Breaking Dawn:Forbidden Love

By fayi_tastics

2.6K 36 11

A forbidden love between a vampire and a spirit. More

Loving you is a lossing game(Not a chapter)


193 3 1
By fayi_tastics

"Your highnesses.Prince boboiboy and princess ying have arrive" one of the spirits servants said as he open the door revealing their parents seating at their throne and half of the spirits general seating around a big magical table.Boboiboy and ying went near them at seat at their restricted seats.

"So now everyone was already here. Let's start the meeting.Ramenman please start now" king blaze said.

"As I said your highness,we received a message from the spirits of another part of rintisia that the barrier there was cracking and it creates a dark fog around them.Our spirits spell wielders was already there and they were all in grate condition but they magic was not enough for it to restore" ramenman said.

"Hmm is that so.How many days till you arrive there?" queen ice asked.

"You'll arrive at the rintisia boundary at morning if you will go there at night and 2 days travel to pass the vampires land with or without injury" kokochi said as he fix his glasses.

"In short you'll going to travel 3 days days to arrive there right?" boboiboy said then kokochi just nodded.

"What's the plan now your highness?" Liozo one of the generals said.

"I will summoned boboiboy and ying to go there and help restore the barrier and ramenman you will help them and ill put you as the leader in this journey" king blazed said as ramenman bowed down.

"Yes,your Highness" ramenman said.

"So now its settle you will start the journey tonight and I'll ask the magic laboratory to give you some upgrades" king blazed continue as everyone of the generals bowed even Boboiboy and ying before leaving.

It was almost sunset and boboiboy and ying was in their room preparing for their journey.Boboiboy was assisted by the maid spirits while wearing his black and blue royal armor while ying wear the same.

(Boboiboy armor)

(Ying armor)

They went out from there room then they walk at the hall.They saw their parents together with ramenman was talking to someone.It was the head of the magic laboratory solar and his attendant gopal.

"Good evening your Highness. I already upgrade your weapons and its 5x stronger than before" solar said then boboiboy and ying just nodded.Gopal then handed there weapons."Please be careful boboiboy"gopal whispered to boboiboy then boboiboy just nod.

"Well be going then your highness" boboiboy formally said then their parents nod.Ying walk first then boboiboy followed but someone grabs boboiboy's hand.

"Please take care of your sister" Queen ice said then boboiboy just smiled and nod.They ride their horses then start their journey up.

A boy was standing looking at a distant view.His red eyes looking at the bright fullmoon while his raven hair was swaying by the cool breezy wind.

He was waiting for his next prey to pass by to feed him in his thirst.A seconds later a wild boar runs off as the boy chased it.As he corner it,he grab it and sunk his fangs on it.He drunk the blood
giving him a sweet taste down through his throat.He throw it away after killing it and walk back to his home.As he arrive he was greeted by his sister.

"Where did you go brother" said the girl with a brown honey eyes.

"Just hunting" the boy said as he passed his sister."Brother kaizo was waiting for you at the hall"the girl said then the boy just nod.As he walk at the hall he saw his older brother seating at the front chair while surrounded by some other creatures.

"Fang,where have you been?" his brother asked while his red eyes were glaring at him. "Just hunting brother.So what are you planning here" the boy who has known as fang said then he seat next his brother.

"We want to say that,we already started the plan but they request some reinforcement so we back out,your highness" sai reported."How many did we loss?"kaizo asked.

"We only loss 2 after the barrier cracked creating a sunlight" sai continue then kaizo nod.

"Well continue it tommorow night,I want you fang and yaya to come with shielda and sai" kaizo ordered.

"You know I hate going at the boundary brother" fang said but his brother were just glaring at him as it red eyes were glowed inside of the dark room with only light candles were can be seen.

"Are you defying me?" his brother angrily said making everyone of the room shivered.

"Yeah,I will go there but don't expect me to come there again" fang said then he walk out from the room.

"Spirits,they were just a pain in the butt" fang murmured to his self.

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