✔Fighting Hearts |Fruits Bask...

By fairygodhooker

244K 7.9K 1.6K

Sato Sohma is the love child of Kazuma Sohma, the Sohma martial arts dojo master. He raised her on his own... More

1- Welcome to the Family
2- Kyo's First Day of School
3- Rice Balls
4- Welcome the Boar
5- Capturing The Maiden
6- Culture Day Festival
7- New Years
8- Meet HatsuHaru!
9- Valentine's Day Debacle Pt.1
10- Valentine's Day Debacle Pt. 2
11- The Calm Before the Storm
12- Hot Spring Adventures
13- Second Years
14- The Storm Pt. 1
15- Big Brother Ayame
16- The Storm Pt. 2
17- A Day to Remember Pt. 1
18- A Day to Remember Pt. 2
19- Cabin in The Woods
20- Kana
21- A Day Out
22- The Little Tiger
23- Getting Better
24- Childhood Friends
25- A Promise Pt. 1
26- A Promise Pt. 2
27- Welcome Home
28- The Plan
29- Monster
30- Family Time
A/N 2~
31- Welcome Back!
32- Career Plans
33- Lunch
34- Rin
35- Rampage
36- Disaster Sohmas
37- Summer Break Pt. 1
38- Summer Break Pt. 2
39- Vacation Time!
40- The Beach
41- Stag Beetles
42- Watermelon Smashing
43- Parents
44- Jokester
45-Sand Mountain
46- Grandfather
47- Tohru
48- Summoned
49- Selfish
50- Protect Them
51-Not the Monster
52- Fireworks
53- Home Again
54- The Estate Meeting
55- A date
56- Always You
57- Memories
58- Teacher Conferences
59- A trip to Kyoto Pt.1
60- A trip to Kyoto Pt. 2
61- A Brief History
62- Stubborn
63- Trust
64- Roles
65- Secrets Unveiled
66- Princely
67- Cinderella-ish
68- New Years, Same Wish
70- Broken
71- A Secret Well Kept
72- Paper Flowers
73- Hope For A Future
74 - Curse
75 - Cat House
76 - Thank God
Part 2
77- Summoned
78- Whatever You Want
79- The Plan
80- Betrayal
81- I See You
82- Not So Easy
83- It's Over
84- Awake
85- I'm Sorry
86- Atonement
87- To Build a Home
88- History (Final Chapter)

69- Change

1.9K 75 7
By fairygodhooker

  “Uo-chan?  Whats the matter?”  Tohru, Saki and I were walking out of the building towards her, where she looked on towards the sky spacely.

  “Hmm?  Nothing really. Just thinking how freaking cold it is, despite having this blue sky.”  She hummed, kicking at a rock on the ground.  “We’re being forced to have graduation practice in this god damn cold.  We’re graduating, let ‘em do what they want.”

  I froze in my place.  “Graduation.”  I spoke, my stomach dropping.  “That’s right-”  In all the chaos after new years and the anniversary of my accident, I’d completely forgotten that Graduation was just around the corner.  And with it- Kyo’s imprisonment.

  “But it’s for the sake of socialization-”  Saki mused.

  “Well, I’d better not catch a cold for socialization’s sakes.”  

  “Incidentally, I’ve never caught one before.  It’s true that idiots never catch colds.”  Saki chuckled to herself.

  “You sound too happy.”  Arisa and I frowned.  “Man, seems I can’t catch a break since third term started.  Plus, New Year’s went by in a flash.”

  That much was true.  New Years seemed to go by in a blur this year.  Rin and Tohru argued most of the time, and I ended up with a wicked headache for a majority of the time we were at the dojo.  I slept most of the time I was there, so there was no time for us to work on the curse.  And- Kyo was distracted a lot of the time.  I could tell something was affecting him, and now I was beginning to think it had something to do with graduation.

  “Sato, what’re you doing?”  Arisa hollered over to me, Tohru standing beside me looking at me curiously.  

  “Lets get going to class, you guys.”  Saki said, from further ahead.

  “Coming!”  I waved, running ahead to catch up with Arisa.  “Sorry, I got distracted thinking about graduation.  Can’t believe its almost here.”

  “I know right?  We’re gonna be full adults before we even know it.”  She sighed.  “Damn.  And here I am still acting like some foolish schoolgirl.”


  “Nothing.”  She smiled, shaking her head.  “It’s nothing.”


  “Graduation is soon.”  I said quietly, playing with Kyo’s hand as we sat on my bed at the Dojo.  “We’re going to be adults.”

  “I know.”  He nodded, his voice low.  “I’m not ready for that day to come.”

  “Is that what you were thinking about over new years?”  I asked curiously.  “You seemed really off.”

  “I’m just- scared.”  He rested his head on my shoulder.  “I’m scared that we’ll never break the curse.  I don’t want to be a monster forever.  I- I want to stay with you.”  A couple of wet droplets fell on my hand, making me startle and reach up to wipe his tears from his cheeks.

  “I’m always going to be here, even if the curse isn’t broken for a long time.”  I picked his chin up in my hand.  “To hell with what Akito has to say about us.  I’m never going to let you do any of the scary things alone.”

  "I know, and god- I love you for that."  He leaned over, capturing me in a kiss.  "I love you so much."

  I giggled as his hands wrapped around my sides, fingers playing with the skin on my back.  "I love you too, you idiot."  I smirked, putting one of my hands on his cheek.  "God-"  I whispered, taking a moment to stare into his eyes.  "I still can't believe this is real.  How can someone so amazing be real?"

  "I should be asking the same thing."  He said softly, tucking some hair behind my ear.  "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

  I bit my lip, tucking my head into his neck.  "Stop it-"

  "I'm serious!  You know how I used to be-  With you I'm much different.  Better."  He shifted so that he was leaning against the wall, my legs draped over his.  "I'm forever going to be in debt to you, yknow."  He leant over and kissed me again, pulling me close to his chest and lacing his fingers through my hair, his other hand on my waist.

  "Sato?"  I heard Dad knock on the other side of the door, interrupting us once again.

  I pulled apart from Kyo with a sigh, standing up to open the door for him.  "Hey.  What's up?"

  "Oh, there's a phone call for you.  It's Tohru.  She says it's urgent-"  He glanced over my shoulder at Kyo.  "She just needs you, if that's alright with you Kyo?"

  "Whatever, I'm not her boss."  He shrugged, falling back on the bed with a grunt. 
  "Did she say what she needed?"  I asked, shutting the door behind me as I made my way to the phone in the hall.

  "No, only that she needed to speak to you urgently.  She sounded frantic-" 

  "What?!"  I shouted.  "Is she okay?"

  "She says she's alright, she's in no harm."  He reassured me, putting a hand on my shoulder.  "I'll be in the kitchen, if you need me just holler."

  I picked up the phone, listening for Tohru on the other end.  "Tohru?  Hello?"

  "Sato!"  She exclaimed.  "I'm so glad you're still at Shishou-sans!"

  "Tohru, what's wrong?  Are you hurt?" 

  "No, no!  I'm okay!  No need to worry about me!  But- is Isuzu-san there?"

  "Oh.  No, do you need me to pass on a message to her?"  I grabbed a pen and paper from beside the phone.

  "Kureno-san called Shigure-sans today."  She blurted out.  "He told me to meet him at the park.  And-"


  "And he hugged me."

  "In public?  Kureno hugged you in front of people?"  I furrowed my brow.  "How foolish can he get?"

  "No!  Sato-  his curse- it's broken."

“Huh?  Kureno’s curse is- broken?”  
Word Count: 1012 Words

And that marks the end of season 2.  Seriously, this is the most I've put into a story, and I love it so much.  I look forward to season 3 coming in April, so stay tuned :D

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