Obey me one shots

By jinguangyaoshat

3.5K 58 48

lowkey idk if there is much to say But MC is main character Obey me nicknames (or just what I call them-) Lu... More

Some quick stuff to go over
Lucifer x female MC
Mammon x Reader

Leviathan x MC

564 14 12
By jinguangyaoshat

"Go to your room after dinner?"

"Yeah, lets play hangout together lmao."Levi said with a big smile on his face.


"It'd be umm an all nighter by the way- so umm is that okay with you or..?"

"Yeah, I'm cool with it."

"I've invited Solomon and Simeon as well.."

"Ah, I see."

To be frank, I did just want it to be Levi and I but the more people, the funner it'd be...right? Anyways, planning out the rest of the day, dinner will start at around 6pm and end at 7:30pm. I'd also have to get ready so I'd get to Levi's at around 8pm. Hmmm, now what should I do?

It is 3pm currently and I have 3 more hours till dinner... hmmm we're probably gonna play games or watch anime with Leviachan isn't it...I wonder which ones. Anyways in the mean time, I think I'm just going to complete some homework and listen to Lofi.

All of a sudden, Mammon came barging into
my room



"Aren't ya happy to see The Great Mammon?"

"Mammon, what do you want? I'm not giving you anymore money,"

"Stupid human, I'm not here for your money."


"Lucifer told be to get you, dinners ready."

"Oh umm well let's go eat then."

Before standing up I took a look at the story I had written for that competition Luci had entered me into. Hmmm... it was like five pages long. Was that even long enough?- ehh I'll just quickly finish it up now, then I'll go with Mammon.

"Oi Human, are ya coming or not?"

I quickly rushed off ending the story, I'll have  read through it when I have time and edit later.

"I'm coming."

We made it down to the dining room and I took the seat in between Beel and Levi because why not. Who was even cooking today- I mean it was a Friday soo... Anyways we had  c h i c k e n and it was immaculate. It was seasoned well and not dry like Sangwoo's ashes. N o m chIcKeNnN. Halfway through the meal, Beel kept trying to steal food from my plate ;-;... does he ever get full I- I felt bad for not letting hi, have any of my food so I have a bit of my chicken. Anyways I turned to Levi to check if he was okay because I hadn't checked on him in a while and ye...when I looked at him, his face was completely red and he covered his face with his hands. Aww he was adorable...

After dinner, I went back to my room started to get ready to go to Levi's room. After changing and getting ready, I proofread my story and started to edit it as it was due soon. Hmmm.... tomorrow I'll probably give it to Satan so he can give me feedback and correct some of my mistakes. Without a warning, someone started knocking in my bedroom door...


Shii- well we all know that was Lucifer shouting, I wonder what Mammon has done this time?


"And why should I do that, Mammon?"


What did he need help with? Hmmm I'm not sure but I ended up opening the door anyways.

"Mammon, what did you need help with?" I said

"Well, I had business with the witches and one of them is super angry with them and now Lucifer wants ,e to apologise."



"Go apologise then numpty."

All of a sudden, Lucifer walked in and dragged Mammon away while he cried.

"I humbly apologise for the inconvenience MC." Lucifer sighed

"Nah it's okay."

Well I lowkey wasn't expecting that but umm okay I guess. After that, Lucifer made Mammon apologise to the witches and when they came back, they picked up Simeon and Solomon along the way.

"Leviathan, my brother, Simeon had told me that you have invited him and Solomon to play games all night with you, is that true?" Lucifer said

"Lmao of course it was true, why would I lie about something like that?"

"Hmm... well it would be dangerous for them to be going back to the Purgatory Hall, wouldn't it?" He said

"Unfortunately, I agree with Lucifer, you know the type of demons that hang around during night time, they aren't especially safe..." Satan sighed

"Well...they are under Lord Diavolo's protection aren't they? And they are angels too, I am certain that they are gonna be safe lololol." Levi said

While Satan and Levi were talking, the other brothers just sat there watching TV, Lucifer and Simeon were having their own little conversation and Solomon and I were looking at memes together.

~a while later~

"I swear on Lord Diavolo... are you guys done taking yet? I'm trying to get a little nap but all I can hear is you people yapping away." Belphie said in an angry tone.

"Shuddup, Belphie, I wanna hear the tea.." Mammon said

"Tea? Where? Mammon, give me some tea, I don't see it? Do you have cake with it too?" Beel said as his stomach started to rumble.

"..." Mammon was speechless lmao

"Oh no Beel, not that type of tea, our stupid brother means tea as in their conversations, he probably wants to get some dirt on them and blackmail them so that he can get some money out of it." Belphie explained


"Mammon...shut up." Lucifer said I'm a cold tone

"Yikes- just so ya know, I ain't scared of ya Lucifer."

Lmao what a tsundere- Mammon was definitely scared, I could see the fear in his eyes.

"Oh, your aren't scared of me are you?" Lucifer said

When he said that, he made those eyes, I don't actually know how to describe them but he'd normally make those eyes when you really mess up- Anyways umm Mammon ended up being dragged outside and being punished by Luci.

"I'm hungry..." Beel said as his stomach was rumbling.

I swear down, whenever his stomach growls it sound like an earthquake ;-;

"Ah, come on Beel, let's go get you some food then..." Belphie said as he started to stand up.

"AHHH BEPHIE YOUR THE BEST, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!" Beel shouted as he bought the half asleep demon into a tight hug.

"Hahaha, I love you too Beel, I love you too." Belphie said whilst giggling.

JDSJSJDIJWDJU  BELPHIE AND BEEL ARE SO WHOLESOME, THEY MUST BE PROTECTED. Anyways umm, off they went to get Beel some food. Ahh, the two cinnamon buns, they always bring me happiness.

"Welp, let's go to my room normies." Levi said in a cheerful voice

"Ah, well you three have fun now." Satan said

"Three? Lmao you do know that MC is coming with us too, right?"

"Oh umm well, I hope you four enjoy yourselves then."


"Levi, I am not your mother, and if I was, I would have abandoned you.."

"oUcH that hurt my feelings mum." Levi said whilst trying to hold his laugh in

"... Levi, leave now."

We then set off to go to the Otaku's room. Did he have snacks with him? If so, I wonder which ones? Hmmm... very shortest, we entered his room.. Yooo, Levi had so many Ruri-Chan figures, it was amazing.

* anime laughs* "Welcome to my room Normies." Levi said whilst laughing

"I have selected a variety of games for us to play tonight , choose which ones you'd like to play."

"WOAHH YOU HAVE A TSL GAME?!" Solomon said, amazed

Was he always a TSL fam or was I just not paying enough attention?-

"Yessir, I also got street fighter.." he then proceeds to name all of the other games he has laid out for us.

"Wow, since when was there a TSL game?" I whispered

"It came out yesterday and so far, only fifteen copies were made, I didn't really expect Levi to get ahold of one so soon." Simeon replied with

I thought no one heard me say that I-  I really need to pay more attention to my surroundings don't I-

Ultimately, we decided to play TSL: the game, Street fighter and this other game that I don't know the name of because I wasn't paying attention lmao. The first game we decided to play was TSL: the game because everyone was so hyped up about it and it looked really fun. We finished the game in no time but it was a one player game so we did have to have turns playing lmao. The second game was the game that I didn't know the name of... apparently it was about defeating these beasts and at the end, battling the Queen. There were two different ways of defeating her which both lead to two different endings.

"Simeon, you do the goblins with MC, Solomon do the witches and I'll do the dragons." Levi said

He seemed so organised, it stunned me.

A while later, we found ourselves facing the final boss, the Queen of Beasts. She didn't look that strong but aye, looks in games are deceiving.

"Okay so umm which ending do we want?" Solomon said

"Hmmm.... we should let Simeon decide because his birthday has recently passed, right?" Levi said

"Yeah, I agree." I said

I wonder which ending Simeon wants? I mean the two endings were either seducing her or killing her soo..But Simeon is and Angel so I doubt he'd choose the seduction path.

"Ahh, thanks for the offer Levi, but I can't accept it, after all, you bought the game didn't you." Simeon said whilst laughing a bit.

"Okay so Levi you do it." Solomon said

Was he gonna chose the dead queen ending? I hope he did... the character I have only has good physics attacks and not charms.

"hmm... judging by how strong the queen is and how much hp she has, the best way would be to go with seduction so let's do that." Levi explained.

Everyone agreed with him but I was still a bit worried I guess. They don't do anything spicy at the end, right? I am not willing on seeing or hearing any spicy scenes-

Anyways into the battle, everyone used their power ups, Levi's was called seduction, literally I think that's why he chose to have this ending, where he could use any meat his of seduction to seduce the opponent. Simeon's was charm, he could charm the opponent and make them fall for him. Solomon's was magic, lowkey his character was some wise wizard man, so he could use any form of magic to make the queen fall in love with him. Mine, well mine was called silent footwork, it sounds dumb but if we had chosen to kill her, I would be able to move quickly and silently as the character I chose was an assassin.

Thank Lord Diavolo Solomon cast a spell on me to give me a charm power up as well as my original one.

Anyways at the end of the game, there was a spicy scene but I'm very happy we didn't see it, we could hear it tho soo-

Woah, it was 4 AM already? We still need to play street fighter- unless we can't play it because of the time and that-

"Hey...I'm sorry Leviathan but Solomon and I have to go now." Simeon said in a sad tone

"Aww already? We still need to play Street Fighter..." Levi said

"Sorry, we made Luke go to bed earlier because he doesn't actually know we're here right now so we have to be there for him when he wakes up." Solomon explained

"Hey, it okay I guess, we could play again another time.." I said

Then it was just Levi and I left in the room. The atmosphere was very tense in here and I was very... I mean VERY nervous.

"S-so umm MC... wanna watch some anime?" Levi said

"Ah sure why not."

"Yay lmao okay so which one should we watch?"

"Is Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-Kun okay with you?" I asked

"O-oh romance anime..." he whispered to himself "Yeah I actually really like the show lol."

Then it was set, we were watching Nozaki-Kun
for the rest of the night. I decided to sit next to him because why not-

4 episodes in, my eyelids started to get heavy, I was overwhelmed with tiredness so u decided to close my eyes for a few seconds and before I knew it, I was asleep.

Levi POV:

MC is asleep... asleep on my shoulder. LOWKEY THOUGH WHAT AM I GONNA DO?! HOW DID IT END UP LIKE THIS DJDBDKDJDJ. Omg omg omg my face is heating up again... please, I need to breathe. Breathe Leviachan, breathe, in and out.


~Levi.exe has stopped working ~

Never mind he's working again

PLEASEE I STILL DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO! I mean like I'm a bit more calmed down now but like still... they are still currently asleep on my shoulder at this current moment in time. What do I do? Should I throw them in the tub? Nah wait I wanna sleep in my tub... ummm... should I just lie them down in the floor or something ? Then again, I don't want MC to wake up.

After like 15 minutes worth of thinking, I have decided to carefully bring MC to the tub, place them in, get in with them, and if they question anything I'll try my best to either change the subject or tell them that this is how they fell asleep on me and I couldn't move them because they wouldn't let me.

When we were both in the tub, I decided to hug them because that's what they did in the anime I watched yesterday and it look so cute lmao. Shoot- My heart started beating like crazy.... I don't think I've ever been this close to someone in my lifetime- calm down Leviachan... calm down.. well I did calm down a lot quicker than last time- Hmm I should go to sleep too shouldn't I? Yeah, I should, no one is awake with me anyways rotflmao...

There was this other scene from an anime that I saw... this guy kissed the girl's forehead before he went sleep... hmmm lemme try it on MC... So my Otaku self kissed them in the forehead.

"G-goodnight MC."

I then fell asleep....

In the morning

"HUMANNN!" Mammon shouted


All of his shouting woke me up, like can we normalise not shouting in the morning? Shoot was he about to come into my room.. why was he looking for MC anyways? Lmao it didn't matter anymore because that fool has yet to know that MC is still asleep... Suddenly the door flew open...


"H-HEY MAMMON GET OUT OF HERE!" I said in an angry tone, I was praying he wasn't going to touch my limited edition Ruri-chan in a maids dress figure..


"Mammon shut up you loud ogre, MC is clearly still asleep."

"Ugh whatever."

"Now out now before I call Lucifer.."

"Eep, okay I'm leaving, I'm leaving, just don't call him, okay.."


Geez it has been a while since I updated this but that's because I kinda had a problem... basically, I was supposed to publish the ORIGINAL Levi x MC fanfic on Wednesday 3rd February but when I published it, watt pad decided to ruin my day by glitching out and deleting that whole chapter :') and me being myself didn't memorise it but I knew some of the key parts so here I was, rewriting this. Although I don't fully remember the original one, I can assure you that the original was better and it kinda had more flavour if that makes sense-


Anyways, did you guys know that Levi sleeps in a tub-

Next: Satan

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