to the tri-squad)

Zillion: Even if I don't have the justice sword, I can still fight!

(then as he use the zillionium kosen, the fake escaped)

Zillion: You ran away?

Man 1: That's Zillion!

Man 2: He's an invader!

Man 1: Everyone, let's run!

(then they run away as Zillion thought he began to attack humans)

(then he revert back to a man name Hiraga Reiji, Zillion's former human host now uses as human form)

Kotaro: Don't move!

(then Reiji look at the members of AIGES)

Yuga: You're...

-at the Sky Base-

(they bring him to the Sky Base)

Najenda: You're, Ultraman Zillion?

Reiji: Yes, but, in this form, call me Hiraga Reiji. You all trust me?

Maki: There's no way you never betray humans.

Eve: That's what Yuga-san told us, right?

Kaki: Yeah, Ultraman is our comrade.

Reiji: Comrade eh? I use to have a comrade, like him.

Yuga: Him?

Reiji: It's a long story. I look like this, to honor him.

Taiga: Zillion, let's fight together, with us.

Fuma: But, if you're here, who was that when Taiga face him?

Reiji: He's Babarue Seijin Derom, he's ability is to trick people by changing form and make them lose trust in each other. That's his ploy.

Nana: There's a record in document MAC.

Reiji: While I was patrolling, I fought with him and seriously injured him.

Honoka: So, he's posing as you and causing distrust?

Reiji: Yeah.

Yuga: How do we get the trust back?

Mao: I know, if an imposter appears, the real one just have to defeat him.

(then Toru came in)

Toru: The press is just a pain.

(then he notice Reiji)

Toru: Who's he?

Reiji: I'm Hiraga Reiji, Ultraman Zillion.

Toru: You're, Zillion?

Reiji: Yes.

Najenda: Chief Officer.

Toru: If he's Zillion, take him to custody.

Kaki: Hey, that's...

Reiji: Don't.

Kaki: But, if he...

Toru: We can't release him until we know he's innocent.


(Reiji is place on observation until he's innocent)

Derom: (laughs) Look at you, Ultraman Zillion. How does it fees to be betrayed by the humans you believe in so much. Humans always judge others by the way they look. They're foolish beings.

Reiji: You're wrong, you'll soon face, the inner strength that humans have.

Derom: Are you a sour grape? (laughs)

-at the main room-

Kaki: At this rate, he'll be treated like a invader!

Maki: I don't understand either!

Satoru: Give is an explanation!

Najenda: This is the headquarters's decision.

Nana: Maybe, the headquarters are afraid that Reiji might transform into Zillion?

Kaki: So, if Zillion appears...

Honoka: It'll cause even more anxiety among the people.

(then Yuga head to the cell)

Kotaro: Hey, Yuga!

(then he reach the cell when it was guarded by two guards)

Yuga: Let me through! I want to talk to him!

Guard 1: But, we can't let you in without the headquarters's permission.

Yuga: His innocence will never be proven like this! Please!

Taiga: Yuga, don't.

-much later-

Yuga: I do hate Babarue Seijin. I won't forgive him.

Taiga: I know, but, he has his ropes on him.

Fuma: But, if you can't talk to him personally, why not telepathically?

Titas: It will be risky, but he might have a plan. Who cares what those guys at the headquarters think.

Taiga: Zillion, can you hear me?

Reiji: I hear you, Taiga.

Taiga: We can't be of any help.

Zillion: No, this mistake can't be settle so easily. I brought this upon myself.

Taiga: But, if it wasn't because of you, we were able to come this far! We're returning this to you.

(then Taiga gave the justice sword back to Zillion)

Taiga: Let's fight together again!

Zillion: I appreciate that, but I can't get out by force. If I escape now, I'll only bring being grater distrust.

Taiga: But...

Zillion: And, this isn't about me. Others like you and me may come to earth and fight for the humans. But, if humans don't trust them, and don't see then as Ultraman, that would be my fault.

Zillion: I want to regain the trust of humans. No matter what it takes.

Taiga: Zillion.

(then Reiji look at the zillion spark)

Reiji: If you could do it, I should be able to do it too. I'm also an Ultraman.

-at the city-

(the Fake Zillion began his rampage in the city)

-at the Sky Base-

Yuga: Please, release Reiji! The real Zillion is in there!

Guard 2: But...

Yuga: He was once merge to his human lookalike. He even fought together with his own team.

Yuga: He's the member I look up to! Please, let Hiraga Reiji fight one more time!

(then Toru came in)

Yuga: Chief Officer.

(then Toru use the keycard to open the door)

Toru: Zillion's imposter has appeared. As the headquarters appealed, Hiraga Reiji's innocence has been proven.

Yuga: Chief Officer.

Toru: Go, everyone is waiting.

Reiji: Let's go.

Yuga: Right!

(then Chesters and Thunders arrive and saw the Fake Zillion)

Reiji: Let me fight. This is the fight I need to resolve.

Yuga: But, if we fight together...

Reiji: I appreciate it, but, this is my fight.

(then the Alpha went pass the Fake Zillion)

Derom/Fake Zillion: How come you are free?!

Yuga: Go, show them, the real Zillion's power!

Reiji: Yuga.

(then he took out the zillion spark and place it on his left arm and became Zillion Try Type)

(then the two Zillions fight)

Man 1: Look at that!

Man 2: There's two Zillion?

(then the real Zillion punch and kick the Fake Zillion)

(then the Fake Zillion use the justice sword and did his fake burst cannon and destroy the building)

(then he use the fake burst cannon and aim at the civilians but the real Zillion protected them)

Man 1: Did he protected us?

(then Zillion got down as his color time starts blinking)

Kotaro: Protect Zillion!

Everyone: Roger!

(then they fire at the Fake Zillion)

Yuga: Stand, Ultraman Zillion! I know you can.

(then Zillion nodded and then change to Dash Type and summon his light beam blade and fire at the Fake Zillion revealing his real form)

Man 2: Look, that one is an imposter!

(then Derom face Zillion and he attack Derom)

(then Zillion use his blade to slash Derom but he use his blaster to hit him)

(then Yuga tried to summon the taiga spark but Zillion stop him)

Zillion: Wait, I'll finish this fight myself.

Taiga: But, you alone...

Zillion: I'm not alone, I fought with my team, just like you.

(then he summon the justice bird and it equip on Zillion's right arm and it became the justice sword and he become Zillion Burst Brave)

(then Derom use his staff to hit Zillion but he block it with his justice sword)

(then Zillion slash him and broke his staff)

Zillion: I won't let you have your way on this planet!

(then Derom fire his blaster at him but he deflect it and Zillion scan the justice sword and aim at Zillion)

Zillion: Burst Cannon!

(then the burst cannon hit Derom and he exploded)

Eve: He did it!

(then Zillion look at the sky and flies up)


Maki: So, you're leaving?

Reiji: Yeah, I'll be leaving earth in your care, Tregear is still out there, the tremendous darkness, is coming. I'm going to find the source, Taro will be pleased if you're alive.

Taiga: Don't worry, we, the Tri-Squad, will protect earth.

Reiji: Thank you, Hasegawa Yuga.

Yuga: Reiji.

(then he became Zillion via willpower)

Zillion: This is farewell.

(then he flies off)

Kaki: Goodbye!

Nana: Take care!

Mao: We'll see you!

Eve: Bye bye!

(then Zillion left earth)

Ending: Dramatic by Ono Daisuke

(showing clips from the thirty-fifth episode)


Yoake no hoshizora wo miagete

Kimi no iru basho he omoi wo todokeru

Seikai ya fuseikai kurikaeshite

Ikusen no toki wo koete kita

DORAMATIKKU na sekai wa kimi no tame ni aru

Kiseki no you na kakuritsu demo kagayaite

Boku no koe ga Can you hear me todoite imasu ka?

Tooi kyori mo jikan sae mo koete yuku

Saikou no SUTOORII

Next episode preview
Taiga: An ancient bird, Zoiger has been revived, and it's more powerful from the previous Zoiger, in that moment, a hero from ancient times retuned!
Next time on Ultraman Taiga:
Return of the Ancient Ultra Warrior
You're, could it be...

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