Carolina / H.S.

By Harryisacutie

111 5 0

Caitlyn Valentine, a young and curious recent high school graduate is just starting college at University Col... More



12 1 0
By Harryisacutie

Harry's POV.

It's always been our band tradition to crack a beer right after each show and talk about the highs and lows of the night. I had a couple blisters from the dress shoes I was wearing tonight so I had to stay back in my dressing room to fix them up right after the show. After I was done I made my way to the bands dressing room to celebrate. As soon as I opened the door I saw her. The girl from the second row, she was sat on the couch next to Christopher and Philip with Chris' arm stretched behind the back of the couch where she was sitting. Why was she here? Was she some super fan looking for a VIP introduction? She probably has parents in the industry who got her in to see us, a typical groupie I'm sure. But you always have to put on your best smile and fake your way through it. I was never a big fan of people just thinking they can come into our private space and chill with us when we don't even know them. But that's part of the job.

" Guys, did you really think you'd celebrate without me?" I said to the group, keeping my gaze off her

" Sorry Haz, we just got distracted by the pretty girl's." Christopher said glancing at the mystery girl who seemed pretty uncomfortable, but still flashed a friendly smile at him. Maybe she was into him and wanted to come back here to mess around with her.

" To another fucking incredible show, and to new friends!" James chanted as we all held up our beers for a salute. We all took a sip before I sat myself on the chair sitting directly across from mystery girl. She looked over at me nervously, only stealing a glance as she shyly looked to her friend for reassurance. She seemed pretty nervous about being here. Before I leaned over to introduce myself, Philip beat me to it.

" Harry, this is Jess my girl-" the girl with curl hair shoved his arm as he introduced her, obviously not very happy about being called his girl.

" We're really good friends. It's so nice to meet you Harry. Philip has spoken so highly of you always, and I loved the show tonight. It was incredible" she beamed at me as Philip put his arm around her waist. She protested but let it happen.

" Ahh so you're the infamous Jess, Phillip never stops talking about you. Sorry I didn't get to introduce myself at the other show you were at. It was a hectic one for sure" so this was Jess, maybe these girls weren't groupies after all. Phillip does talk about her nonstop. I think they've only fooled around recently, but he seriously seems to like her. He's never talked about a girl like this. And Philip and I go way back so trust me, I'd know.

" And this is her roomate, Caitlyn Valentine. She's from America, listen to her accent" I turned my attention to the girl sitting in front of me. As soon as her name was mentioned, her eyes were on mine, and mine on hers. She had the most gorgeous wavy hair and golden eyes. I wasn't able to take in her full beauty from afar during the concert but god damn she mesmerizing. I felt like the words got caught in my throat just by looking at her.

" Uh-hum-yeah hi I'm Harry, I'm glad you could make it" Was i stuttering?! Fucking hell I never got nervous in front of girls. She was just too much to take in.

I held out my hand for her to shake and she immediately did, glancing from our hands intertwined back to my eyes. She seemed just as taken back as me, which made me feel a bit better. But I still didn't know, was she a mega fan or just a normal girl.

" Hi Harry, it's so nice to meet you. I loved the show, really it was so amazing. I've never experienced anything like it." She was sweet. I could tell she was being genuine. But not in an overwhelmed, obsessed fan way. She seemed, just grateful to be here.

" Thank you, that's really kind of you to say. So you definitely are American, love the accent. Never gets old.Where are you from Caitlyn?" never gets old? What the hell harry. Get your shit together.

" I'm from North Carolina actually, but I don't really have the southern accent like most people do. I lived in California for a bit, during high school so I think I lost a bit of the southern thing." She leaned back a bit into the couch and I noticed her shirt. It was Fleetwood Mac, my all time favorite band. Wow and she had great style. The outfit she was wearing was so tough and sexy looking, with the leather pants tight in her legs. But her face was so soft and innocent. It's like she was playing to sides, angel and devil.

I had to pull my eyes back to her, I was staring at her body for way too long. I hope she hadn't noticed. I'd never been to bashful about staring at pretty women though, it just felt wrong with her. " Awesome, yeah I've been to Cali many times. I absolutely love it, wish I could live there full time but I can't leave London. Been to North Carolina a couple times for some shows, the crowd is always amazing there. I think we usually go to Greensboro, right Leo?" I said as I turned to ask him.

" Yeah, Greensboro. It's so pretty there, I loved all the pretty leaves and the woods when we were there in Autumn" he smiled back.

Caitlyn smiled at him, rubbing her hands on her thighs, probably out of nervousness. God she was cute.

" That's my favorite time of year in Carolina. I just love it" she smiled and took a sip of her beer

Just as I was about to ask her another question, Chris chimed in" So Valentine, how did you get all the way from merica to jolly ol' England eh?" He's such a dickhead sometimes. I love the guy but he has no boundaries. He doesn't always has to pounce at every girl. He never really cares about who they are, only that he can get them in bed the same night.

" Well I'm starting college with Jess now at UCL so I just got here yesterday actually. Still a little jet lagged but I'm working on it" she laughed " I've never been to London before actually but once I got into UCL I just knew I had to do it. I'm a pretty spontaneous person, so here I am!" She beamed. God she's perfect, ok Harry how do you get her number.

" Caitlyn we should probably head out, we've got orientation in the morning and you haven't slept in probably 48 hours." Damn it, I had to work fast. Uh what do I say. Maybe I should just get it from Phillip. No that's stupid

She got up from the couch and started hugging everyone goodbye. Chris held her in for a bit too long of a hug I think, but what was I gonna say.

" Thanks so much for having us Harry, I hope to see you again soon."
Jess said to me after giving me a hug

" It was great meeting you too Jess. If you guys are free, why don't you and Caitlyn stop by our London night 2 show after party this Saturday? Would be great if you guys would join us" Yes this was my change to see her again

" Wow that's so nice of you, uh-yeah if the guys are ok with it then we'd be more than happy to join. So thoughtful of you thanks"

" I'll have Phillip send you the details. See you this weekend then"

" See ya" she replied, and following right behind her in my direction was Caitlyn. Ok Harry, don't fuck this up. Just ask for her number. It's not that hard.

" It was so nice meeting you Harry, thanks for an incredible night. I loved every second of it"

She smiled innocently at me as I pulled her in for a hug. She smelt amazing, like strawberry and vanilla. It was heavenly.

When I pulled back, I smiled right back to her " Likewise. I'm glad you enjoyed the show. Ehh- Have a good night Caitlyn"

I choked. I didn't ask her for her number. Shit man why is this so hard for you. I mean I know I'm not the dating type but still, I just wanted to make sure I could talk to her again, very soon.

She seemed  happy with my response and flashed me one last dimpled smile as she headed towards the door with Jess. Within seconds, she was out the door.

" Look what I got boys" Chris yelled as soon as the girls left the room

And sure enough, he held out his wrist which had Valentine scribbled across the top with a heart in the I and her phone number written right below it.

Oh fuck off Chris


So how'd you guys like it?! Sooo much more to come, I just can't wait for the after party chapter it's gonna be hot!! Love you all, keep commenting and voting! xxx

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