Purple Rain ((Completed))

By DeeLuvvsYou

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Crista Vanderbelt known as "Rain" has fallen from the sky. a young man named Harlem rescues Rain, bringing he... More

The Thought.
The Help.
The "T" In Team
The Abandoned House.
Doing This On My Own.
You've Got To Be Kidding Me!
You Can't Be...
"X" Out... Two More To Go...
"XX" Out... One To Go...
"XXX" ....None To Go.
Powerful Movementary.... I Think
Noble Men Die First
My Faith, My Sorrow.

Fallen Angel.

328 8 0
By DeeLuvvsYou


I laid there. Somewhere in the depths of the woods. All I could make out were old tall trees, the dark spots of the sky, the twinkling full moon and the bright mythical clouds. Raindrops shielded my eyes making it hard to see, my body felt like it was on fire, I was hot then cold one minute. Twigs poked at my back making my skin feel itchy and irritated. I strained my head to the left side of me, to find nothing but trees and deserted land for miles. I closed my eyes shut cursing myself. I could feel my eyes sting from the water, my mind couldn't process anything right now. The more and more I laid here I wanted to cry. I felt the bubble of fear grab my stomach with a tight pull. The feeling made my heart flutter, I never felt this way before; scared for my life. Minutes later of just laying here in silence, somehow, I couldn't tell if I was crying, or the rain made my tears. My nose burned and flared as I felt pain from my right leg. What was I doing here? I opened my eyes, staring up at the sky, water droplets hitting my eyes again making my vision blurry this time. I looked to the right side of me, cars passed by, while people remained walking. A silver of hope burned through me seeing actual humans as I looked back to the sky, wondering if someone saw me.

They didn't see me, they didn't care.

If someone cared I wouldn't be here right now. All of this was making my head pound violently.

Panicking, I tried to move but my body stayed still, I felt like I was paralyzed. Unable to move my boney fingers, I looked at my leg a large gash sat there, oozing out blood. I winced as I turned my head to look at the gash that caused me so much pain. Why was I in pain? I don't feel pain.  What is happening?

I didn't know where I was, most importantly I didn't know what happened to me. I was left in oblivion, I hated it. I was growing agitated the more I looked at the large gash. Maybe because I woke up like this many times before but never like this, this was almost like a routine. I go to sleep and I'm somewhere else. It was like my mind ran my body; I couldn't get anything under control. I was never like this before... I was misled about my new surroundings; this was completely different from what my world was.

"Hey! Are you alright?" a male voice called out to me. His voice echoed in my ears as I didn't notice the voice at first, my attention was on the gash. I whipped my head quickly to the front of me, a man was hunched over me, his mouth moved but I couldn't hear what he was saying. The rain drowned out his voice as I looked at the stranger. Looking at him though made my heart flutter once again. This time it was an untroubled feeling. His dark hair fell over his eyes, dripping wet as he stared down at me. Droplets hitting my eyes, I tried to blink them away, gravity coldly took over. The more I stared at him my eyes stung, closing them seemed nice but I couldn't, it was too much going on.

My lips parted but nothing came out... My throat hurt and my mouth was dry. I couldn't even begin to move my dry lips. My throat felt like I just swallowed a handful of sand. I could feel the sand burn my throat as I clawed my way out of the depths of my pain. The feeling was so harsh, I tried to swallow to keep myself from coughing. I failed miserably, trying to make out this young man's face. 

I didn't like it not one bit, this was completely terrifying. How did I end up like this? I swear someone is going to pay for this.

Suddenly, the strange man grabbed both of my arms pulling me off the wet ground. My leg burned viciously as I winced softly, intaking a small breath of displeasure. Cold air hit my back quickly as I began to notice how nippy it was out here. Where I come from its warm like wrapping up in a blanket, nothing compared to where I am now.

He picked me up bridle style and walked swiftly, he walked as if he didn't get to his destination he would die, his feet moved courageously, careful not to trip over anything. My eyes remained closed the whole time as he walked. I couldn't pry myself to move my body no longer. The air nipping at my skin made me shiver in his arms. Who was this man? Most importantly how did he find me?


When my eyes opened, the rain stopped. Sun pricked at my eyes, the wind blew softly in my ears, the smell of grass stung my nose, making my nose twitch slightly; in unpleasure. Birds sung and chirped softly as I quickly shielded my eyes from the harsh sun. Not wanting to adjust to the light just yet, I tried to lift my stiff body from what it felt like strong muscular arms. I felt muscles flex gently as I was being held.

The strange man covered my vision, he looked at me and smiled. The only thing I noticed about him was his grey moon eyes, it shunned in the suns light almost glowing. A smile crept across my dry lips; his presence was so warm making me feel right at home. Being in this young man's arms felt like a dream, I was floating endlessly to somewhere safe; to somewhere peaceful.

We were still moving and then minutes later abruptly stopped, he laid me down in front of a house, on what it felt like concrete the steps. I didn't bother trying to get a good look at the house... My body ached like I just got ran over by a truck... There was no moving allowed.

"I'm going to get you help..." He promised going up the stairs. His voice was soft, plagued in my thoughts. 

I looked at him as he went up the stairs, footsteps loud in my ears, my vision blurred as I looked on. I could only see the back of his black button up dress shirt and grey electric eyes that I couldn't seem to stop gazing at.

The last thing I saw was him going into the house, then I fainted. Going into a more mysterious place than I hoped for.


feathers dropped from the building as I gazed upon his chiseled faced almost angelic. How could the man that we call God make a person so perfect? He looked in my eyes, it was electric, grey pupils lovingly into my blues. His gaze swept over me, pulling me in. He smiled, showing off his pearl whites, it was a feeling of joy that we both felt standing there. He reached over slowly caressing my cheek. I closed my eyes at the feel. This was the most magical night of my life. How could I fall for this man so hard? I knew I couldn't love him; I loved him still. His love took over me in a heartbeat, sweeping me off my feet. Who was this man? 


I had awoken, in a bright room where on either side of me had white walls. A door opened; footsteps approached.

I looked at the dialogue in front of me, blurred distorted colors overcame my vision as I squinted. From what it looked like... He looked like a doctor; he was talking but I couldn't make out a thing he was saying. Only one question I heard clearly.

"How do you feel?" he asked me. His deep voice echoed in my ears, making my ears ring.

I held my ears from the constant ringing, wanting it to stop desperately. I yelled out in agony shutting my eyes, feeling the sting of my ears. My head pulsed and my mind raced, my head felt like it was going to explode. I've never felt this feeling before, it was excruciating. 

I felt the doctor touch me. Everything went silent, nothing didn't seem to matter anymore but getting out of here. I felt powerful, my senses tingled under my skin giving me goosebumps. I opened my eyes and looked at him. Quickly, I stood up and put him on his back, I stood over him, on either side of his fragile body. I bent down to his size and looked into his eyes. He held his hands up in surrender, mouth in a tight line and the delightful look of fear.

I smirked and stood up, stepping over him but not without one foot connecting with his head. His head slid across the floor, blood trailing after it. I looked at his frail body with a devilish smile on my face. 

I slowly walked out the door, no one was around.

No nurses,

No patients,

No nothing.

This is a hospital, right?

It was just an ordinary hospital. Nothing fancy about it. The inside looked more like a clinic than anything. The front desk was vacant as I stared at the waiting area. It was a guy sitting there. Blonde curly hair and a strong face. A hoodie and jeans covered his attire, his sleeves of his hoodie were rolled up near his elbows on his right arm, I could see a small dragon tattoo on his stocky forearm.

"Hey you?" I called out.

He slowly turned towards me brown eyes piecing mine, a devilish smile creeping across his face.

He didn't say anything, he just stared at me, gawking at me. I thought about saying something to the man but decided against it. I needed to get out of here. If talking to this man cost me my freedom I shouldn't engage. I have more important things to tend to.

I shrugged it off and looked around for an exit. In red letters, I saw the "exit' neon sign at the end of the hall.

I quickly stalked to it, like it was a first prized race. I wanted out of this place, I wanted to find out what happened to me and why I'm here.

As soon as I went out the door, harsh cool wind graced my body, making me feel at ease. The wind blew my purple hair away from my face slightly, I breathed it all in as if I haven't had fresh air in days.

It felt good,

I felt alive.

I looked down at the ground that stood before me it was slightly wet indicating that it just rained, I hesitantly stepped forward and began my journey.

I didn't know where I was going, I'll soon find out once I keep walking to God knows what.

I walked near a couple of clothing stores that looked familiar to me. It was this one building that was a brown, tan brick, two big glass windows stood in the middle that showed displayed stylish clothes. It looked kind of old as some parts of the building were chipped and cracked.

I looked up at the red and black sign plastered there just in the center of the building, it read "Claire's".

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, that name sounded so familiar to me. I ran that name so many times in my head but came up with nothing.

As I stood there pondering about the clothing store, another gush of wind flew past me. Blowing so hard something got stuck on my shoe. I looked down at it puzzled, it was a piece of paper it looked like.

Reaching down grabbing it, I stared at the shriveled paper. As I rose up, I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh... Sorry!" I called out. Looking at him in suspicion, I politely smiled. There was no one around seeing one person was odd to me.

It was an elderly man; he had a grey beard and blue piercing eyes. He stood at about five foot one, with a cane in his left hand, the old cane looked like it belonged to the sixties.

"It's alright sweetheart..." he smiled up at me.

I smiled and nodded.

He walked away slowly, with the cane that supported him smiling sweetly. The old man reminded me of a grandfather I once had. He gave me a calm feeling like I was safe.

I brought my attention back onto the old paper. A picture was shown of a toddler, female, a stripe shirt covered her upper body and what it looked like jeans she had on her bottom half. At the bottom of the paper, it read "MISSING" in big red alphabet letters.

In the picture the toddler was laughing and clapping her hands, she looked so familiar to me. Her blue eyes and her dark tinted hair.

Dark tinted?

I remember whenever I took a picture just in the right light my hair wasn't purple, it was dark tinted.

I covered my mouth in shock. That's when I realized, the girl in the picture was me. I could remember how I looked when I was just barely three years old.

How is that possible? I couldn't have been gone that long? Could I?

I searched the paper for an address or something that would lead me to my long-lost family.

It did... It read "2345 e Du Lane street."

I folded the paper in my pants pocket and walked east.

I was going to find my family.

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