Music Freak One Shot Book

By LazyLizzyAngelica

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Music freak one shots! I read a few of these and it looked really fun to write! (There is gonna be lot of Hen... More

New Crush โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’–
Peanut Butter Jelly Sandwiches ๐Ÿฅœ ๐Ÿ‡ ๐ŸคŽ๐Ÿ’œ
Cosplay ๐Ÿฆธ ๐Ÿ’šโค๏ธ
Thanksgiving ๐Ÿฆƒ ๐Ÿ’šโค๏ธ
Truth or Dare โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’š
After the Competition (part 1) โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’™
Flower Pot ๐Ÿ’—๐ŸŒธ
Just Like Another Season ๐Ÿ’œ๐ŸคŽ
Untitled Part 15
Secret ๐Ÿ–ค๐Ÿ’“
Episode 6
Michael and Shannon
Papers and Crushes
Date Night โ™ก
Been Thinking About You a Latte โ˜•๏ธ
Otaku Movie Night ๐Ÿ’šโค๏ธ๐ŸŽฌ

After the Competition (part 2) โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’™

1K 13 18
By LazyLizzyAngelica

Ship: Jailey and Lander


It's Saturday morning and I walk into Zander's room to find him snuggling up to Luke. Looks like Luke spent the night- again- I giggle and take another photo and add it to my "Lander" collection.


I yell breaking up the touching scene. Blasting Peanut Butter Jelly Time, from my phone to wake them up

"HAILEY! What are you doing in my room!! Why are you waking us up??"

Zander gives me a death stare as he covers Luke's ears as he wants to keep his beautiful boy friend asleep

"It's fricken 9:00! Wake up ass-hole"

I throw a pillow at Zander

"Z-Zander? Wha't going on?"

Luke grumbles

Zander screams

"Kids? What's going on??"

My Dad walks in, very confused


I say dashing out of there. I laugh

20 minutes later

Zander and Luke walk down stairs. Zander is giving me a look, the "I know what you did" look.

"Hailey. Care to explain this?"

Zander shoves his phone in my face, on it is a picture, of Jake kissing my cheek 'Oh boy'

I blush

"I'm going to murder that boy, MURDER HIM I TELL YOU"

He grabs a flashlight

"Zander, what are you doing?"

Luke says trying to calm down his boy friend

"Oh, I'm going to go to his house, hide under is bed! And when he falls asleep I am going to whisper 'Stay away from my sister' in his ear, THEN BEAT HIM WITH THIS FLASHLIGHT! AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

Zander has gone crazy. Luke stares at Zander

"Ok come on babe, we're going to my house and are not leaving until Monday"

Luke says, grabbing Zander, who is still laughing. I don't know what just happened

Friday (the night of the competition)

I am rushing around my house, in a black dress with a short skirt, sleeves that hang off my shoulders, a star necklace, and my hair curled. I hop into a car with Zander, was wearing a brownish purple tux


Our parents say starting up the car

"As I'll ever be"

I say nervously. We arrive at the local theatre, and jump out of the car. Our parents head to the front of the building to get situated, while Zander and I, head towards the back, where all the performers are. There is a lot! From kids in their Senior year, to first year middle schoolers. We get in and I try to round up everyone.

I find Luke first, he's standing in a corner alone, just waiting. I call him over and we start to search for everyone else. Next we find Sean, talking to some kids in his year, then Milly, who had just arrived, and finally Jake, who is talking with his other friends.

"Okay! Is everyone here??"

I ask. Everyone nods

"Alright! Well, we're gonna go out there and give it our best! Now it's ok if you're nervous, just think of one person, think after you will go to that person and will tell them you did this for them! It okay if we don't win, as long as we have fun."

Everyone nods and smiles

"That was a wonderful pep talk Hailey"

Sean says patting me on the back

"Yeah! You rock Hailey!"

Milly says hugging me

"Thanks guys, but also thank Jake, he wrote this song and taught it to us all"

I say smiling at Jake. He smiles softly back at me

"Oh by the way Jake, after this, we need to talk"

Zander says glaring at Jake


Jake says scared. Suddenly an adult tells us to be quit, for we were about to start the whole thing. I can feel butterflies in my stomach. We are the second to last to go up, and there is a total of 20 performances.

Two performances before theirs

I am supper nervous now. Everyone is so good! I just hope people don't laugh at us, and oh-

"Hey Hailey?"

It's Jake

"You look nervous. Are you ok?"

"Me? I'm fine! Never been better"

I lie. He gives me a look

"Hailey it's ok if you're nervous! Hell, I'm nervous! Just like you said, think of that one person"

I close my eyes, 'who am I playing for? I know who.' I open my eyes and smile at Jake

"Thanks Jake, that helped me a lot"

"Hey, can I tell you the person in singing for?"


"HEY! You guys are up next!"

Someone calls

"Oh! Okay!"

We gather towards the entrance of the stage. Soon the performers before us, finish. The crowd cheers and they bow. Then the lights dim, they walk off stage. We all go to our instruments. The lights come up. I take a deep breath and Sean starts a beat. Zander starts to play some cords. I begin to strum my guitar. Jake began to sing.

(They played Loved with Your Love, but in I'm too lazy and tired to write the lyrics- I literally got like 2 hours of sleep today)

After we finished the crowd cheered. Henry, Drew, and Liam could be heard screaming, well mostly Henry- his scream was more of a high pitched squeal

"Thank you! Now I have a very important question for a very special person" Jake said smiling. I closed my eyes trying not to cry 'just get it over with already!'

"Hailey! Will you go out with me?"

Jake said. I opened her eyes, he was right next to me, blushing. I didn't know how to answer

"I-I, but- me? Huhhhh"

I tried to process it all. Well I had to process it a little more faster or we would be rushed off stage. I closer her eyes


I yelled blushing. I opened my eyes and meet Jakes. He pulled me into a hug, then we walked off with Jake holding my hand. I couldn't believe what just happened!

"So- wanna get dinner after this? Maybe a movie as well?" Jake blushed as soon as we were off stage. I blushed

"S-sure" I smiled awkwardly. Zander was giving Jake the death stare.

"If you ever hurt Hailey- let's just say, you may not live to be 17" Zander threatened Jake. I rolled my eyes

"Alexander! Don't case off my boyfriend!"

I found myself saying. Jake stared at me crimson red.

"I-I'm your boyfriend?!" Jake asked excitedly. I began to blush, but decided to try to flirt with him

"I mean~ if you really want to?" I said with a smirk. Jake gave me a devilish smile

"Sounds like an invitation. I accept" he said rapping his arms around my waist. I give in and turn crimson read

"Hey! 1. Get a room! 2. They're about to announce the winner!" Milly barked at us. Everyone listens

"And the winner of this year's music competition is~

The freshmen's from Gacha Park High school, who performed History Makers!"

We all frown. We didn't win- to be honest I was really bummed out- I swore we were

going to win! But- oh well, those kids from Gacha Park were really good! They deserved to win! Besides I already won tonight, won myself a boyfriend that is!

(Hello! To be honest- I don't know how to end this hehe, so I'll end it right here. I don't want to be writing till 4 again! I think I'll write a Milliot one shot next! Remember to request a ship if you want me to write a Ken shot for it! And expect these ships for the future: Henriam (ofc), Lander, Drake, Jailey, Milliot, Saisy, Zia, and heck why not Jander)

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