๐“๐ก๐ž ๐ฌ๐ฎ๐ง ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๏ฟฝ...

By hannnnaaah

990K 24.1K 15.8K

๐€ ๐ฌ๐จ๐ฎ๐ฅ๐ฆ๐š๐ญ๐ž ๐›๐จ๐ง๐ ๐ฐ๐š๐ฌ ๐œ๐ซ๐ž๐š๐ญ๐ž๐ ๐›๐ฒ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž ๐Ž๐ซ๐ข๐ ๐ข๐ง๐š๐ฅ ๐ฐ๐ข๐ญ๐œ๐ก ๐จ๐ฎ๐ญ ๐จ๐Ÿ ๐ ๐ฎ๐ข... More

Selena Mae Gilbert
Act One
Katerina/ By the light of the moon
Daddy issues
The last dance
The last day
The sun also rises
As I lay dying
Act two
The Hybrid
The end of the affair
Disturbing behaviour
The reckoning
Smells like a teen spirit
Ghost world
Ordinary people
The new deal
Our town
Bringing out the dead
Dangerous liaisons
All my children
The murder of one
Heart of darkness
Do not go gentle
Before sunset
The departed
Act Three
Growing pain
The rager
The five
The killer
We all go a little mad sometimes
The end of the war
My brothers keeper
Living the moment
Oh come all ye faithful
After school special
A view to kill
Into the wild/ Down the rabbit hole
Stand by you
Bring it on
Because of the night
American Gothic/ Picture of you
The End

The birthday

26.1K 607 553
By hannnnaaah

He said, "Let's get out of this town
Drive out of the city, away from the crowds"
I thought heaven can't help me now
Nothing lasts forever, but this is gonna take me down
He's so tall and handsome as hell
He's so bad but he does it so well
I can see the end as it begins
Wildest dreams

It had been three months since Stefan, Klaus and her were travelling from state to state looking for some werewolf

Selena was thinking about how hectic this past few months been Stefan was slowly going down the edge and she refused to see it, and she did want to save him but she was slowly breaking down herself, she missed her family so much

As for Klaus and Selena there had been a lot of sexual tension between them. She avoided as much as she could or everytime they were alone she leaves the room but somehow she found herself attracted to him

Klaus put his hand on her tigh squeezing it "Selena wake up" he whispered and she opened her eyes

"What's wrong?" She asked him as she rubbed her eyes

"I need you to come with me. I want you two do this small thing for me" he told her and she scoffed

"And why would I do anything for you?" She asked in disbelief and he rolled his eyes


"Lead the way" she sighed in defeat as he held up his hand for her, she was in no mood to argue with him so she just took it

"What the hell are you doing?" she asked him when he wrapped his arm around her shoulder

"Just come with me"

When they approached the house they heard someone whistle.

"Rudy!" A blonde girl called out

"I'm so sorry" Klaus faked a southern accent and Selena snorted at his failing tempting "We didn't mean to scare you"

The blonde jumped and gasped when she saw them "Can I help you?"

"Your accent sucks, let me do this" she whispered quietly

"Our car ran out of gas a couple miles back. It feels like we've been walking forever. Yours is the first house we've come to" Selena said with an American accent as Klaus wrapped his arm around her more tightly

"My girlfriend is so tired. So we were just hoping that we could use your phone" Klaus told her with a fake American accent

"Don't either of you have cell phones?" The blondie asked not trusting them, mainly Klaus

"Yeah I asked my boyfriend to bring a charger but he forgot" Selena explained with a small smile

"Look I promise we're not serial killers we just want to use your phone" Klaus told her

"Sure" the blonde girl said hesitantly

"So can we come in?" Klaus asked her with a hopeful tone

"No, I'll get the phone and I'll bring it out to you" The blonde women shook her head and Selena looked at the women with sympathy knowing she was going to die

"I thought your country folk were supposed to be more trusting" Klaus said with a dangerous tone as his accent went back to normal

"I'm from Florida" the blonde sassed and Selena sighed

"Well that explains it" He sped over to her and pinned her up by her throat and compelled her

"Now now show me some a little southern hospitality sweet pea"
Selena rolled her eyes at his dramatic act as she followed them behind, she invited him to enter the house but he was still holding the blonde

There was another women cooking in the kitchen "I bet you a hundred dollars that dog ran off to a house with air conditioning" she said before turning back to face them "What's going on?"

"Please don't be alarmed I was told Ray Sutton lives here" Klaus told her

"He's almost never here" the dark skinned women told him fearfully "He's on the road mostly"

"But I expect he made it home, once a month"

Selena knew what Klaus was capable of and that scared her even more. The women remained silent as he spoke up again "That's what I thought. Where is he now?"

"Look you're making this harder for yourself" Selena told the women softly "Please just answer him"

The dark skinned women ran towards the door ans she screamed the moment she was stopped by Stefan

"I love it when they run" Klaus said with an amused smile as he followed the women still grabbing the blonde girl by her arm

"He's in Tulley" The women admitted as tears welled up in her eyes "It's near the boarder. It's off highway 41"

"Thank you my love" Klaus said causing Selena to scoff covering up her jealousy

"Love seriously" she mumbled under her breath

Klaus smirked at her in amusement as he compelled the blonde women "Now may my friend come into your home?"

"Yes" she whimpered as she shook her head tearfully

Klaus pushed the blonde towards Stefan "Kill this one quickly" And he pointed at the other women "Make that one suffer"

Selena ran quickly towards the car with Klaus following her, she slammed the door shut as tears welled up in her eyes, the only thing she wanted to do was breath but that doesn't seem to happen

The only thing wanted during this past three months was to see the good in Klaus, to believe there was still a chance

"Selena" he began as he opened the car's door and she glared at him tearfully

"Leave me alone" she said and slammed the door shut once again but he opened it making her give up

"You lied to me" she said and he looked away "Did you really have to blew it? Did you really have to prove me wrong again? I wanted to give you a chance"

"I'm sorry" he whispered and she scoffed bitterly

"I'm such an idiot" she said wiping her tears "I should have known"

Klaus looked away in shame knowing he had lied to her for something he knew she wasn't going to agree on it. But he never meant to hurt her and be the cause of her tears


Inside the car Stefan and Selena were alone waiting for Klaus to call them so they could join him. She didn't mind to be alone with her friend, it was kind of peaceful

"You know he likes you" Stefan broke the silence and she looked up with a frown "Klaus. He likes you"

"He doesn't like me, Stef" she stated and he gave her a look "Maybe he does considering I'm still alive but not in that way... No one really likes me in that way"

"Oh please you're gorgeous. Guys always have been after you" he said and she scoffed

"Stefan I'm not blind. They either wanna make out or have sex with me" she remarked and he smiled sadly "Everyone know I'm not really... 'The commitment type' and I'm okay with it"

"Well I'm telling you. They way he looks at you... it's different" he told her and she nodded with a small smile

"Trust me, Stef... Maybe men have always been after me, not because they like me but because they want to sleep with me and everyone who says otherwise is full of bullshits"

"Well he cares about you" Stefan insisted and she snorted

"Klaus only cares about himself... and we have that in common"

"Anyone would be lucky to have you in their life" he said and she chuckled "I'm lucky to have a friend like you"

"Thank you"

"We have each other's back, right?" She asked him and he nodded with a smile



Outside the bar they were trying to convince her to agree to their plan, to distract Ray while Stefan could compel everyone inside the bar

"So I seduce him and you compel them" Selena said looking at Stefan who nodded "I'll pass"

"Selena please" Stefan pleaded "Do this one thing for me"

"Fine" she sighed in defeat and Klaus rolled his eyes

"What about you?" She asked Klaus who smirked at her "Actually I don't want to know because it's always killing and torturing"

"Yeah you go and order a beer-" Stefan began and she scoffed in disbelief

"Stefan, are you trying to school a professional. I'm kind of expert, thank you" she said sarcastically and he chuckled in amusement

"Selene" Klaus called stopping her from entering the bar as he placed his hand on her wrist

"Selena" she corrected and he smirked teasingly

"Be careful" he warned and she nodded as she looked deep into his blue eyes

"Right" she cleared her throat awkwardly and he smiled as she looked at his hand that was on her wrist making him lower it down

When they entered to the Southern comfort bar, Klaus took a seat far away from Ray and Stefan was told to compel everyone in the bar not to react or help Ray

"What's up Ray" the bartender greeted the wolf

"Hey Red can I get a beer?" He told the bartender as he took a seat at the bar and Selena sat down beside him

"Can I get a scotch? Thanks, love" Selena ordered and Ray looked up to see her smiling and biting her lower lip

"What's a beautiful young girl doing here alone?" He smirked at her seductively

"Hey" she greeted ran her hand down his tigh seductively causing Klaus to glare at them harshly as blood boiling inside his body

"Do you want to go somewhere else?" He asked her as he ran his hand on her face causing her to step back

Maybe I've gone too far she thought

"Sure" she smiled making sure to piss of Klaus

Klaus from afar had saw enough, he sat up from his chair angrily and sped over to them and wrapped his arm around Selena pulling her behind him

"Ray? Ray Sutton?" Klaus asked as Selena rolled her eyes

"Who wants to know?" Ray asked him still looking at Selena

"I've been looking everywhere for you Ray" Klaus sat down next to the werewolf "We started in Florida, Pensacola. I met a young chap there who you worked with before you moved to Memphis, now he directed me to two young lovely women and they led me here to you"

"I think I'll be going" Ray said "Are you coming with me?"

"That's my girl! Talk to her one more time and I'll tear out your liver" Klaus snarled as he wrapped an arm around her waist.

Ray tried to move, Klaus stopped him once again by putting a hand on his chest

"Not so fast mate, you just got here. You didn't seem to have a problem when you were trying to flirt with my girl" he said with a bitter tone "Now your type are very hard to come by"

The werewolf tried to escape but he was stopped by Stefan "I wouldn't do that"

Ray looked between the trio "Vampires"

"You're swiftly swift Ray. Yes my friend here is a vampire" the hybrid smirked and turned to look at Selena "My girl over here is werewolf and something else"

"I however. I'm something else a different kind of a monster, I've got, some vampire, I've go some wolf..." Klaus explained to the wolf

"You what?" Ray asked fearfully

"A hybrid. He's both, darling" Selena said with an eye roll "Don't you have a brain?"

Klaus explained to the werewolf that he wants to create more of him as he wanted Ray to direct him to his pack. Selena sat down drinking scotch ignoring them

"You can't compel me it won't work" Ray told Klaus and Stefan turned to the bartender

"Can I have a scotch on the rock please. We're going to play a little drinking game. Something I like to call truth or... Wolfsbane"

"I'm gonna get some air" Selena told them quickly and Klaus caught her wrist with a hesitant look "I'm not running away, you should know that by now. I just need a minute"


Selena entered back to the bar after smoking which Klaus didn't have to know, Stefan shot her a look knowing what she had been doing and she just shrugged. A women walked towards Klaus standing closer to him, Selena watched them with clenched jaw

"I saw the guys spotted Damon at the farm house" she revealed and he smiled at her causing Selena to shift uncomfortably from afar with jealousy

"Well thank you Claudine, you'll just tell your friends to keep up the good work with the neighbourhood watch huh?"

When the Woman walked away from Klaus, Stefan approached the hybrid as he had heard the conversation "My brother still on our trail?"

"He's getting closer. I'm gonna have to deal with that" Klaus gritted his teeth as he looked at Selena

"No no let me handle it" Stefan told him as he looked at Selena who was watching them from afar "I'll make sure that my brother doesn't bother us anymore"

"Selena is staying with me for safe keeping" Klaus looked at his soulmate as Stefan nodded

"I know you're not going to hurt her" He said and Klaus rolled his eyes


Selena was sitting down on a chair eating cookies like a child but she wasn't feeling well, she didn't know what was wrong with her. She put her head down on the table as Klaus approached her

"Are you okay?" He asked and she nodded weakly but instead of believing her he placed his hand on her forehead

"You're burning up" he told her worryingly "Selena you're not well. Do you want to see a doctor?"

"No it happens often, since the sacrifice day when I burned down the forset" she explained but he still looked at her worried "I'll be okay"

"Do you want something? I still think you should see a doctor" he told her sternly and she shook her head

"I'll be fine, Nik. I promise" she assured him and he nodded hesitantly

"Are you cold?" He asked and she smiled weakly

"No, thank you"

"We'll go back to the house soon, love" he said and she nodded putting her head down on the table but Klaus still looked at her worried

"You've been smoking?" He questioned when the sudden smell of cigarette mixed with weed hit his nose and she ignored him "I'm talking to you, Selena"

"That's none of your business how I choose to spend my time" she retorted coldly looking at him and he glared at her grabbing her arm firmly

"As long as you're here with me, as long as our deal stands. You are my business" he stated sternly and she jerked her arm back with an angry scowl

"You don't own me, Klaus" she replied with a calm tone and before he got the chance to reply, she stormed out of the bar


Selena approached Klaus when she saw Ray laying on the pool table. She understood why Klaus wanted to make hybrids, she couldn't judge him. He didn't want to be alone. But he didn't have to kill innocent people

"Okay It's a three step process Ray. This is step one. I want you to drink from my wrist" Klaus said and she looked at Ray sympathetically

"I already told you where to find the pack. What could you possibly want from me"

"Have you been listening to a word I've been saying Ray? I have great plans for you" Klaus cut his wrist as he forced the werewolf to drink his blood

"I'll be in the car" Selena said walking away as Stefan entered the bar looking at Klaus questionably

"What happened?" The vampire asked and Klaus shrugged

"I don't know"


When they made it back go the house Selena took a shower and slammed her door shut and slept but after couple of hours she woke up gasping for air as she just had a nightmare. She quietly opened her bedroom door and made her way downstairs

She stood beside the window looking at the sky, she wanted to stay strong for her family and Stefan but she knew one day she was going to explode

"Love?" Klaus called as he approached her with a confused frown "Are you okay?"

"Yeah" she chuckled nervously "Crazy nightmares"

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked and she sighed heavily

"They don't make any sense... but it was me losing control, there was fire everywhere" she whispered and she sat down "I just want to know... what am I? Who am I?"

"And you will" he assured her sitting down beside her

"Can we talk about something else" she said and he chuckled "What do you like to do?"

"Drawing, painting" he answered and she chuckled teasingly

"An artist" she taunted and he smiled nervously "Good to know"

"What about you?" He asked and she smiled

"I play the guitar and the piano" she said and he smiled at her adorably "But mostly the guitar"

"Can I ask you something?" He inquired and she nodded with a nervous chuckle


"Why do you always get so defensive... like you expect anything from anybody even though you don't know them" he stated and she let out a sigh

"I'm just trying to protect myself... The supernatural world is very dangerous and it's cruel to the weak"

"Is there something between you and... Damon?" He asked hesitantly still thinking about how close they were "Katerina said maybe-"

"Damon?" She asked and he nodded "No! Of course not, he's my bestfriend... in case you haven't noticed. I don't do boyfriends. Relationships aren't really my thing"

"I noticed you have tattoos" he said after a long silence wanting to change Damon's subject and she smiled blushing

"Yes two, the crescent moon on my wrist, I got it when I triggered my werewolf curse and this one" she pointed at the side of her stomach "Three type of flowers"

"And what type of flowers?" He asked and she smiled

"The one on the top is Gladiolus symbol of strength, the left one is Violet symbol of loyalty and faithfulness and the right one is a Tulip symbol of true love and hope" she explained and he smiled at how thoughtful she was "You know my mother always told me to have faith and be brave... that one day I will find true love and if I do... I should fight for it"

"Do you believe that?"

"I don't know... I mean I want to" she said and he chuckled quietly looking straight into her eyes, he leaned down slowly

He rested his forehead against hers as they were closer to each other, she could feel his eyelashes. She closed her eyes and their lips collided, she wrapped her arms around his neck as she kissed him back almost against her will. Their kiss was so intimate and gentle but their entire body was on fire.

They let all of their problems fade in one kiss. It wasn't like when she kissed other boys this time was different, beautiful, unique

They pulled away and she quickly stood up as her heart was beating rapidly and butterflies playing in her stomach

"I'm- I'm sorry. I have to go" she said and quickly ran to her room slamming the door shut as she pressed her back against it. She laid her head on the door as she let out a shaky breath

"Why are you doing this to me?"


Selena's tattoos

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