More Then Just Broken

By LunaEmbers

56.1K 1.5K 154

Book one of the 'Broken' Series Was originally called 'Broken Mate'. Normality was something Gem would never... More

Characters and Warnings
1. Hate
2. Lucky
3. New Girl
4. Overdue Death
5. Hang Myself
6. Future Alpha
7. Mate
8. Suicidal Meets Naked
9. Hospital Like Heaven
10. Raped Prostitute
11. Urges For My Mate
13. Expiring Date
14. Mom's Gone.
15. Wanted Back Home
16. Vampyrs?
17. Funarel Approval.
18. Someone's Watching
19. Stripping In Danger
20. Real Or Not
21. Gifts And Powers
22. Kiss After Reject
23. Forget The Hurt.
24. Selfish
25. Self harm
26. Addy's Mate
More Characters
27. Kill All Wolves
28. Abused Again
29. Not Human
30. To Do List
31. Red Dress
32. Mount Drako
33. Perfect
34. Chase's Room
Authors Note
35. Challenge
36. Coma
37. Ezmaralda
38. Blur
39. Gone
40. My Bride
41. Nicola
42. Werewolf King
43. Slapped The King
44. Wings
45. Everything
Authors Note

12. Homeless

1.3K 41 4
By LunaEmbers

Song: Tell me where you've been- M.Bronx


I watch the sun rise a declaration that it was morning. I still couldn't sleep. He would get me again if I sleep.

I showered and wore my clothes.

Today was Friday and i honestly am glad that it was almost the weekend I needed a break from school. I was not looking forward to today after what happened yesterday but part of me was excited because I was going to see Chase.

Ever since I met Chase the need to see him has grown stronger everyday.

I hope this infatuation would disappear soon because I'm just signing myself up for a heartbreak.

After I prepared breakfast I ate mine and left for school. For that short moment of walking to school I felt a bit of calmness until I arrived at school and my calmness disappear and was replaced by anxiety.

Everyone was whispering and looking at me with disgust some even calling me names.

I got to my locker and started taking out the books that I would need for today when I saw Chase walking to his locker with Alice pushing herself closer to him.

She saw me looking at them, with a smirk she went in front of Chase and  planted her lips on his, kissing him. That made me feel the forbidden emotion... jealousy and sadness because of the fact that he kissed her back.

When he saw me staring at them  he smirked showing his dimples but his eyes looked like he regretted kissing Alice? He almost looked like he was in Physical pain.

He removed himself from her and stumbled backward. He was dizzy and his faced looked ill.

I stopped looking at them then took the rest of my books and walked away as much as I was hurt I blamed myself for that because I let myself feel infatuated or whatever this emotion was.

Maybe you don't have a crush on him but maybe you are just jealous of your sister.

I said trying to convince myself and i finally agreed with that, I can't have a crush on someone I barely knew. Adeline seemed to see my distressed look and came to hug me as I was walking to my first class.

"I'm sorry" she said softly. I didn't even know why she was apologizing or even hugging me but I hugged her back.

"W-what are you apologizing  and hugging me for, I'm not hurt". I whispered as she broke the hug.

"I um I just- I was just hugging you because that's what friends do" I could tell she was lying but I didn't push it maybe she saw me looking at Chase and Alice kissing and she saw the sadness in my eyes and thinks I have a crush on Chase.

The bell rang and i went to class along with everyone else. Before I knew it, it was lunch and i was walking to my locker after I told Adeline to meet me in the cafeteria, Alice came out of nowhere and slapped me across the face.

"You stupid b*tch, you are very funny do you know that, you have a crush on Chase even though you know you are way to ugly to get a guy like him. Hysterical". She said laughing.
She pushes me against the locker. "Stay away from my boyfriend" she walked away not after laughing at my face.

I sighed.

I closed my locker and picked up my books then started walking towards the toilet. I looked at myself in the mirror and luckily I only had a light bruise from her slap. I then remembered I had to meet Adeline at the cafeteria so I got out of the toilet and walked to the cafeteria.

"There you ar- Are you okay" she asks worriedly. "I'm fine i just um fell" I lied.

"Do you want me to take you to the nurse you look like you got hurt pretty bad. Is that a slap mark i see on you cheek!" She gasps looking worried. I guess telling her the truth wouldn't hurt.

"Yah...Alice slapped me but if fine. I'm used to it" I whispered the last part to myself. "That little.... I'm gonna kill her". She said angrily. I was shocked with the way she said that, she acually looked like she meant the it.

Before I could stop her she got inside the cafeteria and went straight to Alice who was making out with Chase....again.
I ran up to them and was about to stop her but I decided not to this was my only chance to make Alice pay even if someone was doing it for me.

"You slut, how could you hurt you own sister I mean for crying out loud she is you sister... but what do I expect from a girl with a rock on the place were her heart is supposed to be". She shouted earning stares from the other students.

"Ooh did she hire you to come fight her battles, what a coward.  it's none of your business what I do with my sister right Gem I mean we wouldn't want daddy knowing about this now would we" she said with a smirk.

I was terrified infact I was horrified to what my dad would do, after he sent me to that bald man I knew he was capable of doing anything. "Umm Adeline I think you should calm down, let it go. Please". I whispered hoping she stops I don't want to get hit or get raped again.

"fine only because you asked me, but if you hurt her I promise you, you will wish you were never born". She then pulled me and made me sit.

Why was she even defending this how friends treat each other.
"Thank you" I whispered to her, she just nodded. "Okay so what was that all about" Chase finally asks after Alice left in a fit of anger. "Well your ma- I mean Gem here was slapped  by your wonderful girlfriend" Adeline said looking at Chase with an annoyed look.

Chase looked at me with anger in his eyes and is that worry I see in his eyes? I quickly looked down not wanting to look into his eyes anymore.

After lunch we went back to class. 30 minutes into the lesson Alice stood up from her chair and gave me a quick glare then walked to the front of the class and said something that I couldn't hear to Mr Dayman.

"Gem can you follow me out of the class with your bag you too Alice" Mr Dayman said with a serious edge to his voice.

I stood up with my bag and followed Alice and Mr Dayman outside the class. "Gem, Alice has informed me that her bracelet which was given to her by her grandmother was stolen and she said she suspects that you may have taken it do you mind allowing Alice to look into your bag".

I was shocked at how many Lies were in the sentence Mr Dayman said. First of all our grandma died a few years ago and secondly she was a very strict and greedy woman she doesn't just give things away. I gave Alice my bag because I don't remember stealing any braclets.

After a few seconds of her
searching she took a bracelet out of my bag with a smug smirk.

"Aah so you did steal it Gem, I'm sorry but it is against the rules to steal other people's property I will have to give you detention after school for an hour. Now go back to class" He said with disappointment.

Alice just walked in class with a evil smirk and then it hit me she sabotaged me. I wasn't shocked that she would do such a thing, and as much as I wanted justice, I had nothing to prove my innocents. I would be fighting a losing battle.

I got into class and Mr Dayman continued teaching while Chase was looking at me then back at Alice with a confused look. I couldn't concentrate in class because i was scared that I would be late at home.

School was out.

I walked to my locker took a book to read and some homework then went to detention. There were not alot of people in detention so I had many options to were I could sit and i decided to sit at the back.

After an hour of doing my homework and reading my book once I was done with the homework, detention was finally over. I got out of my seat and walked out of school.

I was so scared that I couldn't  enjoy the only time of peace I had.
When I arrived i took a deep breath then opened the door and saw my dad watching TV with a beer in his hand.
Once again my lucky stars have failed me.

I slowly started walking to my room making sure that he doesn't notice me and it almost worked but I stepped on a squeaky wooden flooring.
"Whose ther-Ooh Gem you finally decided to come home". He said slowly proving the fact that he was intoxicated.

He pulled me down the stairs by my arm. "You're trying to escape me aren't you". He said. I just looked down and expected the worst. "Well that's not gonna happen any time soon sweet heart you are stuck with me forever." He said with a chuckle.

As if he was suddenly reminded that he should hit me, he slapped me then pushed my onto the ground and started kicking me.... as usual. "You know what I think, this is not enough.

We need to punish you even more and i need money so I'll take you to another friend of mine who has been dying to meet you". I whimpered out of fear as tears started falling from my eyes. Not again. He pulled me up and started dragging me towards the door but before we could reach the door I pulled my hand from his grip.

Where did I get this courage from?

I don't know but I needed it. I don't want to go with him only to come back with more tears. "I-im  not going anywhere" I whisper-yelled looking him in the eye.

"YOU LIVE UNDER MY ROOF WHICH MEANS YOU FOLLOW MY RULES, MY COMMAND!!" He shouted grabbing my hand again but I pulled it back still determind not to go with him. "LISTEN TO ME BITCH YOU WILL DO AS I SAY OR YOU WILL REGRET IT DO YOU HEAR ME!" He yelled. But I didn't back down I am not gonna go and be raped again. Never. "No" I said as much as I have gain courage I am still scared. "OK!! if you are not gonna listen to me. THEN GET THE FU*K OUT OF MY HOUSE". I looked at him with a shocked expression. "OUT!" He yelled pushing me out the door then shut it closed and locked it.
He just kicked me out.
He kicked me out.
I have nowhere to go
I'm homeless.

I should have just listened to him.

I started crying while walking to god knows where. How was I gonna survive.

I'm homeless.

I kept on repeating those words over and over. I didn't even notice that I was in town already. I had to find somewhere to sleep at least until I get help or maybe a job? But they would ask about where I lived or about my parents and i honestly wouldn't be able to answer.

As I was walking on the pavement to a unknown destination on my left was a TV store and they have CNN news on and the headline was 'mysterious death.' "The police has found 2 dead bodies still unidentified in the forest and further investigations will be done. It might be a serial killer on the run or an animal attack, the police don't know yet but they saw scratch wounds and a bloody neck on both of the bodies". The woman said. I was getting scared. I mean I have no home I'm alone and oh my goodness I'm like a walking target.
It was unusual to get reports of murder or anything of that sort in this town so if there was one it was a big deal.

My life couldn't get any more perfect.

I continued walking until I found an ally and decided to stay there for the night until I can get help or something. I sat down on the ground and i cried, that's the only thing I ever do these days and now it's the only thing I can do.

"Hello dear, are you okay" a beautiful woman with long brown hair thar reached her waist and goldish brownish eyes they were beautiful and held an unfamiliar emotion in them. She was wearing a white loose dress that reached her toes and she was bare foot.


I was scared she could possibly be the killer but I also felt like I could trust her.

Is it normal to trust a potential killer.

"Yah okay thanks" I whispered not expecting her to hear me but she did.
"Then why are you crying if you don't mind me asking, why is a pretty girl like you doing here". She said sitting down next to me,

she's nice.

I signed and decided to just tell her, I mean I probably won't see her again plus I need someone to talk to right now.

"My dad kicked me out" i whispered with a shakey breath. "My life is a mess, Everywhere I go I seem to be hated. I'm just tied of everything.. everyone. I haven't done anything to deserve this...this life I haven't done anything wrong to deserve being me". I said looking down.

"You are a beautiful young woman and in order for that to be true you need to believe it. I might not know what you have been through but I know for a fact that your future will be the one you've always wished for but you just gotta hang in there."

She said hugging me while I cried because I didn't believe what she said, she only said that to make me feel better.
Her hug was warm and motherly. But she felt so..... I don't know how to explain it so....


After that she gave me a final squeeze and left.

She was so perfect, so out of place.

Like an


It's been 2 days since my dad kicked me out and i haven't eaten and I'm still homeless, I've been living in different allies each day and it's been the worst experience ever but thinking about the woman I saw that night made me feel hopeful.

I cry myself to sleep everynight no surprise there.
Today was Monday and i was not going to school. I mean how can I my dad basically disowned me and I haven't bathed in 2 days.

I needed a plan, I have to go somewhere, I need somewhere to go and i need food.

And suddenly I got a plan I'm gonna go to school and I'm gonna find Adeline and I'm gonna ask for her help.
I started walking to school, I hope she helps me. I know for a fact that she's gonna ask what happened to me and  if she does help me I owe her the truth but right now I needed help and i needed to find it and she's my only chance.

I got to school and it looked like it just ended because i saw Adeline walking alone towards her car which was far away from the other cars and I'm glad it was because I don't want to be seen.
I ran to her car before her and hid behind her car. "Adeline" I whisper yelled.

"Who's there" she said looking alarmed I stood up from my hiding spot and she stared at me with shock on her face. I probably look horrible. I felt embarrassed but it's not like I could go and buy some clothes.

"Gem what happened to you" she said hugging me tightly.

She's deffinatly a hugger.

"I need your help". I said pulling back from her arms.

"Anything, tell me what's wrong and I'll do my best to help you". She said looking worried.

"I have no where to go".

"Oh my goddess why... your sister is here and she looks fine.
What happened to you" see I knew she was gonna ask that. I took a deep breath then a tear slipped from my eyes before I could stop it.

Breathe in breathe out and everything is gonna be alright.

"My dad abuses me." Just breathe.

"He umm.. he hits me and i thought it was just the hitting until he sent me to one of his friends and they....they raped me that's why Alice was calling me a prostitute but I promise you I tried stopping him but I just...I just couldn't.

2 days ago my dad wanted to send me to one of his friends again because he needed money but I didn't want to, not again, I wouldn't be a bit to take it again so I refused and he kicked me out. I've been living on the streets for 2 days". I said already breaking down. She just hugged me and let me cry for a few minutes.

"Is that why you always look sick....hurt? Is that whyvyou always wear clothes that are too big for you? To hit the brusies?"

"Yes, that and the fact that I don't have other clothes, if you can't tell Alice is the favourite". I whisper sadly, wiping my tears

"You can come live with us, I can help you". She squeezed my hand.

"Thank you but what about Chase, He wouldn't want that, what about you parents, your family". I said with panic avident in my voice. "Ok look I promise you that everything is  gonna be fine no one will do anything to you-" she said hugging me but before she could finish she was cut short by....


"Hey Ad i- Gem what happened to you". I was still in Adelines arms and i just looked at him not answering. "She is coming to live with us" Adeline said with determination. "Why? don't tell me you told mom and dad about her" he said with anger lined in his voice.

I was starting to feel like I was preying in there lives. I shouldn't have come here. Before Adeline could answer I said "Adeline I think I should go, I didn't mean to burden you with my problems I'm sorry but thanks for trying to help I'm clearly not wanted". I said with tears falling down my eyes.

I hugged her then I started walking away but to my surprise Chase grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. "You can stay with us". He said looking at me with...with care. I'm probably like a charity case to him.

"I don't want to be a burden to your family clearly I was a burden to mine so if you don't want to let me stay with you I'm fine with that I'll be okay I have been for the past 2 days". I said still feeling guilty. For what? I don't know

"Gem you are not a burden in fact you could even say we want you there" Adeline said then she winked. Wierd.

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