Road To You - MEWGULF AU (COM...

By lemonjunkxx

460K 19K 2.3K

Gulf Kanawut has been in love with his best friend, Mew Suppasit, since they were in high school. Sadly, Mew... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
not an update
NEW AU Announcement!!

Chapter 19

14.2K 660 104
By lemonjunkxx

5 months ago

Mew´s POV

I don't care if people around me are looking at me weird but I'm happy today.


All the transactions and information we needed are gathered and I can finally get away from that awful family.

I can't wait to break up with Eye and start a life with my Gulfie.

Speaking of Gulfie, I'm so excited to meet him today.
There's just no better way in celebrating this mission's success other than having breakfast with my forever love.

He's already an attending, a Trauma Surgeon, and I can't wait to tell his parents that I´ll ask him to be mine. 

I had our favorite restaurant closed for this morning so we can celebrate in peace.

When he arrived and started eating, I looked at him and I noticed that he looked occupied.
Let me think of a way to get his attention.


¨Well, Gulf. I need you help.¨ I said. Let's see how he´ll react.

¨Well, that´s a first. You never ask for help.. You know that I´ll always say Yes.¨ He said.

Well, you´re right, you always do. I love you.

¨Well.. I´m already 35. I think I should get married and start a family. I´m thinking of proposing to Eye.¨ I looked at him, waiting for what his response would be.

¨Really, Phi? That's great!¨ He said.

Wait, What? Well, that was a reaction I didn't expect.

¨Yeah? I think so too. I mean, we´ve been together for 4 years and I think she's the one for me¨ 

Can you atleast look upset? You should curse at me or something. You should act territorial and get mad. Why do you look like it's fine for me to get married to somebody else?

¨I cannot believe you are that stupid!¨ Saint told me.

 ¨I was just testing the waters. I want to know what his reaction would be. I mean, I know in his eyes I'm dating Eye for 4 years. But all these time, it's only him in my heart. I just want to see him jealous or fight for me or something.¨ I sighed.

¨And the best way is to jokingly say that you´ll propose to Eye? Wow. Just wow.¨ Saint glared at me.

¨I know. It's so stupid. I´m sorry. I´ll find a way to take it back.¨ I said.

¨You better do it or else you´ll lose Gulf for good.¨ Saint said before he left my office.

What a mess. Good job, Mew. Not only do you look stupid, you might lose the only you person you´ve ever wanted in you life.

I´m just staring at the ground and clenching my fists.

I love Gulf and I want to spend the rest of my life with him.
I want to marry him. But not in this way.

I looked up and glared at Dad and that old man just smirked at me.

I cannot believe you did this Dad! I haven't had a chance to confess yet!

He continued to smile at me and shrug.

Once I'm done talking to him. I´ll deal with you.

I took Gulf´s hand and took him to my room with me.

I know I should explain myself to him and take back the proposal prank.
Probably beg him on my knees as well to not get mad and ask him properly to be my boyfriend.
But it still bugs me on how he thinks he's fine with letting me go.

For the past 4 years, even if I'm officially dating Eye in front of everyone, my priorities haven´t changed.
I always put Gulf first.
Everytime Gulf needs me, even if I´m in the middle of something, I´ll come running.

I almost died looking for him when he went missing for almost 2 weeks, turns out he went to Amsterdam and Paris for a vacation.

I never touched or did anything to Eye for the past 4 years except for those moments that she wants a hug (which disgusts me to no end) and when I got caught off guard and she kissed me on the cheek. I remember going home and scrubbing my cheeks and putting alcohol on it after.

I know I looked like an asshole but I want assurance as well.
I want the assurance that Gulf likes me too.

This is my final attempt. But even if this fails, I´ll still do my best so Gulf can accept me as his boyfriend.

¨What?¨ Gulf asked while raising his eyebrow.

¨Do you know all of this? Do you know their plan?¨ I Tried my best to look angry. Damn. Acting is hard. I can't believe people can do this for a living.

He´s about to go.
I need to stop him.
Here we go..
Think, Mew! Think!

"Maybe the reason why you were speechless when they said we'll be married is because you love Eye. I see how you look at her everytime that the 3 of us are together. Maybe you're mad because at the end, I'll propose to Eye and she'll choose me. Don't take Eye away from me, Gulf. Don't do this to me. She's the only one I have left. No one understood but she did and she stayed."

Oh shit. What the hell did I say?

I observed him carefully. He looks mad.

Damn. Finally.

"Do you even hear yourself, Phi? What the hell were you thinking? I don't love Eye!"

Woah. He's definitely mad.
I can almost see fumes on his head.

"And seriously? No one was there for you? What about me? I've known you for 17 years. I was always there for you! I knew you were Mafia. This put me in danger and instead of running away from you, I learned how to protect myself, to protect you! You have nothing? Seriously? What about me, then? Do I mean nothing to you?"

"Gulf.." I said.

That's enough. That was enough for me. Now, I´ll just say sorry and beg for forgiveness.

"Do not talk to me. I am tired. I spent 48 hours saving lives. I went here thinking I'll have a better time but you being angry at me is spoiling my mood. I don't deserve this! Do you think I want to marry you? Hell no! I don't want to talk to you anymore. I'm going home!"

Gulf slammed the door shut.

Ooopss. I think I went too far.

Shit. Saint will kill me.

¨I love him, Uncle. I'm marrying him not because you arranged us to be married but because I love him very much.¨ I told Uncle Alex straight in his eyes.

¨I know, Mew. I trust you. So, when will you ask him properly?¨ Uncle asked.

¨Tomorrow. I explain everything tomorrow.¨

¨Okay, Son. Gooduck.¨

¨Thanks, Uncle.¨

¨Call me Por from now on¨ He smiled at me. I can´t help but smile as well.

¨I´ll see you tomorrow, Por. I´ll bring Gulf with me¨

I said my goodbye and left.

When I'm at my car, I heard my phone rang.

Saint is calling.

¨What´s up Saint?¨

¨The Chivaree somehow knew what happened! They discovered that someone was able to hack in their system.¨


¨So, what now?¨ I asked, currently driving back to the house.

¨They are planning to have the whole family of Eye killed. They thought it was Eye´s Dad who gave the information to us. Turns out, we are not the only family who wants them gone. I know that you don't give a shit about Eye, but try saving her,  Mew. No one likes her because of her pretentious attitude but I don't think they deserve to die in that way.¨

¨How will I save her? I can't deal with this right now. I need to talk to Gulf. We were suddenly Arranged to be married. I need to clear out my intentions and ask him to date me properly.¨ I explained.

¨Well, that's it! That's what we need. We need to divert their attention by announcing your Marriage to the Kanawut family. I bet they don't expect this to happen since they know that you´re dating Eye. That would do. You need to make sure that this wedding will happen so while they were busy changing their plans, we´ll be able to find a way to save the Siwaphons.¨ Saint said.

¨Fine.¨ I sighed and hung up the phone. I made a U-Turn and went to the Hospital instead.

This is the last time. After this, I don´t care if they die or not. I´ll focus on Gulf after this. I´ll make sure that he'll feel love for the rest of our lives.

*end of flashback*

Mew´s POV

I kept on staring at the Wall of Love.
To be honest, I was greatly affected by what Gulf said when we were in Van Gogh's Museum.
I didn't know that he was deeply hurt because of me.

On the other hand, I think that it was better that I didn't know what he felt by that time because if I did, I would've abandoned that mission and told Gulf the truth.

Gulf is currently telling me what he did here in Paris and my heart keeps on breaking.

I´m sorry, love. I'm sorry if you felt that way. If I can go back in time and change it, I would. I wouldn´t have done that stupid mission. I would´ve found another way to get them.

But there's nothing that I can do about it. Past is past. So I'll just make the most out of our life right now.

I hope you know that you are worthy of love, Gulf.

You are worthy of everything and I will spend my life making sure that you are aware of that.

¨And that person is me, right?¨ I looked at him.

He looks flustered.

¨N-No What are you talking about?¨

He looks so cute. Damn it.
I can't believe he's mine,
I can't believe he is my husband. 

¨Liar¨ I pulled him close and wrapped my arms around his waist.

¨And here I thought all these years I am making my intentions clear as day.¨

I can feel his heart beat as I stare into his beautiful eyes.

¨From the start, you were a risk I willingly took. After all this time, I'm just shocked that you cannot see what the people around us have been seeing.¨

I grazed my thumb on his bottom lip.

I want him so much. Damn.
I sighed.

¨Oh Gulf Kanawut-Suppasit. What will I do with you? 

I kissed his lips.
The moment I felt his lips against mine, I felt like burning.
This doesn't feel like a normal fire.
This is a fucking blaze in the dark and it started with our kiss.

I´m home. Finally.


AN: Well, that was a long chapter. I made sure that I was able to give you a glimpse of what Mew is feeling.

I hope you liked it.

Things will start to heat up and conflicts will rise. I hope you'll still read this AU.

Thank you and
See you in the next chapter :)

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