𝚂𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚜 & 𝙻𝚒𝚎𝚜 ||�...

By thethinkingpen

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"Let me be honest, that mark above your breast, turns me on so much" he said as he kissed my cleavage. "Oh, a... More

Chapter 1 - Olivia Middleton
Chapter 2 - First Day
Chapter 3 - The Seeker
Chapter 4 - The Stone
Chapter 5 - The Stone Pt. 2
Chapter 6 - The Hunt
Chapter 7 - The Stay back
Chapter 8 - The Life Spirit
Chapter 9 - The Start of Year 2
Chapter 10 - The New Seeker
Chapter 11 - The Detention with Malfoy
Chapter 12 - The letter
Chapter 13 - The Chamber of Secrets
Chapter 14 - The Chamber of Secrets Pt. 2
Chapter 15 - The Bar
Chapter 16 - The House
Chapter 17 - The Train Ride
Chapter 18 - The Hippogriff
Chapter 19 - The Boggart
Chapter 20 - The Match
Chapter 21 - The Malfoy Manor
Chapter 22 - The Malfoy Manor Pt. 2
Chapter 23 - The Beheading
Chapter 24 - The Patronus Charm
Chapter 25 - The end of Year 3
Chapter 26 - The Party
Chapter 27 - The Ride
Chapter 28 - The Intruder
Chapter 29 - The Quidditch World Tournament
Chapter 30 - The Champions
Chapter 31 - The Foolish Fight
Chapter 32 - The First Task
Chapter 33 - The Date/s?
Chapter 34 - The Audition
Chapter 35 - The Yule Ball Pt. 1
Chapter 36 - The Yule Ball Pt. 2
Chapter 37 - The Second Task
Chapter 38 - The Hogsmeade Date
Chapter 39 - The Third Task
Chapter 40 - The Memorial Service
Chapter 41 - The Parties
Chapter 42 - The Order of the Phoenix
Chapter 43 - The 'Umbitch'
Chapter 44 - The Detention
Chapter 45 - The Kiss
Chapter 46 - The Truth
Chapter 47 - The DA Classes
Chapter 48 - The Tutoring
Chapter 49 - The Incident
Chapter 50 - The Christmas Break
Chapter 51 - The Christmas Break Pt. 2
Chapter 52 - The Teaser
Chapter 53 - The DA Detention
Chapter 54 - The Surprise Party
Chapter 55 - The Gryffindor v/s Slytherin Match
Chapter 56 - The Prophecy
Chapter 57 - The Curse
Chapter 58 - The Match
Chapter 60 - The Break-up
Chapter 61 - The 6th Year
Chapter 62 - The Memories
Chapter 63 - The Halloween Party
Chapter 64 - The Halloween Party Pt. 2
Chapter 65 - The Amortentia Smell
Chapter 66 - The Patronus Charm
Chapter 67 - The Dark Mark
Chapter 68 - The Burrow
Chapter 69 - The Spell for Enemies
Chapter 70 - The Kidnapping
Chapter 71 - The Arrangement
Chapter 72 - The Malfoy Manor Ball
Chapter 73 - The Horcruxes
Chapter 74 - The War
Chapter 75 - The War Pt. 2
Chapter 76 - The 'Aftercare'
Chapter 77 - The Trial of Draco Malfoy
Chapter 78 - The Trials of Mr. & Mrs. Malfoy
Chapter 79 - The start of year 7
Chapter 80 - The Boy Band
Chapter 81 - The Opening Night
Chapter 82 - The Eating Disorder
Chapter 83 - The Eating Disorder Pt. 2
Chapter 84 - The New Prankster
Chapter 85 - The Accidents
Chapter 86 - The Excerpt
Chapter 87 - The Christmas Eve Party
Chapter 88 - The Christmas Eve Party Pt. 2
Chapter 89 - The Storm
Chapter 90 - The Veracity
Chapter 91 - The Graduation Party
Chapter 92 - The Wedding Day
Chapter 93 - The Baby Mama
Chapter 94 - The 9 3/4 Platform
Chapter 95 - The Happy Ending

Chapter 59 - The Ball

800 17 11
By thethinkingpen

Draco and I were walking to the castle hand in hand. Ron, Hermione, Harry and Ginny were walking behind us. Ron's ears were practically throwing out smoke, he had his hands crossed over his chest and a frown on his face.

"By the looks of it, Ron is still not accustomed to you" I said looking at him.

"You don't say" Draco said and kissed me on my lips. He knew well enough how much it would piss Ron, but still, he did it.

No, no, that's the only reason he did it.

"Alright, Mione. When are we going to Hogsmeade?" I asked turning around.

"We'll go after lunch" she said and I nodded.

"Do you want to come with us?" I asked Draco and he shook his head.

"Hell no! And I don't think, you'll be needing a dress" he said and I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"What do you mean?" I asked when we reached the Gryffindor common room.

"You'll see" he said and I was about to kiss him, when Ron cleared his throat.

"Let's go, Liv" he said rolling his eyes.

"Shut up, Weaselbee" he said looking at him.

"Draco..." I said and he cut me off with a kiss.

"I'm only nice to you and for you, darling" he said and left.

I walked up to my dorm and there was a huge black box waiting for me. It had a note on top of it.

"Who's it from?" Ginny asked and I shrugged. I picked up the note and read it out loud.

My dear darling,

You are the summer to my winter heart.

~ DM

I opened the box to find the most beautiful ball gown I had ever seen. I pulled it of the box and the girls gasped.

A/N - I couldn't choose one. I love all of them. Choose your favorite.

"It's beautiful" they said in unison and I smiled. It was beautiful.

But I couldn't accept it. He had been spoiling me too much. And plus, if I wore the gown, then it would show both of my marks.

"It is" I said putting it back in the box, "But I can't accept it" I completed.

"Why not?" Ginny asked sitting next to me.

"Because for one, he's spoiling me. Do you know the tiara he gave me? It was real diamonds and the heels, pure gold. And for two, the dress has noodle strips and a low neck, it will show both of my marks" I said as I took the box in my hand and ready to leave.

"Where are you going?" Hermione asked coming out of the bathroom.

"To give it back to him" I said and she rolled her eyes.

"From what I know, you're gonna come back with more gifts" she said and Ginny and her chuckled.

"Yeah right, very funny" I said rolling my eyes and leaving the room.

One hour later

I opened the door and sighed. Hermione and Ginny looked at me and started laughing.

"What did I tell you, Livia?" Hermione said in between laughs.

Damn, she was right.

I was not only back with the dress, but it's matching heels, jewelry and makeup. It was pointless. Draco was always stubborn, but I didn't know he was this stubborn.

One hour before

I knocked on his door and he opened and realized that it was me. So, he pulled me in and kissed my cheek.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" he said as I placed the box on his bed.

"This" I said pointing at the box.

"This is too much, Draco. I can't accept it" I said with my head in my hands.

"What?" he said as he sat down beside me and placed a hand on my thigh.

"You're spoiling me too much" I said in my hands, my statement muffled due to that and he pulled something out of his drawers.

"Isn't that what I'm supposed to do?" he said and I looked up.

"Who told you? And my marks would be visible in that dress" I asked and he shook his head.

"Look, I'm going to be blunt to you. If you're here to return the dress back, then I'll be very upset. Second, I'm not going to take it back. Third, I think I should've signed it with 'your secret admirer', so you would've accepted it and fourth I forgot to add this" he said as he handed me two other boxes that had the heels and makeup and the jewelry.

"Draco..." I said looking at the boxes.

"This is too much; I can't accept it" he said mocking me. I hit him lightly and he wrapped his arms around me.

"You gave me this ring in first year?" I asked fiddling with the ring on my finger and he nodded.

"That's why the wrapping that you did for this necklace was too familiar" I said pointing at the moon necklace he gave me this Christmas.

"Well, then thank you for everything" I said and kissed him on his cheeks.

A few days went by and it was Saturday, the day of the ball. The girls and I got ready and I was nervous. Both of the marks were visible.

Already a lot of people were scared of me, and the ones who weren't, would be when they would see the mark.

"Don't be nervous, Liv. You look gorgeous" Ginny said as she sprayed perfume on her.

"Mhm" I said pacing around the room.

"Stop!" Hermione said placing both of her hands on my shoulder.

"Nothing bad will happen" she said and I smiled.

"Give me a minute" I said sitting down on my bed, "I'll see you in the hall" I completed and fiddled with my hair.

I sat there for a good few more minutes and totally forgot that Draco would be out waiting for me. I sighed, put on my heels and went outside.

I opened the door, to see Draco down the stairs waiting for me with a rose in his hand. He turned around and said, "Finally-" and stopped himself.

"What?" I asked shifting uncomfortably.

"You look gorgeous" he said and I sighed.

"Here, this is for you" he said handing me the rose.

"Thank you" I said tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Shall we?" he asked offering his arm.

We reached the stairs to the Great Hall and I stopped. I was having a déjà vu. I curled up my hands into fists and the nails were digging into my skin, making blood crescent moons on my palm.

Draco looked at me and put his hands on my shoulder. He looked down at my fists and opened them. He wasn't new to this. No one actually knew that I would get nervous or angry or sad and do this. Only he did.

He looked at them and kissed them.

"Whatever you're thinking, it's nothing like that. You are nothing like him" he said like he read my mind.

I looked at him and stared into his eyes. How only I knew how he was, not even his friends, not the school, just me. I knew how worried he would get to see me anxious, or nervous. How he would always know how to comfort me. How he would have been if he was raised differently.

Yes, he was still a rude, snarky and obnoxious little ferret. How everyone feared him, except for his Slytherin buddies and me. How he tried to act tough but only because he was scared to get hurt. But honestly, when I think if he was put into any other house or if he was raised with different mentalities, he would've been like Fred and George.

I sighed and we walked down the stairs. Everyone gasped seeing me, some of them feared and stayed away, while the others didn't. But with Draco beside me, I didn't care.

I didn't care what they thought, I didn't even care if anyone stayed away. I looked at him and he had a proud smirk on his face.

We reached the gate, only to be greeted by Harry and Cho.

I thought he started liking Ginny.

"Wow, Liv. You look very beautiful" Harry said and I smiled.

Before I could thank him, Draco said, "You know what else she looks, Potter?"

"What?" Harry asked rolling his eyes.

"VERY taken and VERY mine" Draco replied making me blush.

"VERY possessive, Malfoy" I said smirking.

We went in and Draco didn't waste a minute to pull me in for a dance. It was amazing. And like last time, everyone made space for us and we danced to the music.

We were dancing, and that's when Draco decided it would be great if he picked me up and twirled us around. With the huge ball gown and the high heels, I was about to fall, and luckily, he knows how to handle that.

We danced for hours and we sat down.

"You look really pretty, Olive" Blaise said and I smiled.

"Thank you, Blaise. You look great as well" I said and I looked at Theo.

"But what happened to you, Theodore?" I asked holding in a giggle.

Nothing was wrong with him, he looked handsome. I was just kidding.

We all burst out laughing when we saw him getting scared and fiddling with his dress robes.

"Very funny, Montgomery" he said rolling his eyes.

The slow music started playing and Blaise asked me to dance with him. I agreed but Draco stopped us and said, "No funny business, Zabini"

"Jeez, mate. Relax. She's my best friend. You know that" Blaise said and we walked to the dance floor.

Blaise had always looked rude and like a bad boy, when he was a total sweetheart.

He placed his hands on my waist, earning a scowl from Draco. So, he quickly placed his hands above my waist.

"So, how's it going with you and Malfoy?" he asked and I blushed.

"Good, very good" I said and he nodded.

"Did you..." he asked and I shook my head.

"No, not yet. It hasn't been us that long, plus I think if I say that I love him, he'll get scared of commitment and leave. And please keep it to yourself" I said with puppy dog eyes.

"Of course, your secret is safe with me" he said and I kissed his cheek.

"I think I said no funny business" Draco said from behind me and I turned around.

"Relax, Malfoy. It isn't like I made out with him. The whole fucking school knows that I am yours" I said and he smirked.

"Can I have my date back?" he asked Blaise and he placed my hand in his.

A/N – Please play 'Perfect' by Ed Sheeran

"I didn't sing this song" I said when the tune started playing. I had sang all the songs for the ball like last time.

"I did" he said when the lyrics started.

I found a love for me
Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead
Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet
I never knew you were the someone waiting for me

'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love
Not knowing what it was
I will not give you up this time
But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own
And in your eyes, you're holding mine

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms

I stared into his eyes, slowly moving to the music. He had a proud smile on his face. 

Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath
But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight

Well I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know
She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home
I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets
To carry love, to carry children of our own

We are still kids, but we're so in love
Fighting against all odds
I know we'll be alright this time
Darling, just hold my hand
Be my girl, I'll be your man
I see my future in your eyes

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful
I don't deserve this, darling, you look perfect tonight

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
I have faith in what I see
Now I know I have met an angel in person
And she looks perfect
I don't deserve this
You look perfect tonight

My hands went around his neck and his around my waist. We kept staring at each other, while dancing.

He walked into my heart, like he always belonged there. No man could ever make me feel like he did. If I know what love means, then it is because of him.

Maybe I should just tell him, that I love him. With the lyrics of the song, maybe he does too. And even if he doesn't then maybe he will later. When there's no fear, no limits, no hate and only love in this world.

I smiled at him and he asked, "What?"

"Nothing" I said blushing.

He kissed the top of my head and we continued dancing.

After the ball, Draco and I were in his dorm, I changed into his clothes and we were sleeping on his bed, when his owl sat at the window.

He got up and opened the letter at sat down at his study table, with a worried expression on his face. I got up and went beside him.

"What is it, Draco?" I asked putting a hand on his shoulder.

He looked up and said, "My father's trial is in a few weeks, I'll be leaving early morning tomorrow. My mother and I have been summoned for questioning..." he said sadly and I felt bad for him.

I knew his fate, before he did for himself. With what his father said, I knew he was most likely to become a death eater this break.

"And I have to lie" he said and I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Please don't hate me for this" he said holding the letter in his hand.

"Of course not, I-I could never hate you" I said hugging him.

I love you, Draco Malfoy.

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