The Outcast Obsession (Park J...

By Taenya297

108K 5.8K 2K

" You're intoxicating. You're like a drug to me. I'm obsessed with you. I'm obsessed with everything about yo... More

Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 3
Ch 4
Ch 5
Ch 6
Ch 7
Ch 8
Ch 9
Ch 10
Ch 11
Ch 13
Ch 14
Ch 15
Ch 16
Ch 17
Ch 18
Ch 19 (Final)

Ch 12

5K 285 71
By Taenya297

The car stops in front of the university building.

Jimin- Let's go?

Y/n- Yup.

The moment they step out of the car, all the eyes lay on them. The biggest shock they can ever get. The outcast, the psycho, the monster, has finally got someone!! All the rumours that claimed it to be one-sided, have proved to be false.

Jimin holds Y/n's wrist while walking, showing off that she belongs to him now.

Soon Rose spots them and she was the most shocked than anyone else. She walks towards them in fast steps.

Rose- Y/n!!

Y/n- Oh Rose!! Hey!! What's up?

Rose- I need her with me.

She says while looking at Jimin. Jimin slowly releases his grip hesitantly, letting Y/n go with Rose. 

Rose grips Y/n's wrist firmly and drags her away from Jimin.

Rose- What is this Y/n?

Y/n- What is what?

Rose- You know it very well what I'm talking about. What's going on between you and Jimin?

Y/n- Ahh...about that? Actually, we confessed to each other the day before yesterday, hehe. And now we are together.


Y/n flinches because of Rose's sudden outburst.

Y/n- What's wrong Rose?

Rose- What's wrong? EVERYTHING IS WRONG!! I just agreed with you that he has changed a bit, that doesn't mean that you can continue a "relationship" with that dangerous being!!

Y/n- ENOUGH ROSE!! I've already had too much of you just because you're my childhood bestie but it's getting too much now. Jimin is my boyfriend and I won't bear anything against him. So talk to me only then when you'll have something else to talk about.

With that, Y/n storms away in anger.

Rose- I only wish for your happiness dear. I hope my perception of Jimin turns out to be wrong.

Time Skip

The bell rings, indicating that it's lunch time. Jimin walks towards Y/n's desk and takes her along with him. He takes her at the ground and they sit under the shadow of a tree.

Y/n- Why did you bring me here?

Jimin-  To avoid the creepy stares of the other students. *chuckles*

Y/n- Ohh..hmm

Jimin- What happened, princess? You look down.

Y/n- Ahh nothing.

Jimin- So you'll hide it from me now. *says coldly*

Y/n- Ahh actually, the news in the morning had me shook and I'm feeling too sad for Yujun.

Jimin- You shouldn't. *clenching his jaw*

Y/n- Huh?

Jimin- It's not all, there's something more. Tell me.

Y/n- Umm, it's Rose.

Jimin- What about her?

Y/n- She doesn't have a good image of you. She thinks you're not the right one whom I should date.

Jimin's fist tightens in anger.

Jimin- And what do "you" think about us?

Y/n- I? I'm happy. Really happy, coz I know you're the only one who makes my heart flutter and makes me feel special. Saranghaeyooo *aegyo*

Jimin's fist loosens on hearing her confession. His cheeks turn red with blush. 

Y/n- Aww...Mochi is blushing!!

Jimin- Mochi?

Y/n- Yes, as you call me princess, I'll call you Mochi. You like it?

Jimin- No, I don't like it.

Y/n- *pouts*

Jimin- I LOVE IT.

Y/n claps in happiness and embraces Jimin in a tight hug.

Y/n- I love you my cute Mochi. 

She whispers in his ears.

Jimin- I love you more princess.

He whispers back.

Jimin- Come on, let's eat now.

Y/n- Yup. So...

Jimin- So?

Y/n- Aren't you going to feed me in the same way as you did yesterday?

Jimin- *smirks* So you liked it huh?

Y/n- *blushes* a-ahh, no...umm...I mean-

Jimin grabs Y/n by her waist in a swift movement and makes her sit on his lap.

Jimin- Let's start now.

He then plants a soft kiss on her neck to which Y/n hides her face into the crook of his neck.

Jimin- *chuckles* Cute...

Time Skip

Rose was arranging stuff at her home before going to bed when she hears a knock at her door. 

Rose- Who could be there at this hour?

She goes towards the door opens it.

Rose- J-jimin? What are you doing here?

Jimin- Won't you invite me inside?

Rose- Why should I?

Jimin- *chuckles* Rude huh? No problem, I'll get in myself.

He pushes Rose inside and gets in, not before locking the door behind him.

Rose- What the hell??!! You can't just sneak into someone's house like this!!

Jimin- *dark chuckle* Why are you so scared of me huh? After all, I'm your bestie's boyfriend.

Rose- Boyfriend my foot!! She's gonna leave really soon once she gets to know what kind of a psycho you are!!

Jimin's veins come into full view because of anger. He holds Rose's neck and pushes her against the wall.

Jimin- *while gritting his teeth* Don't try to test my patience!! The only reason for which you're still alive is just that you're Y/n's 'bestie' and killing you will hurt her too much and I can't bear her pain. But if you tried to cross your limits, I won't hesitate to ruin your entire world.

Rose- *coughing* Leave me you jerk!!

Jimin leaves her and steps back while throwing daggers at her by his look.

Jimin- Flat no. 45, Paradise Apartment, Busan.

Rose's eyes grow extra wide on hearing that address. Jimin smirks widely at her reaction.

Jimin- That's where your parents live, isn't it?

Rose- What do you mean??!!

Jimin- *smirks* Try to cross your limits and you'll find your parent's dead body.


Jimin- What makes you think that I won't? If you tried to fill Y/n's mind with thoughts against me, then that's exactly what I'm going to do. You call me psycho, don't you? Then why not show you a better version of it?

Rose falls on her knees and starts pleading to Jimin.

Rose- I won't say anything to her, I promise!! I won't ever come near her!! But spare my parent's life!! Pls!! I can't live without them!!

Jimin- *smirks* Good girl!!





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