The Sun and His Nuisances

amoonforbright tarafından

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"Alright. Well, in preparing their will, we talked about who would take care of their children in the unlikel... Daha Fazla

Life is full of surprises, isn't it Win?
Well, Win hates me. Period.
What am I? Uncle Bright?
I can't do this anymore, Bright.
Why are you like this, Metawin?
It's pumpkin time, Win!
The Connoisseur and The Businessman
I'm not your fan, Bright
It's okay, Win. I'm here now.
My Nuisances
Life as We Know It
Our Magical Beginning

A Tale of the Sun

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amoonforbright tarafından

 Bright didn't expect that the whole Opas-iamkajorn will be joining Pear and Max's playdate. For the first time, Bright meets Win's parents and grandparents.

This is not a playdate, this is a family gathering.

"They're curious about you!" Mesa chuckles as she notices Bright a bit surprised with how packed Mintra's house is right now. Bright feels like he's in the middle of a party, people coming from the dining area back and forth, chatting, laughing.

Win, how is this Pear and Max's playdate?

Bright grins, "I wish I wear something better," he pulls the edge of his plain grey t-shirt, "Like a shirt or something nicer because I'm meeting your grandparents,"

"Don't worry. They all are head over heels with you, Bright." Mesa smiles.

There's a strange feeling inside his heart now. Bright feels so nervous just like when he was going to sign the contract deal with his record label for the first time or when he had his first-ever solo concert.

Win's parents talked to him earlier before they both busy with Pear, was something else. The way Win's dad casually talked to him as if this isn't the first time they met, hugged his shoulders while they're talking about miscellaneous things and even called him son is obviously something that never crossed in mind even in Bright's wildest dream.

Then when Bright met Win's mum and the beautiful woman casually hugged him tight and walked him straight to the kitchen to try her new muffin recipe is something that Bright longing for— a warmth that Bright never thought he needed and it came from his boyfriend's mother.

Win walks toward them with two plates on his hand, "Pear is playing with Max and Ava. Mintra and my Mum are watching them. It's time for us to eat,"

Bright accepts the plate, "Thanks,"

"Sorry, I didn't know my parents and grandparents are coming too," Win scoffs, "Once I told Mintra that you're coming, everybody started to get ready."

"Hm," Bright chuckles, "I hope your grandma doesn't force me to sing today. I mean, it'd be nerve-wracking to have an exclusive concert for the Opas-iamkajorn,"

Win giggles, "She told you she likes your music, didn't she?"

"Yeah, a few times actually. She even asked if I can give her free tickets to the concert," Bright whispers.

Mesa bursts into laughter, "No way! Nana is not allowed to go to the concert. Even your concert, Bright."

And as if it's not enough, Win's eyes catch his uncle and aunty walk into the door, "God, even my uncle and aunty are here!"

"Damn! If this is not a charm, I don't know what it," Mesa giggles, "They hate family gathering by the way," she informs Bright, "but look at them now! So excited to see Win's husband."

"Mesa!" Win glares at his sister and she just shrugs and walks toward their uncle and aunty. He's too embarrassed to see his boyfriend now.

Bright smirks, "Win's husband, huh? What a delightful label that I got,"

"Shut up!" Win blushes, "Mintra and Mesa have been calling you since we agreed to be co-parents,"

The singer nods, "I don't mind. It's my future anyway," he states as he continues to eat while his boyfriend stares at him in surprise.


Bright crawls into bed and rests his head on Win's laps. Win puts down his Kindle above the bedside table and caresses Bright's head and his boyfriend stares at him, smiling.

"Your family is very kind and funny," Bright smiles.

Win chuckles, "They're crazy! Once they heard a famous singer came to Mintra's house, they all came. So embarrassing!"

"No, I like it. I mean, it's a good time to meet them all. We've been co-parenting for almost 7 months, Win."

His boyfriend nods, "Yeah. 7 months." seven beautiful months.

Bright wakes up and stares at Win who's looking back to him, "I need to tell you something."

Suddenly Win feels so nervous seeing Bright being so serious like this, "Okay?"

Bright moves closer to Win, nervousness is written on his face. He takes a deep breath then nods, encouraging himself, "The reason I hesitated and kinda scared to... take care of Pear, uh... because I never had a father role in my life."

Win gulps. This is the time when Bright finally tears his walls apart.

Bright is so private when it comes to his personal life. All this time, they never talked about this and Win also never asked because every time their conversation shifted to parents or childhood, Bright always changed the topic.

Bright gives him a thin smile, "My childhood was a catastrophe, Win. I never knew who's my father, my mother was an addict and left me in the orphanage when I was 4 years old. I practically raised myself,"

Win can feel his boyfriend starts to shiver.

"I spent my childhood hoping someone would adopt me, begging to be loved," Bright says lowly, almost like a whisper.

"Baby, if this is too hard for you to tell, you don't have to. Okay?" Win says softly. He doesn't know the story yet but he knows how much this story means to his boyfriend.

Bright nods, "I want to, Win. I want to tell you everything. I need to,"

Win leans to place a kiss on the singer's forehead, "You can do this," and Bright just nods.

"My life started to get better when I met Uncle Moo. He was a music teacher, he owned a small music school and shop. I happened to walk past by his shop every morning when I went to school. Then when I walked back home, I mean, the orphanage, I'd stop by watching his students practised from outside. I was 8, almost 9 at that time. One day he told me to come in and asked me to choose one instrument, I chose guitar,"

Both of Win's hand reach to Bright's and gently bring them to his laps, hold them tight.

"He asked me, why guitar? and I answered because when you play the guitar, you look so cool like a rockstar on TV." his boyfriend pauses, Win can tell this memory has a special place in Bright's heart.

The singer takes a deep breath before he continues, "We got close and months later, he decided to adopt me. That day was probably the happiest day of my entire life. He was the closest person to be a father figure in my life,"

Win smiles, "He must be a beautiful person,"

"He was,"

Bright moves closer and Win takes the opportunity to kiss his cheek, "Meeting your dad today brought back my memories with Uncle Moo. I thought I was dreaming when I heard your Dad called me son. That felt like a wild dream. It still is,"

Win wipes his tears from the edge of his eyes and Bright cups his face to land a soft kiss on his boyfriend's forehead, "Can I continue?" he asks softly and Win just nods.

"I was so scared I'd ruin Pear's life but that morning when we picked her up and she leaned her tiny head on my chest. It changed me. I... I don't have the heart to leave her alone. Gunsmile never left me alone, not even once."

"We met in high-school and inseparable ever since. He stayed with me the whole summer when Uncle Moo passed away. When all of my friends went to the beach or parties, Gunsmile stayed with me in my room, kept me company when I mourned my Uncle's death."

Win nods repeatedly, "He's a good man,"

The singer nods in agreement, a thin smile curved on his lips.

The chic guy kisses Bright's left cheek, "And so are you, my love. You are a wonderful person,"

Bright takes a deep breath, "I... Sometimes, I don't feel like I'm good enough for Pear, for you,"

"Baby don't say that..."

The singer stares at Win's eyes, "I can't afford losing another person that matter to me, Win. I don't want to lose you,"

"You won't," Win assures him, "You will always have me,"

The singer caresses Win's face gently, "I'm so lucky to meet you, Win. I'm so grateful to have you here with me. Facing the world is less scary with you holding my hands. I will try my best, I promise."

"You've done enough, Bright. Stop doubting yourself. It's me who should be grateful to have you," Win cups Bright's face softly, "How can you put up with my shit?"

Bright stares at Win's eyes, the eyes that always provide comfort and joy, warmth and love. He doesn't know if it's too early but Win might be his best part, "I love this family so much, Win. When I was away, I didn't only miss you or Pear. I missed us, together."

Win pulls his boyfriend into his hugs, "You're the only person who can be Pear's Papa." his hand caresses his boyfriend's head softly, "You're more than enough for us,"

Bright tighten their hug, "You are the only person I'm doing this with, Win. Only you." he brings his lips to Win's lips.

Win can feel tears running down to his cheeks. Bright, my sun, you are a blessing.


Meet Bright Vachirawit's family in Elle Special Anniversary issue!

Bright Vachirawit Chivaaree and Win Metawin Opas-iamkajorn on co-parenting:

"It's not always easy with both of our differences and schedules, but having an understanding partner makes it easy,"

"I'm a professional diaper changer now," Bright Vachirawit Chivaaree talks about fatherhood.

After named as the national treasure, the walking Louvre museum, the mysterious star, and the nation's husband,

here's the new name for Bright Vachirawit: HOT PAPA!

Hot Papa alert!! Bright Vachirawit is seen taking his daughter to work during tour break!

Meet Win Metawin, professional pastry chef, the CEO of Souri. He talks about his career and fatherhood,

"I used to bake alone but now, I carry a baby on my back. It's a good workout,"




"Where's Pear?"

"What? I thought she's with you!"

"No! I thought she's with you!"

"Where is she?!"

"Oh, God!"




"Baby, where are you?"


"Win, she's here!"


"Laundry basket?"


"Alright, be a good girl, okay? Papa needs to go to work again." Bright lands a soft kiss on Pear's forehead while the baby's hand touching his cheek.

Win smiles, "I'll see you on the weekend," he leans to kiss Bright's lips.

The singer pulls Win's body, closing the distance and kisses Win's lips softly, gently, but hungry. Win let out a soft giggle on his mouth, "Stop,"

Bright smirks, "See you in a week," he pecks his lips once again then pulls the suitcase handle, "Don't be late!"

"We won't."

Win picks up Pear who's sitting on the floor and follows Bright walking outside the house where Toptap is already waiting for him, "Good morning, Tap. Please take care of him for me,"

The manager smiles, "Don't worry, Win. I've been taking care of him for 10 years now,"

Win nods, "He's in good hands,"

"Papa," Pear pouts when she sees Toptap opens the door for Bright. The singer turns around and walks toward his boyfriend and the baby.

"What is it, sunshine?" Bright picks up Pear from Win's hands, "Miss me already?"

She just staring at his face with soft eyes, her hand reaches to his cheek, "Papa,"

"Just one week, okay, little pumpkin?" Bright kisses Pear's head, "I will call you and Dada every day, don't worry."

"Come here," Win picks up the baby, "Papa is gonna miss his flight and we don't want that, do we?"

Bright smiles, "I'm leaving now. I will call you when we landed, okay?"

"Okay," Win nods.

"I love you," Bright lands a soft kiss on Win's forehead, "So much,"

Win stares at him, "I love you too. Have fun!"

Bright smiles, "Will do,"


"Yeah, we just got here. Where are you guys? Oh, never mind, I see you." Win hangs up the phone and walks toward the table where Film and Khao are waiting for him. He carefully pushes the stroller, didn't want to wake Pear up. She fell asleep on the way here and Win feels it's the best to take the stroller so she's more comfortable instead of him carrying him or let her on the carrier.

"Aw," Film gasps and closes her mouth.

Win chuckles, "Shut up." he quickly walks toward Film and gives her a big, tight hug, "God, I miss you so much."

"I miss you too!"

Then Win hugs Khao, "How are you doing, guys?"

They haven't met since Love and Gunsmile service. Khao and Film work in the province so it's hard for them to come to the town with schedule and everything. They couldn't make it to Second Souri opening either.

"Exhausted!" Film sighs, "But no, seriously Win, how are you?"

Win motions his head toward the stroller, "Trying to be a good Dada for her and you know, keep my career in place. It's really challenging to be a parent as well as CEO and the head chef, I should probably drop one of them,"

"No!" Khao frowns, "What do you mean drop one of them?"

Win has been thinking for a while now, "I think I'm gonna let Mintra be the head chef. I can't maintain my company, baking and making the new recipe as well as being a parent at the same time. Bright's schedule is packed. His schedule for the rest of the year and next year is already fixed,"

Film nods, "Have you talked about it with Bright? Like, how to maintain both of your schedules?"

"Yeah, we get help actually. Pear has a babysitter but she doesn't like her that much." Win nods, "If he's not on tour, Bright will take her to work if possible. We try our best, really. It's just... with our condition, I'm most likely to be the stay at home Dad, you know?"

"But is this what you want?"

Win smiles, "My life's changed since that night, you know. Now, not only my life but my dreams also slowly... fading. No, maybe not fading, just shifting a little bit," he turns his head to see the sleeping baby, "All my life, I'm always that one person who focuses on something. I... I'm very determined when it comes to something that I want to achieve. Ambitious, maybe?"

Khao nods, "And that's a good thing, Win. I mean, I still remember you sacrificed so much to be who you are right now,"

"And you can't let anyone or anything get in the way of your life. I mean, Win, this is your life." Film adds.

"I know," Win nods, "What I mean, I no longer that person. My life 7 months ago was all about work but since that night... Everything changed. I was so scared, angry, nervous, I literally felt everything as humanly as possible. I didn't know anything about taking care of a child and in one night, I had a responsibility to take care of a baby- my best friend's baby, with someone that I thought hate me,"

Film frowns, "Win, I'm sorry."

"I slowly understand, why me. Out of all people in this world, why I have to be the one who experienced this. I used to think that we only could afford one dream, I was wrong. I have many dreams now and one of them is to be a parent. Last year, all I could think was a new cool recipe, how to manage a company and such. This year, I also think about how to listen to people, how to understand other's situation, how to teach a baby to eat and speak, what's for her lunch," Win chuckles, "I probably don't make any sense right now, I rant here and there,"

Khao taps his friend's shoulder, "No, Win. You need to let it out," and Film nods in agreement.

"Pear is not only my best friend's daughter. She is a huge part of my life that I want to fight," Win states, "She's one of the sources of my happiness and of course, I'm willing to do everything in my power to have all the happiness in the world in my hands,"

Film smiles, "You're already a beautiful human being, Win. And here you are, blossomed to be someone who's better than the rest of us,"

"Are you happy, Win?"

"I am," Win nods, "I'm in the happiest chapter of my life. I have every happiness in the world in my hands,"

"If that's what you want and what's the best for you," Film holds his hand, "We understand and support you."

Win smiles, "I know you guys will,"

Khao nods in agreement, "I'm so proud of you, Win."

"Speaking of happiness," Film moves closer to Win, "Are you happy with Bright?"

The chic guy blushes, "Very much. It's insane! I... I never felt something like this before. I mean, he's not my first partner. I dated before, right?"

"Win the Cassanova, of course." Khao jokes.

"Whatever," Win rolls his eyes, "With my previous relationships, I'm always the one who... what is it? Uh..." he's trying to find a perfect word to describe what he means.

"The giver. You always spoiled your girlfriends to the point they abused your kindness," Film rolls her eyes.

Win grins, "Yeah, maybe. Now, I'm also being taken care of and it feels nice. I feel appreciated and loved. Bright... he makes me feel wanted, you know what I mean?"

The conversation cut off with Pear's soft humming that makes Win turns his head, the baby is already cooing and staring at him with open arms, asking to be picked, "Look who's just waking up," he undoes the safety belt on the stroller and picks her up, "Say hello to uncle Khao and aunty Film,"

Film stares at them in awe, "My God, I never thought I'd be seeing you this domestic, Win!"

"Right!" Khao moves his chair closer to Win, "Hi, pretty baby,"

Pear stares at them back and forth, trying to recognise their faces but then she gets shy and buries her face on Win's chest, "Dada," she hums.

"She's shy," Win kisses her head, "It's okay, sunshine. They're our family just like aunty Mesa and aunty Mintra, okay?"

"Win," Film wipes her cheeks, "If Love could see this, she would be so proud of you,"

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