The Last Time (Camren)

By BabeLoRegui

102K 3.2K 4.6K

They were once best friends before the lying, cheating, and betrayal. After 5 years of being apart, will Laur... More

Prologue (Part I)
Prologue (Part II)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 - Final

Chapter 5

4.2K 200 235
By BabeLoRegui

It finally felt like Fall in Miami with the slight breeze in the November air. Camila surely likes the humidity of the city but taking walks in this temperature isn't so bad either. Especially if they're with her mom, son, and new puppy, Tarzan.

There's a cemetery around the corner of their street which is perfect for casual walks. The calmness brings Camila peace on the weekends when she can finally take time for herself.

"Mommy, Tarzan is too fast!" Jason complains as he's practically being dragged by the puppy. Tarzan is growing like a weed and only after a month is he almost as big as Jason.

"You have to keep walking him, bud," Camila tells him, earning a laugh from her mother,

"Reminds me so much of you when you were his age," Sinu smirks.

Camila told her son that if he started doing chores like walking the dog or loading the dishwasher, he can earn something he'd like. Not so much as cash just yet since he's only almost 5 but a toy or dessert.

In this case, his mother promised him ice cream as long as he walked the dog during their stroll through the cemetery.

This is also what Camila's father used to do with her. It taught her about hard work and dedication even at a young age. Since then, she's used her upbringing to help raise Jason in her own way. As well as Shawn's of course.

"Slow down, Tarzan!" Jason struggles with the excited canine while Sinu watches carefully, biting back a laugh.

Camila makes sure she doesn't miss any of the puppy's droppings but doesn't fail to spot a familiar side profile to her left. "Mija," her mother also recognizes the standing individual looking down at a particular tombstone. Someone looking awfully like the girl her daughter used to date. "Is that...?"

"I think so," the younger woman breathes with a harsh swallow.

"Go over there," Sinu nudges, smirking at her daughter whose face is now flushed.

"Mami," Camila drags her feet only because of the embarrassment her mom has made her feel. But she decides to do so anyway.

Lauren can only hear the crunching of the red leaves as her eyes are closed, taking in the moment she is sharing with the spirit of her grandmother.

When she opens her eyes and is graced with Camila's presence she has to blink a few times to register whether or not she's just seeing things she wants to see. "Hey, Lauren," Camila begins with a soft grin.

"Hey... Camila, what brings you here?" Lauren replies casually, hands shoved in the pockets of her jacket.

"Just taking a walk with my mom and Jason," the teacher gestures to where her mother gives Lauren a wave and kind smile. "We live right around the corner there so we walk here often."

Lauren returns the same. "Oh, nice to see them again."

"Sorry, I don't mean to interrupt your time. Just thought I'd say hi," Camila takes a step back, not wanting to intrude on something that's probably really private.

"Oh, not a problem at all. I sometimes just come here for guidance from the spirit of my ancestors. Like Abuelita here," Lauren beams proudly at the headstone that read her late grandmother's name. "Especially whenever I need to make big decisions."

"Oh, like what?" Camila asks but then mentally curses. "Sorry, that might be personal. You don't have to answer that."

"Same old Camz and her endless amount of questions," Lauren releases a chuckle, still finding it cute how Camila is a bit on the nosey side. Not intrusive or anything she's just curious about things.

"Never seem to break that habit," the shorter girl bites her lip, feeling small.

"But I guess I can tell you," Lauren fully turns her own body to face her. "I'm... um... planning on proposing to a certain someone."

"Your girlfriend?" the teacher becomes stiff.

"Yeah," the CEO smirks. "I got her a ring a little while back. Just sitting on it and waiting for the perfect time."

Camila takes a larger gulp than she anticipates. Her mouth dries up immediately, needing a big glass of water as soon as she gets home. "...Well, if you know you know," is all she can let out. Exactly what Lauren said as well.

"I'm planning on doing it over Christmas in a very special way," Lauren can't wipe the smile off her lips. One that is so excited she could burst.

"In what way?" Again, curiosity gets the best of Camila.

"There's this yacht I've been eyeing for like a year and Cami and I went to see it over the summer. She loved it of course so I figured it'd be perfect to do it on there. I already put a deposit on it so I just need to bring it home. I think she would absolutely flip out."

"Wow..." Camila was in shock from the moment Lauren said "yacht." "I mean, anyone would at that kind of gesture." It amazes her that rich people like this can just casually do something like that. Not that money is everything but yes, it did buy nice things.

The women don't realize it yet but Jason makes his way over to the two with a wonderous expression. "Yeah, I'm sure she'll- oh, hi Jason," Lauren looks down at his cute face looking up at her.

"Is Livvy here?" he asks her.

Lauren wants to break down right there from the cuteness. "No, she's with her mommy but I know she would love to have a playdate with you."

Camila smiles widely at Lauren. "We'll have to set something up very soon."

"Can it be today?" the little boy pouts, missing his friend. He hugs Camila's leg and the mothers melt at how adorable he is.

"We will soon, honey," his mom runs a hand through his hair.

Next thing they know, Sinu is also heading over to them. "Mrs. Cabello," Lauren straightens up to greet her ex's mother.

"Hi, Lauren," Sinu sends a calming smile. "You know it's 'Sinu.'"

"Sorry, it's been a while," the CEO chuckles nervously.

"It has and you've been quite the entrepreneur," she nods. "I'm impressed by your work and how far you've come in such a short amount of time."

"Thank you... that means more than you know," Lauren graciously thanks her kindly. Indeed is she quite the businesswoman. Blown away is an understatement to Camila. Lauren is just downright professional and always knows the right words to say. Hell, Lauren could probably sell a leaf to someone.

"And do not be nervous around me. What happened, happened a long time ago. We have all moved on, right?" the older woman eyes the two younger.

"Right," they both nod.

"We're in a different place now. And our kids can be best friends like how we were," Lauren chimes, bringing back the pleasant atmosphere.

"Exactly," Camila agrees wholeheartedly. They didn't have to make it awkward at all. Everyone here is mature and understanding. However, she can't say the same about everyone involved in this situation. More importantly, her husband.

Lauren looks over to where Jason ran off with Tarzan. She smiles at the playful kid and how full his laugh is. It sort of reminds her of herself when she was a child. Also, his eyes are in fact greener than she thought.

"In that case, how about we set up a playdate during Thanksgiving break?" She is snapped out of it after Camila makes her suggestion.

"Sounds perfect," Lauren flashes her signature grin once more and looks at her watch. "Oh, I'm sorry, ladies, my mom wants me back home to help her cook dinner. I've been hanging out with her today."

"How is Clara by the way?" Sinu asks quickly.

"She's good. She's retired now and loving the time she has for herself," Lauren smiles, grateful that her mom can relax these days. After all, Mike wasn't the only one to provide for the family. Clara worked just as hard, if not more, on her own business.

"That's great," Sinu nods. "Tell her I say hi."

"Will do. I'll see you guys again soon. And I'll text you, Camila, about the plans," she gives one final wave to the brown eyes before turning to go back to her car.

The two women watch the millionaire until she finally drove away down the street. "...Damn, she's even cuter now," Sinu jokes, earning a groan and nudge from her daughter.

"Mama!" Camila wishes to be buried in the ground herself. "I swear, if I hadn't already dated her you'd probably try to go after her yourself." Sinu always liked Lauren despite what happened. Still to this day, she would make comments about how Lauren was always more attractive than Shawn. Not that she didn't love her son-in-law but anyone else could see there's nothing prettier than those green eyes.

"I can't be the kind of cougar I wish I was at heart," she sighs as Camila rolls her eyes once again.

"I literally don't know you." The daughter calls for her son and puppy so they can go back home.


Thanksgiving Day

"Okay, everyone, let's pray," Clara is last to sit down at the table in her dining room.

There, sits Lauren, Cami, Chris, Derek (Chris' husband), Mike and Olivia all happy and excited for the delicious meal to be eaten. They join hands and say grace before digging in. Mike cuts the turkey and serves it to his family while Clara begins engaging with Cami.

"Thank you again, Clara, for having me and always making me feel so welcome," Lauren's girlfriend thanks.

"Oh, Cami, you know you're family at this point," Clara brushes off. "Sooner or later, you and Lauren will be hitched and I'll be helping your mom plan your baby shower."

"Mom, stoppp," Lauren's face immediately turns red as she sinks down in her chair. Her mother always does this. Makes jokes about her settling down and starting a family. At least starting a new one after Vero and Olivia.

"Baby?" Olivia doesn't let that comment go unnoticed. She would actually kill for a baby sibling.

"No, sweetie, no babies yet," Lauren appeases and glares at her chuckling mother.

"We have to get married first," Cami slides her hand over Lauren's thigh underneath the table.

Oh, if she only knew how fast that was approaching. "Yes... we do," Lauren matches her smile and places her own hand on top of her girlfriend's.

"One down, one more to go," Chris smirks from the other side of the table, holding his husband's hand as well.

"You kids grow up too fast," Mike sighs, looking at his granddaughter adorably eating her dinner. "My baby girl's already got a baby girl of her own."

Lauren grins down at Olivia, full of the utmost pride. She pushes a few strands from her little face that already has food all over it.

"Your baby boy may also be trying for one of his own," Chris interjects, causing everyone to look at him in surprise. "Well, your two baby boys...?"

Derek stifles a laugh as do Lauren and Camila.

"You two are trying to have a kid?" Mike asks. "Or I guess get a kid?"

"Dad, you know surrogacy exists, right?" Chris says. "Derek and I have slowly started the process of finding a surrogate mother to carry a baby we make together."

"That so?" the father nods. "Well... happy for you guys."

The couple smile as well as everyone else. "Yeah, that's so amazing, guys. I'm excited for you," Lauren also tells them.

The family carries on with dinner like usual, updating each other more on their lives and recalling memories from the past. It was a nice time as they don't normally get to do this as much anymore. 

Chris and Derek moved up to Orlando after they graduated college earlier this year so they haven't been around as often. And of course, Lauren is busy as all hell running her own business. So, it meant the world to Mike and Clara to have their children, their children's partners and children of their own to join them during the holidays once again.


"You seem off, sis," Chris tells Lauren as they lounge outside on the patio. After dinner, they snuck off to roll a couple of joints and smoke. Derek and Cami remain inside talking with the parents and playing with Olivia.

"Just thinking, bro," she breathes.


"About my future. About Cami and what we have together. I have a ring and I'm ready to give it to her soon but there's always that nervous feeling in my stomach," she explains, hitting her joint again.

"Why are you so nervous?" he squints. "I wasn't nervous when I proposed to Derek."

"Yeah, 'cause you knew he was going to say yes."

"You know Cami's gonna say yes," he points.

"I know, but... still. I still get a little shaky even when I just think about it."

"Go ahead and just do it, Lo. I wouldn't tell you to if I think she might say no. I see how she looks at you and how you look back. You guys are made for each other," the younger brother smiles warmly.

"Thanks, Chris. You know you're the best little bro in the world, right?" she compliments kindly.

"I know," he shrugs much like his usual self. "And I guess you're the best big sis."

"I know," she laughs. "You're gonna make a great dad someday, too."

"I got a pretty good role model when it comes to parenting," he sends her a wink which honestly meant a lot to Lauren. She didn't know it before but Chris definitely looked up to his sister as an example of what a good parent should be. After going through what she did during college, he was immensely proud of her for building a name for herself all while raising a child.

"Alright, enough with this sappy shit," Lauren put on a tough face. "You wanna roll another one?"

"Hell yeah."

Lauren also doesn't overlook seeing Camila play with Olivia in her parents' living room. She was on the floor with her as they played dolls in a new dollhouse Mike and Clara just got for her as an early birthday present. Her fifth birthday was just around the corner.

But the CEO loves watching her two favorite girls bond. It shows how good of a stepmother Cami will be one day and of course, a mother to the children they will have together in the future.


Ally puts her Tesla in park but strangely, Lauren's mansion certainly looks lively. She hears music blare the second she exits her car, folder in hands. "What the hell?" she mumbled under her breath, squinting at how the outside lights were on and the music was blasting from the backyard. This could only mean one thing. "Is Dinah still here?"

"Excuse me," the assistant shoves past crowds of people that infiltrate Lauren's backyard who are drinking and dancing.

"Dinah," she beckons the housekeeper who is sat in the hot tub between two shirtless men.

"Ally! You made it!" Dinah raises her hands with a margarita in the right.

"Made it?! What the hell is going on in this place?!" the shorter woman takes a look around to see a couple of hundred people partying. Some were in the pool, some were dancing by the pool, and some were just relaxing in the seating areas.

"Come on, shorty, don't tell me you've never been to a party," Dinah gets out of the jacuzzi.

"Does Lauren about this?" Ally fixes the glasses on her nose.

"Maybe... maybe not," the taller one giggles, sipping from her straw. "She never said 'no parties' when she left me alone for three days."

"Well, I think she kinda assumed you'd be going home to your parent's house for Thanksgiving," Ally says.

"I did during the day but then I got bored so I called up some friends and then one thing lead to another and then their friends came over and now... this happened," Dinah looks at the sight before them. There was even a DJ set up playing music. "Honestly, didn't expect it to get this big."

Ally lets out a deep breath. "I'm sorry, Dinah, but I have to let Lauren know about this."

"Aw, c'mon, shortcake. I doubt Lauren's gonna care anyway," the nanny rolls her eyes, hearing her friends call her over to play volleyball with them. The net was set up and they were about to start.

"I'll be there in a sec!" she waves to them.

"Come on, baby, aren't you on the pill?" Lauren pouts as she was just about to slip inside Cami.

"I had to stop, remember?" the girlfriend says underneath her.

"...No?" Lauren's eyebrows furrow.

"Do you ever listen to a word I say?" Cami rolls her eyes and gets out a condom from Lauren's bedside drawer. Even in her childhood bedroom she still stashes condoms. Just in case.

"Well, I'm too hard not to smash," Lauren grumbles and takes the rubber into her hands.

"You're so annoying, babe," Cami chuckles. "Just hurry."

"I'm going, I'm going," she unwraps it, and just as she's about to put it on, her phone rings.

"Noooo," the couple whines together.

"Who is it?"

"Ally," Lauren sighs and quickly answers. "This better be good."

"Lauren, Dinah is currently throwing a party at your house. Did you know about this?" Ally asks while Dinah groans annoyed.

"The fuck?" Lauren frowns. A party at her own house? "Why wasn't I invited?"

"Boss, she threw this party without your permission, and my goodness is it already such a mess!"

"Ally, I can't deal with this right now. I have a really hot girl underneath me that requires my assistance," Lauren tells her as Cami laughs and hits her shoulder. "Just tell DJ to clean it up before I get back." With that, she hangs up the phone and goes returns to business, catching her girlfriend's lips in a deep kiss.

"But boss!" Ally shouts before the line goes dead. "Ugh! Typical Jauregui."

Dinah looks up from inspecting her nails. "So... we all good?"

"Lauren requests you clean this up before she gets home tomorrow," Ally lifts her chin, seeming unbothered.

The taller woman smirks. "Let's get you a shot, girl. You need one," she pulls on the assistant's sleeve to tug her toward the bar. "I'll play in just a minute, guys!" she tells her friends.

"Absolutely not, Dinah. I only came by to drop off important documents regarding our year-end sales for our upcoming annual meeting. I have no intention of-"

"Hey, what can I get you?" A handsome, shirtless man turns around from behind the bar.

Ally pauses her words, completely lost in his blue eyes and charming smile. "Two tequila shots?" Dinah orders for them both.

"Coming right up," he grins, winking at the shorter one.

As he turns back around to fix their beverages, Dinah nudges Ally. "His name is Cody and yes, he's single."

"...Well, maybe I can stick around for a drink or two." Flustered Ally removes her glasses and ruffles her hair.

"Now we're talking," the housekeeper laughs, grabbing the shot glasses and handing one to Ally. "Three, two, one," they clink the glasses and down them.

"Oh my god!" Ally gags at the taste as well as burn in her throat. Luckily, Dinah makes her suck on a lime immediately.

"Wanna play volleyball now?" Dinah, unfazed by her drink, motions for them to go to the net.

"I'm literally four-foot eleven," Ally frowns.

Dinah cackles again and grabs her hand. "Shut up, you'll be fine."


It's finally the Sunday after Thanksgiving and the day of Jason and Olivia's first playdate. Perfect for Camila since she didn't have anything going on and Shawn was working. He decided to work from home on a Sunday so he could once again, impress his boss to get promoted faster. Camila just told him she and Jason were going out for the day.

"Hey, babe," the wife picks up the incoming call from her husband as she drives to Lauren's house.

"Hey, what are you guys up to?" Shawn's voice fills the car through the Bluetooth speaker.

"Oh, you know, just driving." Camila knows it's terrible to lie to your spouse but it's not exactly lying. She's just not telling him where they are going specifically.

"Babe, why are you being so vague? Are you running errands or something?"

She sighs and gives in. "Okay, fine. We're on our way to Lauren Jauregui's house."

There's a pregnant pause that makes Camila's stomach twinge."Lauren Jauregui?"

"Don't be mad, Shawn. Jason really wants to play with Olivia. We set up time for today and he's super excited. Right, buddy?" she turns around at her son in his car seat.

"Yeah!" he smiles giddily.

"Camila..." Shawn sighs. "I'm not sure about this."

"I'm only staying a little while. I was gonna stick around for a few till Jason gets settled and feels comfortable, run and do some grocery shopping, and then pick him up before dinner. It's just a few hours," she explains although she shouldn't have to. Shawn should be 1000% more understanding and mature about this. This was for his "kid" after all.

"That's the thing though. You're seeing your ex. Am I the only one that thinks that's a little weird?"

Camila rolls her eyes. "You can't just make me not see my ex, Shawn. Especially if her daughter's in my class and I have to see her sometimes anyway. And for the millionth time, get over your high school drama. I think I should be trusted when I'm around her."

"It's not you that I don't trust. It's her." Shawn was only getting angrier.

"Whatever. I'm over it. You're the only one, and I guess Vero, still stuck in the past. I'll see you tonight," she hangs up the phone call without letting Shawn reply. Letting out a deep breath, she finally approaches the gates to Lauren's private neighborhood.

"Is Daddy mad?" Jason frowns from the backseat.

"Daddy is just nervous about some things and that makes him agitated. Don't worry, honey. It's fine," she smiles at him through the rearview mirror.

They pull into the driveway of the luxurious mansion that totally shocks Camila. "Holy shit," she gasps, taking in the insanely large house.

"This house is so big!" Jason is impressed himself as she gets him out of his car seat.

"I know, baby, hold my hand," they both slowly make their way up the steps and toward the double doors.

A modern, yet elegant doorbell chimes, startling the two and signals for Dinah to answer it on the other side.

In the backyard, Lauren and Cami are sat at the bar sipping smoothies while watching Olivia play on her playground. Music is playing at a low volume and everyone is enjoying themselves.

"Hi! Welcome, welcome! You guys must be Camila and Jason!" Dinah warmly greets the two at the door.

"Hi! Um... yes, we are," the brunette squeezes her son's hand, feeling awkward and quite overwhelmed already.

"Well, come on in. Feel free to leave your shoes on, everyone's outside," Dinah welcomes them through the entrance. "My name is Dinah Jane. But you can call me just Dinah or DJ. I'm Lauren's housekeeper and Olivia's live-in nanny."

"Oh right, Lauren did mention you," Camila softly smiles. "Nice to meet you, Dinah."

"You as well. I've heard so much about you," she winks, suggesting something that catches Camila off guard. What could that mean? "Please, follow me."

They all head outside and Jason pulls out of his mother's hold once he sees Olivia on the swings. "Hi, Livvy!" he runs over to her.

"Hi, Jason!" she stops swinging, wearing a bright smile.

Lauren's eyes lift from her girlfriend's, finding her ex with Dinah as she starts to get a tour of the house. "They're here," she smirks and leaves the bar to go over and greet her.

Cami turns around in her chair and she finally can put a face to the infamous Camila Mendes. The other one.

"Lauren," Camila's whole demeanor changes once she sees those familiar green eyes.

"Camila, so glad you guys made it," Lauren smiles from ear to ear, delighted to see her friend. Not even former friend. They decided they can be friends again and it wouldn't be weird.

"Yeah, thank you so much for inviting us. This is totally not what I expected," the shorter Latina shakes her head.

"Pretty crazy, right?" Lauren nods, chuckling.

"This is like what I see on TV. I never expected I'd step foot in a house like this," she goes on.

"Well, it's big but it's home to us," Lauren grins as her girlfriend comes to stand by her side. "Oh... uh, Camila, this is my girlfriend... Camila."

"Mendes," Camila reaches out to shake the actress's hand.

"Yes, and Mendes?" Cami points and Camila laughs, nodding.

"Yes, but oh my god, you are like thee Camila Mendes," the teacher jokes. "My little sister and I love Riverdale. Especially your character and I'm not just saying that."

"Aw, thank you," the older one is touched to hear such kind words. "That's so nice."

Lauren is already biting her nail while watching her ex-girlfriend and current girlfriend converse. Dinah places a hand on her shoulder, giggling at her embarrassment.

"I'm just sorry for stealing your name. I wasn't even born with it," Camila jokes again.

Cami throws her head back in laughter. "Man, Lauren just knows how to pick em," she gives the CEO a playful push and Lauren hides behind her hands.

"Alright, so! Moving on with the tour..." Lauren is quick to change the subject. "Dinah, would you mind fixing our guest Camila a smoothie?"

"I'd be more than happy to. Camila, what flavor would you like?" Dinah asks the guest.

"Banana-" both she and Lauren say in unison.

"Please..." the teacher finishes, eyes trained on Lauren's.

"Sorry, I knew you were gonna say that," the taller brunette nervously laughs.

"I'll be quick," Dinah excuses herself into the house to prepare the drink.

"Mama, push us!" Olivia yells across the yard as she and Jason want to be pushed on the swings.

"How about I go push them while you guys catch up some more?" Cami suggests.

"Sure, if you want," Lauren gives her girlfriend an appreciative, adoring look. "Thank you, baby."

"Of course, baby," she leans in to meet Lauren in a kiss before going over the to kids. Camila looks away to give them their moment. 

"Okay, shall we?" the homeowner turns her full attention back to her and they make their way into the house. "I'm sure Dinah gave you the gist of the outside."

"Which is bigger than my whole neighborhood," Camila cracks a joke, causing more laughter between the two.

Dinah then hands Camila her smoothie and excuses herself for their one on one tour. They tread around the downstairs for what seems like half an hour due to its size. Lauren mainly shows off the kitchen and all of its amenities. Camila is impressed by the smoothie maker right next to the ice cream machine. One of Olivia's favorites.

"It's so nice because we never have to run out of ice cream. Except we still have to get powder but we order that in bulk," Lauren notes.

"My son would be all over that," Camila replies. "And so would I probably."

Lauren giggles at her memory of Camila's secretive sweet tooth. Even though she managed to stay so fit. "Over here is our main fridge. There's another one outside at the bar, one in the gym, oh, and one in my office."

"Of course there is. Lauren's gotta have her sodas when she works, too," Camila lightly jabs her.

"You know me so well."

They eventually make their way upstairs where all the six bedrooms are located. She goes to Olivia's first and then the one next door made into a playroom. It's neatly organized until the kids come in to play later. Camila can't believe her eyes seeing such a massive indoor slide built into the room.

"And then... this is where the magic happens," Lauren enters the double doors of her master bedroom.

"Oh shit," the visitor steps in slowly behind her, looking up first.

A chandelier hangs from the entrance before her eyes land on a couch and coffee table in the foyer. Of the damn bedroom. "No way do you have a lounge in the front of your bedroom," she breathes.

Lauren chuckles and takes a seat on it. "The couch is really comfy. I sit here early in the morning to read before I wake Olivia up or something."

Next, they move more into the room where Lauren's king-size bed rests. It looks so full with the comforter and fluffy white pillows. Artwork hangs on the walls to pull it all together. And of course, accompanied by a 60-inch flat-screen TV. The one Camila and Shawn have at their house is probably half that size and the only one they own. While over here, Camila's probably counted at least eight televisions minus the full screen in the movie theater.

"Oh wow, aren't these the same speakers you had at your parents' house?" she moves to examine the surround sound system by the bookshelf placed under the mounted TV.

"Yeah, they are," Lauren is impressed by how she remembers. "I couldn't find any better than that."

"I just remember when you first showed me your room at your old house. Like it was yesterday. And look at you now," Camila looks more at the room.

Lauren bites her lip. "I remember that, too."

It was just like sophomore year all over again. Camila looked so cute and small inside of Lauren's room when she was giving her the grand tour. Still to this day, does she look just as cute and small inside of Lauren's even bigger room.

She then shows off the bathroom that is also bigger than Camila's living room with a glass shower and huge bathtub that can easily fit 2-3 people. Camila thinks she would take baths every night if she had a tub like this. But she also remembers a time when she and Lauren would sometimes take baths together. It'd be after they had practice and would just come home and bathe with each other. Then, obviously, turn each other on and lead to something else.

The shower also had a bench which Lauren probably had installed for shower sex. Camila only knows that because again, she knows Lauren had one in her old bathroom shower. And boy, did they take advantage of that.

Goddamit, Camila, stop thinking about how the times you and Lauren used to fuck. She wants to slap herself for her thoughts leading to that place. Highly inappropriate and as a married woman for God's sake.

"So... what do you think?" Lauren asks towards the end.

"What do I think?" Camila repeats, chuckling. "I think... I can only dream to own a home like this. Maybe if I won the lottery 'cause I don't have the bravery to start my own business." Nor does she have filthy rich parents to give her millions of dollars to start it up.

"I'm sure you would be a fantastic business owner," Lauren appeases.

"I have to ask..."

"What's up?" Lauren stops walking with her down a hallway.

"Does Vero know about me coming over here with Jason?" Camila chews on her bottom lip, needing to ask the question. She was wondering all day and she just had to know.

Lauren laughs softly and looks down. "I was going to tell her after you guys left and she'd come over to pick Olivia up. You know, just so she wouldn't come early and cause a scene."

"She'd do that?" the shorter Latina questions nervously.

"Vero's a crazy bitch. We all know she would," Lauren shrugs.

Due to Vero being back in school, she and Lauren swapped schedules when having Olivia. Now, it was a Lauren that got her Wednesday night through Sunday evening while Vero got her Monday to Wednesday. Once Vero was done with classes, they'd switch again. However, Lauren loved getting her for an extra day.

"Well, Shawn wasn't too happy when I told him during the car ride over," Camila lets out an exhausted sigh. "Which is so annoying when you and I are the only ones being mature about it."

"I feel like they'll never let it go, Camila," Lauren says. "We'll probably just have to accept it."

"Looks like it," the other woman breathes.

They hear children's laughter down the hall which causes their frowns to turn much happier. It's a glorious sound that urges them to head into the playroom where Jason, Olivia, Cami and Dinah are all seen playing together.

"Wow, what a party in here," Lauren smiles at her daughter having the time of her life, playing with two important women in her life and new best friend.

"Are you having fun, Jase?" Camila asks her son who is busy sliding down the slide multiple times.


"Is it okay if Mommy runs errands for a little while you play?"

"Yeah!" he runs up the stairs again to slide down.

Camila just laughs at how Jason couldn't care less about what his mother does. Right now, he's having too much fun.

"Well, now that Jason looks settled, I think I'll head out to run a couple of errands and then swing back to pick him up?" Camila clutches onto her purse.

Lauren moved back toward her. "Uh.. yeah, we got him. Do what you need to do. I'll walk you out."

"Thanks," the teacher nods ands heads for the door. "I'll see you later, bud. Have fun and be good!" Camila tells Jason although it falls on deaf ears.

"Hey, babe, when you get back, wanna watch a movie?" Cami asks Lauren. "DJ said she's got an eye on the kids."

"Aw, babe, I'd love to but I have so much work to do to prepare for the meeting this week," she takes her girlfriend's hand into hers and rubs them. "Ally and I are FaceTiming in about half an hour."

Cami nods, sort of expecting that answer. Lauren is always busy but even more so now with the upcoming annual sales meeting. She was meeting with her investors and financial partners so she had to be caught up on all the numbers and information.

"It's fine. I get it," the girlfriend rubs Lauren's hands in return. "I'll just find something to keep me busy." Lauren places a kiss on her cheek before following Camila to walk her out.

The day goes on after Camila runs her errands and Dinah watches the children. Lauren sits in her office, studying the reports and files on her computer. However, she doesn't make much progress with her thoughts drifting off.

She really got to spend time today with Camila. Even if it was for an hour or so. Camila was in her own house. They talked, laughed, enjoyed each other's presence. They're friends again.

The thought of them being friends makes her head spin. She just can't believe she is back to being friends with the girl she once fell in love with. Hell, Camila is the only girl she fell in love with prior to Cami.

It also doesn't help her scrolling back to photos from high school. She looks at the ones she still has saved of Camila. The ones she didn't delete after their breakup.

One is a selfie of them at school on the bleachers and another is a photo of the two of them at homecoming. And of course, there's one where Camila is kissing Lauren's cheek.

"Better delete that one," Lauren goes to move that one in particular to the trash.

She can't have others seeing that. Even if it's been almost six years. But she and Camila were very cute. Not only cute but hot. They were basically the 'it' couple of their school and everyone either wanted to be with them or be them. Mostly, the girls wanted Lauren and the boys wanted Camila.

They didn't care about that though once they officially became girlfriends. They only had eyes for each other. Shawn and Vero were not even at the forefront of their minds. That was until they had children with them.

Lauren sighs and forcibly exists the photos app. She can't think about her ex this much. She has a very beautiful girlfriend who she loves.

Arms come around to wrap around the bare skin of Cami's waist. "Hey, you," she feels Lauren behind her, lips coming in contact with her neck. It's covered in sweat but Lauren doesn't care.

Cami is in the middle of working out in her girlfriend's home gym. When she stays with her, she comes here almost every day to do some yoga, lift weights, run on the treadmill, etc.

"Hey," Lauren's mouth trails from Cami's neck down to her collarbone. With the actress in only just a sports bra and matching leggings, the CEO was going to have trouble keeping her hands to herself. Lauren is also clad in a sports bra and some running shorts that definitely also distract Cami.

"Babe," the actress giggles, moving out of the hold she's in. "What's gotten into you? I thought you were working."

"I was but I felt bad about leaving you alone. It's not like you're here all the time and I want to cherish every moment with you while I can," Lauren frowns.

"Aww, baby," Cami instantly kisses her, throwing her arms around Lauren's neck. "I love you."

"I love you too, baby." The couple's kissing grows heater and although they were here to exercise, they put their bodies to work in a different kind of way.

"Quickie?" Lauren suggests with her girlfriend now wrapped around her waist.



"You guys didn't just have sex," Dinah mutters sarcastically after seeing Lauren and Cami enter the kitchen. She was in the middle of setting up nachos and cooking enchiladas while the kids were in the living room playing on tablets.

"What gives you that idea?" Lauren winks and Camila chuckles.

"You're both showered and dressed at the same time?" Dinah says. "That only means one thing." Insinuating they did it in the shower.

"We did it in the gym," the homeowner says, causing her housekeeper a disgusted expression.

"Ew, y'all have better wiped down everything." The couple laughs at her misery. "There are children in the house, you know?"

"What they don't know won't hurt them," Lauren shrugs.

Next thing the girls hear is the beeping sound of the front door unlocking. Ugh.

"Hey, everyone!" Vero steps through the door in the loudest high heels in the world. She holds a spare key to the house for emergencies only. However, she really just shows up whenever she wants to.

Lauren sighs audibly and grimaces at her luck. Camila wasn't even back yet and here Vero comes waltzing through her home.

"Vero... you're... early," Lauren says from behind the counter, looking down at her watch that only reads 4:45. She's usually there around 6:00.

"Nice to see you, too, weirdo," Vero puts her shades on top of her head so she can give her an eye roll. "I wanted to come early to make it for dinner. I'm starving."

"Dinner won't be ready for another thirty minutes but have some nachos," Dinah offers the plate.

"Oh, fuck yeah," Vero doesn't hesitate to pick up a chip and dip it into the salsa.

Cami looks down, wearing an awkward smirk. "Nice to see you again, Vero."

"You too," Vero replies quickly, not meeting the other's eyes.

There was huge tension between Vero and Cami. Especially once Lauren told Vero she was planning to propose soon.

A knock is then heard and all four women look at the door. Shit.

"She's back," Lauren stops Dinah from going to answer and decides to do it herself.

"Who's back?" she asks Dinah while the latter stays silent and just shrugs.

"Hey, come on in," Lauren smiles at the mother at the doorway. "I'm sorry in advance."

Camila furrows her brows. "Sorry for what?"

Vero fully turns around at the sight of her arch-nemesis walking through the foyer and into the kitchen. "You're kidding," she lets out and shoots daggers at Lauren. "What is she doing here?"

"Hello to you, too," Camila mumbles.

"V, Jason and Olivia are having a play date," Lauren explains timidly. "Camila's here to pick him up."

If looks could kill, everyone in the kitchen would be dead on the floor. "Excuse me...?" she looks between Camila and Lauren. "And when was my co-parent going to tell me this?"

"Probably after they were gone?" Lauren gives her a smug grin.

"Look, Vero, Jason and Olivia were just playing for a few hours today. They're good friends. I'm just here to pick him up and we're going home. That's all," Camila explains at the furious woman.

"No, Camila, it's okay," Lauren steps between the two. "V, this is my house and Livvy's my daughter, too. Do I require your permission every time she does something or sees someone?"

"Well, as her mother that pushed her out of my womb, I thought I had the right to know about my child's whereabouts."

"Livvy is fine. She's been home all day," Lauren argues.

"Yes, with a stranger," Vero argues back.

"Excuse me?" Camila's eyebrows furrow at that. "Jason and Olivia are best friends. They see each other every day at school."

"Vero, just knock it off, okay?" Lauren grows annoyed. "We shouldn't fight about this while they're in the other room."

"I'm taking her home now. I don't care what you say," she shoves past her co-parent and goes into the living room. "Olivia, let's go," she pries the tablet out of the child's hands and grabs one to pull her off the couch.

"Noooo, I wanna play with Jason!" The child whines and immediately breaks down into tears.

"You can see him at school," Vero grips her wrist and they head toward the door. "Put your shoes on. Now."

At this point, Dinah is focusing on finishing up the enchiladas, Cami has moved to another room to avoid the scene, and Camila is massaging her temples as she walks into the room to retrieve her son.

Whenever episodes like this happen, Lauren has her girlfriend go somewhere else no matter how much Cami wants to defend Lauren. Even though she's planning on marrying her, she would just rather her not get involved in her mess with Vero.

"Chill the fuck out, V," Lauren whispers harshly to the mother. "You're embarrassing us in front of everyone."

"Next time you want to do something with my child behind my back, there will be hell to pay," Vero snarks. "You haven't even seen crazy yet."

Olivia sits on the floor putting on her shoes with tears streaming down her face. And this wasn't the first time something like this has happened. That's the sad part.

"She's our child," Lauren glares.

"Mama," Olivia stands up and hugs Lauren's leg. "I wanna stay with you."

"I'm sorry, peanut," Lauren bends down for her and pulls the little girl into her arms. "I'll see you Wednesday, okay?" Olivia cries into her mom's shoulder and nods.

Vero, just as stone-cold as ever, takes her daughter's hand once again and leads her out of the house. "Be gentle," Lauren looks at the woman seriously. "Please."

Vero just ignores her and leaves without another word, beyond livid. She gets a crying Olivia into the car seat and takes off.

Lauren is surely just as pissed but takes a few deep breaths to calm down before she sees Camila and Jason. The mother and son are sat on the couch where the latter is pouting and quite confused about what happened.

"I am so sorry," Lauren begins softly. "To the both of you."

Camila strokes her son's hair and rubs his back. "I thought you were going to stop apologizing for her actions."

Lauren shakes her head and closes her eyes. "How could I if she doesn't even apologize?" she takes a seat next to them. "You guys didn't deserve to witness that. Especially during your first visit. Which is why I wanted to tell her about it after you left because I just knew she'd cause a scene like this."

"I can see why," Camila now smirks.

"Can I come over again?" Jason speaks up to Lauren.

"Of course you can, buddy," the homeowner messes up his hair and Camila laughs. "You and Livvy had a lot of fun together, huh?"

"Yeah," he smiles, nodding.

"And only if it's okay with your mom," Lauren's eyes meet with the other woman's.

"As long as we can keep it under wraps from some people," she agrees. "I'm gonna have an earful from Shawn when we get home."

"That won't matter," Lauren shrugs off. "We're doing what's in the best interest of our children."

Camila grins, liking that response. At the end of the day, they were letting their kids just be kids. They should be allowed to have friends and have fun without letting their parent's drama ruin that.

Lauren looks at Jason again, her heart skipping a beat as he melts into his mother's warm hug. She always remembered loving hugs from her own mother as a child. Even still to this day. It's crazy that they resemble each other a lot. Almost weird.

She eyes him closer and shucks, he is way too cute for being Shawn's kid. He doesn't even look like him. Maybe the color of his hair but brown hair is brown hair, whatever. Maybe the eyes have some similarities but it's still off. It's still not adding up. Why is this kinda... disturbing?

Something is not right.

"You okay?" Camila looks at Lauren's frown that is on her son. As if she is thinking too hard about something.

"What?" Lauren looks up. "Oh, sorry. Yeah." Snap out of it, Lauren. You're scaring people.

This is stupid. Didn't Vero tell her Camila and Shawn did a DNA test years ago? Before the kid was born? Strange that this child looks more like Lauren than anyone else but it's absolutely impossible if science proved Shawn is the boy's father.

She still doesn't think this kid's features make sense.

She'll shut up about it though. It's not worth causing another uproar.

"Do you guys wanna take some enchiladas for the road?" Lauren offers once they're all back in the kitchen and the guests are ready to go.

"No, we're good. Thank you, Lauren," Camila smiles after Jason puts his shoes on.

"Okay, well, drive safe," Lauren nods. "Text me when you get home."

"I will," Camila says. "Can you say thank you to Miss Lauren?"

"Thank you, Miss Lauren," the boy says in an adorably shy tone.

"You're welcome, buddy. We'll see you again soon." They all wave to each other before the mother and son exit the home and get into their car.

"...Text me when you get home?" Dinah teases slyly.

Lauren frowns. "What? Just making sure she's safe."

"Mhmm," the nanny laughs and shakes her head while plating the food.

"Hey, baby, you alright?" Cami sneaks up behind Lauren and holds her waist.

"Yeah, I'm good," the CEO turns around in her arms and kisses her forehead.

"She's relentless and you don't deserve that," her girlfriend rubs up and down her arms.

"I know. I'm grateful I have you to lean on though," they inch even closer.

"You'll always have me."

Dinah clears her throat and sets the plates on the table. "Ahem. Dinner's ready. I'd like to eat it and not barf it up, please."

"Alright, let's eat." The couple separate and they all sit down.

"So, is it just me, or does Jason look a lot like someone I know?" Dinah mentions and the other two freeze. 

"Are you insinuating something?" Lauren asks.

"I'm just saying even I could tell that boy looks nothing like that Shawn kid and a lot more like you," she continues.

And it just got awkward again.

Lauren shifts uncomfortably in her chair, trying to eat the food but now she's just growing sick to her stomach. The worried glare from Cami also isn't helping. Turns out she's not the only one with this concern. But how on earth would she go about settling this? She can't just ask Camila if something got mixed up and it so happens to be that Lauren is her child's parent. 

Well, she can but not without Shawn threatening her life. Not to mention Vero would also absolutely lose her mind and she is already on edge. 


"Yeah?" Cami stares deeply into her green eyes. Ones that were terrified.

"Is there something we should know?"


A/N: Cliffhanger!!! Lauren is now getting suspicious of Jason as well as her friends 👀 How do you think everyone will find out Shawn and Vero's secret? It won't be long after this! Stay tuned!

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