Her Heavy Cross

By SillyRabbit81

6.8K 348 177

Complete. Three years after tragedy hits, Lana she decides to start dating again. She meets Will through a da... More

Authors note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter Eight

187 9 5
By SillyRabbit81

A bright light woke me, and I sat up alone on the bed with half the covers pulled up, cocooning me. The light was coming from the dressing room, and Liam was sitting on the sofa pulling off his pants.

Liam didn't seem to be aware I had woken up. He probably didn't know how bright the light was. He put his pants on the lounge and stood up, pulling his trunks down. I hid my face, but not before I caught a glimpse of his sex, still half erect. Fucking hell! It was big. Not, 'oh my god, he's going to tear me apart' big, but big enough it would 'take a moment to get used to' big.

I slowly pulled the cover down to see better. Liam was facing away from me, and his gorgeous back and arse were on display. His body was so taut, and it seemed like his muscles rippled like waves beneath his skin as he moved.

He went to a draw and pulled out another pair of underwear. He reached into another draw where he got out a t-shirt. He put the trunks on and turned around, bringing the T-shirt with him as he made his way back to the bedroom. His hand went to turn the light off, but his eyes caught mine. I pulled the cover over my head, suddenly embarrassed.

"Too late, Sweetheart. I caught you." I groaned and pulled the blanket off my head, peeking out shyly. Liam was smiling and handed me his t-shirt. "Here, I thought you like to take your bra off before sleeping?"

"Thank you," I said, taking the shirt. I looked around, embarrassed again, thinking how I would do this without flashing Liam or looking like a 14-year-old in a change room. "Can I use your bathroom?"

"Of course." Liam pointed behind me to his en-suite. I got up, and Liam put his hand out to help me off the bed. He took the opportunity to pull me into a hug kissing me on the forehead. I hugged him back before making my way to the bathroom.

Liam chuckled as I walked away. "You have no idea how badly I want to smack your bum right now."

Momentarily shocked, I stopped dead. Then, gaging the distance between Liam and me and the distance to the bathroom, I thought, fuck it. I wriggled my bum at him, and he reacted just as I had hoped, growling and running towards me. I had less space to cover, and giggling, I ran into the bathroom, slamming the door just before he reached me. I heard him laughing on the other side of the door.

"You're a brat." I heard him say through the door.

"You love it," I shouted back.

"Hmm, you're lucky I gave you my word, or you'd be in trouble right now. Hurry up in there. I want to hold you again."

The admission made me shiver. I hurriedly went to the toilet and put the t-shirt on. It was far too big and covered me to mid-thigh. When I came out, Liam had put my clothes on the chair in the corner of the room, and I popped my bra on top. Liam was in bed under the covers, and when I came over, he pulled them back and patted the bed beside him.

I got in. Liam covered me and grabbed me to spoon me. He made a noise of contentment as he snuggled into me, one arm cradling my neck, the other curling around my body, cupping my breast over his shirt. He breathed deeply into my hair. "You smell so good." I wiggled in closer and felt his erection twitch against my bottom.

"Are you warm enough?" He asked. Was he just going to ignore the fact that he was poking me? Fine, two can play at that game.

"Yes, you're very hot." I stretched and wriggled some more against him and turned my head slightly to look at him while licking my lips.

Liam took my chin in his hand. "Be careful, Sweetheart. I'm only just controlling my urges here."

I did like teasing him, but it wasn't fair. I had said no to any more than this. Not that if I did tease him more he would have an excuse to do something I didn't want. But I wouldn't do that to him. Well, not on our first date anyway. "Sorry."

"Don't be sorry. I just want you to know the effect you have on me. I very much like it."

I had no response to this. So I gave Liam a quick kiss and snuggled back into his arms.

"Goodnight, Sweetheart."

"Night." I drifted off to sleep listening to Liam's steady breathing.

When I woke up, it was barely dawn, and I was alone in bed. Outside, kookaburras were singing, and faint orange light peeked through gaps in the curtains.

I stretched in bed, feeling not too bad considering the amount I had to drink last night. My bladder called, so I went to the bathroom. When I came out, I pulled the covers up in a half-hearted attempt to make the bed. I considered getting dressed, but I liked being in Liam's shirt.

I went into the hall and listened to see if I could tell where Liam was. I didn't want to creep around someone's house without them, but it was awkward to sit in bed waiting.

I took a chance and went down one flight of stairs. The first floor seemed quiet, mostly closed doors, but I did hear music faintly and some clanging. I went down again, and a door that was closed off the dining room last night was open and what I saw stopped me dead in my tracks.

Liam stood in shorts and a singlet lifting weights. He had dumbbells in each hand, and he was extending his arms straight out, breathing roughly with the exertion. His singlet was wet with sweat, and his hair was clinging to his forehead. I blushed and went to move away. Cole blew my cover. He came over to me, nudging my legs and Liam's gaze followed.

"Lana," he breathed. "Good morning. I thought I would be done by the time you woke up." He came over to me, and I couldn't breathe. How did he look even sexier this morning than he did last night? A bead of sweat ran down his neck and disappeared in his chest hair. I wanted to tear my clothes off.

Calming myself, I reached up to his sweaty face and kissed him instead. "No worries. How much longer do you have?"

"Twenty minutes or so."

"Would you like me to make you a coffee for when you finish? I think I remember where everything is."

Liam agreed and said I could help myself with anything else in the kitchen if I were hungry. "There's not a lot, though," he warned. I went off to the kitchen to make coffee, Cole following behind me.

Cole watched as I put the ground coffee through the machine and then had a look in the fridge for milk. I noticed Liam had ready-made meals, mostly labelled for breakfast and lunch for the next few days. There were some lonely Granny Smith apples in the crisper, so I munched on one of those until the coffee was ready.

"C'mon Cole," I said and went back into Liam's gym. I sat on the floor with my back against a wall while Liam was on a treadmill cooling down. Franz Ferdinand was playing in the background.  I bopped along, half-singing to Cole while I sipped my coffee. A song later, Liam came and sat next to me, thanked me for the coffee, and all three of us sat in comfortable silence.

"What's your plans for today?" Liam asked as we finished our drinks.

"Well, I've got to get home to Perrin and give him a feed, but not much else after that. You?"

"Not much either. I've done my work for today." Liam said, indicating to his equipment. "What about tomorrow?"

"No plans," I admitted, kind of feeling like I should have made something up so I didn't appear as boring as I was. "You?"

"Nothing either, except another workout."

"Do you have to do it in the morning?"

"It's preferable, but no."

"When do you start filming?"

"Two weeks. Things will get very hectic then. It'll be long days for a while. Twelve or fourteen hours. Sometimes more."

"That must be difficult."

"It is, but I enjoy it, especially working on a show like this where I have stunts and sword fights and things to do other than just standing around and saying lines."

"And looking pretty," I added.

He laughed, "yeah, looking pretty comes with the territory." He admitted.

We were quiet then. I was thinking about the inevitable good-bye. I didn't want to leave, to go home to my house, alone again. A dog is only so much company.

Trying to sound casual, I said, "do you want to come with me to my place. Spend the day with me and stay over?" I held my breath.

"Yes." He said immediately. "I wanted to ask you to stay again tonight. But your place will be just as good." He stood up and offered me his hand. I took it, and he helped me up. "I'll go shower and pack a bag."

"I'd better get dressed too," I said and followed Liam into the lift and to his room.

I got my clothes and headed into the dressing room while Liam headed into the bathroom. I heard the shower start, and I got dressed. I folded the t-shirt he gave me to wear and put it on the sofa. I went downstairs, grabbed my bag, sat on Liam's lounge, and waited.

I checked my phone—a message from my sister-in-law Lucy inviting me to dinner Sunday night. I replied yes since surely Liam would want to go home by then.

There was a message from Riza asking how my date went, followed by another saying that if she didn't get a reply soon, she would think I was a slut. Followed by another one saying, "Slut confirmed. Get some!" I laughed and replied that I only got some, but I'll call her tomorrow night with more details.

Liam came down a bit later with a small overnight bag and was quickly shovelling food into his mouth. He was wearing jeans, a plain black t-shirt and an unzipped hoodie. His hair was still wet from his shower, and it was all curled up and messy on his head. I wanted to feel his hair. It looked so soft.

He had another hoodie tucked under his arm and offered it to me. "It's a bit chilly outside. Do you want this?"

Yes, Sir, I want this.

What I actually said was thanks, and I put it on despite the fact it was so big it now looked like I wasn't wearing pants.

I ordered an Uber while Liam finished eating and called his assistant, asking him to organise a dog walker for Cole. I thought it was weird that he even had an assistant, let alone that they would have to be responsible for things like that.

I realised that being alone with Liam, it was very easy to forget that he was a celebrity, but then things like that would come up, and I'd realised how different his world was to mine.

My phone beeped at me, telling me the Uber was close. I called out to Liam. He said goodbye to Cole, and we headed out.

Authors note:

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