Book6 PDS: I Will Always Prot...

By LadyNoir303

41.6K 1.1K 281

Book 6 of Phantom Dimensional Series (Yes, it's the adopted book.) PDS=Phantom Dimensional Series WARNING!! B... More

Author's Note
I Will Always Protect You
Chapter One: Captured
Chapter Two:Protecting Her
Chapter Three:Goodbye
Chapter Four:The Halfa
Chapter Five: Questions
Chapter Six: Background Check, Please
Chapter Seven: The League and the Phantom
Chapter Eight: Here's To The Ones We Got
Chapter Nine: Star and Gotham City
Chapter Ten: Meeting Face To Face
Chapter Eleven: Lost and Found
Chapter Twelve: Billionaire to Billionaire
Chapter Thirteen: Dating and Challenged
Chapter Fourteen: The Shocking Development
Chapter Sixteen: Oh...Crap...
Chapter Seventeen: Thinking, Thinking and More Thinking
Chapter Eighteen: Some Shocking Development...
Chapter Nineteen: World Knows
Chapter Twenty: Evidence Smedidence

Chapter Fifteen: The Past is Revealed

1.1K 36 11
By LadyNoir303

Dan felt a presence in his mind and knew immediately that Batman was listening over on their shouting session.

Dan let Martian Manhunter in and he closed his eyes. Danny blinked in confusion as Dan did what he did. That's when Danny felt the same presence in his own mind.

Dan's memories...
It showed from Dan's perspective on how he, his friends, and sister tried to get Mr. Lancer, Jack and Maddie but at the last minute Jazz pushed Danny away and then...



When Danny woke up, he was in the morgue and he scared the living day lights out of the doctors when they found the body bag ripped open.

A few days later they found him in an alleyway shivering. The police wasted no time to help him. They got a medic team there to make sure he was okay and when everything was okay, they called the only known last person that knew Danny's family...Vlad Masters.

Danny's things got transported to Vlad's mansion while Vlad went to pick up Danny at the station. Danny, at first rebelled against Vlad, but due to his fatigue, he gave in.

Next thing he knew he was in Vlad's mansion. It dawned upon Danny that he had nowhere else to go and since he was only fourteen he couldn't just choose where he wanted to go.

A few months after the funeral,Danny already hated living with Vlad. Everything changed. He changed schools, subjects and Vlad started to train him extremely hard. He didn't have time to just grieve.

That's when Danny snapped and begged Vlad to remove his ghost half. Vlad eventually gave in and started to get the Ghost Gauntlets ready. He did the calculations whether this could be a success but he miscalculated.

He put Danny to sleep and on A LOT of narcotics. Vlad turned the gauntlets on and set to work to get Danny's ghost half out of Danny.

He succeeded but Phantom looked at Vlad with extreme hate and ripped the gauntlets out of his body while stripping them from Vlad. Vlad got sent to the wall and watched in horror as Phantom landed on the floor.

He looked at Fenton with pity."You just make everything worse!" He then shouted looking at Vlad. He came closer faster than Vlad's reaction time and Vlad coughed up blood when he felt the gauntlets in his abdomen.

"... don't..." Vlad gasped but Phantom separated his arms from each other. Plasmius got sent to the left and Masters to the right. Dropping the gauntlets, Phantom turned intangible and overshadowed Plasmius... permanently.

Vlad, now human, watched in horror as Phantom's appearance changed drastically. He hid himself behind a nook in his computer and watched as he went to Fenton.

Vlad's eyes widen when he saw Phantom, carefully disconnecting Danny from the equipment and making sure he was alive until he woke up.

Half an hour later, Danny woke up and the first thing he saw was Phantom. Getting startled he dropped to the floor as Phantom approached him slowly.

Eventually Danny's back hit the wall and he was cornered."What happened..." Danny gasped."Please, don't separate me from you. You have to survive." Phantom said.

Danny's nose suddenly started to bleed."What's happening..." Danny asked as he clutched his chest."Your body got to used to having need me." Phantom said but before Danny could stop him Phantom fused back with Danny.

The pain in his chest disappeared and he started to breath heavily."I can die... without Phantom..." Danny said to himself trying to stay conscious. Vlad came out and looked wide eyed at Danny."What did you do!" Danny growled immediately when he saw Vlad.

"I did nothing wrong, Little Badger... you're ghost half took mine." Danny's eyes glowed red in anger."You mean to tell me you separated Phantom from me but failed not thinking that I could die and now I have not one but two ghost halves in me!" Danny shouted.

Danny unknowingly, transformed and started to destroy the lab and the mansion. Vlad managed to escape in the commotion. Danny seeing that living with Vlad isn't going to help him, made a portal to the Ghost Zone and left.

He grew further in his powers but all the while fighting a mental fight not to kill or hurt someone...until...

A year ago, Ember, Kitty and Johnny 13 decided to pay a visit. They attacked Danny but he did nothing to defend himself until Danny's mental fight went down into the drain. He attacked the three ghosts so badly that they regretted coming to taunt the halfa.

More years passed and in that time he hurt a lot of ghosts, killed a lot of people and got Fright Knight to his side...when he found out about his newest power, the Ghostly Wail...he went to take revenge on most ghosts.

Using it many times, he soon got used to it and as a bonus for him, destroyed their afterlife. Ember's vocal cords got damaged, Johnny 13 lost feeling in his legs and Kitty wasn't what she used to be.

Both Skulker and Technus got pushed to their limits so badly that they became one body while Box Ghost...well, he leant to defend himself and he got more powerful and of course got Lunch Lady to himself.

His next target, Amity Park. His plan was simple...just destroy it. He had tons of fun with the GIW chasing him everywhere as he destroyed their equipment and the town.

Then it happened...his past self, Sam and Tucker arrived. For a moment, Dan remembered his old life but it was faint.

Danny's memories
Danny came back from the future and started to fight Dan. We all know how that went. Dan got electrocuted with the Spectre Deflector, Dan gave Danny the beating of his life, Danny used the Ghostly Wail against Dan sending him in an oil truck, Danny captured Dan in the thermos, Danny saved everyone and things were okay.

He found Danielle, befriended her, learnt she worked with Vlad at first but then turned against Vlad and then to when Danny asked Clockwork to turn her into a kid so she can have a childhood but then the GIW ruined everything.

But then...

"Dan...I gave everyone a second chance that day... except for you." Danny said.

"It's been awhile since we fought and I didn't have one evil thought since then. I'm still here." Danny said."What are you trying to say?" Dan said.

"If you changed then, you can change again...this time for the better. I understand what you went through... that doesn't.ake you the villain." Danny said.

"These hands...they killed, Danny."

" those who you killed...are alive again. Help me save those lives by stopping this fucked up thing Vlad is doing. That's one thing we have in common...right?" Danny asked.

"You really think I can help? What are you going to do if I get out of hand?"

"I have can't go worse than him." Danny joked.

"Ha, okay then, Danny. I'll help you." Dan said."Promise?" Danny said. Dan's eyes widen."Don't make me..."

"Dan, I made the promise not to turn evil...and it helped...try it." Danny said."I...I..." He glared at Danny."I promise to help you, Danny." Dan said.

Danny extended his hand out to Dan."Partners?" Danny asked."Partners." Dan said.

Batman saw everything. He wanted to cry remembering how he felt when his parents died and wanted to kill the murderer that killed Martha and Thomas Wayne but this is different. No on was there for Dan to stop him from going rogue. Now he has Danny.

"What did I just look at?" Manhunter asked."Something horrible." Batman said."We know you're there!" Danny and Dan shouted. The two heroes looked at them to see Danny was crying while Dan was trying not to show emotions.

They both walked in."You can go." Batman said. Manhunter looked at Batman with shock. Dan and Danny both flew out of there in a snap."What was that?" Manhunter asked."A terrible past. Thanks to them we have info on the mysterious robberies of the companies. Gather the rest of the Justice League for a meeting."

Dan and Danny stopped in the hallways."Never here me..." Dan said."I'm sorry...I had to. Batman wouldn't have trust me if I didn't." Danny said."Tell me how Vlad cloned you from Sam's DNA and yours." Dan asked crossing his arms as Danny lead him to Dani's room.

Dani immediately hugged Danny."That took forever." She said."I know. I had a lot to explain to Batman." Danny said. Dan cleared his throat."It happened after we fought. Vlad never had me under his roof and he cloned me." Danny said."The rest, you saw."

"Saw?" Dani asked."Martian Manhunter entered both our minds." Danny said."So they saw..." Dani asked."They saw how we ended up where we did." Danny said. Dan groaned and sat on the floor crossed legged arms still crossed.

Then his face lit up."What you thinking of?" Danny asked."What will happen if I kill Vlad along with his ghost half?" Dan asked."No killing." Danny said."Why would he kill?" Dani asked."It's a very long story."

"Look, kiddo, I'm Danny but ten years older." Dan said. Dani started to burst out laughing."What? You expect me to believe that?" Dani said."He's telling the truth, Danielle." Danny said."The only difference between us is that before Vlad could create you, he lived under Vlad's roof."

"And that only lead to his demise in the end." Dan said. Dani still didn't look convinced but when Dan transformed into the familiar fourteen year old version of Danny her heart stopped for a moment.

"The hell! You are him!" Dani shouted."I have two fathers!" She then shouted making both Danny and Dan look strangely at her."What?" Dan said.

"One question though...why does he look so different in his ghost form?"

"That's a story for another day, hun. Let's get some rest. I have a feeling that tomorrow is going to be a big day." Danny said. Dani nodded not arguing further. She quickly went to the bathroom where she showered and got dressed in her sleepwear.

When she came back into her room she saw Danny and Dan asleep already. Dan made his own bed with some snow and a couple of blankets he grabbed from the closet and Danny was asleep in Dani's bed. She smiled and snuggled into Danny and slowly drifted off to sleep.

The Justice League members gathered together and discussed the information Danny had collected and what they could do to stop Vlad.

None of the ideas that they came up with could work. Batman and Martian Manhunter got some idea how strong Vlad is thanks to Danny and Dan's memories and now that he has potentially access to the Lazarus Pit is making coming up with a plan a real problem.

The only way to deal with Vlad is to let Danny fight him but they can't exactly send him to just fight Vlad. Vlad would have more power over Danny due to recent events.

Batman also took the liberty to explain Dan's and Danny's situation. Batman wasn't exactly sure whether to trust the two but the information Danny gave definitely was legit. The components stolen is used in the schematics and there's no indication that they are plotting this.

In their memories they saw Vlad transform and  Danny and Dan's hate towards Vlad... Martian Manhunter definitely felt that but also love towards Danielle when he saw that part of the memories... or at least from Danny's end of the memories.

"What if Vlad fails in his plan? In this plan given to us, it states that Vlad is going to blow up his space station that could send one of Saturn's space rocks straight at us." Aquaman said.

"This is giving me a headache." Flash said."Same." Black Canary said.

"We fight back. We're the Justice League and we dealt with much worse." Batman said.

"If only we had time."

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